Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dr. Laura Schlessinger Show to callers….

If you are Black, please don’t call my show! I don’t identify with your problems or concerns. They are not in my background and I surely did not spend my time in school learning how to solve Black peoples' problems and concerns. I’m sure there is someone in your own Black community who can do what I am doing. You Blacks just have to find them and call them with your problems. Call your Black President, already. I am not available. I want to make that very clear to you. Do you understand what I am saying? What I am really saying to you? I am saying please do not call me. I. do. not. want. you. people. calling. me! Get your own! Heal thyself! Now suck it up!!
Outing Dr. Laura's Inner Cracker
by freshrant
Full transcript of what she really said at:

-What I learned in English 101 #3 in 1956-

The difference between “a” and “an”:
1. “a” is followed by a word beginning with a consonant.
I had a nice time. The restless little totler wanted a bedtime story.

2. “an” is followed by a word beginning with a vowel:
After all the fuss, she only bought an apple. We had an enjoyable ride home. We all agreed it was an isolated incident and an opinion from others was not necessary.

The difference between “its” and “it’s”:
1. “its” is understood as one word.
He was surprised at its consistency. Its destiny will be a surprise to no one.

2. “It’s” is always understood as two words with missing letters.
It’s late. Time! I will never understand where it’s gone.

The difference between “President” and “president”:
1. The stand alone word “President” only refers to one person: The President of a country like the United States.
The President gave his speech in the Rose Garden.

2. The stand alone word “president” is used to refer to all other presidents i.e., the president of an organization, club, business etc.,
The president congratulated all his workers in the plant and promised them the best Christmas party ever!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

The Little Bomber Boy

You strap a bomb around the young boys’ waist and tell him where to position himself for maximum deaths. There is no note in a canister telling authorities why his sponsors felt such carnage was justified.

There is no collectively written note saying what Minister or Ministers they want to abandon his political post. The note in the canister does not say, “Read our newspaper tomorrow to find out why we think what we did is justified.”

And finally, there is no note in a canister saying we warned you this would happen if you did not do thus and so and we have kept our threat. There will be more bombings until you meet our demands.

I am tired of hearing about a suicide bomber and how many people were killed and how many people were hurt and who is suspected of the bombing. If a group is suspected, a credible case should be reported giving the reasons for such suspicions.

In my opinion, somebody in high places know to a fault why the bombing took place but reporters do not seek out such information or report it for whatever reason. The people in the street may not know, but somebody does and it is not reported.

I understand a large portion of our military left Iraq yesterday and it is a given there will soon be suicide bombings. I will continue to wonder who, where, when, what and why. That’s the kind of guy I am. The little bomber boy is dead and has killed others. There has to be a reason. More than what we are being told. Where is Michael Ware when you need him?

As always,

Friday, August 13, 2010

America, dear America. What are you doing?

Where do we go from here? The stage curtains have now fully opened, the lights have come up and movement on the stage gradually gather only to conflict your senses. There is no here nor there, no up or down, no come and no go. Atmosphere is the only constant. You wait for somebody, anybody to start singing something like, “The sun’ll come out tomorrow” or “Everything’s coming up rosy” or, or even “If I had a hammer”. Nothing! Not even a good soliloquy. Nothing.

After a while, you realize the bassoon has been playing his part of a song that makes you stiffen in your seat. There is something eerie about it. Something you can’t put your finger on and it is making you more and more uncomfortable. It is not yet the melody but you know somehow when you do hear the melody, it is going to upset you. And then the horns start playing their part, gradually building up as other instruments join in. The melody is still not heard. You nervously get up to leave as the violins come in playing the melody that makes your blood curdle. In a glance you notice the full cast has assembled on stage just as they start singing “Georgia”. You are paralyzed with fear and pray you are dreaming.

As always,

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Dkos Golden Egg

Yet another excellent example of making something complex appear easy. In my opinion, this writing of diarist ZerlinaM is exemplary and the injected humor is like well placed trills in a Baroque aria.

Blacks and The GOP: From Reconstruction to the Obama Era
by ZerlinaM
Then something happened - the geniuses in Congress (they still sucked even back then) passed the Kansas-Nebrask Act of 1854 which finally pissed the anti-slavery folks off to the point where they started their own party, kind of like today's Tea Party crowd except nobody had Nazi signs. In a nutshell, the Act expanded slavery into the new territories. There were a number of anti-slavery groups around at that time (The Free Soil Party, the Whig Party, and even a number of members of the Democratic Party) but the Kansas-Nebraska Act pushed them all over the edge. Nothing like a little Congressional legislation to drive people crazy right? So all of those anti-slavery groups got together and formed a brand new party - the Republican Party.
Read more at:

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

2nd flight to Israel thwarted

The unidentified man accused of randomly stabbing persons of color in Michigan and Virginia was the second person who assaulted Blacks seeking refuge in Israel.
Serial stabber suspect nabbed on way to Israel
NBC News and news services
FLINT, Mich. — A man suspected in a series of stabbings in Virginia and Michigan that resulted in at least 20 attacks and five deaths was arrested at the Atlanta airport as he tried to board a plane bound for Israel.
Read more at:

The first person was a youngster facing charges in New York City for the murder of a Black youth. He successfully fled to Israel. An arrest warrant was issued and Rev. Al Sharpton flew to Israel to present the arrest warrant to the authorities. The Israeli government said they would not extradite him back to the states but would conduct his murder trial there in Israel. That’s the last I heard of it. Google has taken down the web site with additional information.
Fires in the mirror: Crown Heights, Brooklyn, and other identities - Google Books Result
Anna Deavere Smith - 1997 - Drama - 141 pages
THE REVEREND AL SHARPTON Rain As before. ... So they said, "He's in Israel." So I said, "Well, I'll go to Israel to show best ...

As always,

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

“Professional left” are “Pushy parents!”

I can not find where the words “Professional left” came from but the remarks of White House press secretary are all over the place:
"I hear these people saying he's like George Bush. Those people ought to be drug tested, Gibbs told The Hill's Sam Youngman, in an interview published Tuesday. "I mean, it's crazy." This "professional left," he added, "will be satisfied when we have Canadian health care and we've eliminated the Pentagon. That's not reality."

Ask any child of a pushy parent; consider a mother who wants her daughter to be on Broadway or a father grooming his son to eventually take over his law firm and you will understand “Pushy parents” aka “Professional left”.

- “I don’t want to see anymore Bs’ and Cs’ on this report card, do you understand me? No more!”

- “Are you crazy? No son/daughter of mine would ever do such a thing!!”

- “I’ve made up my mind! If these grades don’t improve, you’re going to live with your father!”

- “Don’t trust anybody! Question everything!”

- "Why can't you be more like your cousin Herman?"

I would wager there are more than a few adults thankful for their "Pushy parents". They may not love them or even like them but hey, you can't win'em all!

As always,

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stopping the war via the filibuster

An epiphany from my trusty ol’ Hiney Shiney….

The Republicans want to stop funding for the Iraq situation and the Afghanistan war. They want to bring them to a close but do so with a slight-of-hand. They do not want to be overt in biting the hand that feeds them.

They feel by constantly pestering the Democrats by insisting on knowing the source of funding for every bill involving money, eventually the Democrats will have to start cutting back on domestic social programs and for the Republicans, that would be touché! Political heaven, if you will! The Democrats would be tightly wedged between the preverbal rock and hard place.

Republicans know, more than any other party, finding money to maintain the infrastructure of America is finite as follows:
“The Afghan war will cost $105 billion this fiscal year, more than double what it cost when Obama took over, and almost twice what we’re spending on Iraq. Most allies aren’t interested in being part of any long-term plans. The Dutch have withdrawn their soldiers; Canada and Poland have expressed intentions to do likewise. The largest non-U.S. contingent is the almost 10,000 British troops, and new Prime Minister David Cameron has suggested he’d like to pull most of them out in the not-too- distant future. ...
Read more at:

As always,
P.S. A teachable moment: Last night Rachel Maddow exposed politicians who say they want to add amendments to the U.S. Constitution. She said they were, (my words) charlatans, sellers of snake oil, phonies. Her words were a wee bit nicer. (Smile)