Saturday, October 03, 2009

IOKIYAR, Treason Edition (Update)

IOKIYAR, Treason Edition
by mcjoan
As Kleefeld points out, these aren't just overseas junkets, these Republicans aren't only creating their own version of foreign policy, they are acting on it by traveling overeas and directly undermining official U.S. policy.
Read more at:,-Treason-Edition

Like many readers, I am not an insider and do not have the foggiest idea what IOKIYAR means but, in my opinion, the content of the diary is noteworthy.

The diarist names four Republicans, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC), Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK), House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) and Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL) who could be called on the carpet for treasonous acts.

I would posit these four Republicans are going to select countries to give fodder to the FOX News elements of those countries. I think it was during his interview with Larry King last week hearing Pres. Ahmadinejad of Iran saying it was the neo-con element in his country that was stirring up the mal-content when King asked about the flack regarding his re-election.

It would be of great importance to the American citizenry to know what groups those four Republicans addressed. I would suspect they did not go there without some pre-arranged speaking agenda of note that was, in all likelihood, recorded and dutifully documented in that country’s equivalence of “Homeland Security” files. You can bet your bottom dollar there are also independent recordings of their trips to show at fund raisers etc.,

As always,
The Water's Edge
by puzzled
A delegation of four Republican congresscritters, led by the ever-odious deather Jim DeMint, traveled to Honduras and met with President Roberto Micheletti, who took power after a military coup last June which ousted President Manuel Zelaya.
Senator Kerry, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee acted to block the DeMint trip to Honduras, by withholding travel funds, and denying the group the use of military aircraft, but Senator DeMint went running to mommy Mitch McConnell, who got the Pentagon to provide an aircraft for the DeMint trip.
Read more at:

Dead Peasant Insurance

Ever so often, I get another glimpse of what my ancestors went through as slaves here in America.

This diary, ABC News 'Stunned' To Discover Dead Peasant Insurance by Alien Abductee, bought back yet another painful memory from the past. I remember reading long ago either in a book series titled, I Was A Slave by Donna Wyant Howell, American Legacy Books or when a lady in New York actively sort to sue AETNA Insurance Company for reparations regarding the practice of issuing life insurance on slaves, thereby perpetuating the industry.

It seems slave owners would purchase slaves, secure life insurance on them and literally work them to death, collect the insurance money and go out to buy another slave.
Read about the continued shameful modern-day version at:

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, -SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I wonder do the Deathers know which of their employers has life insurance on them and why they got so physically sick when working for them and why their boss really dropped their health insurance and/or fired them? Gathering that bit of information should keep them busy for awhile. (Smile)Sarah Palin should read her speaking engagements contracts very carefully.

Friday, October 02, 2009

“Take THAT! America.”

America has just lost her bid to secure the Olympic 2016 contract. She was the first, the first mind you, to be eliminated from a list including Tokyo, Mexico and Rio de Janeiro.

In my opinion, I suggest the judges said, “America, you are not now ready to associate with other civilized nations! You‘re county was hijacked by a neo-con cabal that has bought you to this pale. We further feel by the next Olympics in 2020, America will have fully gone the way of the Gaza Strip and you need not apply even then.”

“In choosing Rio de Janeiro, one of the issues we note is Pelé, the world renowned soccer player who has not been demonized by the Brazilians like your country has demonized OJ Simpson, Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan who wanted to buy a basketball team, Michael Vick, Barry Bond and the list goes on and on. We ponder: What athlete of color and their friends would want to come to America to perform if he or she has a choice? You do not even treasure your own. Why should we expose our athletic treasures to you?

From what we are hearing, this is only the beginning of countries no longer wanting to associate with you if they can avoid it. This maybe a time to let Madeline Albright and Ex. President Jimmy Carter go into the State Department. Right now, my friend President Obama, you have a serious credibility problem with your country and it’s generational. Sorry ‘bout that and I most sincerely wish you 'Good-luck.'”

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Eric Holder and Rip Van Winkle

I will admit being the CEO of the Justice Department is no picnic but this is a job Mr. Holder accepted. In accepting the job, one could hardly call him a neophyte nor a Washington out-sider. During his Confirmation Hearings and when accepting the job, Mr. Holder appeared to me to be perfectly sober, wide-eyed and bushy tail.

It maybe Mr. Holder’s thorough knowledge of the inner workings of Washington that gives one the appearance he is sleeping on his job. Just as our President is learning, Mr. Holder, more than any other cabinet member, knows the advantages of holding your cards close to your chest. To that I say “Bravo!” However…..

In my opinion, there are these accumulative and annoying instances that are not as inconspicuous as they appear in isolation. Instances strengthening my concerns we are becoming a lawless nation continuing the shredding our Constitution as started by the previous administration as follows:

Not appropriately identifying a hate crime with all its ramifications in the case of the Holocaust Museum Murder. James Von Braum.

Not bringing criminal charges of any manner to members of the past administration. Cheney, Rumsfield, “W”, Gonzales etc.,

Failure to Court Marshal a member of the Armed Forces for insulting his Commander In Chief, the President: Rep. Joe Wilson

Allowing past indiscretions to escalate to the point a member of Congress can go to a foreign country to commit what many consider a treasonous act. Sen. Jim DeMint.

There are some teachers and many parents who know all too well the importance of consistency. A bitter pill to swallow, I agree, but what are the choices? You either have rules and laws important for the appropriate functioning of an institution or country or you don’t. As Rip Van Winkle found out, situations do not change during periods of sleep, however long. Here it is yet again that brilliant analysis about “The moving finger….”

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

“Madame Secretary” bitch slaps Christiane Amanpour

You say “Tomato”, I say “Bitch slap!”

This afternoon, Former Sec. Of State Madeline Albright was aired being interviewed by Christiane Amanpour and I only saw the final moments of the interview. I saw the interview in light of the recent horrible interview Ms. Amanpour conducted with Pres. Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and latched onto three statements of advice offered by Madame Albright to Ms. Amanpour.
(Paraphrased) Talking to your enemy does not mean you agree with them. There was an interview you had with a dignitary several years ago wherein we, at the State Department, were able to gather a lot of information we would not have otherwise gotten. You should conduct a civil interview whether you like the person or not.

I hope Ms. Amanpour heard from Madame Albright what I heard due to the fact Ms. Albright is far from being a diplomatic slouch and knows what she is talking about in the arena of diplomatic relations bar none. Ms. Amanpour would never have conducted an interview with Prime Minister Netanyahu like she does with statesmen like Pres. Robert Mugabe. In my opinion, that makes her a tramp as a political reporter. Someone not accustomed to “Prah-puh” social etiquette! Un-disciplined in the consistent art of demonstrating good graces, if you will. Periodic episodes of heart taking over head while working.

As always,
P.S. I wanted to include recent hero Rep. Alan Grayson to this post but it would not work. I hope he knows by now how much he is appreciated by progressives and well wishers as articulated on other sites.

Video: Alan Grayson Destroys the GOP on CNN Situation Room
by indepenocrat
Rep Grayson appeared on CNN's Situation Room to discuss comments he made earlier, as expected douche-bag Wolf Blitzer was spewing the usual GOP talking points and Alex Castellanos totally got owned.
I suggest you watch with a glass of wine!

Grayson on the carpet of the oligarchy

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Michael Vick, Roman Polanski and 2016 Olympics (Update)

Does America think the discrepancies between the treatment of *Michael Vick and film director **Roman Polanski goes un-noticed? Does America really think the rest of the world is so blind and stupid? America must know by now there are consequences to her actions. Were I a judge contemplating putting the ***World Olympics in Chicago in 2016, these are some of the facts I would consider:

How would participating athletics from Muslin countries be treated? Would they be able to get hassle-free accommodations? Will their well-wishers accompanying them get hassle-free accommodations?

What would the State Department do if some of the visitors to the Olympics want to travel to Cuba or Mexico?

What about all the mistakes the State Department make regarding names on passports? It is my understanding American citizens who make frequent trips out of the country now have regular hassles at the air ports regarding their passports upon returning.

How will the State Department deal with the pre-approved rule now in effect for persons applying for passports from abroad?

Will dignitaries from other countries be protected with their motorcades and from un-ruley protesters and demonstrators? How will they be treated on talk shows?

How will America deal with bomb threats since their Ex. Vice President Dick Cheney and his daughter are saying they will be bombed “Any day now!” What it there is a lock-down on the country while we are there? It seems every time we hear something from America it is about the citizens embarrassing themselves trying to embarrass their President. (I'll deal with their Human Rights issues this afternoon. Now tomorrow, I’ll take a look at the problems we could face if we go to Rio Je Janiero. Where’s that folder…..)
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
*Read more on Vick at:
Michael Vick is out of prison and headed home, broke and reviled for running a dogfighting ring, but hopeful for a second chance at his once-charmed life as a star NFL quarterback. The suspended quarterback served 19 months in prison on the dogfighting conviction that capped one of the most astonishing falls in sports history _ one that stole his wealth and popularity.

**Read more on Polanski at:
Hollywood moguls are pressuring California lawmakers to do what they can to stop the extradition of Roman Polanski, aiming to prevent the Oscar-winning director from being forcibly returned to the U.S. to do time for raping a 13-year-old girl in the 1970s.,2933,557286,00.html

***Read more on 2016 Olympics at:
As workers continued spiffing up proposed Olympic sites, Chicago's bid committee pulled back the curtain--just a bit--today on its plans to woo and wow Olympics officials headed here next week to evaluate whether this city should hold the 2016 Games.

October New York Philharmonic Trip to Cuba Is Off
By Daniel J. Wakin
The New York Philharmonic scratched its trip to Cuba at the end of October because the United States Treasury Department said it would deny permission for a group of patrons to go along. Without them and their donations, the orchestra said on Thursday, it cannot afford to go.

The Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control issues licenses to visit Cuba because of the longstanding economic sanctions aimed at the government of Fidel Castro. The office told the orchestra that the players and staff members would be allowed to go, but not the patrons. It has already issued two licenses for orchestra officials who went on logistical missions.

When the orchestra made headlines with a trip to Pyongyang, North Korea, nearly two years ago, a group of patrons needed no permission to go along. The orchestra leaves on Sunday for an Asian tour that will include another Communist nation, Vietnam.

“…….and they are calling it rain!”

But…but…but why does it sting my face?? And why does it smell so funny? And that yellow color?? You sure this is rain?

I was not home when the vote came down in the Finance Committee for the Chuck Schumer and Rockefeller Amendments. I first heard about the voting results watching the Ed Schultz show and I was just as agitated about the results as was Mr. Schultz. The only thing I could think of was the irony of what I was hearing on Ed’s show in relationship to the song “Everything’s Alright” from the Rock Musical, Jesus Christ Super Star. Video:

My feelings were further compromised with the timely release of information regarding lack of money and the IMF (International Monetary Fund) which makes me look forward to carefully orchestrated polling numbers tomorrow about the President and people’s feelings about the HealthCare Reform bill, etc. Humph! Don’t play this American oligarchy short! They are playing us like the proverbial fiddle.
Harry F*cking Reid Just Sent Me THIS ***Now Updated with Chuck Chucking Schumer's Email to Me
by ChicagoSwan
Just moments after Max Baucus, Kent Conrad, Blanche Lincoln, Tom Carper, and Bill Nelson voted "NAY" on Rockefeller's Public Option amendment, I received this fundraising email from Harry Reid:
Read more at:*cking-Reid-Just-Sent-Me-THIS-***Now-Updated-with-Chuck-Chucking-Schumers-Email-to-Me

Not Another Damn Dime!!!!!! Get the Hell out of Here!!!!!
by fromdabak
I got a disgusting email today, and I replied back.  I doubt I get a response though...  Follow me below the jump to check it out....
Read more at:!!!!!!-Get-the-Hell-out-of-Here!!!!!

As always,

Monday, September 28, 2009

Faheed Zakaria: Golden Sceptre Award

It was indeed unpleasant seeing mega-stars Christiane Amanpour and Larry King become so undignified and unprofessional when interviewing guest visiting our country. Ms. Amanpour interviewed Pres. Mugabe and Mr. King interviewed Pres. Ahmadinejad.

Both interviewers had to be aware how cheap and pedestrian they would sound while espousing their prepared questions to the two Presidents. Was it so important for them to satisfy their Zionist bosses for protection of their jobs? Are they so insecure of their talents as political commentators to stoop so journalistically low? It really makes you wonder about them, their bosses and producers.

Yesterday, Sunday, Fareed Zakaria demonstrated the fine gentleman of a host I have begun to like and respect. Mr. Zakaria hosted an interview with President Muammar al-Gadaffi of Libya and a fine interview it was. Mr. Zakaria quite tastefully interspersed “Fareed Analysis” segments during the final draft of the tapped interview which shortened the interview but lacked the banality of how Christiane Amanpour and Larry King conducted their interviews.

The interviews on Sunday were a trilogy of much publicized interviews with the most controversial leaders of countries who came to America to speak at the U.N. Security Council last week. Each one had the ear of the chamber when he spoke and, I suspect, going on television afterwards was part of the visitation agenda.

I note both Pres. Mugabe and al-Gadaffi have been President of their county for forty years and Pres. Ahmadinejad is presently serving his second four year term as President of Iran. Do Amanpour and Larry King really think those Presidents can fool all of the people in their country all of the time? I suspect they think it is so only when people of color vote for their leaders. They think it is up to them to expose them to their voters. (Yawn!)

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. A memorable moment paraphrased: Larry King asked Pres. Ahmadinejad about sanctions on his country. The President pondered how you can successfully have money flowing freely in the global economy with huge gaps in its flow due to sanctions on countries. (Busted!)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pres. Chavez and Gentrification of Africa and South America

With Israel, there are questions whether it is gentrification or re-gentrification of the land. In either case, Pres. Chavez and other African and South American leaders will have none of it spreading. Will Asia with Iraq and Afghanistan identify and join them? I can see some logic. To some of their foes, Black and Brown “niggers” getting together is cause for big concerns. Mighty big!!
Chavez promotes closer Africa-South America ties
"We want to link up with Africa," the president told a news conference at the United Nations on Thursday. He said the summit will focus on efforts to "unite both continents."

Earlier this month, Chavez announced that Venezuela may help build an oil refinery in Mauritania that could process 30,000 to 40,000 barrels per day and supply fuel to Mali, Niger and Gambia. It is unclear whether the plan will actually get off the ground and how much Venezuela is prepared to invest since it is coping with a sharp drop in its key oil income.
Read more at:

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I am mindful being told years ago Russia is a Mongoloid country. (Close to Sarah Palin’s bedroom in Alaska and the Eskimos who live there. BTW, is “Palin” an Eskimo name? I, er,I wonder what her birth certificate and genealogical charts look like? I know she LOOKS white, but..) Hush! Just Hush!! Now yer gettin' into white folkses business!