Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thoughts on a Saturday afternoon

Innovative divisiveness: 10.2.10 Vs. 10.30.10

Which one is not like the other:

One designed to address a struggle for power and the other wielding power.

One born of a dire contemporary social need and the other a well calculated “Last laugh!” agenda.

One designed to maintain whatever civility there is left in America and the other to say, “FU!”

One promises serious agenda proposals and the other promises endless fun and frolic; A laugh a minute, so to speak. A Laugh-in.

One may announce a surprise celebrity (Turd Blossom?) and the other with an up-front committed speaker, Ed. Schultz.

One has deep pockets promoting its event and the other one thread-bare.

One celebrating hopes of a new dawn and the other a prelude to Halloween night.

The contrast of usurping an event could not be more clearly stated and intimidating.

(Do I see ‘Citizens United’ over there hiding in the wings?) Enough said.
Chile loves her people

I continue to be impressed when there was a coal mine collapse in Chile trapping 33 miners, within hours the government was executing Plan A for their rescue and revealed they also had Plan B and C on hand.

How the Chilean government has prevented western media from sniffing out and exploiting their tragedy has to be a highly classified secret. In my opinion, the government in preventing media exploitation is as miraculous as the well being of the miners after all these days!

When the miners sang their National Anthem, they knew their country loved them and had no fears whatsoever of dying because they knew they would be rescued. As a citizen of Chile, it must be a comfort singing the National Anthem and afterwards humming the song, “It’s so nice loving somebody and somebody loves you back!”
As always,

Drill reaches trapped men in Chile mine
They were trapped when the main access tunnel to the San Jose copper and gold mine near Copiapo collapsed.

The men were found to be alive 12 days after the collapse and relatives have since set up Camp Hope at the pithead
Read more at:

Friday, September 17, 2010

Elizabeth Warren, no shrinking violet

I have been wearing a smile all day after reading an early morning posting by *Ms. Warren. Just as my smile began to wane this early evening, I saw her appearance on The Rachel Maddow Show. My full smile re-immersed.

In reference to Ms. Warrens’ posting on Huffpo, I was appreciative of her describing her title, “Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau”. That helps a whole lot when you yourself describe who you are and what you are representing.

Additionally, Ms. Warren can write! In my opinion, this will be her biggest asset in doing her job as the first director of the agency and she has the good sense posting on a website giving her maximum exposure. By writing, Ms. Warren can and will speak for herself as needed to which I say, ‘Bravo!’ A large portion of her job will be making herself clear to the public what she is doing.

In her Huffpo posting, Ms. Warren also wrote, “The president and I are committed to the same vision on CFPB, and I am confident that I will have the tools I need to get the job done.”

I was hardened by Ms. Warren saying she will have the tools needed to get the job done to which I will inject, “Damn right, young lady, and don’t you fret! Your daddy’s rich and yo' ma’s good looking 'cause you got the unfiltered ear of the President of the United States of America and many, many well wishers!” Congratulations! It could not happen to a better citizen. I wish you well. God speed.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

P.S. Rachels’ show tonight was AWESOME! Spell Check in Windows 7 is worst than my own! Grrrr!

*Fighting to Protect Consumers
By Elizabeth Warren
Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

The president asked me, and I enthusiastically agreed, to serve as an Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. He has also asked me to take on the job to get the new CFPB started -- right now. The president and I are committed to the same vision on CFPB, and I am confident that I will have the tools I need to get the job done.
Read more at:

Should Elizabeth Warren have a blogger assigned?

I note on Dkos web site some bloggers reporting on The Daily Show and The Keith Olbermann Show on a continuous basses. I understand they are paid bloggers and wonder if such an arrangement could be made with Ms. Warren as she mounts her new assignment as head of the Consumer Protection Agency?

In my opinion, the benefits of having such a blogger could counter ‘negative stuff’ coming from anonymous sources (Geithner, Summers, Bernanke, Dodd) of ill will directed towards her.

Her new position is so fragile and frail I have fears of her efforts to organize it being high-jacked or railroaded into an agency other than its original intent.

I am mindful there are rich and powerful people having other agendi for America with full un-censored access to our media.

The contract with the blogger need not be a long one; perhaps a month or two. The blogger could consider him/herself a baby sitter for our future financial interests. (Smile)
As always,

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Political double whammy: Warren in, Rahm out! (Update)

The man said, “When I have new information on an issue, I can change my mind. And what do you do, Sir?" This was doing a book review I saw on C-Span a few years back and do not recall the name of the elderly and scholarly author nor the reviewer. However, I know the reviewer was not Brian.

The appointment of Elizabeth Warren to head the new Consumer Protection Agency has been positive new information for me to change my mind regarding the Obama administration and hopefully, with Rahm Emanuel leaving the White House, the entire episode would take me over the top. In my opinion and if it happens, this double whammy would consist of replacing one ineffective Presidential adviser with a highly effective one.

This in-and-out or Ying and Yang scenario has already begun to escalate unwavering desires for me to fully participate in the November 2010 elections. Color me a ‘Satisfied customer’ in the rough.
As always,

Source: Obama to announce Warren Friday
President Barack Obama will use a midday appearance Friday to announce Elizabeth Warren’s new role with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau — giving her the title assistant to the president and special adviser to the Treasury Secretary, an administration official tells POLITICO.
Read more:

Obama and Warren: Two peas in a pod

Obama has found his political cell mate….
In my opinion, tapping Elizabeth Warren to nurse the baby she birthed is only fit and proper and apparently the President agrees. It is civilize, if you will.

By allowing Ms. Warren to head the newly created Consumer Protection Agency she envisioned is the single most triumphal move the President has made during his tenure to date and feedback from the Oligarchy is going to be nothing short of vile. I suspect feedback from his base will be overwhelmingly positive and encouraging. Europe has to be aesthetic!

It is noted Ms. Warren will be an advisor to the President and there is a plus with her coming from a teaching background as does the President. I do not know how much power Ms. Warren will have in her position but I do not think one needs very much when having the ear of the President.

The President is already being called Hitler and it would be no surprise to me if he and Ms. Warren are called Adolf and Eva at which time they could call, ‘Checkmate!’ due to the fact civility will have completely vanished from the American scene.

America is in the middle of a serious turf war and like the witch Evillene in the musical The Wiz vigorously pronounced, “War is hell!”
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Elizabeth Warren Named Special Advisor
by RhodaA
And, it was Elizabeth Warren who conceived of, proposed and advocated for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau created under the Dodd-Frank financial overhaul bill. Its aim is to protect borrowers from abuses in mortgages, credit cards and other consumer loans. It will be housed in the Federal Reserve, but will have dedicated funding and autonomy to write and enforce its own rules. The bureau will help change the way financial products are sold and make it easier for those who are cheated to get compensation. In the video, Warren speaks clearly about the need for this bureau.
Read more at:

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Are Neocons trying to put a pox on Christine O’Donnell's house?

With Irish born Ms. O’Donnell winning the Delaware primaries last night, it appears all hell has broken lose in the Neocon community! In my opinion, it is the same hell akin to the situation when “W” tapped Harriet Miers to be a candidate for the U.S. Supreme Court with opposing torch and pitch fork barriers Carl Rove, Charles Krauthammer and Bill Crystal.

I am mindful this group went ballistic when Lisa Mukowski lost her primary bid in Alaska. It’s not hard to figure out what is going on. The TeaParty said they want their country back and I vehemently disagree they were saying they want it back from Blacks and in my own way, I am getting confirmations that is exactly what they are not saying.

I note head Honcho ‘ADL’ and New York wannabe Governor Carl Paladino on the Ricks’ List Show today not wanting Muslins anywhere in New York City with their own inclusive Neocon paranoia and fears. In my opinion, it is not the America public having problems with the TeaParty movement but most notably, it is the Neocon community trying to make it our problem.

I challenge myself to conclude the Neocon community is waging Mafia style turf wars here in America and it is at its zenith with Pres. Obama and a small portion of his administration.

I strongly suspect the curtains are slowly but sure being drawn exposing American Neocon puppeteers to no ones’ surprise. I do remember the tell all song they put out a few months ago, “We own the world!” I too have a song, “I can see clearly now!”

Fighting for the dignity of my
God bless Gill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Will appointment of Elizabeth Warren be a bone thrown?

Sorry, Mr. President but I doesn't do windows or bones. As a matter of fact, I doesn't even enjoy table crumbs.

To take something as simple as the appointment of a department head and prolong it as long as you have for whatever reason is cruel and mean. Please pardon me if I take offense. You are the President. You are 'de man!' If you are having problems with the appointment, you should tell us what they are.

Of course I will be happy when and if Ms. Warren gets the appointment but my warm feelings regarding the process and the route taken will not diminish. What could have been a great celebratory event has now turn into, “Naw, do I have tuh?”
As always,
White House mulls "temporary appointment" for Elizabeth Warren
by kos
The White House is considering appointing Elizabeth Warren as interim head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, bypassing a likely Senate confirmation battle, according to sources.

Under the Dodd-Frank regulatory reform law signed July 21, the Treasury Department has the power to appoint a temporary head of the new agency until a permanent one is nominated and confirmed.

By naming Warren interim head, the White House would sidestep — for now — a likely fight over her nomination. Obama can still choose to formally nominate Warren sometime next year, or select another candidate if she becomes too polarizing.
Read more at:

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The President: Racism and the Enthusiasm Gap

There has been many a Black street-wise guy named “Willy” along with Civil Rights fighters, politicians and writers like James Baldwin telling us what a racist country America is. That portion of our ongoing history is well documented.

What is not well documented history is the waning enthusiasm supporting a Black President and specifically, the first Black President of the United States of America.

In my opinion, the waning enthusiasm is due to racism in the country and if one could say, ’No man is above the law’, at this time one can say of the first Black President to date, ‘No Black man is above racism!’

In my opinion, therein lie your ‘Enthusiasm Gap!’ and within its dwellings one would find the rollicking 'Oh, Happy am I' choir singing and performing their latest hit, “Clapping Louder!”

How naïve of me and many others to have thought a Black President could do what we Blacks do everyday when confronted with racism. How naïve of me and many others when confronted with racism thought as President you could also say, “Go fuck yourself!” And finally, how naïve of many others and me entertaining positive thoughts the President of America could do whatever he wanted and he and his family could go anywhere they wanted to go whenever they desired or felt a need. How utterly and embarrassingly naïve!

If was not long into the Presidency of Barack Obama did we fully comprehend our naïveté was in reality delusions of grandeur. Sad.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

P.S. Maybe a LGBT couple in the White House would maintain higher enthusiasm throughout their reign than a Black President. Hows about a Chinese or Jew or, OMG, a real secret Muslin? (Smile)