Saturday, October 04, 2008

America plays favoritism (Update)

*Palin says Obama ‘palling around’ with terrorists..
‘This is not a man who sees America as you see America and as I see America’…

In my opinion, this is one of those statements wherein you say, “I’ll defend your right to say it”. But…. (and this is the inspiration for this post)

It is hard to say what an American is but not hard to identify the American America wants to have; the one America loves to call its own. The American that makes it swell with pride. The American America wants us to want.
One would have little to no difficulty believing the movers and shakers of this country reject an American like Sen. Obama and embraces Americans like Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin; their favorites.

With the campaign of Sen. Obama, the movers and shakers of America have told us time and time again they do not want a well educated, thinking person running America. The Swift Boaters told us that with the 2004 Presidential run of Sen. Kerry, Chuck Told us that with the 2008 Presidential run of Sen. Kucinich and Nancy Pelosi told us that with the Chairmanship of Rep. McKinney. They have told the intelligentsia in no uncertain terms there is no place for you here in the higher echelons of America. We don’t want you here! You are a mis-fit; an undesirable, the skunk wandering onto the lawn during the garden party. We have other plans for this country and you, alas, are not a part of it. Subtleties are off the table. Read our lips: We. Do. Not. Want. You!! Long live Sen. McCain! Long live Gov. Palin, our kind of people. And the rest of you clowns, move! Get outta’ thuh way! Forward…..march! Hep two, three, four….(Music: "March of the Orwellian State Workers” followed by “March of the Big Brothers.”) The villagers cheer and the dogs bark.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
* Palin says Obama…..

Biden More Impressed with Obama now than Ever
by CalexanderJ
Sat Oct 04, 2008 at 03:54:28 PM PDT
Biden says Obama reminds him of Bill Clinton in his "confidence, cognitive ability, judgment" and intellectual security—that he can listen and absorb advice without having to prove he's the smartest person in the room, a critical leadership skill. He says he experienced an "epiphany" during a recent conference call on the bailout bill with Bob Rubin, Paul Volcker, Warren Buffett, Paul O'Neill, Joseph Stiglitz, Larry Summers and Laura Tyson. "He [Obama] comes on the call and says, 'Well, folks, sorry I'm late. I've got four questions.' He was in total frigging command! Here's a 47-year-old guy in one of the most complicated economic dilemmas anyone has had to face since 1929 to '33. And it was like, 'Bang! Bang! Bang!' I called him afterward and said, 'You sold me, sucker!
' "

Upon hearing the * jury verdict this morning

Jesus loves you, OJ, not white folks. You learn that in kindergarten when the teacher reads you her exciting story of “Lit’le Black Sambo”. When you wish she would stop or hurry up and finish the story, she starts to ask questions; “How do you think Lit'le Black Sambo felt when……..” “If you were Lit’le Black Sambo what would you have done if…..” “Do all of you think Little Black Sambo was really Black?”

Jesus loves you, OJ, not white folks. They are not supposed to love you. They can not love you; not allowed to love you. Ashamed to love you. Remember “Lit’le Black Sambo” when you were in Kindergarten, OJ? Remember she asked if you knew somebody you would call “Lit’le Black Sambo?” “What would you say if someone called you Lit’le Black Sambo” and you laughed? And the other students started pointing fingers at you calling you “Lit’le Black Sambo?” Jesus loves you, OJ, not white folks. I wish you well.
As always,
P.S. (The words Stockholm Syndrome will not go away.)
*Simpson guilty on all charges in robbery trial (Thanks Drudge)

As a result, an usually large pool of 500 potential jurors was called, and they were given a 26-page questionnaire. Half were almost instantly eliminated after expressing strong feelings that Simpson should have been convicted of murder.
The judge instructed the jurors to put aside Simpson's earlier case.

Friday, October 03, 2008

…..and the villagers all went home

with smiles on their faces and heartfelt satisfactions for they had pleased the King and his Court. The Bailout America Act was signed into law. The end.
As always,

A Stare Is Born on Fox News (Update) reporting on the Wachovia deal.
Alexis. Teacher par excellent.
As always,
My understanding is Citibank wants to purchase a percentage of Wachovia wherein Wells Fargo wants to purchase the entire enterprise.

Keep your eyes on the prize..

While the news focuses on the “Mama” jokes we heard last evening between Sen. Biden and Gov. Palin, the money market was busy doing its clandestine things to adjust itself. So glad the House did not pass the bill last week so we can see what the thieves themselves do in solving their financial problems. It will never become 100% transparent. Thieves and con-artist do not work that way. It is my understanding the Bailout America Act or Bill can not and will not do what Whachovia is experiencing and remains a distracting tar baby.

For those not knowledgeable about “Mama” jokes, from my neck of the woods it goes like this: You are talking to someone about an issue and they get off subject, rambling about unrelated issues to the discussion and you would then say, “I ain’t talkin’ ‘bout your Mama, I’m talkin’ bout you!”

Last evening, Sen. Biden, speaking to Gov. Palin talked about Sen. McCain. Gov. Palin, responding to Sen. Biden talking about Sen. Obama. (Topsy) "' now we knows ebbything we needs to know 'bout duh possible Vice Presidency of Sen. Biden and Gov. Palin".
As always,

Wachovia faced a ‘silent' bank run
Fearing a loss of funding over the weekend, the FDIC forced the sale.
By Rick Rothacker and Kerry Hall
rrothacker@charlotteobserver.comPosted: Thursday, Oct. 02, 2008
On Friday, with its stock plunging 27 percent, Wachovia experienced a “silent run” on deposits, but the bigger worry for regulators was that other banks wouldn't provide the Charlotte bank with necessary short-term funding when it opened for business Monday, sources familiar with the situation told the Observer.

THIS JUST IN: Wells Fargo to acquire Wachovia
by TigerMom
Fri Oct 03, 2008 at 04:39:29 AM PDT
Excerpt: (Pre-Drudge)
The breaking headline on says that talks between Citigroup and Wachovia have ended and that Wells Fargo is planning on buying Wachovia.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

America: The art of finding money when it's important.

What else is there to say? We’ve been had again and it will continue. No money to fund “Leave no child behind”, no money for Universal Health Care, no money to shore up our infrastructure and no money for New Orleans but (ahem) we think we can manage 700 billion to help you out, Mr. President. Will that be enough? You sure now, because if you want some more, just tell me. We’re still a team, right? You, me and Harry? (Wink)
As always,
P.S. America is the country she wants to be.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Song: “Patches” by Charlie Pride

The handle of the song is “Patches, I’m depending on you”. Patches is one of the most positive songs I have heard and one year in my music classes, we would sing it just before the bell would ring to leave. I had asked the school secretary to write down the words in short hand and transcribe it for me to run off copies. I was very grateful and my students were so happy.

There was one male student in particular who cherished the song, going into all manner of ecstasy when I played it and, unfortunately, at the end of the term for his class, I was not able to find my record to play it for the incoming group. It was a 45 recording as I remember. I never found out what happened to it. The little boy’s name was Tony. After all these years, I am surprised I still remember his name. This was around 1973 and I can still see Tony now standing out amongst all the other students enjoying the music in his own little world. He was a skinny little rascal with dark hair in seventh grade.

I have noticed there is no record of Patches on Wikipedia and I only mention the country and western ballade due to the fact the Bailout America vote is going back to the house for a vote and for some reason, I keep humming the song, reminiscing how much I enjoyed the good clean optimism of it. Sure nuff wish I could play it for the house members to let them know how I fell about their individual vote for the Bailout America Bill and wanting them to do the right thing. “Patches, I’m depending on you……”
As always,
P.S. By the way, after the vote tonight, I thought the heavens were going to open up and other good things. What happened? Did I miss something?

Bailout America #2 (Update)

What I am hearing so far is financial markets around the world are closing ranks into themselves which leaves America’s financial problem in the same condition. Does Mr. Paulson still need seven hundred billion dollars? I don’t see how. The request should be reduced. Who has an account how the money is to be spent with specificity? Will the list be put online? Will the new “bill” be put online before there is a vote tonight? If any portion of the money is to be borrowed, from whom? I heard the money is going to be added to our National Debt for future generations to pay.
As always,
(Update) From PM Putin:
*“Everything that is happening in the economic and financial sphere has started in the United States. This is a real crisis that all of us are facing," the former president told a government meeting in Moscow.
“And what is really sad is that we see an inability to take appropriate decisions. This is no longer irresponsibility on the part of some individuals, but irresponsibility of the whole system, which as you know had pretensions to (global) leadership."

In my opinion, this is the attitude of many world leaders. Further, I think the two day delay in voting on the Bailout America Bill or Act has given them enough time to circle their country’s economic wagons and it no longer matters what America does. They have been to their mountaintops, so to speak, and with emergency meetings have made or are well under way to making appropriate adjustments. I would imagine a certain glee in their demeanor seeing us plunge ourselves into such a needless economic abyss. Other countries have been thinking globally in benign terms for a long time and one can only assume they are looking forward to America doing the same. I am. Uncle Sam is now standing along on the school playground. Nobody wants to play with him anymore. He farted big time! I remain amused how the Bush administration constantly deal with Sen. Obama’s “non-specific” language. (Smile)

October 1, 2008 (Thanks Drudge)
*Vladimir Putin lashes US for economic failures

Where will 700 bl. Come from? (Update)

The answer is 700 bl is not going to come from nowhere, it is going to be added to the National Debt. At least that’s what I heard on Bloomberg TV yesterday and I remember hearing rumblin’ there are efforts to raise the National Debt.
As always,
(Update) Listening to a segment on "WAMU Morning Edition" using a cornucopia of metaphors, I rest my case a good healthy metaphor is a language’s Nuclear Bomb. (Smile)

Paulson, Bernanke, Bush stunned…

They have to be sunned the blosgosphere so quickly learned how to read those silly blinking lights on the stock market boards and how quickly we were able to understand those fast talking car salesmen and women who are their spokespersons. They were stunned when some bloggers began growling and biting them on their ankles, some charging into their buttock areas and other big and more muscular ones went for their throats. They were stunned! Still stunned! And then Droopy, Sen. McCain, emerging from his lethargic condition decided he would elbow his way into the act. As Drudge headlined, they all went down in flames.

The fact Mr. Paulson asked congress to give him seven hundred billion dollars hastily written on three sheets of paper was the beginning of this present insanity. It boggles the mind. If ever there were a mentality for analysis reduced to a term paper or thesis project, this one is a gold mind that will keep on giving infinitum. I promise! A people’s insanity will always be a curiosity.

In my opinion, there are many laws passed in America always with exclusions, inclusions or targeting a specific group. These are the several paths one can take when classifying the laws. There may be some overlapping and I am glad I do not have to write such a paper but I turn my attention instead to the specific law in question; Bailout America. There are many names it is called but there is that quote regarding a rose.

Now we know with the seven hundred billion dollars Paulsen et al., intended to gain significant influence into all the banking systems of the world. They want to selfishly protect their own monetary empires at all cost. I have not heard of any heads of states of a major country calling Pres. Bush telling him how sorry they are the bill did not pass now they have had a chance to read and analyze it. The Republicans held up a signature sheet containing hundreds of signatures of people from our economic structures telling how bad the request was. Not once did I see Pres. Bush running out into the rose garden telling us which President or Prime Minister of a country is lamenting his lost.

What really grabs my balls is the fact Pres. Bush et al., are trying to pass the bill again. Trying to pass it after threatening the “life and the pursuit of happiness” for the congress members that voted down the bill. For one thing, there are too many “if’s” and conditions in it. You don’t write bills for congress to pass in that format and especially a bill beginning with a three page letter. My suspicions were immediately raised at the hearings when Sen. Frank did not have a public reading the letter, which I have yet to see, and the very first thing he did when addressing Mr. Paulson was to begin putting “flesh” on his three page letter. To me it was obvious the request was experiencing a pre-approved “fuck ya’ll” wrong headed beginning.

Finally and in my opinion, being stunned is a temporary condition and does not have to be a permanent condition morphing into insanity and I say to the Democrat and Republicans dissenters of the bill; no need to put your life on the line. America is going to be the country she wants to be with or without you. There is always that “another day”. This bill too will play out in its destiny. America has murdered too many of our Black leaders for me to feel differently.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. So tired of ignorance and playing games. I refuse to believe humanity is this big a joke and only hope it is confined to these United Stated of America. These post are so hard to write due to the fact you always have to go into the negatives of your mind wherein that is the essence of the putrid minds of some people. I suspect to them, I am the evil one. Sad.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Paulson: “More tools in the tool box”.

Most of us have seen this production before. It has an unusual usage of smoke and mirrors to pull off the production. Some Republicans and Democrats are searching back stage for the smoke producing machine and the exact placement of the mirrors. Poking around with our capes and thinking caps on and magnifying glasses in hand, we are methodically looking for the levers controlling the mirrors and the smoke machine to make appropriate adjustments. We all know they are there but don’t know the exact locations. Developing…..

Peeling political onions, layer by layer

Donning my waist boots once again to wade into the murky, ever rising and thickening shit of the Mainstream Media (MSM).

I have noticed the hostile treatments of Republicans who voted down the Bailout America bill by commentators who use to be nice and objective. I have known this to happen before. This is exactly the mean spirited way the “Leave No Child Behind Act” was treated by the MSM and they whipped up a following still fighting for its demise. It was the same way the “Civil Rights Act” was received by the MSM and the “Martin Luther King Holiday Act” and I can only speculate to “Anti-Lynching Laws”. In reference to the MLK holiday act, we have been told how the good Sen. McCain got caught up in the MSM spin; peeling the political onion, if you will.

MSM is trying to do a tar and feather deal with the Republicans who voted down the bill but, as always, the Republicans have always been a sophisticated group who could hold their own. They can not be manipulated as can the Democrats with the added bonuses of knowing how to think critically and how to dress themselves to appear in public, re: Barney Frank, (If there’s one thing many homosexuals know is how to dress women and themselves).

There was a banker on a program this afternoon saying a borrower in good standing, to this very day, has no problems borrowing money from a bank that has ethical and sound economic standards.

-Morning, John.
-Good morning to you, Albert. I see you want to borrow money to fill up your ATM machine again. Well, Albert, the times they are a’changin’.
-What does that mean?
-It means those worthless mortgages you sold to me a few months ago will no longer hold up under a loan against them.
-But what about my ATM customers?? What about my credit card holders??
-What about them, Albert? What about your customers? You and your shareholders are not nice people. How were your customers to know your assets were inflated so they could have gone to another bank?
-They’ll….they’ll suffer. You wouldn’t do this to me now, John! You wouldn’t! You can’t!! Please!!!
- I recall it was your nephew’s company that inflated the mortgage prices and his father kept giving you good bond ratings and you, John, you, knowing the prices were inflated all the while and still you OK’ed the loans. Many times with little or no collateral. Smart, Albert, very smart.
- You knew that, too, John! You can’t put that all on me! You knew what we were doing! It made you a wealthy man. Look at your assets now!
-That’s because I had to bundle up your worthless mortgages and pass them along as fast as I could. No more, John. Can’t loan you any more money. As they say in the hood, the chickens have come home to roost.
-What’ll I do? What’ll I do, tell me!! I’m ruined!
-Funny you should ask me that. Just so happens I have some papers here I want you to sign.
-Papers to give me the loan? I knew you were only kidding me when you told me I could not get a loan. I’ll accept the joke. I forgive you. You had me going for awhile.
-Papers to buy your bank.
-Buy my bank??? Are you crazy, man??
-With what I know about your banking practices, it’s either sell or cell. Sign here.

As always,
P.S. All employees and future employees should check our their employer’s credit ratings and be suspicious of their bond ratings. Serious!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Thank you Republicans for 1964 and 2008

Thank you for the Civil Rights Act and Bailout America. Both times you have voted for humanity. Kudos. You are beginning to be predictable and forming a pattern. (Smile)
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

“The party’s over.” So true, so true!

Ms. Pelosi uttered these words this morning and I agree with her one hundred percent and with utmost sincerity, wish her and her party well.

Now I can go back to my genealogy work. Nephew called me the other day to thank me once again for giving him the Gene Base System and informed me we have to get tested again for a new program they have added. The Gene Base System was a Christmas present to my family last year and I am so happy one of my family members has taken up the work I started some ten years ago. Nephew loves it!

Fighting back tears, I told him I still have a little more work to do on my own project. I have started several picture montages and have to identify the people in the pictures and I have to compile four separate compilations into one book to donate to the library “down home”. It will be a happy Sunday morning for me when Nephew announces in church our family has donated our genealogy study to the local library. I have to get the few living family member's permission to expose them like that but they have had copies for several years now and I do not anticipate any problems. So I can now say to Nancy, I’m glad the party’s over. It was a GAS!!
As always,
P.S. I tried to read the Bailout bill online and since I could not understand most of it, I’m going to be bumptious as hell and say it ain’t shit! (Smile) And I am not willing to sit still for someone else to tell me what they think it means. (Grin)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

America's financial bailout collateral damage

It appears there is focus on practices of banks and local banks in regards to their rateing and lending practices. If this is indeed the case, due to the magnitude of the situation, it should be treated as a death. Death comes in many forms; there is the death of an idea, of a relationship, a marriage, of students and, alas, the death of an institution. After death, there is always a mourning period and in some special cases, the mourning period has to be carefully monitored. The monitors of a death on a large scale is our psychiatric community and I fear we will have to dust off Dr. Krauthammer, bring home our psychiatrists from Guantanamo Bay and enlist their patriotic support for the good. Not knowing how a person or even a people will respond to inevitable death suggest mandatory supportive techniques on the highest levels of humanity.

I know damn well this is not my discipline but I do have what is generally called “common sense”. I think, I think. I hope I do. And with my “common sense” I would suggest before this bailout situation goes any further, the psychiatric community should become involved. For example, they may go to banks to talk to the CEO’s on down as to what the future holds for them and let them talk regarding their anxieties. Some preparations have to be made. A healthy society is supposed to have these markers in place. Please, God, I am not wishing for our whole fuckin’ structure to completely collapse but as I always say, America is the country she wants to be which brings me to my next post after the break.
Credit crunch banker leaps to his death in front of express train
By Christopher Leake
Last updated at 11:06 PM on 27th September 2008 (Thanks Drudge)
Christina Amanpour to Sec. Powell when discussing Afghanistan, “Let’s call a spade a spade”. This was CNN reporter Amanpour talking to former Sec. Of State Colin Powell during a forum at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. in the presence of four other Secretaries of State and what appeared to me to be a full house of audience.

For the less informed or interested, this is the kind of thing we Blacks hear on an hourly basis from Neo-cons. This is one of their many coded messages and this one in particular, “Let’s call a spade a spade” decodes as “Let’s call a nigger a nigger. Let‘s not play around”.

I have never liked Christina Amanpour ever since I saw her interviewing the youngsters during the race riots in Paris a little while back. There would be Blacks and Arab youths in a group and she would only perform an interview with the Arab youths. This stands out in my mind because I wanted to hear the Black youth speak in French. Never happened and, if memory serves me correctly, there was never an interview with a Black youth or adult. Always her salacious over talking on the film. There was the time she was going through a settlement in Israel when she said, “I can not afford one of these houses, too expensive” and there was the time she was running around London, randomly knocking on doors asking the occupants their feelings regarding having a Muslin Mosque built in their community. Here once again, CNN represents a segment of America; this woman works for CNN which once again tells me that America is the country the Neo-cons wants her to be after the high jack. I can not help fantasizing our situation if I had seen more people of color on the floor of the stock exchange and in higher places in our financial structure. Everytime you look at television, there is a new Neo-con added to the pundit team or as a commentator and a lot of Neo-con journalist are huffin’ and puffin’ backpedaling to the start line in efforts to gain a new credible audience. Curious.
I’ll edit this post later in the morning. Exhausted or mad as hell or grieving for the family and friends of the banker in England.
As always,
P.S. In relations to the financial bailout,Democrats preparing a bill are saying Nancy Pelosi had an Epiphany??? LOLROF! And letters should be sent to SS recipients stating their money is safe and communities should be sending letters telling homeowners how to deal with the vacant houses and the grass growing on the property and what to do about snow removal on that property especially if children have to walk to and from school and…
- Ouch!! why you slap me on my head like dat fer?
-Wake up, nigger!
P.P.S. If one can not understand the intellectual difference of my using the word “nigger” I can not offer any help. I put “nigger” in the same intellectual company as “Anti-Semitic”.