Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sen. Reid and bated breaths (Update)

Reid to Unveil Final Health Care Bill Amendment Saturday in Anticipation of Christmas Eve Vote
by: Jason Leopold, t r u t h o u t | Report
Friday 18 December 2009
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid plans to unveil a final compromise Saturday morning to a health care bill that numerous progressive Democrats, labor unions, and grassroots organizations said has been gutted of any meaningful consumer reforms and amounts to a bailout for the insurance industry.
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In a metaphor, Sen. Harry Reid in his highly anticipated speech today will tell us Americans if we are to be treated as free and human or remain human chattel of the oligarchy.

I agree with Sen. Reid’s earlier remarks comparing battles over HealthCare Reform to a contemporary debate regarding slavery.

I posit there are few, if any, who could identify a Congress since 1865 to the present that would have freed us Blacks.

I would also wager there are few of us who would not now agree since the institution of slavery was considered by many financially successful and easily maintained, all of America’s inhabitants can now consider themselves slaves of the oligarchy and breathlessly, as myself, await the second Emancipation Proclamation to be read to us today by the good Sen. Harry Reid.
The lady sang, “I wish... I knew how... it would feel.... to be free…..”

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Health reform's true colors
The real racial issue in this debate is not about Obama. It's about inequality.

By Michael Bader
Rather than focusing on whether health-care reform opponents are somehow motivated by racism, we should be focusing on the fact that African Americans and Latinos have the most to gain from health-care reform - and the most to lose from its failure.
After the election of the first African American president, we shouldn't be surprised that race enters our national debates more easily. The "guess I'm racist" ad reflects frustration over the fact that criticisms of presidential initiatives are caught in that web. Sometimes legitimate policy criticism can be carelessly linked with the racist motivations of a small minority - such as those who forwarded e-mails depicting the president as an African witch doctor.

Comment: you think Graham realizes that he (4+ / 0-)
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DJShay, swampus, h bridges, Kristina40
just acknowledged the systemic racism that white people practice in South Carolina.  He and his fellow white South Carolinians have their black people just where they want them...poor and dare the federal government step in to force South Carolina treat black people as human beings.  You just can't make this stuff up...:(
"When fascism comes to America, it'll be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis

by lakehillsliberal on Wed Dec 23, 2009 at 07:32:08 AM PST
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Friday, December 18, 2009

Reconciliation and Fifty one votes

In my opinion, it was all a game from the very beginning and now it is coming to its preconceived ending; no meaningful HealthCare Reform.

In both the Senate and House last Thursday it was difficult not to notice a full breakdown in decorum as the HealthCare Reform Bill was debated. To me the arguments were analogous to two groups of third graders shouting at each other from opposite sides of the school playground. In both chambers, civility was threadbare and the atmosphere was dilapidated. It became clear there was a “one-upper” game going on, spiraling into “Up your ass!”

So it is Democrats could have passed a HealthCare Reform Bill months ago were it not for Sen. Reid wailing in a puddle of tears telling us he did not have the votes etc., etc., “You don’t need sixty votes!” were shouts in the background. Those shouts were from, amongst others, Republicans. “Why drag us into this mess?” they continued. “Just go ‘head and do your thing.”

The Bush administration passed every bill they wanted due to the fact the bills were set up to pass with fifty one votes. It appears the Obama administration prefer not to set up bills that way for reasons that are becoming clearer by the day; they are not supposed to pass. As long as important bills do not pass in this Democratic administration, the Republicans will allow them to stay in “power” for eight years by producing failed candidates for them to run against in 2010 and especially in 2012 i.e., Sarah Palin or the likes. The oligarchy could not be more pleased with this arrangement: “For thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory….”

In my opinion, this is a game Republicans were suckered into by Pres. Obama and Company and they are playing the game very, very well.
As always,

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Obama Admin: “All that glitters…”

Many of us paid the price and sacrifices to purchase what we considered “pure gold!”. Many of us were not aware how advanced PhotoShop had come nor the level to which ponzi schemes had elevated.

Many of us are like the bride or groom who, for whatever reason, goes to pawn the wedding ring to find it was only our love for the ring giving it any value. Other than that, the ring was worthless thereby forcing us to take a final review of various and missed signs as to how our marital relationship developed. Truly a sobering moment or two involving marriage vows, anniversaries, first born and the likes and truly not an easy road to navigate backswards.

We went through the same ritual with Nancy Pelosi and voters in Connecticut went through the same with Joe Lieberman as did the ones in Louisiana voting for Mary Landrau.

Boy oh boy did we stick out our chests with glowing feelings how sophisticated we were knowing the difference between “fool’s gold” and the real thing! We felt we were truly on a roll! We even took chances on a few “diamonds in the rough” to find out they too were phonies with “Glitter for sale” signs on their character only seasoned jewel experts could spot and did spot their "For sale" signs thus winning over and purchasing the candidates for their own nefarious reasons. They snatched them from us right before our very eyes in what can only be considered a Houdini moment! (At this time I smile thinking of the trilogy Geithner, Bernanke and Paulson with benevolent approvals from god-father Greenspan.)

The fact is we know everybody loves a bargain. We know if you want to sell something, give the buyer a bargain or, at best, a perceived one. If we want to purchase something and the person offers us a bargain, we take pause.
However, with the Presidency and the Congress, we Democrats did not go bargain hunting! After all, we Democratic voters are the ones who broke open the “Super delegates” secret society and won an election considered a miracle. We were the ones believing this time we were dealing with pure gold. We were the ones leaving no stone unturned to tell us otherwise. We were on a mission mining for pure 14 karat gold or as close as we could get but alas, eventually we had to deal with reality. Something went wrong.

We have been forced to note reality has not changed. Reality will not change. Reality will not change for us or anybody. Reality is the bitch she has always been; rough and ready for ya, standing and defendin’ her ground ready to knock the shit out of you if need be!”

In my one and only philosophy class I took in college taken in the liberal college, we music students had to write a paper related to the teacher’s pet philosophy, “You are either a tree or a non-tree.” I did not know what the hell she was talking about and even less how to write a paper on what I then considered crazy talk. Through the years I continue to laugh at my naïveté at the time and with that less than stellar grade on my transcript from the class.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I note Chuck Todd being advanced in the political arena for a possible run for an office or some serious political influences. This is how it is done.

No One Is Going To Save You Fools

by thereisnospoon
(Noteworthy sanity)
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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A problem ordering at

I tried several times to order a new book from I am coming to a close with my current reading and want to read something different.

I thoroughly enjoyed “The Bridge” by Solomon Jones and ordered his newer book, “Return of C.R.E.A.M”. It is listed for $18.68 and every time I get to check-out, the bill is $37.36 plus tax. This happened three times. The first time I tried, a book by J. California Cooper was substituted. Looking forward to Amazon prioritizing this annoying problem as it does not have a “Contact us” link.

Dear xxxxx
Your order has been successfully canceled. For your reference, here's a summary of your order:
You just canceled order #104-7415196-xxxxxxx placed on December 15, 2009.

1 of The Wake of the Wind: A Novel
By: J. California Cooper
Sold by:, LLC

Because you only pay for items when we ship them to you, you won't be charged for any items that you cancel.

Thank you for visiting!
Earth's Biggest Selection

As always,

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Suicide bombers Vs. Death by car bomb

Ever since the twice separate bombings of the Golden Dome Mosque in Iraq and the murders of twenty newly graduated Iraqi’s from a police academy in Iraq have I been suspicious of a hidden hand in the terrorist mix. I do not recall reading of a Synagogue being blown up nor Kurdish soldiers being killed in non-northern parts of Iraq. There had to be at least one synagogue in all of Iraq that was destroyed.

In my almost unshakable opinion, I view the cousins Taliban and Al Quada as the martyr seeking group they claim to be. I view them as cousins you would not call “Cowards” and as people who will literally kill themselves in the name of their religious beliefs. I honestly take them at their word for that. One of the reason they are so hated is because they "man-up!" to their faith.

However, what I do not believe is the cousins Tiliban and Al Quada using the hidden hand of car bombings by remote control to sustain or escalate their religious beliefs. I view them considering a "covert hidden-hand" act of violence an affront to Allah. In my opinion, they consider any act of violence they perform in the name of Allah much to sacred for surviving mortals to be confused as to why an act was performed and who did it due to the fact it is the surviving mortals whose blessing and prayers they need to help propel them into the open arms of Allah.

I am mindful of the taped discussions in Mumbai between the bomber in the hotel and his mentor. I also recall seeing footage of a suicide bomber on an Iraqi road talking to his mentor up to the very moment of doing his deed.

Finally, speaking of car bombers and as a matter of fact, I do not recall the cousins Taliban or Al Quada confessing to any car bombings to date and I repeat, I do not think they want us to think of them as cowards and yes, until I hear differently and under the circumstances of which I speak, I consider car bombing by remote control an act of cowardness.
Series of car bombs kill four in Baghdad
The blasts occurred outside the heavily fortified Green Zone near the Iranian embassy, the foreign ministry, and a popular restaurant, reports say.
There has been a recent upsurge of violence in the city. A week ago, at least 127 people were killed in multiple car bombings.

Read more at:

suicide bomber kills 40 in Iraq
No group claimed responsibility for Friday's blast, but suicide bombings against Shiite civilians are the signature attack of al-Qaeda in Iraq, which U.S. commanders say has been severely weakened but not defeated.
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Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Another AA effecting U.S. economy

Of course there are variations but I heard the fluttering of a *butterfly’s wing in India could produce a hurricane in the tropics.

So it is with attempts to clip the financial wings of Tiger Woods, just as there were successes with Michael Jackson, Michael Vick and OJ Simpson, do we experience hurricanes in our financial pipelines. Each one of these four genius were so successful in their individual endeavors as to have created personalized and extremely lucrative cottage industries.

With their cottage industries there was Michael Jackson supporting an army of workers at Neverland and on his stage productions, Michael being responsible for a local tour industry near his ranch and the purchasing of souvenirs; there was Michael Vick, Tiger Woods and OJ with people making money selling their T-shirts, autographs and other memorabilia.

When citizens like the above mentioned have their financial wings literally snatch from their bodies, destroyed also are the lucrative cottage industries that were created around them. The tax base of the particular cottage industry is deeply influenced to say nothing regarding their benefactor’s own taxable income whom I would wager, by the way, paid more taxes on far less income than Bernie Madoff.

Of late, it appears professional and personal annihilation of African Americans is more important and perhaps even more fun to do rather than worrying about such trifles as to the individual’s positive contributions to our society.

I often wonder if people responsible for destroying a person’s livelihood are themselves in a financial condition to make up for the taxable financial loses their mean-spirited pursuits incurred?
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

*The butterfly effect:

Lord Kelvin has been credited with the statement that the fluttering of a butterfly's wing sets up vibrations that shake the universe." (p.288)
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