Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sen. Obama making hay, MSM making mud pies

Many times when I want to ‘spress myself, I can link up with a poster or diarist who has already said what I want to say. I do, however, want to say it my way. Such is the case with this post I am using to launch my post: Sen. Obama makes hay while the MSM makes mud pies.

Reflecting on my youth, when we were at play, there was usually a group, usually girls, who were busy making mud pies. The boys would be playing tag, riding our skate boards or the like and invariably when anyone passed by the girls, they would offer you some of their mud pies. Their talk amongst themselves was probably of the frivolous nature, nothing of consequence really and very much like what our MSM has become and especially in relations to Sen. Obama; deep into concerns, talking about nothing.

Allison Kilkenny
No Love for anyone
The love, it seems, is over. But so what? The end of a media affair with a politician shouldn't be a time of mourning, anger, and despair. It is a time that should be celebrated because it means the media has regained its senses. Perhaps, finally, the media will focus on voting records and campaign platforms instead of trivialities like flag pins.

The problem isn't that the press is in the bag for Obama or McCain, though both are true depending on the time and the respective newspaper or network. The problem is that the media has forgotten what objectivity means. Objectivity isn't harping on ridiculous trivialities in both camps. Objectivity is seeing past the spin game and finding the real story (FISA, Iran, energy independence, and the economy).

Healing myself, thank you.

So many thoughts going around here this morning. I’ll just start with the one that just slapped me upside my head: Sen. Obama will have more to say on lots of issues when he becomes the official Democratic nominee for President of the United States on August 25, 2008. His self discipline makes me cringe at times but I have to be continually mindful of the fact *Sen. Obama knows as I do, there is a time and a place for everything. If Hillary could not get him to expose the depth of his knowledge on certain issues, lesser forces do not have a prayer in hell. This is gonna be a looooong morning for me.

*Obama. The War Candidate.
by White Man in Hammersmith Palais
Fri Jul 25, 2008 at 09:29:40 PM PDT
Hard Talk on BBC-World had a program I can not shake. It was an interview with a ex-CIA operative, **Robert Baer, who said Iran does not need a nuclear bomb to destroy Israel and bring America tumbleling down. He stated Iran “has grown up” and it can destroy Israel through “soft diplomacy”. Iran, he states, has already proven it’s dominance over Israel with the recent confrontation involving Lebanon wherein Israel lost. Twice.

He said of Iraq and in my words, like Humpty-Dumpty the three fractions of Iraq can not be put together again. In his exact words, “Iraq will never come back together”. Iraq will be an adjunct to Iran and President Ahmadinejad is a “by-polar maniac”. I viewed the program again tonight and my account of the interview and what I heard has not changed. It is a very sobering interview one can contrast with the Hannity, Limbaugh et. al., rhetoric. In my opinion, what Robert Baer articulates could at least make you sound intelligent when confronting these guys.

**In a HARDtalk interview broadcast on 21st of July, Stephen Sackur talks to Robert
This diary by ***GreyHawk was the crowning glory of my late night, early morning reading. GreyHawk comes as that breath of fresh air to a conversation. Not as a best friend or anything like that but just descending upon the conversation as a breath of fresh air. If there were a “Fresh Air” award, GreyHawk would definitely get my vote.

I view his diary as a string quartet quietly playing in the drawing room to a select group of invited guest from DKos sipping good wine and me, of course, drinking my Grand Marnier which others do not notice nor do they care.

It is the last movement, the last song on his diary if you will, that leaves me a bit unsettled. I personally feel it does not culminate but I will be pleasant having partaken of his gracious hospitality and especially with him not noticing both my glass and the bottle had become empty during the concert. Early on, really! Well, to be more explicit, long before my bus came to bring me home from a wonderful evening. My goodness, did I ever need that breath of fresh air. I drink a toast to GreyHawk.

***Musical Musings: Life, Politics and the Earth
by GreyHawk
Fri Jul 25, 2008 at 09:43:12 PM PDT
As always,

Friday, July 25, 2008

*"That speech could have been given by John McCain."

This sentence is attributed to the good Chuck “Let’s un-invite Kucinich” Todd in response to the speech delivered by Sen. Obama today at the Victory Memorial in Berlin, Germany.

Please be mindful all racist speeches do not have a noose dangling on the end of each period of its sentences. Instead, the end of many a racist statement has a white face embedded in each period. There is an artful manipulation of the sentence structure to achieve this end and thus the good Chuck “Let’s un-invite Kucinich” Todd chose in this one carefully crafted sentence to use the white faced period for public consumption. Benign racism if you will. There are many rooms in the mansion of racism and this is but one of them and let‘s not forget the room, a suite really, on the upper floors for taking polls.

The Todd sentence is right out of Racism 101 in that you never give a person of color credit for making intelligent statements. The teacher of the course has been able to link intelligent statements to the student’s nervous systems. The nervous system has violent reactions to people of color making intelligent statements. The fear is there may be others who agree with him and especially Bubbah. “It is not their place to do such a thing” they say in heated anger due to the fact intelligent statements are reserved for the ruling class and in the case of America, only for the Neo-cons and a selected group of others. They have made it a cardinal sin for a Black to do so. Job, dignity, prestige and everything could be on the line. All other contributors uttering intelligent statements are to be seriously dealt with. Their statement or statements are to be minimized and always with the face of a white man embedded in the period, any white man, if not the face of Prof. Einstein himself.

Chuck “Let’s un-invite Kucinich” Todd can not help himself. He has a mandate, training and marching orders from the American Neo-cons that this is the way he is to make his mortgage payments. Most of us know he is in the warm and fuzzy company of many like minded people in this regard, too numerous to mention. Bubba is even leaving their gang. He was one of their strongest supporters but even he is looking out his future and the future of his children and grandchildren, thereby rejecting the Neo-con way; the Steinway, if you will. We are letting them know they are no longer welcome on the playground and indeed, they are beginning to leave with reluctance. Good riddance say we all. Not bad people but so weird at times!

I personally was shocked at Sen. Obama’s speech as was the good Chuck “Let’s un-invite Denis Kucinich” Todd but as they say, that’s another story for another time. However, and at this time, there are some other mental and emotional adjustments I have to deal with and it is in regards to Sen. Obama in Jerusalem.

It was as if he had gone into another time zone or universe. Sen. Obama wandering around in dark caves, giving a speech in a junk yard .I can’t put my finger on it now due to fact I am trying to get some positives. I am wrestling with something that is not a part of the reality I know. The word weird keeps coming to mind. I heard one Israeli official say they don’t want Sen. Obama talking to Iran at all, pre-conditional or not, and they hope he gets that message.

On a brighter note, Sen. Obama is something else!

-Lord have mercy, Hester, what are we gonna do with that boy?
-I done told you before, Willie, he’s YOUR son. Leave me out of it!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

even so-called "good guys" are in the tank... (1+ / 0-) thus, you get this astonishingly stupid comment on MSNBC, immediately after airing the entire Obama speech in Berlin (which one would assume the people in the studio are watching as well) from none other than Chuck Todd referring to the Obama speech:
*"That speech could have been given by John McCain."
I'd check that guy's bank deposits.
Stick to the number-crunching, Chuck, or I'll sick your long-lost brother Sweeney on you. (Just a shave, thank you.)

Not Ideas about the Thing but the Thing Itself - Wallace Stevens
by catchlightning on Thu Jul 24, 2008 at 09:28:25 PM PDT
Media in the Tank
by niaman
Thu Jul 24, 2008 at 08:34:49 PM PDT

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Nas? Petition? Over 620,000 signatures? Hoax?

This is hard for me to believe. At first I thought it was a hoax. I do not minimize the subject matter but it raises serious questions as to the purpose of “over 620,000 signatures” with just Plan A and that was to make a delivery of the petition to Fox studios.

Surely there is more to the story than this information. I therefore and respectfully look forward to a statement from the lawyer(s) representing the group outlining their intentions to deliver the petition to the FCC to challenge Fox’s license and how they have conquered the challenges of sending copies of the petition to the Customer Relations department of all the show’s sponsors. I would like to see the strong support of pictures with each one “worth a thousand words”. Also looking forward to the date they intend to do a “sit-in” at Fox headquarters with a reading of the petition every hour on the hour until there is some movement and finally, when a court case will be filed accusing Fox news of “Inciting to riot” or “Crimes to humanity.”

This diary really had me worried until I thought it through. The diarist did not have enough room to put everything in the allotted space and this is not the last time we are going to hear about this highly volatile issue with Fox News. Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Fox News: Racism Is Their Marketing Plan. Colbert Goes Where Fox Fears To Tread
by KingOneEye
Wed Jul 23, 2008 at 07:17:26 PM PDT

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

*New 527 Ad Calling Obama "Both Ways Barack".

In my opinion, the words flip-flop sounds so old fashioned when applied to Sen. Obama. Even if Sen. Obama were older, calling someone with a mind such as his a flip-flopper seems to be out of place. A mind like his does not flip-flop. It may do a lot of other things but flip-flopping is not one of them.

The 527 ad “Both Ways Barack” tries to make a point that Sen. Obama is a flip-flopper but instead ends up proving he can argue both sides of an issue with equal strengths. The few 527 ads I see are always accompanied by a moderator telling me what they want me to think the ad means. Other than that, I would consider them pretty stupid. However, “Both Ways Barack” is the best 527 ad I have seen to date. In my opinion, a person who has that kind of ability to think both sides on/of a given issue is a person in full possession of his mental faculties plus some.

The “Both Ways Barack” ad, not unlike most of them, presents a classic situation wherein the viewer and listener can inject almost anything into it. Most of them are like viewing the portrait of “Mona Lisa”. While viewing the portrait, the viewer may argue if Mona Lisa is smiling or sneering. A case can be made for either side. The “Both Ways Barack” ad can be equally argued with flip-flopping as specifically applied to Sen. Obama.

If one would say the Mona Lisa smile is to sneer as flip is to flop, one would understand why I like the ad. I like Sen. Obama appearing as a balanced and reasoned person. That is according to my interpretation of the ad. Now flip-smash is another can of worms.
As always,
*New 527 Ad Calling Obama "Both Ways Barack"
Again, the GOP is trying to make Senator Obama seem "shifty". Let's remind people of the impact of making a particular group seem untrustworthy. Subliminal messaging such as this ad portrays, is particularly damaging in states where people are on the fence. Also, the ad plays into the old myths and fears of stereotyping.

Sen. Obama comforts Gen. Petraeus?

Today I found out from the speech of Sen. Obama that Pres. Bush had put the war into the hands of Gen. Petraeus. I thought I understood the hooblah regarding Gen. Petraeus’ dealings with the Iraq war but not from the angle I heard Sen. Obama articulate. This gives even more credence to the angry uproar of over the talks Gen. Petraeus was having with President Bush before he was to testify before congress a few months ago. It appeared to have been a ceremonial role reversal between President Bush and General Petraeus. What a mean thing for Pres. Bush to have done. Talking ’bout passing the buck. The word coward comes to mind.

And so it is with this little bit of learnin’ I now understand what Sen. McCain is saying regarding “The surge is working”. If the surge is working, that would mean Gen. Petraeus is doing a good job and should continue conducting the war the way he see fit; the way of “The surge is working”, and if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Yesterday, Sen. Obama told Gen. Petraeus “Thank you but no thanks. When I am President, I will conduct the war. You will follow my lead and not the other way around.” I am sure he said this to a much relieved Gen. Petraeus whom, I hope, is not looking forward to Sen. McCain becoming President thereby keeping him under this pressure. If I were the press, I would not push Gen. Petraeus too hard on this issues. It’s that thing about Pandora’s Box.

This is what is pissing off Sen. McCain, his surrogates and other war mongers. If Sen. Obama admits the surge is working, the logic for them is Gen. Petraeus should remain in charge and Sen. Obama should listen to him. Apparently they want Sen. Obama to think in the circular terms of the chicken and egg scenario and he refuses to do so. His logic takes other directions. Thank God!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. (Before I forget it I want to say the air in the Middle East does not appear to agree with Andrea Mitchell. I have never seen her so….so…uh…so grumpy. Yeah! That’s it! That’s the word. Uh….grumpy.)

P.P.S. Dig this cartoon on Just saw it when getting ready to post and have not yet read the article.
Cost of Loan Bailout, if Needed, Could Be $25 Billion
by: David M. Herszenhorn, The New York Times
Just saw this dairy and decided to add it to my P.S. list. I have gotten so noisy in my house and I noticed when I got my mail today my immediate next door neighbor has a “For Sale” sign out. I hope it is for another reason than my early morning outburst reading diaries like the following. There are times I become completely hysterical with laughter in here and I have one of those big , booming Black voices. The diarist concludes without noting Andrea maybe excited seeing Sen. Obama from a distance and all those beautiful A-rab boys runnin' 'round and has to remind herself she is married to Allan. Maybe that explains why she is so....uh...gumpy. She should reflect on the fact Greta kept her cool while in Aruba and also did good unbiased reporting.
“And one more thing, Andrea. A woman who represents a television network's news organization should not go braless in front of the cameras (about 50 seconds in, at the press conference). I could have lived for the rest of my life without seeing your hardened nipples poking through your top. That breeze must have been a bit chilly! Next time, bring a sweater, okay?”
Andrea Mitchell Greenspan: Worst Person in the World?
by abrauer
Tue Jul 22, 2008 at 10:31:16 PM PDT

King Abdullah and Sen. Obama go joy riding

I will let the general public figure out why this story will not see the light of day in mainstream media nor talked about with commentators nor pundits. The story itches for more details i.e. who suggested the ride, the reaction of Sen. Obama's own driver, was a conference held, what did King Abdullah's court say and how did they react, did they smile, did they gasp, was Sen. Obama wearing his cool, dark glasses, what is the distance between the palace and the air port etc., Only in America. It would be interesting to wonder if Ex. Pres. Clinton thinks this too was a Fairy Tail?

What A Great Headline: Obama Hitches a Royal Ride
by webranding
Tue Jul 22, 2008 at 01:15:18 PM PDT
Opening sentence:
After attending a banquet at King Abdullah's Beit Al Urdan palace Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, hitched a ride—literally—to the Amman airport with the King.

As always,

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mortgage Payment Specials. (A little morning fun.)

What David Gergen said last night on Anderson Cooper 360 gave me goose-bumps. I was not in anger nor in a state of hostility. To the contrary, I was in a state of total admiration of what he said. I have seen that tactic, for want of a better word, played on the public many times before by what now seems to have been executed by bumbling amateurs as compared to David Gergen. Was he also manifesting anger at the Obama campaign for their treatment of the reporters? He shocked the hell out of me as did Andrea Mitchell, but I did stay cool both times.

Mr. Gergen and his cohort were discussing the Foreign Experience tour of Sen. Obama and Mr. Gergen made meaningful and positive contributions. That was the “Doing my job” David Gergen. As soon as a breaking news bit came out in reference to Sen. Obama issuing a written statement, that was when Mr. Gergen ever so smoothly slide over into his “Mortgage Payment Special” mode. He enunciated ever so perddy that Sen. Obama had made his first mistake of the tour by undermining the President of the Unite State by teaming up with the leader of a foreign nation to determine U.S. policy.

Hindsight tells me I was panting at this time. What became clear to me is what a lot of commentators and pundits do but not with such skill and a consistent persona as Mr. Gergen. This is how I view the formula goes: The commentator or pundit talks and says just enough to satisfy his basic job requirements but he knows he has to put in a little extra something to get the mortgage payment so he would say something so controversial and outrageous as to satisfy a completely different audience. Usually this happen after he has have given his spill and is asked, “What do you think?” This is the way the mid-level ones do it. Then there are the un-sophisticated real pedestrian ones who start out trying to get a mortgage payment as soon as the starting bell rings a la Wolfe Blitzer contrasted to the other fellow on his show who just goes for the satisfying of his job requirements. Then there is the David Gergens level. Top of the line. They can really fool you at first. They can have you eating out of their hands pre Mortgage Payment time.

-Hello, Sam?
-Sam, can you come on the show tomorrow to debate Pat on Sen. Obama’s trip to Iraq?
-Are you going to argue for a mortgage payment?
-You know it and I think I’ll also go for a side chair for my dining room table.
-Great! See you tomorrow. I’ll have your check ready when you leave. Don’t disappoint me now. You said a mortgage payment and dining room chair, right?
-See ya, tomorrow.

As always,

Monday, July 21, 2008

Andrea Mitchell: A study in “controlled” pissed!

It goes without saying television history was made again this evening as it has been all these past few days. Tonight, in my opinion, was the crowning glory. There was Andrea Mitchell, with that WTF expression on her face as one diarist put it, expressing her heart out. First of all, Andrea is not the type of person who likes for you to waste her time. Further, I get the impression she does not waste your time nor want you to waste her’s. I envision her becoming quit annoyed when that happens. I would imagine she was promised a different venue by her boss to get her to make the trip and it did not happen. I sense some mis-placed anger and perhaps a smidgeon of feelings of betrayal.

From my perspective, the Obama campaign refused request from over two hundred reporters who wanted to go on the trip but the three networks decided they were better than mere reporters so they sent their anchor persons separately and with much fanfare. When they arrived, they found the hen house door closed shut, pad locked and bolted from the inside. There’s this ego thing with anchor people and their entourage. You do not treat them as you would ordinary reporters. They are our mainstream media sacred cows or so they thought until they saw that red bejeweled hen house door and could not get in. At this point, they may want to sit down, try to pull themselves together and consider taking “a spoonful of sugar.”

In my opinion, this is the first time we in America and the rest of the world can finally see Sen. Obama in relaxed mode without fears of having answering a bunch of potentially toxic reporter’s questions on the fly or having fears of later seeing a picture of himself scratching his nose with the caption he is giving his audience the finger. It seems to me his campaign managers have brilliantly done all they can to let everybody see, enjoy and evaluate “the real” Sen. Obama to which I most enthusiastically say, Bravo!!
As always,

*Obama press told to cover up, not wear green

Respecting the Jewish religion
The Neo-cons have so many restrictions that, out of respect, we obey but some of them can be really trying. This latest restricting of not wearing green is an interesting one. When I conducted my public school choirs, we were told not to use a uniform of black and brown shirts. We were told not to uses the song “O, Christmas Tree” aka “O, Tenenbaum” and we were asked to uses Hanukkah songs for our Christmas Concerts. The name of the Christmas Concert was to be renamed Winter Concert and there were to be no songs referring to the birth of Christ.

There were to be no Christmas trees on the stage during the concert and Christmas trees were later banned throughout the entire school and its surrounding properties. One of my colleagues got into very serious trouble by having her choir sing Handle’s Hallelujah Chorus. The feedback was very serious. As I recalled, she threatened to quite and her strongest point was the performing of the chorus was performed by her chorus for many years and students who had graduated from her school could come back and join in the singing. My own Middle School Chorus were not up to the large Handelian chorus but I felt the restrictions with songs like “O, Christmas Tree” and “Silent Night”. It ended up all Music Teachers had to turn in a copy of our Winter Concert to our principals at least one week prior to our concert date. There were a lot of discontented Music Teachers. Most of them already had their programs ready. Subsequent years was not so bad. A whole lot of crappy music during the season, attendance problems and the like.

I remembered those rules, dare I not (?) so when I read this one about the color green, I remember I noticed the Palestinian who was shot yesterday and it is on Television has on a green shirt. It seems “green” is offensive due to the fact it is the color of Hamas. Also, accounts today say the victim was shot in the foot. When he fell, I saw no blood on his foot nor any of his efforts to comfort his foot. Why were we not shown the rest of the filming? Is there a point to be made?

*Obama press told to cover up, not wear green
Reporters traveling overseas with Sen. Barack Obama were thrown a bit of curve last week when the campaign emailed a “dress code” for Israel and Jordan

But some of the tips raised a few eyebrows, particularly among the female reporters. “Do not wear green.” (Explained later as the color of Hamas)
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Sen. Obama FISA vote justified?

*“So Democrats have turned to Steve Farber. He's using the resources of his big K Street law and lobbying factory to help raise $40 million for the Democratic National Convention. Half a dozen of his clients have signed up, including AT&T, Comcast, Western Union and Google.”

With these few sentences from a Bill Moyer on-line report, I have found my justification for Sen. Obama voting for the FISA bill. From the writing of Mr. Moyer, I deuced Sen. Obama took the heat of the public instead of jeopardizing funds for the upcoming National Convention in Denver. I remember reading the Democratic Party in Denver contemplated canceling some events due to a lack of funding.

So it seems the Telecom lobbyist have come up with the money and had Sen. Obama voted against their immunity, he would have, in effect, bitten the hand that feeds him and his fellow congressmen. This rationale satisfies me. Joy.
As always,
*Mother's Milk of Politics Turns Sour
Friday 18 July 2008
by: Bill Moyers and Michael Winship, t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sen. Obama speaks in Berlin, Germany

With all the Holocaust survivors around, I wonder if any will have a presence when Sen. Obama speaks at the Victory Column next week. As noted, there was a unit or two of Black soldiers who emancipated them from the death camps during WW 11. What a nice tribute that would be for the survivors to make their presence known and to symbolically honor the event. I do not recall any formal acknowledgment of the Black emancipating some Jews from impending death and I still can not figure out what we Blacks have done to the Jews to have our history so marginalized and in many instances, ignored. Their best rationalization on that subject would be a liberating treat.

There is a penalty for denying the root causes of an event and I speak of some of the root causes of the Victory Column. The issues could be addressed whether or not the Victory Column would be standing were it not for the Black liberating solders and Sen. Obama’s father fighting in the war. The denial and twisting of root causes is delusional. Delusion appears to creep in when there are cognitive denials accompanied by untruths and in particular of the revisionist variety. In my opinion, root causes should be addressed and dealt with regardless of the consequences. Issues could be tempered but final results of the process should also be having arrived with good mental health in check with all of the truth.

In my opinion, viewing Sen. Obama’s impending speech at the Victory Column with negatives of Hitler and the Holocaust is only one side of the story and the side tending to keep the public in the mire of evils that for generations have warped good minds from moving forward. To be constantly bathed in evil and unresolved results of evil has dire consequences for a people.

Hence, I am mindful of the un-resolved causes of 9/11. The root causes have become so convoluted, deliberately I would say, that I for one can only go on what I heard Bin Laden himself say, in translation, was the reason for the attack. THEY said that HE -Bin Laden- said he was protesting American controls of some Muslin or Arab land. There were other reasons that do not readily come to mind, but that was the one that stood out mostly with me. If Bin Laden said that was at least one of the root causes of 9/11, what have we done about it if, in fact, it were either true or false? Have we totally dismissed what has been reported to have come out of his own mouth? Strange logic; you have a stomach ache with blood in your stool and deduce a hair cut would cure it.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Re-gaining our playground

We can collectively rejoice! We have successfully chased the bullies off our playground. Licking their wounds, some are sniffling, some still crying and some trying to put up a good front as they are leaving but leaving they are. God bless’em. They’ll need it! A small group is over at the gate putting up a “NO TRESPASSING” sign for McCain and his bully friends. One little guy and his brother wanted the sign to read "NO HELP NEEDED" and that was without the curse word he used. A few of the little girls were shocked threatening "To tell!"

"Iraqi spokesman's" "clarification" came via CENTCOM, and other ridiculousness (Digg update)
by VirginiaDem
Sat Jul 19, 2008 at 07:59:29 PM PDT
On top of that, really? A misinterpretation? Really?! How could this whole thing be a misinterpretation?

A Few more days like this and I (1+ / 0-)
will continue to feel really really good.

by mouser68 on Sat Jul 19, 2008 at 09:33:12 PM PDT

Yeah, it's ridiculous, but sorry. (1+ / 0-)
At the end of a corruption-riddled government the "powers-that-be" have so little ability to persuade that they are reduced to forcing anything left that will allow them.
While this is bad for them, it is also bad for us. It means that our ship is sailed into treacherous waters with 5-year-olds running things into the ground. Yeah. We knew that. But. Now they are really doing it. To. us. Ha. Ha. Ha. If you dance with the devil, then you haven't got a clue; 'Cause you think you'll change the devil, but the devil changes you.
- illyia
by illyia on Sat Jul 19, 2008 at 09:35:00 PM

LOL. Is Bush Speaking For Maliki Now? (21+ / 0-)
by DFutureIsNow on Sat Jul 19, 2008 at 08:09:19 PM PDT

Love to see... (12+ / 0-)
...Bush & McCain constantly trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube. Because this is exactly what this is.

by wyvern on Sat Jul 19, 2008 at 08:47:59
As always, (Grinnin’ like hell!)