Saturday, August 01, 2009

3.839% COLA for July 2009 (Correction)

COLA is Cost of Living Adjustment. This was the good news I got from me Retirement System yesterday. Now I can make out another check to DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA this month. I love the commercial embedded in the diary below regarding Ben Nelson and I fully appreciate and send Kudos to the creator(s) who, in my opinion, were very creative and sober in their approach to its creation.
Ben Nelson threatens to kill health care reform due to ads attacking him
by kyeo

Also very impressed with Rep. Anthony Weiner who, when the spotlight was shown on him, was prepared and able to have a brilliant “Show and Tell” to present to the class. The “Principal” interrupted his presentation just to show she is still the Principal. Boooo! Me still don’t likey Ms. Nancy Tee-Hee. I don‘t trust her for good reasons! The word “deceitful” comes to mind. I will never forgive her for all our present problems with her “Impeachment is off the table” remark. Never, you hear?

And let us not forget Mr. Weiner’s friends in Congress. The saying goes, “You can not choose your family members but you can choose your friends.” It’s that “Birds of a feather” thing. Mr. Weiner has nice friends. (His friends in Congress were identified in the original diary before the up-dated version.)
Lol! Anthony Weiner's Masterstroke Of Genius (Late Update, Single Payer On The Floor)!-Anthony-Weiners-Masterstroke-Of-Genius-(Late-Update,-Single-Payer-On-The-Floor)
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
(Correction) I learned the commercial for Ben Nelson was created by ActBlue

Friday, July 31, 2009

Healthcare Reform Bill and premature ejaculations (Update)

It appears the health care insurance sector and the Blue Dogs are priming their Starlet, the Healthcare Reform Bill, for her début on the runway in the fall and I do not know if Pres. Obama will be disappointed. We will have to wait and see on that one.

It is my position the President does not want an encore performance when the Democrats wrote the Stimulus Package. Further, it is my opinion that bill gave him the blues with its sheer incompetence and it is a miracle some good is beginning to come out of it. This time around, the President made the brilliant decision to (here I go) divide the class into groups and let each group have an assignment as part of the overall goal of the lesson. I say the President made a brilliant decision due to the fact I do not recall a U.S. President asking Congress to write a bill in this manner. I may stand corrected.

Like most teachers, the President knows that some groups will soar in performing the assignment and some will not due to the individuals in the group. This is a given but what is usually the big surprise and indeed the big pay off is after giving the groups an outline of your expectations, outline, mind you and not specifics, the ideas they come up with are beyond your wildest expectations. The teacher, knowing each group represents a component, knows the test of his teaching skills lie in putting the components together to make one presentation. Whether a class play, musical, a basketball maneuver, a Congressional Bill or whatever, it has to work as a whole and meet the approval of all concerned. This is the time of raw politics on the part of the teacher! This is the point giving you sleepless nights and lost of appetite. Its a nightmare!

So it is, what will out little Starlet wear when she makes her debut on the runway? Will she speak? What color lights to use and what about the music? Will she walk with a companion? When the public see her, we want (forgive me) a full ejaculation! A show stopper!! We can go from there to the semi-finals and then to the finals with appropriate influences and interventions along the way. The hard work has been done. The Miss World contest will be another can of worms. (Smile)
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. As a teacher, I note the students working in the groups always become friends or at least know each other much better. (You’d be surprised the things they talk about!)

Industry Is Generous To Influential Bloc
A look at career contribution patterns also shows that typical Blue Dogs receive significantly more money -- about 25 percent -- from the health-care and insurance sectors than other Democrats, putting them closer to Republicans in attracting industry support.
Most of the major corporations and trade groups in those sectors are regular contributors to the Blue Dog PAC. They include drugmakers such as Pfizer and Novartis; insurers such as WellPoint and Northwestern Mutual Life; and industry organizations such as America's Health Insurance Plans. The American Medical Association also has been one of the top contributors to individual Blue Dog members over the past 20 years.

"I know there were some that thought we were trying to stop health-care reform," Ross said in an interview this week for The Washington Post's "Voices of Power" series. "Nothing could be further from the truth. We simply wanted to slow the process down and ensure that we were working toward the kind of health-care reform that the American people need and want."

(Update: I found the enclosed paragraph interesting in regards to the Democrats using Reconciliation to pass the Healthcare Reform Bill. It is my understanding going the Reconciliation route has certain limitations but I am also mindful that in adjusting language, there are more ways than one to skin a cat. As I recall, Rep. Conyers is good with language: At least, he use to be. It will take a lot of hard work but hey, we are talking about the future of our country. Who knows, we may make political history going the 51 Vote Reconciliation route with the Healthcare Reform Bill. A hundred years from now who would give a shit how you did it!)

Selib [Baucus' Chief of Staff] also warned the group that pursuing the reconciliation procedural tool might be necessary to get health care enacted this year, and he blamed Republicans for forcing the Democrats to seriously consider using the maneuver. Reconciliation would allow Democrats to pass a health care overhaul with a simple, 51-vote majority. The man said, "I did it my way."
ABC News: Dem Party Leadership May Abandon Baucus Talks UPDATED

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Rep. Anthony Weiner “..bears watching”

Rachel Maddow had a segment tonight regarding the not so subtle way *Rep. Weiner presented an amendment to the Republicans that would kill all government sponsored programs i.e., Medicare, Medicade, VA Hospitals etc.

First impressions of Mr. Weiner; he’s smart…..sure footed…reminds me of Lincoln Chaffee….presents himself well…..Bio suggest very community orientated… doesn’t appear to be your run of the mill Democratic BS’er ……
As always,
P.S. Not surprising the un-teachable media could not identify the teachable moments occurring at the White House this evening with the President and his two guests.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Heavy torrents of Medical Insurances in forecast

It would be the height of naivety to think the CEO's of major insurance companies are taking a casual wait-see approach paying lobbyist $1.4 million a day as they themselves play golf on their golf courses. They did not become CEO’s for nothing; bottom line, they have to look ahead to make money for their various companies and shareholders.

Most companies make additional fees by either going up on the prices of their products or creating new ones and I think medical insurance companies are seeing the handwriting on the wall with the “Under construction” sign on the Healthcare Reform Bill and have decided to create a new product. However, it takes time from concept to finished product so it is my opinion medical insurance companies have sponsored members of Congress to delay the construction of the infamous Healthcare Bill until they can get their own products in place. With over 75% of the population wanting a change in their medical insurance, the CEO’s know there is a market out there for them and they would be crazy not to take advantage of it and cash in.

It has always been my contention Congress drags its feet on bills as to give outside interest groups a chance to profit from the bill once it is passed. In my opinion, this is as capitalistic American as apple pie.

So it is, with as much delay as humanly possible for the Healthcare Reform Bill to not see the light of day, in the meanwhile the public will be introduced to a plethora of very attractive “New and improved” private medical insurance companies. If the insurance companies market their new medical insurance programs as per capitalism, they will come with time constraints. In other words, when you sign up for the program of your choice, you will be locked into that program for “X” amount of years i.e., cell phone contracts.

If this will indeed be the case -per my hypothetical- there may be problems when the government presents its health care plan. Not only could this present a problem for your own personally financed plan but it could also be a concern if your company signs up for one of the plans before the government has its health plan up and running. In signing a contract before the government’s plan comes out, there should not be any problem except adhering to the old sayings of “Buyer, beware!” and “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!” Decisions will have to be carefully scrutinized.
As always,
P.S. I am mindful that as of today July 29, there is no Healthcare Reform Bill voted on by the full Congress and signed into law by the President and there are those saying there will not be one until late fall of ‘09 and not fully implemented for four years so in the meanwhile, let’s keep our powder dry, insert influences when possible and appropriate and enjoy the show. Also, please note many new medical insurance companies will be headquartered in the states of the Blue Dogs. (Smile)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Single Payer: Will industries return to the U.S.?

It is my understanding there are five committees writing the Healthcare Reform Bill. There is nothing to date considered “The Bill” due to the fact the end product from each committee has to be consolidated and made into one entity. This is my understanding so I no longer listen to the arguments. What’s the use? To me it’s a blood pressure thing due to the fact the arguments are all based on the hypothetical. I repeat, it is my understanding there is no Healthcare Reform bill at this time therefore the arguments are mis--placed and at the wrong preparation time of the bill.

It is my opinion we are being manipulated to argue controversial points from each of the five outlines the committees will or have prepared. At this point, it is confusing. I do not know what the thousand page document is they are talking about. Is it a consolidated version of the House or what? I really do not know what it is and who wrote it. The references to it are vague and drive-by’s.

In any event, I have not heard the strong argument if we were to have a single payer system, which I understand is going to be affordable for both client and company, would it stop some companies from contemplating leaving the country and conversely are there some companies signaling a return to the US if the bill passes in their economic favor? What they say could be very influential. Exploring the fact there maybe some American workers who simply want to come back home to America for whatever reason? Eventhough the steel company can not return due to globalization it seems to me some form of the industry could return to the US while continuing to make meaningful contributions to the global economy. Such in depth knowledge is beyond my blogosphere grade level but still I wonder as I wander.
As always,

El Tinklenberg (MN-6): Fool me once….

As I recall, the Dkos community and I contributed an impressive amount of money to Mr. Tinklenberg’s election bid last year hoping against odds he would win.

Upon receiving the money, I concluded Mr. Tinklenberg was no more prepared to run a congressional race than I was. Not only was he stunned at the contributions, this I can understand but he appeared to have no organizational skills whatsoever. Per his letter today he is still in the process of learning. Learning mind you how to run a campaign to become a U.S. Congressman! Me think Mr. Tinklenberg is either delusional, a con man or think we’re crazy. There is a strange feeling I have regarding the writer of this post and the diarist who kept us abreast regarding Mr. Tinklenberg’s campaign last year; the rhetoric is closely similar and I ask the question, why not identify the newly hired manager and the specific campaigns he has won including names instead of waiting until a later date to reveal the information? I repeat, “Fool me once…….” As my wife use to say, “There’s a fly in the milk somewhere!”
As always,
P.S. (Mumble) He must think we’re crazy….(Mumble)…..Why doesn‘t he give us an account of what he did with the last money we gave him…(Mumble) I don‘t trust him…(Mumble) I ain’t seen him on the news here…(Mumble) I may be wrong……

Dairy: I'm Running Against Michele Bachmann, and I'm Running to Win
[Many of you received this email that went out this morning to my supporter list, but for those who missed it, I wanted to share it with everyone so you all know that I'm officially running for Congress against Michele Bachmann, and that I'm running to win]
I will tell you more about my campaign over the next few days, but I have hired a campaign manager who's run two straight winning campaigns against incumbent Republican members of Congress, and a team of consultants who over the last two elections have helped defeat dozens of incumbent Republican members of Congress.

Agree Blitz Boy, and no stand on issues either (5+ / 0-)
Recommended by:
buckhorn okie, 3goldens, neroden, elwior, marabout40
To El Tinklenberg,
Thanks for coming to Daily Kos but like the poster, Blitz Boys, I have some concerns about your diary and about your stand on issues:
1. For instance, where do you stand on single payer (the Conyers proposed legislation in particular and not some airy-fairy, the "people need better health care";
2. You were a minister?  What kind and why did you give it up?
3. Do you support the immediate closure of Gitmo and sending the prisoners there into our normal criminal justice system?
 4. Do you support the appointment of a prosecutor to investigate and prosecute possible criminal wrongdoing related to torture under the Bush Administration, or are you agreed with Obama that "looking forward not backward" is better?
 5. Do you support the escalation of the war in Afghanistan?
6. Do you support the continued huge defense budgets that eat up so many of our tax dollars at the expense of social programs?
7. Do you support a simplified and more progressive income tax that stops giving breaks and rebates to the rich?
8. What is your position on TARP?  On the Obama administration's attitude toward the auto industry?
You see, many of us are concerned that we are electing "democrats" who turn out to vote like Republicans once they go to Washington.  It is important to know where you stand on the issues.  
"Tyranny & oppression are just as possible under democratic forms as under any other...democracy is a life & involves continual struggle." Robert LaFollette
by fflambeau on Tue Jul 28, 2009 at 03:30:34 AM PDT,-and-Im-Running-to-Win

The Drug Canteen: A trilogy

With recent allegations (July 27) regarding Michael Jackson’s death a trilogy is born with the usual drama of race. All drama in America has a racial component whether white privilege or outright racism or as the Jews call it, anti-Semitism.

1. The dramas usually include Whites, Jews and Blacks in a number of combinations and this recent drama involving the death of Michael Jackson is no different. First of all, there was the doctor dispensing his various drugs to Elvis Presley:
Dr. George Nichopoulas aka Dr. Nick

2. There were the two doctors dispensing various drugs to Anna Nicole Smith: Drs. Sandeep Kapoor and Kristine Eroshevich

3. And to complete the trilogy, there was the doctor dispensing his variety of drugs to Michael Jackson:
Dr. Conrad Murray

The media has historically accused the public of having “short memories” with subtle suggestions of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Looking forward to seeing who that shoe most aptly fits now that we, the public, have the blogosphere in which we can defend ourselves.
As always,
P.S. You simply step right up to the vending machine, ladies and gentlemen, and place your mouth or arm in the appropriate place, whatever is your pleasure, you press the desired buttons and “Wahla!”

Monday, July 27, 2009

Pres. Obama tries to befriend China

-Yes Joe?
-We got to be meeting with that Chinese delegation this week.
-yeah, I know. Did you hear that “Kum bye ya” speech Barack made this morning?
- That’s why I’m calling. What are you planning to talk to them about?
-I’m going to talk about their human rights abuses and that some of their women are still running 'round with *bound feet and how they are going to have to learn how to behave themselves.
-That’s great. I Love it! I’m going to talk about their shrinking economy and how they are going to have to bow down to us sooner than later.
-Shrinking economy? Bowing down to us? China?? Are you crazy?
-No! Not at all. I’m white!
-You do Rush proud.
- I know, I know, and so will the Military Industrial Complex and Rupert Murdock and a whole bunch of other people.
-Him too. Gotta go now. Bye.
As always,
*Bound feet

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Joe Biden; a mere Senator no longer!

*“When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man I put away childish things.” After a recent trip to Russia and assessing his trip to the press, Mr. Biden gave in part this “diplomatic” account:
Russians "have a shrinking population base, they have a withering economy, they have a banking sector and structure that is not likely to be able to withstand the next 15 years, they're in a situation where the world is changing before them and they're clinging to something in the past that is not sustainable," Biden said.
It is difficult for the former Soviet superpower to deal with "loss of empire," Biden said, and the United States should not overplay its hand in dealing with Russia.
"It is never smart to embarrass an individual or a country when they're dealing with significant loss of face," he said.

It has been my experiences a person doing this type of grand standing and pontification is looking for Brownie points and in this situation and in my opinion, Brownie points from the neocon community. With the two steps forward recently made with the Russians by Pres. Obama there are now three steps backwards for the President and his administration all due to the “diplomacy” of our loquaciously greedy VP Joe Biden. Mr. Wesley Clark would never have been that insulting with any of our diplomatic relationships and it is embarrassing to those of us who supported Mr. Biden’s ascension into the position of Vice President. This is sad. On second thought it is pitiful that Mr. Biden in his position remains so steadfastly juvenile and at his age, his conduct could aptly and diplomatically be called “…stuck on stupid!” Are we dealing with a mental disorder? There may or may not be a relationship but I still applaud “W” for his post Presidency diplomacy.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

P.S. How long will it be before countries tell the President not to send neither Hillary Clinton nor Joe Biden to their countries anymore?

*When I was a child….