Saturday, April 23, 2011

All things Israel. Threading the needle

In my opinion, it appears there are ‘forces in play’ to no longer allow Israel to be the only leading Democratic country in the Arab world.

Osmosis has nothing to do with my opinion due to the fact I listen to a hodge-pod of TV and radio programs and it was sometime yesterday I was able to thread the needle as follows:

-The White House is at odds with Israel. “This is not unusual” the man said. “Most Presidents are at odds with Israel”. That I did not know.

-France and England sending ‘Advisers’ to Libya. Ever so often, there are reports of growing anti-Semitism in Europe.

-There is fervent talk about how Arab Spring is going to effect Israel. I have yet to hear hardcore, heartfelt concerns of Israel regarding Arab Spring. There was a recent visit to the U.S. from Prime Minister Netanyahu to speak to Congress.

-Pres. Obama’s shocker, “Gadaffi must go!” and authorizing the use of drones in Libya. His stern statement to Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad a few days ago and more recently, *Syria Protests: Obama Says 'Outrageous' Violence Must 'End Now'

-The State Department paying groups to destabilize the government of Syria.

-Sen. John McCain calling Libyan rebels “Freedom fighters”.

-Palestinians in Israel must be contributing to the Arab Spring up-rising. I can not imagine them not so doing but it is not being reported.

I feel a conclusion has been made by world leaders that the more Democracies in the Arab world, the better the chances of meaningful peace in the region.

Before all is over, there will be more heads other than those of Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali and Hosni Mubarak floating down the Nile and there may finally be true Democracy and peace in the Middle East: “Oh, what a beautiful (Arab Spring) morning!”

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I note no public viewing of the tax returns of Boehner, Pelosi and Reid. (Smile)


Friday, April 22, 2011

Humanitarian aid in the 21st century

When I was growing up, humanitarian aid was The Red Cross and certain agencies and churches delivering Thanksgiving and Christmas groceries to the home of widow Hester and her five children. Now it means killing people to save them:

- (Rebels of Libya) We want help! We need help! Help!!

- (NATO) Alright already! We hear you..... and we vill help you.

- Praise Allah!

- There will be collateral damages, you know.

-What’s that?

-Some people may be..... accidentally killed.

-That’s OK. When you comin’?

-Some members of your own family may be.... accidentally killed.

-That’s OK. When you comin’?

-There may also be slight damages to your...... infrastructure.

-Infrastructure? That’s OK, that’s OK. When you comin’?

-Let me see now. Hold on a minute. (Mumble: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan) I see by my calendar we can start our humanitarian aid in your country..... in three days.

-That’s OK. When you comin’?

As always,

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A thought or two

I am mindful Queen Elisabeth of England came here to America within weeks of BP Oil being sanctioned to pay 20 billion dollars for the Gulf Oil Spill. In my opinion, Briton wants to keep oil prices high to get back at America and help them pay off the 20 billion dollars sanctions. Everybody makes money on a war. Could this be the reason they have sent ten(?) military advisers to Libya to train anti-Gadaffi rebels thereby prolonging the agitation?

Libya: Abdul Ati al-Obeidi warns UK plan may worsen war

A UK military presence in rebel-held Benghazi would "prolong" fighting, Abdul Ati al-Obeidi told the BBC.

UK Foreign Secretary William Hague said the move complied with a UN resolution to protect civilians in Libya, which forbids foreign occupation forces.
Read more at:
On a talk show last Sunday, David Axelrod said he thinks people seek the office of the U.S. Presidency for one of two reasons: to make a difference or to make a name for themselves. I have heard comparisons between Donald Trumps’ current running for the Presidency to that of Rev. Al Sharptons’ run in ‘08. Rev. Jesse Jackson, running in 1984, said he wanted to show Blacks the process of running for President.
Donald Trump is the Republicans’ Al Sharpton clown.

I believe Rev. Sharpton ran in 08’ to make a difference. He told us that right from the beginning. He told us his only purpose was getting some issues out on the table. Rev. Jackson, running in 1984, said he wanted to show Blacks the process of running for President.

As always,

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

On trying to use my head as a garbage can

It was not long ago. At least, not to me. It was in the 40s’ when the mailman delivered twice a day, telephones had only an exchange and four digits, Mary Jane candies were two for a penny and there was a garbage collection day and a trash day.

Garbage day was once a week when the garbage truck came down the alleys in your neighborhood collecting garbage you had dumped into the short metal container to be taken to the garbage dump with good riddance and deep sighs of relief. You were slave to this ritual due to the fact garbage disposals were not yet invented.

Old habits are hard to break and conventional wisdom says, “You kain’t teach ol’ dogs new tricks!”

And so it is, I refuse to allow the media to use my head as a garbage can. In my own way, I appropriately throw its garbage into my garbage reciprocal to be disposed of during my morning diurnal duties. In other words, I toss the information into my shit bin. What choice do I have?

I therefore neither read nor listen to anything regarding Sara Palin. I neither read nor listen to anything regarding Glenn Beck nor the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.

Low level everyday household garbage including ‘..everything is racial’ is a constant and as of today, there is the presidential aspirations of one Donald Trump trying to find a place in my head to stink up the joint. Media is trying to slip him into my head as non-garbage. Oy ve! I am mindful of that poem or something about being a rose by any other name…

As always,

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Can any monkey ancestor be President?

After reading several accounts regarding the ‘racist’ photo of Pres. Obama and his parents depicted as apes, I am mindful TeaBaggers have not passed any racist laws to date nor have they produced any legislation considered racist i.e., Three strikes and you’re out; Different penalties for users of crack and powder cocaine and the censuring of Congressman Charlie Rangel. I am also mindful the influential ADL Chairman Abraham Foxman and his organization have not said a mumbling word.
As always,

Obama as an Ape depiction gets nasty; OC_SoCAL Tea Bagger birther remark

By laserhaas
The email, sent Friday afternoon by party central committee member Marilyn Davenport, depicts a family portrait-style image of apes with Obama's face superimposed on one of them.
Read more at:;-OC_SoCAL-Tea-Bagger-birther-remark