Saturday, August 02, 2008

“Golden Novella Coin Award”

No comment necessary.

Is That All There Is?
by timelad
Sat Aug 02, 2008 at 09:00:37 AM PDT
Opening paragraph:
Johnny was one of the nice guys. Good for a dance, a joke, a good time. He treated everyone with respect, that's one thing. Some of these guys would smile, joke, and then say things about you behind your back, really nasty things. Things that weren't true, things they just made up out of their sick, twisted need to impress everyone. Not Johnny. He was one of the good guys, you knew it just looking at him.
As always,

Truth: “….for Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory.”

Silly, uppity me! Wracking my brains writing to protect Sen. Obama from the Mc Cain ads as diarist Zwoof was doing the heavy lifting with a link to Goggle “McCain’s apologies.” In my opinion, one needs to look no further than this diary to see how irrelevant is the good Sen. McCain on the public stage. A troubled youth in middle school does not have to apologize these many times for things he has done. Thanks Zwoof. Sen. McCain has some serious problems! Now I can turn my full attention, hopefully with others, to help save his soul. “Dear Lord,…….”
McCain is sorry, so sorry. Apologizes again and again and again....
by Zwoof
Fri Aug 01, 2008 at 10:25:18 PM PDT

As always,
P.S. Suggest: A national day of prayer for McCain's apologies? Lighting candles and all? Someone reads the apology, lights a candle and say a prayer. I counted 11 apologies in the diary.

Look here, you uppity nigger……

…..I am not a racist! You got that, you presumptuous monkey?

This is going to go on for a while. One insult after another to our intelligence. I am going to continue seeing dumb negroes and dumb whites and dumb whatever tell me Sen. McCain’s ads were not racist and Sen. Obama is the racist one. In my opinion, they, the true Holocaust deniers, will imply Sen. Obama and lots of other “Negroes” are crazy for thinking they are. Crazy for thinking the campaign ads are racist which they are not. So be it. We crazy Negroes are a crazy bunch.

So be it in an earlier post I addressed Mainstream Media telling them in this new world they need commentators and pundits who can handle complex issues and this race issue is a good one for them to hone their skills on. Most of them have failed miserably. If a person is paid who does not know the sky is blue, how could their cognitive skills be of any meaningful use on any subject other than low level and shallow “I think” issues? Where is the room provided for growth if indeed growth is an inherent job requirement?

So be it I have to twist my mind around to understand that a Black does not own more multi-million dollar corporations here in America. I have to understand that education and business skills are not what gets you into those high places on banking commissions and on Wall Street. I have to understand why MLK, Malcolm X, Denmark Visey and a host of other Blacks were murdered. I have to understand why little Black girls had to be killed sitting on their church steps because America is not racist. This I have to understand due to the fact Sean Hannity, Laura Ingram, Newt Gingrich and a host of others do not understand and say America is not racist. These are mainstream media’s top spokespersons and can not understand. Pity. Today I note Andrea Mitchell and Rachel Maddow understand.

The complication with American racism is the one of making it complicated. To fully exploit the subject of racism would open too many doors for Blacks to walk through and there are powers that be who will do everything in their power for that not to happen. Those doors must remain closed. That ship must stay in port. That plane must not fly. That dog will not be allowed to hunt. America is going to toss the most significant teaching moment of its existence onto its garbage heap. Yet another example that America is going to be the country she wants to be. So be it. Sad.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Friday, August 01, 2008

MSM: Decide to whom you want to pander

Decide who you want to influence. That is different in deciding your audience. I do not want to get into that aspect but there is a difference, believe me.

Now more than ever, you are now confronted with the very old adage that America is a melting pot. It is within that light a new assessment has to be taken and its commercial value re-evaluate. At this time, all of the commentators and pundits are all over the place, ranting and trying their best to make mortgage payments. It’s confusing and in many cases, not fair to the mostly ill prepared commentator and pundit. Educational levels and social temperaments make a different when making public appearance on television for both Blacks and whites.

It is high time to take a serious look-see at your industry and the community it collective services. Start a new department! Augment your funding team! Do something because what is happening now is not working to your advantage and I personally think it is due to your lack of diversity with dumb Blacks, dumb whites and nepotism. Those dogs don’t hunt no more. Good riddance.

Just some thoughts and opinion due to the fact the first few minutes watching Chris’s show revealed a show taking a “Look out below” nose dive. It was awful! MSM should pay very close attention to what is happening now with how commentators and pundits handle the race issues. This is critical to their products. Enough mumbled. (Flush)
As always,

McCain TV ad: “Is He the one?” and other things

Love it. Tasteful, relevant, well conceived and directed. Good graphics, articulate speaker and all other positive. The most of which is the “one question” factor. When dealing with the public, the “one question” at a time is the way to go. In my opinion, to lump too much information into an ad and them request the general public to dissect segments and answer questions misses the point. Leave the message with one question for one answer at a time. Kudos for the ad.
Little Margaret Carlson? An intellect? Really, now! I was floored hearing her interacting with Andrea Mitchell this afternoon. The lady is a class act and she and Andrea hit my hand to a “T”. There was no bull shit, no “big me, little you”, no agenda pushing or anything. They responded to each other as equals and gave each other due respect. I think Andrea tries hard to have people not fear her but only to be comfortable having full knowledge what they are talking about. She bends over backwards to avoid embarrassing people; rather she lets them do it to themselves with answers to her questions. Andrea, like Chris, has a show wherein you do not come on it unless you know what you are talking about. They can put you in “check” at any moment with you talking your bull shit. I could not wait to run and tell it! It was great and I enjoyed the segment very, very much.

Ms. Mitchell always appears to me as the owner and CEO of a company seated in front of massive floor to ceiling windows in an elegantly furnished office talking to one of her supervisors, one on one, reviewing his most recent report he has submitted to be published in “The Annual Review”.
Yesterday, I watched more of “Road to the White House” than I ever had and decided I liked the format. I was mindful of a forum wherein a knowledgeable moderator would address a large roundtable of equally knowledgeable participants regarding constitutional and other law issues and questioned each reply down to its most minute essence while introducing new issues.

Lamentably, mainstream media does not have such a cadre of individuals who can address the most basic of our social issues without pushing an agenda but hey, you can’t win’em all. I repeat; the format of the show has, as they say and in my opinion, pregnant possibilities.
Regarding the Paris Hilton and that other girl in the ad for Sen. McCain: didn’t the producers of the ad have to have a contract with their press agents? Can one use their image as indiscrimately as it appeared in the ad?
As always,

Andrea and Meet The Press: Peaches and Cream

A marriage made in heaven. Made my day!
Andrea Mitchell is Making Her Move (Please, Pay Attention)
by sluggahjells
Fri Aug 01, 2008 at 01:28:40 AM PDT
In fact, until drastically proven otherwise, Mitchell is and still will be a person that will put her own agenda before the people in my opinion.
As always,


After watching Theater of the Absurd last night on television and after first laughing and then becoming very concerned and after writing my early morning blog, I began to wonder.

The Theater had multiple parts starting in the late afternoon with the Chris Matthew Show ending with the hilarious Hannity Show with guest Newt Gingrich. The dialog and logic between Hannity and Newt was an embarrassment. To hear grown, educated men with that kind of verbal exchange was a sight to behold in the 21st century. Even if they were dressed in leopard skin carrying bows and arrows and munching on fresh lizards, their conversation would have been considered degenerate by the elders, shaking their heads in awe!

I strayed. What all of the shows had in common was the theme “How to discipline a Black” and the Black, of course, is Sen. Obama. I note during my late night reading that most Presidential campaigns were bought down by a Black being used: Ragan with “Welfare Queens”; there was the Jesse Helms one of a Black man taking your job and the infamous Willie Horton ad with Michael Dukakis.

Now they want to add “The presumptuous Negro” featuring Barack Obama. We’ll see if that last one will fly. The man said, “We have some difficult times ahead…..” and I say just as we found the covert Bullies on the school playground, we will also find the needle in the haystack, no matter how many, and get America’s shit together.

The internet and the blogosphere are new on the stage of civilization. A Black man running for President of the United State of America is new on the world stage. The “New World Order” has a few years running start.

An artist is considered the harbingers (forerunners, messengers) of a society. Bloggers are writers. Writers are artists. Many of us want Barack Obama to be our next President. “Yes we can!”

Those are the precepts old, Black, uppity me will be working with as we move forward.

-Did you hear that, Kimosabe?
-Here we go again, Tonto. Hold onto your saddle. Another run-a-way cowboy! Another ornery…
-Another cowboy sad’ling up. Let’s go, Kimosabe.

As always,

Sen. Obama flogged in public.....again!

This is a comment written on a diary written by *Rashomon.

Many of us outside the US (20+ / 0- )
are watching this unfold with complete and utter dismay. After witnessing Obama's impressive, uplifting show of enlightened leadership around the world, it's been a rough awakening to watch his own country welcome him home.

by Sleepwalkr on Thu Jul 31, 2008 at 03:28:20 PM PDT

This comment prompts my opinion and observation as follows having watched television and witnessing how Sen. Obama is considered wrong for calling Sen. McCain a racist:

Whenever anyone, especially a Black, raises the anchor of “The good ship Lollypop, USA” enabling the ship to start moving forward out of port headed towards deep waters with charters and aspirations to go to other ports, joining other ships and shaking hands with the passenge, the Neo-con ship owners and their paranoid friends rush to wrestle the anchor free from the person-liberator now labeled an undesirable in one form or another and locked in an undisclosed cabin on the ship.

The ship’s engines are hurriedly placed in reverse to go back into the dock and into its original position. The anchor is once again dropped into the waters to the displeasure of most of the now begrudged and hissing passengers.

The call comes over the address system that all activities are suspended, the deck chairs are re-arranged and we are lectured on the latest Holocaust stories and movies; reminded what a horrible person Hitler was and told once again how bad life was for the Jews prior to World War 11. We are told, again, how one should not be anti-Semitic with examples of people who were and of their jail sentences and are there any questions?

And if this occurs before breakfast, we would have two more time to repeat the whole event that day.

This happens everytime someone tries to pull up the anchor so the ship can sail and Sen. Obama just happens to be the latest to make the effort. We hear we have to listen to a speech of Sen. McCain tomorrow and his wife may also grace us with a speech during dinner. Before ‘lights out’ we heard they are going to helicopter Sen. Obama to the Gaza strip. Until after the elections. His punishment. There were whispers earlier tonight some of the guys are going to overpower the guards and free Sen. Obama.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

* NY Times Editorial: McCain drags up O.J.
by rashomon
Thu Jul 31, 2008 at 02:48:05 PM PDT
Many of us outside the US (20+ / 0-)
are watching this unfold with complete and utter dismay. After witnessing Obama's impressive, uplifting show of enlightened leadership around the world, it's been a rough awakening to watch his own country welcome him home.
by Sleepwalkr on Thu Jul 31, 2008 at 03:28:20 PM PDT
I hope you are right, but (1+ / 0-)
the problems that the latest developments on the campaign trail reveal seem to speak to some pretty fundamental issues the US faces as a country. I'm thinking primarily of the deeply compromised Fourth Estate and the difficult, insiduous problem of racism and racial resentment.
Even for a prodigious candidate like Obama, these are some pretty powerful forces to fight against. It's a daunting task, and for all our sakes I hope the grassroots will be able to break through.
by Sleepwalkr on Thu Jul 31, 2008 at 05:08:23 PM PDT
Thats the same thing (7+ / 0-)
that happened to the black troops after world war 2. They were treated like heroes in Europe only to be treated worse than animals back home.
by GlowNZ on Thu Jul 31, 2008 at 03:40:40 PM PDT

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sen. McCain and Tar Baby (Update)

*Tar-Baby was a doll made of tar and turpentine, used to entrap Br'er Rabbit in the second of the Uncle Remus stories. The more that Br'er Rabbit fought the Tar-Baby, the more entangled he became. In contemporary usage, "tar baby" refers to any "sticky situation" that is only aggravated by additional contact. The only way to solve such a situation is by separation.

It is unfortunate Sen. McCain in these late stages of his career and life has become so irrelevant. One day a war hero and the next a homeless, muttering, friendless and senile drifter. Sad.

After being edged on by mainstream media regarding his feelings about Sen. Obama and using his “White Privilege” membership, Sen. McCain became cocky enough to feel he could handle Tar Baby. Ignoring the catastrophic results of the Clinton’s conscious and sobering efforts to destroy Sen. Obama and ignoring good common decency, Sen. McCain's reputation and career are both in shambles and the sadistic press has succeeded once again in consummating a sacrifice on its alter.

The metaphor is too glaring to ignore. The idea of attempts to literally destroy another human being through lies and other deceitful means has consequences and when fooling with Tar Baby it appears the consequences are reflexive. It is indeed a phenomenon to which I have no answer only to note Pres. Bush has used a Tar Baby to IMPROVE his own reputation and image in the world. In my opinion, the Tar Baby is a true paradox of Mother Nature.
As always,
BB, “Uppity and Proud” (Smile)
P.S. Speaking of a phenomenon, take a look-see at the enclosed **Huffpo post and the comments. To find a word stronger than phenomenon would be phenomenal.

*Tar baby
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

** Obama Still Does Not Know His Place

In reaction to this history, there are a number of political strategists and observers convinced that McCain runs the danger of doing more violence to himself than to his adversaries when he goes negative, and that he is particularly vulnerable when his negative ads contradict his stance as a man of integrity who lives by a code of honor.
John McCain: Mr. Nice Guy Or Back Alley Mugger?
stumble digg reddit news trust huffington_post:
July 31, 2008 12:44 AM
Thursday, July 31, 2008 5:52:41 AM

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Three Stooges of the ‘06 campaign (UPDATE)


“Hear ye, hear ye” they said. “Vote for us and we will be the first Black chairmen of a committee in the history of the U.S.” they crowed. “We will serve your interest” they lied. “And there will be an even bigger, more significant bonus, so step right up folks, step right up and vote for us.”


RIP Charles Rangel, Chairman. Ways and Means Committee
RIP John Conyers, Chairman. House Judiciary Committee
RIP Nancy Pelosi, 1st woman Speaker of the House

-Look Dad, look at those graves!
-Yes I know, son.
-It looks looks like…
-yes son, I know and that won’t no dogs what did that neither. Them was people done that and dey must’a been some kind'a mad at’em. Let's go. Pwew!!

As always,
(Update) The Impeachment Hearing
Conyers also acquiesced in a Republican effort to minimize public monitoring and involvement in the hearing, allowing the minority party to fill most of the available seats in the hearing room with office staffers who showed little interest in the proceedings. Only a few dozen of the hundreds of pro-impeachment activists who had come to the Rayburn Office Building at 7 am in order to get seats in the Judiciary Committee hearing room were allowed in, with the rest having to remain in the hall or go to two remote “overflow” rooms to watch the proceedings on a TV hookup. Conyers also went along with a call by Republican members of the committee to have some of those who did make it into the hearing ejected simply for wearing buttons on their shirts calling for impeachment (the Republican members referred to these as “signs”), though such small personal tokens are routinely allowed in congressional hearing rooms.

Now it is up to the public and the impeachment movement to call their bluff and take impeachment to the next level. Noting that even Rep. Conyers ended the hearing by saying, “We are not done yet, and we do not intend to go away until we achieve the accountability that Congress is entitled to and that the American people deserve,” Rep. Kucinich and five other co-sponsors of his articles of impeachment (Robert Wexler, Tammy Baldwin, Keith Ellison, Maurice Hinchey, Sheila Jackson-Lee, and Hank Johnson) are calling on all Americans to contact their representatives (202-224-3121) and urge them to join in co-sponsoring those articles and in calling for a formal impeachment hearing.

Prof. Obama and Lerone Bennett, Jr.,

Professor Obama
by renior
Tue Jul 29, 2008 at 07:59:45 PM PDT
The New York Times is running a series on Professor Obama.
The main article looks at the years he was a professor at the University of Chicago Law School.
We’re posting the documents here, and inviting you to offer your insights. Since the exam questions in particular involve hard-to-parse issues of constitutional law, we have asked four legal experts, of diverse ideological backgrounds, to lead our inquiry. John Eastman, Randy Barnett, Pamela S. Karlan and Akhil Reed Amar have already looked through the documents, at our request, and on Wednesday we will post their assessments here.

When Mr. Bennett was on a book tour with his book about Abraham Lincoln, “Forced Into Glory” he told the audience how unusual it was to have a book tour accompanied by three scholars in your field. Yet, that is what he had-three scholars - if memory serves me correctly. He noted books or thesis on Lincoln had become a “cottage industry” and I think I correctly concluded the three Lincoln scholars were not accompanying him to authenticate his thesis but to protect their industry.

So it was Mr. Bennett, an African American closely associated with Ebony magazine, had to conduct a book review to include the input (interruptions?) of his chaperons. I recall one of them saying they had not thought about an incident from that particular angle and a lady from the audience was given a copy of his book due to the fact she could not afford one to bring to the book review but wanted to be there just the same.

What the NYT is doing, in my suspicious opinion, is an unusual thing to do. I can not see the feat having a positive ending adventure with the pressures bought upon the critics and all from their individual peers of Constitutional Law professors.

In any case, if they are indeed in a position to criticize the works of Sen. Obama and they are also teachers, they know that when you construct test for your students through the years, one size does not fit all. They should know you embrace the psyche of your whole when constructing a test. You anticipate certain question and know in what area of the room you have to position yourself for different parts of the test. You know the days you were off and when some of the sportsman missed class with permission. Who just had a baby and who just got married.

The bookstore did not have the books for your class at the beginning of the class. Recent rulings of the Supreme Court you did not get to and the ones you did. Who usually turns in their papers late but were good papers. You know whose parent you had to call and who had concerns regarding their tuition money. Who may be flunking out, what student(s) was mentioned at the faculty meeting. You know which areas of the book and chapters you had to spend a little more time on and which ones the class appeared to have a good grasp of and which areas did not go too well and not in your wildest imagination while constructing a test would thoughts enter your mind that years later the NYT, the Old Grey Lady, would ask a group of “experts” to evaluate your test from a given class and from a given year especially when they can not track the doctoral dissertation from Sec. Allan Greenspan for economist of the world to take a curious look-see. You may have promptly gone into the dean’s office and resigned; effective immediately.
As always,
P.S. They don’t call us Teachers and Professors for nothing. (Smile)
P.P.S. Of course the NYT is going to have a book list accompanied by each of the critic’s analysis and their notable accomplishments. Let’s do this thang right! BTW, I did buy the book and read it. VERY enlightening! It was from his book I got the - (information) - technique I use sometimes. That was the first time I had seen it used.
documents, at our request, and on Wednesday we will post their assessments here.
P.P.S. Could a student’s test paper turned in to his teacher be akin to putting a prayer in the Wailing Wall in Israel?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pelosi to Pres. Obama: “Don’t depend on me for help!”

“Me neither!” wimps Sen. Reid from his hideout under his bed. “Word!” intones Rep. Conyers, and “I just can’t vote for that bill, Mr. President” would be the predictable and consistent retorts from Reps. Rangel, Clinton and others flashing their big finger rings, designer dresses and pant suits.

It is not the vitriol from 527 ads regarding Sen. Obama that are my ultimate concern but rather the conduct of the Democratic Congress were Sen. Obama to become President. The embarrassing facts are to me the pathetic conduct of the ‘06 winners refusing to lay any foundation whatsoever upon which Sen. Obama could build his campaign. Those of us who have maintained a watchful eye have seen the “06 Democratic Congress give the finger to us constituents time and time again with a wink and a nod that things will be better once we give them more Democrats in Congress and also vote for Sen. Obama to become President. This is what we have to do, they tell us between their casual sways in the manicurist chair. How’s that for logic and gall! We poor little peons simply have to do more for them. Yeah! Right!

In effect, they are telling us they can not do anything meaningful until we do something. They whine how their hands are tied but still manage to get money from lobbyist stuffed into their greedy little black and white hands. Cute, those contortionists.

This group of “special” Democrats in our Congress thwarting many Pres. Obama’s bill would be the real heart breaker for me and to date, in my opinion, the handwriting is on the wall. What have that group done so far other than leaving Sen. Obama so vulnerable on so many fronts hoping to ride in on his coat tail?

In the new commercial satirizing FaceBook with Sen. Obama’s friends that could pull him down, they are using the wrong pictures. The ad should feature prominent members of the Democratic Congress. That’s who his real and proven enemies are poised, salivating really, ready to bring him down. I do not look forward to that happening with any optimism.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Gill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. Watching the intro to Keith Obermann and saw he is going to feature Bill O’Riley again. No thanks! (Flush) I prefer to watch Bill when I turn into his show. I don’t understand why Keith is heckling O’Riley. Why is he being so pushy? Is there a Neo-con in line for Bill’s show? Imus is gone. Donahue is gone. Is Bill next? Doesn’t Keith have his own show to worry about?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Acting Presidential vs. Being professional

The word being bantered around of late in relation to Sen. Obama is “acting Presidential”. On several television shows and in recent news regarding Sen. Obama’s “Foreign Experience” tour, “acting Presidential” has become the flavor of the month.

Most of us have not seen our own President Bush living up to that meme. If one would consider giving Chancellor Merkel of Germany a back message acting presidential, I would have no argument. If one would also consider ceremoniously turning our military over to Gen. Petraeus to run at his pleasure, I would have no argument nor would I argue calling for the death of another head of state an act of “acting Presidential” if one wants to call that acting presidential.

Nebulous words, indeed, “acting Presidential”. In my opinion, it is akin to “War on terror” maybe. The question is raise as to how can one act presidential? What is it about the job that makes one act a certain way? Is there an instant metamorphous when one assumes a presidency? Does “acting Presidential” also embrace oratory skills and body language? Needless to say, this “acting Presidential” does not fly with me. It does not fly with me due to the fact there are fallacious implications imbedded in the words and one of them being implied a President acts a certain way and they are actions reserved for him and him alone. A code of conduct taboo to all others.

Now if mainstream media were to say Sen. Obama acts professionally, I can take that. “He conducts himself professionally” they would say. Oh, yes I can go along with that because acting professionally does not sound like a contrive label thrown out on the table for the obedient commentators and pundits to play with our minds. In effect, it means nothing and by the same token it can be needlessly argumentative. The words time consuming comes to mind.

In my opinion, acting professionally would embrace the conduct most of us expect from the president of a bank.
That also includes conduct for the president of civic associations, the president of the senior class, the president of the garden club and the president of a host of other entities. I, personally, would prefer to think of the president of the National Bar Association as one conducting himself in a professional manner rather than acting presidential, whatever that means.

Once again we see America manipulation rhetoric on the conduct of its Black population to reserve lofty adulations for its Neo-con population and selected groups of Blacks (Athletics?) and Caucasians. I would love to know how the Jews in MSM would have handled this situation in pre-war Germany. “Acting professionally is not language to be used to describe Blacks”, they collectively conclude, and for sure not to ascribe to Sen. Obama. (That Muslim! That Nigger!) We don’t want to insult our “uneducated” whites now, do we? Sad.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Gen. Petraeus bumps line, booted up to Head of State. Wheeeee!

This diary suggest the event will occur in the press later this morning and gives the stated reason. There is a saying: “There’s no fool like an old fool.” It is going to be amusing seeing how many commentators and pundits know the mis-use of Patraeus' title in what he is saying but still follow the corporate line of questioning.
As always,

Patraeus says No Timetable
by zizi

General Petraeus in not a head of state (11+ / 0-)
Last time I checked, it was the head of state that was responsible for charting out the foreign policy of the nation, not the general in charge on the ground.
Come check us out at Strategy '08. Get all the information on Obama vs. the other guy.

by smash artist on Sun Jul 27, 2008 at 11:43:21

Father to son: “If he hits you, hit him back!”

The Black son quickly learns through reading, watching television and going to movies the rest of the sentence says “…if he is not a white boy.” Jena, La., readily comes to mind.

What we have with Sen. Obama is “a Black boy” who can not hit back “the white boy”, Sen. McCain. We witnessed this with the public flogging Hillary did to Sen. Obama during the primaries and we made appropriate excuses that elements of our society would not look favorably upon him beating up on a woman and especially a white one. Hillary therefore became more and more aggressive in her flogging and, in my opinion, gave her the impetus to continue her campaign so long. It became what appeared to be an S&M public event enjoyed by many.

Now the McCain campaign has taken Hillary’s whip to continue the public flogging and we can not make the excuse this time as reflective to when Hillary was doing it. It Won’t work. There is a gender difference or must we realize it was never a gender issue. We were placated with that excuse but most of us knew differently. We felt since her flogging was so un-lady like surely Sen. Obama could respond. We know a Black hitting back at a white is a social no-no regardless the gender and other rationale.

-Look here you guys. Come on, now! I’ve worked my butt off here for six straight years with only one raise. I was not promoted, instead, two guys were bought in from the outside to take the position I was qualified for and now you are going to deny me a promotion for the third time?
-Reid, Reid, I’m your friend. Remember? I can’t go along with you on this one. You sound so angry. Sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder. I have to go with the others on this one, uh….pal. Brother? We’re still friends, though, right? Let’s shake.
(‘Atta boy!)

In my opinion, the way MSM has allowed Sen. McCain to enjoy his white privileges, it would be political suicide for Sen. Obama to fight him back. In the end, Sen. Obama has to depend on what all of us Blacks have to depend on and that is the good will of informed Blacks and whites who understand our hands are tied in some instances. We know what people say when we find ourselves in that position. We are not stupid! Humiliated but not stupid. That’s the price we have to pay. It has nothing to do with education, wealth or prestige but simply knowing when to keep our mouths closed and the consequences of not doing so. Consequently, many of us had to learn alternative but effective ways of expressing ourselves. Some of us succeeded and some have not.

I am mindful of an account from a reporter observing the desegregation issues at Central High School in Arkansas when he reported the white boys came first to taunt the Blacks and upon learning the Blacks would not fight them back, the whites went home and bought their wives and small children to the school to escalate the taunting.

Perhaps things would change when there are one on one debates between the two candidates but to try to administer Knock Out punches in a “he say, she say” situation will not work. Now consider for example the fact formal and informal surrogates for Sen. Obama are a different story. To look forward to Sen. Obama taking the advice of a Black father to his son is not going to happen. Can you hear Wolfe Blitzer et al., fanning the flames? The press always wants to turn a political campaign into a boxing event but I am mindful of the fact basketball is Sen. Obama’s tour de forte.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I’m glad Andrea Mitchell is home away from that Middle East air. She had me worried for a while.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

And the answer is….

a return to *Feudalism. Goat herders. A helpless society depending on the good will of the oligarchy (ruling class). In my opinion, this is the answer to the question, “What does the ruling class want?” “What are their objectives?” “Why does the MSM report things as they do?”

Consider the suspicious war on drugs wherein two patrol border policemen were jailed for doing their job. Consider the over running of our country with illegal immigrants protected in certain areas. Consider the world’s food shortage due to the fact some countries are not allowed to grow certain crops. Consider our continuing fallacious educational system. Consider the recent banking bailout. Consider our crumbling infrastructure and we are talking about a “Let them eat cake” ruling class gaining a control of a people. Reducing us to a more manageable status.

Returning to a Feudal society is not possible even with the little bit of civilization we have amassed since those days. There is the blogosphere. Consider the group of people having read the TocqueDevile July 27 diary on Dkos alone and you have a group of people to recon with. When you get into a position to name the game being played on you, the game is over. The age of hiding things in a book is over. Those people have now come out with no shame. Pushed, nay, forced out into the open by the blogosphere. This is awesome! Clear understanding is a bitch!
As always,
P.S. Song: “What a day this has been…” TocqueDeville‘s diary should not die. Is there a “Diary Hall of Fame” or “Most Influential Diary” or something on Dkos?

History: How the US Government Was Overthrown In Three Easy Steps
by TocqueDeville
Sun Jul 27, 2008 at 04:01:36 AM PDT
*Interesting diary (21+ / 0-
In Paul Krugman's book Conscience of a Liberal Krugman goes into the economic and political history of the United States from post Civil War until the present.
Of particular focus is his term "The Great Compression" from the 1930s to the 1960s, where taxes on the excessive earnings of the very wealthy were used to build the American middle class and the infrastructure of modern America from interstate highways to schools to middle class pensions. All of that has changed drastically since the early 1970s and the rise of the globalists and the neocons.
Krugman's thesis is that it took a conscious effort by our government (especially FDR) to build an American middle class and that much of it came at the expense of the very wealthy. The very wealthy and what Krugman calls the movement conservatives have struck back hard, and have succeeded in disassembling much of the middle class and have re-accumulated vast wealth in the hands of a few.
It is all planned, which fits into much of your narrative in this diary.
Who will stop this war of lies? Keith Olbermann May 23rd, 2007

by Ed in Montana on Sun Jul 27, 2008 at 06:40:14 AM PDT

Pre WW11 Jews in Germany #2

Carroll Quigley’s latest hits: “Manipulating America’s Presidential Polls.”

Writing a post or a diary espousing information, making educated guesses and dabbing into occasional conspiracy theories can make good reading on many fronts.

I am mindful of looking at a television program when Nephew came in and asked me why was I watching such a program and my response was due to the fact I write a blog and there are times I really have to know what I am talking about so shut up and sit down!

This well written and easily comprehensible post by TocqueDeville has expanded my comprehension of the world to a significant degree. One such instance happened this morning after tuning into the Chris Matthew Show, Chris immediately began talking about the Presidential race being even in the polls. I can not tell you how helpful this article was in helping me to immediately turn off the television having created an immediate revulsion to anyone saying the race is neck and neck or Even-Stephen or Sen. Obama is a few points ahead or behind Sen. McCain and the likes. Most of the commentators and pundits are evaluating the race from this filtered and aggravating angle to which I do reject and denounce. Not that I want to have things my way but due to the fact “that fact” just does not make sense. Funny what just a little ed-u-ma-cation can do. (Smile)

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

History: How the US Government Was Overthrown In Three Easy Steps

by TocqueDeville
Sun Jul 27, 2008 at 04:01:36 AM PDT

Perhaps most importantly, (the late Carroll Quigley) his revelations help us recognize that there is indeed a power class, working behind the scenes, acting upon our government, the mass media and education to bring about a world that is very much contrary to the interests and aims of the public.

More than fifty years ago the Morgan firm decided to infiltrate the Left-wing political movements in the United States. This was relatively easy to do, since these groups were starved for funds and eager for a voice to reach the people. Wall Street supplied both. The purpose was not to destroy ... or take over but was really threefold: (1) to keep informed about the thinking of Left-wing or liberal groups; (2) to provide them with a mouthpiece so that they could "blow off steam," and (3) to have a final veto on their publicity and possibly on their actions, if they ever went "radical."

And Comment: (Praiseworthy in my opinion)
Read Thucydides: This isn't new . . . . (7+ / 0-)
He tells the story of how, during the Peloponesian War, there was an oligarchical coup in Athens, which ended up completely overthrowing the ancient Athenian democracy for a time. He says that the aristocrats now openly controlled everything. But then he adds as an afterthought, that even under the old "democracy" the aristocrats were really running the show anyway.
See, the nature of money, fortunes and property is that when you have lots of it, you have the power to manipulate and influcence the masses. That's just the way things are. You have the resources to get your message out, you have the resources to hire lobbyists, fund think tanks, make campaign contributions, get with other wealthy players with common interests and pool your resources together to influence policy in various directions. And these principles especailly work in a democracy.
In the United States, the corporate media serves the function of being the propaganda mouthpiece of the ruling class. It shoves their ideas, their agendas, their schemes, their outlooks, their philosophies, their values, their ways of looking at the world down the throats of the American people. And, to be fair, the American people WILLINGLY turn on their TVs (no one puts guns to their heads, after all) and listen to their radios, and read "liberal" propaganda rags like the NYTimes or watch "conservative" propaganda rags like FOX, and imbibe the notions and ideas that serve the interests of their rulers.
Shit, didn't anyone think it curious that from the beginning of the primary season the Democrats were told that they largely had a choice between Obama and Clinton (two not-so-progressive Democrats, although one of them talked with a smoother rhetoric and had not voted for the Iraq War), and that populist Edwards was completely marginalized? And look at who the people ended up voting for.
I mean even Kossacks are susceptable to this propaganda.
And to be clear, this is why I hold out no great hope that much is going to be different under an Obama Administration as opposed to a McCain administration. Because the facts are that whoever wants to be president in this country, is going to have to end up doing the bidding of the ruling class. Otherwise, such people will be marginalized such that they never even get near the office, attacked if they succeed in spite of this marginalization, and possibly even assassinated if they actually get into power and threaten to change things too much against the interests of the rulers.
Our "representative democracy" is largely an illusion. The super wealthy control this society, and while they do a lot of this controlling behind the scenes and in back room deals, so much of it is out in the open through the propaganda they routinely spew out over the corporate media.

by LivinginReality on Sun Jul 27, 2008 at 05:44:52 AM PDT

Pre WW11 Jews in Germany

The Israeli official said, paraphrased, “We don’t want Sen. Obama to talk to Iran pre-conditioned or not and we hope he gets our message”. I heard this right after Sen. Obama spoke in Bethlehem in what looked like a junk yard to me.

What all this talk about our American Neo-con controlled government with Libby, Wolfowitz, Cheney, Perle, Ashcroft and other, I wonder if the Jewish attitudes have changed since WW11? It seems strange to me a people so hated in Germany to the point of people wanting their entire race exterminated to suddenly become so mean spirited and especially to people who have done nothing to them but try to live in peace.

It is hard to understand a docile, moral, civic minded and God fearing people morphing into a group of power hungry, insensitive and xenophobic people over night. From my point of view, they want to destroy everything people of color have. I am sure my confusion is not a new one and most certainly there are books written on how the Jews have had personality changes since WW11 but since I am not a reader of those kinds of books nor am I in those circles, I just hope and pray some explanation would come my way. Some of the things they have done as members of the Democratic and Republican party and in other branch of our government have really gotten my attention.

At my age now, I can really see the dire consequences of their image control of Hollywood and the many areas of mainstream media. They have developed a locked and gated society unto themselves. If they were nicer, no one would be complaining but the complaints have now become fever pitched and a lot of it evolving surrounding the Presidency of Sen. Obama and his campaign, threats to Iran and disdain for the people of Iraq. I can understand neither the motivation, the fear nor the objectives. People are talking and it ain't good.
As always,