Saturday, June 05, 2010

Israels' newest opus: *“We own The World”

Throughout recorded history, we have heard this proclamation made by others in one form or another.

The proclamation always turns out to be transient and baseless with dire and endless lessons never to be learned.

There is something done or undone in a society enabling a body of people to feel this way.

In my opinion, the owner of the world is the human spirit due to the fact in the world of gods and men, everything is impermanent.

So it is, we have to continue dealing with “exceptional” mentalities now as mankind has throughout the ages. This is called “Life”; survival of the fittest and by whatever means necessary.

Man is and has always been destined to destroy himself. The interruptions are few, if any. There has to be a time when the world was at peace with itself. Cheers!
As always,
P.S. It would be against human nature for (non-Kurd) Turkey not to create a song in response to "We own the world". I may not hear it, but I know it will be written.

*Israel "Accidentally" Distributes Video Mocking Flotilla Dead
by Troutfishing
Think of it - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office "accidentally" promoting a video, made by a former adviser of his, that mocks the Gaza aid flotilla dead. Inconceivable ? Think again !
Read more and see video at:

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Israels’ world and the other one

This is how I see it through the words of James Baldwin, “Notes For A Hypothetical Novel”.
…or, let us say, which is even a better example, that I have a friend who has just murdered his mother and put her in the closet and I know it, but we’re not going to talk about it. Now this means every shortly since, after all, I know the corpse is in the closet, and he knows I know it, and we’re sitting around having a few drinks and trying to be buddy-buddy together, that very shortly, we can’t talk about anything because we can’t talk about that.”

In my opinion, trying to talk to Israel about certain things inevitably reaches the point of terminating a friendship, as cited by Baldwin in his hypothetical novel.

It is a lose-lose situation and one you know, against all human odds, will not sustain itself. You are entirely helpless trying to save your friendship.

Also in my opinion, Israel and her pro-Israel supporters have alienated themselves from the world by not facing up to having clear discussions grounded in reality. They have managed to gain considerable power and go to dangerous physical and mental extremes with efforts to isolate themselves from reality and it is very sad.

As a group of people, they have much to offer and I think there are many with good minds, like *Glenn Greenwald, who step up confronting them regarding their realities but to no avail. Each time it is done, sadness takes over the wheel; "No dead mother in closet conversations, please".

As always,

* Talking about Israel with Eliot Spitzer on MSNBC
By Glenn Greenwald
I was just on MSNBC talking about Israel, the Gaza blockade and the flotilla attack with Eliot Spitzer, who was guest-hosting for Dylan Ratigan.  It was a rather contentious discussion, though quite illustrative of how Israel is (and is not) typically discussed on American television, so I'm posting the whole 8-minute segment below.
Read more at:

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Rubber? Meet Road! Netanyahu and Obama

If ever there were to be a show-down, throw-down or “How now, brown cow?” regarding the Israeli/Palestinian situation, it is now!

“The Israeli/Palestinian conflict is fueling the Iraqi/Afghanistan wars” is how I heard one member from the military put it. If that is indeed a valid statement, there is much work to be done regarding the dilemma.

Pres. Obama said that he does not like to look back and many of us are forced to live with his ideology with the hope he was implying he only likes dealing in the present.

If the President means the present as being “Now!”, here is his chance to live up to his ideology. Various sanctions are soon to be placed upon Israel due to their conduct on May, 30th. I cherish the thought authorizing the placement of the sanctions would be “Now!” enough for the President.

I am mindful of the old Negro spiritual, “Brighten the corner where you are”.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

USA Vetoes United Nation Resolution
by innereye
This is the 73rd use of the veto in the United Nations by the USA since 1945. The vast majority of USA vetos were cast in support of Israel and South Africa during the apartheid era, and defending USA actions in Central America. Most of the vetos violate the spirit of United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Geneva Conventions, and other documents describing basic human rights and humanitarian standards. In December the USA vetoes a United Nations Security Council Resolution condemning Israel for acts of terror against civilians in the occupied territories.

1995 - The USA vetoes a United Nations resolution confirming that the expropriation of land by Israel in East Jerusalem is invalid and in violation of United Nations resolutions and the Geneva Convention.
1997 - The USA votes against two United Nations resolutions that call on Israel to cease construction of settlements in East Jerusalem and the other occupied territories. One of the votes was by 130 to 2 (USA and Israel).

Read more at:

About That Gaza Blockade... [Updated]
by lao hong han

Monday, May 31, 2010

When polls decry, “Neck’n neck!”.

This is how I think a voting campaign could possibly end up being neck’n neck:

- In a five family member home, three of the children voted with their Mom and two voted with their Dad.

- The neighbor to your left voted for Halter and your neighbor to your right voted for Lincoln.

- You voted for Lincoln and your spiritual leader, your closest frat brother or your closest sorority sister voted for Halter.

-Every other Union Member voted for Halter or Lincoln.

I therefore conclude having a “Neck’n neck” political race is heap big bull shit! Has anyone seriously double-checked those pollsters’ data? Is it possible to do so?

However, and to be on the safe side, I will be making another contribution to the Bill Halter campaign.

I do not know why pollsters always do this to us. They always bring us “Neck’n neck” results when we are monitoring exciting races. This is the reason I enjoyed the final results of the Sestak/Specter race so much. There was no ambiguity in the results! No mis-understanding of the voters’ intentions. No wiggle-room for arguments!

I tried to Google the results of the Sestak/Specter primary race to be accurate in this posting but could not find it. I think the final results were something like 59 to 36 in favor of Sestak.
As always,
P.S. In reference to “Don’t ask, don’t tell”, I am confused about this open gay stuff. I wonder does “…being openly gay” mean soldiers would be on the battlefields in Iraq and Afghanistan wearing pink boas flung around their necks with full open throats and flapping uvulas calling everybody “Dah-ling” qualify as being openly gay? Is that what the Pentagon is afraid of? I does not understand!

*Help Bill Halter - Arkansas Final Push
by globalcitizenlinda
The runoff election is just a few days away. According to the most recent Research/Daiykos poll, Lt Gov Bill Halter is 3 % points ahead of Sen Blanche Lincoln.
For the Democratic Party runoff: Bill Halter (47%) versus Blache Lincoln (44%)
Read more at:

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Strong feelings on using “Initials” when writing

I am almost positive I was reading a diary that read, “You should not use initials until after you have completely spelled out the words”. It said that if you use initials in your topic, i.e., “MMS Has Worries”, you should then, in the first paragraph of your writing or shortly afterwards, explain “Minerals Management Service (MMS)”.

I find it frustrating while reading anything when I have to constantly stop to ponder what the initials stand for. To me, it’s like walking and continuously bumping into a wooden fence or brick wall. I also find the process very disconcerting due to the fact I would not be getting the pleasure of reading and being informed by the material which I hope were the intentions of its author.

Ever once in a while, I encounter a list identifying the most common used initials and the list gets longer and longer everytime I see one.

In my opinion, it becomes rude littering your writing materials with initials, especially after asking yourself, “Will my readers know what I am talking about?” At some point, if you do not express some concerns when using clueless initials, for all you know you may be only writing for folks who have social club meetings in tree houses and who are the only ones understanding what you are talking about.

I smile each time I see the diary “GUS”. The author always tells me it means, “Give up smoking” and every once in a while, I pop in for a visit. You can sincerely feel the diarist wants you to understand what the diary is about and is consistent in respecting you while rendering a helping hand.
As always,