Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hand Granades, Haystacks and Needles

I had taken off my Thinking Cap when Pres. Obama was elected. I felt comfortable for the first time in months and it felt good to relax after such a grueling experience going through the primaries and all. I was tired and exhausted!

Little did I realize the experience was only “Introduction to Obama Politics 101”. The President had left me on my own to muddle through the rest of the course sequences. It was and still is difficult for me and I continue writing in a bit of anger and confusion.

However, today I found some relief I can only explain in a metaphor as follows:

The scene is this morning in Baltimore Md., at the Republican Retreat Q&A Session featuring Pres. Obama.
One by one the Republicans bought in their bulky but well manicured haystacks into the auditorium. Neatly tucked inside the haystacks were hand grenades and needles in various combinations. The Republicans were to present their haystacks to the President and he would judge each one on its own merit.

To their surprise, the President did very calmly and without a single bead of sweat or muscle flinch pull the lynch pin on their hidden grenades and when appropriate, identified the location of all the needles. It was wonderful theater and brilliantly performed.

In my opinion, the President was able to expose to the Republicans both the fallacies of their bills they said he would not use and the absurdities of some assertions levied against him and his administration. Again and in my opinion, the President was careful not calling them stupid for thinking as they do but instead exposing what comes easy for him may give others a problem.

Today I began thinking the President may literally be bending over backwards to not make a person look stupid, which he could easily do.

So it is, what I also learned today is the President does carefully look at situations -haystacks if you will- identifying both the positives and fallacies and he left me behind by not pointing them out to me as he moved along in his Presidency. He must understand what is easy for him to understand could be a Herculean, blood sweat and tears task for lit’le ol’ me. He must come to grips with his superior analytical skills and to that point, he is not one of the boys regardless how much and how hard he tries.
Now THAT'S the guy I elected!
by Colorado is the Shiznit
I elected a guy, I thought, who had balls and gumption and nerves of steel. A guy who was an uber-intelligent dude, with an impressive education and a social activist resume, that I just adored. I thought he was the "real deal". I have since undone much of that feeling of goodness, in benefit of reality. It's been hard, but very necessary for me.
And today (January 29, 2010), Obama has shown those balls and that intelligence and, yet again, I feel that he's the "real deal".

Read more at:!

As always,

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Rachel Maddow Show, always a learning experience

I have long admired the teaching tools Rachel has at her disposal and uses. She and her teacher aids (Smile) consistently present lesson plans and executions that could be the envy of many in the field of education. She consistently reminds me it is not the physical structure conducive to learning but rather the ingenuity, tenacity and imagination of the teacher.

I am constantly mindful in some African communities students learning with teachers writing lessons in the dirt with many of their students coming to American Colleges and Universities “A”ing every class they take.

Upon first hearing adulations about Rachel Maddow on Dkos and before her television show, many commenters advised us not to forget about Kent Jones. So it was they both landed contracts on CNN knocking our socks down show after show every evening. Mr. Jones is very complimentary to Rachel; he does not try to up-stage her or anything like that and truly he is the biggest and brightest jewel in her crown.

However, when Rachel would do a skit with Kent to present a lesson to us viewers, I would often murmur to myself the need for three people. Due to the sheer visual appeal, content matter and ability to expand information, those were my thoughts and tonight, I saw it in action with a skit, “Pin the debt on the donkey”. It was pleasant and delightful performed with characters I look forward to seeing more of as members of a repertory group on Rachel’s show. (Hint!)

And there was Tracey Ullman on the show tonight. Ms. Ullman is the lady who made me realize that a one-woman or one-man show is a hell of a thing to pull off! When my niece would invite me to go to a local theater with her, I always decline when it is a one-character deal. I have been disappointed so many times I no longer feel motivated to see them but I really look forward to seeing the Tracey Ullman show. It would be nice to laugh again…..I mean really laugh! I don’t think I have really laughed since the old “Saturday Night Live”. WOW! Just thinking about that show throws me into hysterics!
As always,

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pres. Obama: I want to go somewhere…..

but nobody will help me. Boo-hoo!
Just as the little boy who does not want to go to the candy store by himself…..
Just as the youngster who just has to have someone go to the movies with him…..
Just as the man who can not and will not leave home….
So does the President say to the Republicans….
And in the name of his parents say….
“I can not be whole without you. Call me, damn you!”

For some reason I think the President’s parents or grandparents were Republicans. In my opinion, the fixation or mis-placed anger is noteworthy. I am mindful reading somewhere, “All behavior is purposeful!”

Finally, some spine
By Joan Walsh
In case he wasn't fully aware that Republicans are impervious to his political charm, President Obama saw it early in his first State of the Union address.
Read more at:

As always,

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sen. John Edwards and my feelings about polygamy

There is lots of talk in the media about Sen. Edwards and his wife Elizabeth regarding him successfully impregnating another woman who also loves him.

I know Mr. Edwards is not accused of polygamy,
1. The condition or practice of having more than one spouse at one time. Also called plural marriage.

Sen. Edwards is being castigated for, amongst other things, marital infidelity. His dying wife has separated from him; he continues to be vilified by the press and who knows his mental condition at this point.

I believe in the African tradition of polygamy. I believe in multiple wives and lots of children and grand-children. I believe in large family reunions and lots of relatives and spouses for Sunday dinner. I believe in being comforted when one of your wives dies. I believe a man should not be left alone when his wife dies. I believe the grief can be lessen when he has other wives and children to comfort him when that happens. This I believe.

I believe under ordinary circumstances, you are too old or disinterested to go searching for another mate and nurture a relationship. I believe when your wife is dying and know she is dying, if you have other wives and children, she knows you will be well taken care of. Equally so if your marriage was a childless one. I believe she would love you that much. I believe for all concerned, her dying would be less stressful in that regard for all involved. This I do believe.

I believe if the husband dies, women can take care of themselves. Their daughters and grand-daughters will see to that. I have seen women do it time and time again; living without a man but with a man the situation is different. In my opinion, a female can be born, live and die without a man. I have seen that also. A man is different. Biologically different. A man is not a man in name only and a woman is not a man even when she decides to wear pants. The Africans recognized these differences and fostered their societies accordingly. I understand they feel if you can afford multiple wives, go for it! To me personally, Sen. Edwards and his wife is a non-issue; he was fruitful and he multiplied! Enough said.
As always,
P.S. I understand old men in nursing homes have the least visitors.

TeaBaggers: What’s in a name?

Huey Newton was identified as leader of the Black Panther Party, Martin Luther King, was identified as leader of the Civil Rights Movement, Min. Louis Farrakhan is identified as leader of the Million Man March and Cesar Chavez of the Immigration Migration Movement. Now we have a social movement called TeaBaggers with no name of a person or responsible spokesperson to which it is associated.

The name Philip Glass I’ve just learned is with the National Precinct Alliance. He is new to me. I have never before heard his name referenced nor have I seen reporters flock around him for his words of wisdom as to what the TeaBaggers are doing, going to do or have done.

Nor have I heard anyone person identified with the TeaBaggers as the names referenced above are to their movements.

Is it the objective of the media to portray the group known as TeaBaggers as a leaderless mob? Is the media awaiting a National Alliance of TeaBaggers to emerge? Is there no single voice? No biographies? No “OJ” or Tiger Wood inquiries? Has the media successfully made TeaBaggers our new nameless, scary and forbidden boggeyman from whom we all have to run and hide under the bed?

It is my contention the media can and does say anything they want with subliminal references to “nameless sources”.

-“The Teabaggers marched on the Capital…”
-“The TeaBaggers are angry with Pres. Obama…”
-“Teabagger groups are opposed to one another….”

Tea Party Convention Implodes and Collapses
by Pluto
Philip Glass, the national director of the National Precinct Alliance, announced late Sunday that "amid growing controversy" around the convention, his organization would no longer participate. His group seeks to take over the Republican Party from the bottom by filling the ranks of local and state parties with grass-roots conservatives, and Mr. Glass had been scheduled to lead workshops on its strategy.

Mr. Glass also griped about the Tea Party Express group, which has held rallies across the country through bus tours, and FreedomWorks, a Tea Party umbrella. "He called them 'Republican National Committee-related groups,' and added, 'At best, it creates the appearance of an R.N.C. hijacking; at worst, it is one.'"

Erick Erickson, the editor of the influential conservative blog, wrote this month that something seemed "scammy" about the convention. And the American Liberty Alliance withdrew as a sponsor after its members expressed concerns about the convention’s finances being channeled through private bank accounts and its organizer being "for profit."
Read more at:

Common Ground With Tea Partiers? A Search for Understanding.
by Catzmaw
Quite a few of them are basically nice people, many of them military veterans, and hardworking blue collar types who are often also deeply religious.  In short, quite a few are what could be called rednecks.  

TEA PARTIERS ARE AFRAID THAT THE COUNTRY IS ON THE WRONG PATH.  Well, duh, we knew that already, didn't we?  But did we know WHY they think this?  I'm no psychologist, but here's a stab at it.  They like their certitudes.  Most are religious and they like the certitude offered by literal understanding of the Bible or adherence to all the rules and regulations of the more patriarchical aspects of Christianity.  From their point of view there are rules, dammit, and everyone should know those rules and it's beyond comprehension why anyone would even disagree with those rules.
Read more at:

As always,
P.S. Did Beau Biden, son of VP Joe Biden, drop out of the Senate race due to the fact he could not get confirmed commitments to what he considered adequate financial backing from the Democratic Party? I was always told to follow the money…or lack thereof. I am mindful Ms. Coakly of Massachusetts confessing she did not have resources to adequately campaign for the Senate seat of the late Ted Kennedy.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Treason, no longer disturbing

Funny how prior to the “W” Bush administration the word treason was so sparsely used. American patriotism was just a nice sun-shiny day in Mayberry RFD and Benedict Arnold was a villain. Ah, those were the days! Everybody loved America and America loved everybody. Happy boy meets happy girl, they fall in love and get married. America is happy. The Department of Justice is happy, the White House is happy as is the Supreme Court.
A Supreme Act Of Judicial Treason
by Radical def
By any fair legal definition, the decision yesterday by The Supreme Court 5 constitutes nothing less than an act of TREASON against the people of the United States. Having read and analyzed the entire 183 page decision and all of its concurring and dissenting opinions ourselves, we are fully prepared to support this accusatory conclusion.

This must be construed, within the four corners of our Constitution, as deliberately and knowingly exposing the United States of America to harm in the interim, by giving "aid and comfort" to our enemies
(Constitution Article 3, section 3), should our enemies now wish to take advantage of this unprecedented and rash decision. In simple Constitutional terms . . . treason!!

Read more at:

Bush' Complicit Role in 911 Attack
Read more at:

I note in today’s environment, nothing happens now when a person is accused of treason. Now you take someone being accused of being anti-Semitic and you are in a different dimension. Makes you scratch your head and wonder. And calling someone a nigger?? (Yawn)
As always,

Plouffe, another mirror added in the fun house (Update)

I understand the Obama team has pulled political strategist David Plouffe aboard; another mirror skillfully placed in the White House deflecting leadership onto peons.

In my opinion, The White House has cast Democratic congressional members as inarticulate helpless un-sophisticates. If that is the case, they are being treated as one would treat any other leaderless group of people by blaming them for their woes. This is un-fair and sad. They do not deserve this level of public humiliation.

Mr. Plouffe did an absolutely brilliant job during the campaign and it is disconcerting seeing him jump into a situation so alien to his talents. I fear for his commendable reputation. Unfortunately, one may have dreams but simply can not be "Jack of all trades". I wish him well in what is destined to be a very un-pleasant and perhaps thankless job. (How could the President do this to him, of all people??)
The Importance of Plouffe
by Newsie8200
In other words, as much as he is a comfort to Obama's online, core support, he's really there to give political advice to Congressional Democrats. He's got a very inside role here, and it's really needed.

Cong. Dems and the WH have had a difficult time showing voters exactly what they've done so far. The media hasn't helped. If progressives want more progressive legislation, then, you have to make sure the public understands what some progressive legislation has already done for them.

As I've explained, this was primarily addressed to Cong. Democrats but it also helps calm the waters for the rest of us.
Read more at:

As always,

This is embarrassing! The White House plans for elections in 2010 read like the movie script for an episode of The Keystone Cops.
Obama Moves to Centralize Control Over Party Strategy

Comment to article:
Mike San Carlos, CA January 23rd, 2010 3:57 pm “We are going to evaluate what we need to do to get timely intelligence and early warnings so we don’t face situations like we did in Massachusetts.”
Uh, if you haven't figured it out, the electorate is upset. Do you really need any more "intelligence" than that? Let me make it easy for you.

1. DELIVER ON YOUR CAMPAIGN PROMISE OF HEALTH CARE. Get the Senate bill passed in the house.


3. Stop wasting time on gathering intelligence and deliver on your promises

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