Friday, October 22, 2010

Jaun Williams: Help, they look like me!! (Update, sort of)

In my opinion, there are those who would consider Mr. Williams ‘a self hating Negro’.
I mean, look, Bill (O‘Reilly), I'm not a bigot. You know the kind of books I've written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.
October 20, 2010

It is hard for some people, especially white people to understand how a Black man could feel ‘nervous’ seeing people who look like himself. For sure it happens but is whispered in the darkest corners of the room, if then, and under very different circumstances.

It does not say nice things about a person not wanting to identify with people who have gone through the same racial indignities he has, who has experienced the same nervousness when in the company of people who do not look like him and, alas, having people avoiding him for whatever reason.

Such conduct raise puzzling questions in the minds of some people as to who or what you really are. Whites, for sure, know you could not possibly be arrogant and delusional enough to identify with them so they are left in a conundrum; puzzled, if you will. They hope you are not making nuanced remarks about people who look like you seeking browny points from them. White folks hate that more than anything. Most of the time, they just want to distance themselves from you. “Can’t be bothered”, they would say. “He’s confused!” “Go’way!” They would rather befriend a Black rapper if he would spend time with them.

Many whites feel you are trying to ‘out white’ them by saying something you think they are thinking and want to make them comfortable but once again, you are out of place. The situation becomes awkward. Conversations become strained. Relationships break down, crumble and deteriorate. Sad.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. There are those still hot under the collar regarding Jauns’ literary fixation with the drinking problems of Black Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.
"Thurgood Marshall: American Revolutionary"
By Jaun Williams

I am still appreciative of his contributions to the award winning television series, “Eyes on the Prize”.
P.P.S. Jaun is nervous about getting on a plane with Muslins and whites are nervous about both him and the Muslins. (LOL)

(Update) I was looking forward to Mr. Williams telling the public his issues were between him and National Public Radio (NPR) alone. However, the saga of Mr. Williams being fired from NPR for saying Muslins on airplanes makes him ’nervous’ and there are calls for de-funding NPR that may end up in the U. S. Supreme Court, I am mindful (it was 19 years ago) Mr. Williams was a close friend of Justice Clarence Thomas and gave him a small, intimate celebratory party upon his confirmation to the bench. Cameras were there. I will stay tuned.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Some Black thoughts..

I wish that it was one of those programs I could click off when it began to make me un-comfortable. I say ‘click-off’ because I can never think of the name of that little thing that changes the channel. When I have company and want to change the TV channel, I would say, “Give me that clicker over there”. I know it is a channel changer but even as I write, I can not think of what it is called. In any event, I wish I had used my clicker before seeing the interview with a man from Chicago talking about Blacks shooting and killing each other.

It was an interview conducted by CNN correspondent T.J. Holmes regarding a youths’ treacherous journey going to and from high school with real fears of being shot. Here is where I should have used my clicker because Mr. Holmes went on to interview a man who said that:
If you ban and confiscate all the guns in Chicago, Blacks would kill each other with bricks. They need jobs, he concluded.

The little wheels in my head began vigorously churning and up popped:
Jobs for what? Jobs give you money and in this country, there is a class ceiling for Blacks having money!

As sinister as that sounds, I know to this very day I would not be welcomed on the waters if I had a boat. There would be that element in other boats calling me names as my family and I try enjoying ourselves on the water. And feeling free to join a yacht club would be out of the question. Buying a chalet in Aspen, Colorado? Yeah, right! And there is the issues of desires to travel abroad and, be design, not seeing hardly any Blacks in travel documentaries with full knowledge I would be a curiosity in places I would like to visit. And there are issues of owning a second home at the beach -there is always the small section of Marthas’ Vineyard- and my paranoia goes on and on.

Many Blacks with decent incomes are confined to comforts of buying clothes, jewelry, automobiles and, perhaps, a house or two.

In my opinion, the glass ceiling gets thicker by the day. The discouragements are devastating!

I’ve often heard Blacks get paid less than whites for the same job due to the fact white employers feel that all Blacks do with their money is ‘get lickered up and buy women’!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestor,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I am mindful of the jewelry store owner who put up her ‘Closed’ sign when Oprah was going to enter the store.

Ken Cuccinelli: From villain to conquering hero

Mr. Cuccinelli was on C-Span ‘Washington Journal’ this morning. He is the Attorney General of Virginia who has been widely boo-ed for announcing his intensions to challenge the Obama Health Care bill as un-constitutional and this morning, in little more than half an hour, he decimated the Health Care bill. Tore it up! Torched it and exposed un-imaginable incompetence from our elected law makers.

Mr. Cuccinelli did not use fowl or ambiguous language. He did not come off cocky or with pompous arrogance. Rather, he came off as a sincere person assured of himself and his beliefs and was more than willing to share all three with the C-Span audience.

Regarding the Health Care bill, it is now my understanding the Federal Government can not make us citizens buy health insurance and penalize us if we do not. If the founding fathers of the Health Care bill would have embraced a Medicare model for all its citizens, implied Mr. Cuccinelli, all would have been well. However, the bill is a house of cards as it now stands.

I learned from Mr. Cuccinelli if one portion of the twenty one hundred page bill were to be altered, the whole structure would collapse.

It would collapse due to the fact money garnered from the mandatory insurance and fines for not having health insurance would be the capital driving other sections of the bill i.e., offspring on their parents’ policy until age twenty six, insurance companies having to insure everybody regardless of ailments and the added bonus of having no one dropped from a health program under any circumstances.

In other words, if the un-constitutional mandate requiring everybody to carry health insurance were not in the bill, there would be no goodies in the bill and by extension, no bill at all. This is the reason Mr. Cuccinelli says the whole bill has to be declared un-constitutional, guttered and started anew.

God bless C-Cpan,
As always,

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mrs. Clarence ‘Ginny’ Thomas: PWT?

From all appearances and judging from the context of this e-mail sent to Anita Hill, Mrs. Thomas is the kind of women Mr. Thomas thought *Anita Hill was; low life, desperate and easily impressionable. He knew Ms. Hill was highly educated and completely out of his league when pursuing her but thought, “Nothing beats a failure but a try”.

In my opinion, Mrs. Thomas is reaching out for help due to the fact there are, for her, so many decades of un-answered questions regarding the mentality of her husband. The poor dear wants closure. I wish her well. (E-mail? LOL) Is Gloria Allred far behind with divorce papers in hand?
As always,

WTF? Clarence Thomas's Wife Cold Calls Anita Hill
by carolus
"Good morning, Anita Hill, it’s Ginny Thomas," she said, according to ABC News. "I just wanted to reach across the airwaves and the years and ask you to consider something. I would love you to consider an apology sometime and some full explanation of why you did what you did with my husband. So give it some thought and certainly pray about this and come to understand why you did what you did. Okay have a good day."
Read more at:

* Anita Hill
Anita Faye Hill (born July 30, 1956(1956-07-30)) is a professor of social policy, law, and women's studies at Brandeis University at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management and a former colleague of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. She gained national exposure for testifying under oath at Thomas' 1991 Senate confirmation hearings alleging that her supervisor Thomas had made provocative and harassing sexual statements.
Read more at:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Who’s ‘whining’ now?

Who is not ‘bucking up?’ I am mindful of chatter -howls- from Democrats regarding foreign money influencing the present election cycle. I note covert references to ‘Citizens united’ and ill-will towards Republicans. I note hypocrisy.

I take the following position with this issue: If you know your discipline and your craft, ie., what you are doing, no amount of money could touch you. If you will stand by professional ethics and tell people what is going on, it is my fervent belief you will prevail. Where can you go after practicing good ethics and communicating with people? In my opinion, you either go up or sustain your position.

I note on Sunday the rare appearance of political activist Gary Bauer defending the right to privacy law regarding un-identified money pouring into political campaigns. He said were donors identified, they could be subjected to harassments. The law, he said, stems from a racist group seeking the membership list from a chapter of the NAACP.
As always,
P.S. (Payback is a bitch!)

Crazy, crazy, go away….

“Very well done!” would be how I would describe the first fifteen minutes of last evenings’ Rachel Maddow Show. Ms. Maddow took pains reviewing various talking points of the Republican candidates during this election cycle. She talked about their using and exploiting ‘buzz’ words like Obamacare, the deficit and the need for smaller government.

In my opinion, in the next fifteen minutes and after the first commercial, there was a slippage from her perch as she tried to balance her presentation with talking points of the Democrats. The presentation was OK but qualitative differences between her Republican presentation and her Democratic presentation were noteworthy.

After a few more commercials, the remainder of her show suddenly plummeted to rock bottom when she had Megan McCain on. At that point, I had to change the channel. I was distressed on two fronts. First of all, I was distressed due to the fact my special set-aside time with Rachel was going to be shared with a political nut and then I was distressed realizing what a contrast having Megan McCain on as a guest was to having other special and fully cognizant guests; stimulating people possessing good, intellectually healthy and developed minds. People of character. Role models for me, my family and friends. True American patriots, if you will.

Those people are still out there. Probably sitting and waiting for a phone call but alas, not from Rachel. They remember, as do I, her interview with Republican candidate Rand Paul. I wrote about my feelings regarding the ‘not so nice’ interview she had with him. That was another sad evening for me but hey, life goes on. We all make mistakes. We all have regrets. You can’t win’em all. Here once again it’s that thing about the moving finger….


As always,
P.S. Maybe if Dr. Maddow were to pen a note to Dr. Paul....

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Obama chickens amble home to roost

As always,

The Dying Art of Political Explanation
David Bromwich

How wrong is the criticism that says President Obama prefers to explain his policies from a great height or to answer requests for assurance from humble citizens and TV hosts? A middle layer of explanation has certainly been lacking from the start: the effort of persuasion that is neither inspirational nor tactical, where a leader tries to convert people to his side. This is the level at which one must articulate the reasons for a policy, along with the understanding of the public good from which the policy has issued and the historical context that makes it necessary and desirable.

President Obama continues to think himself a victim of circumstance; and whether the Republicans win a small or a large victory in November, he expects they will come into the next congress more willing to deal with him than ever before.


Obama's policies are politically driven. They are crafted by the same overpaid losers that kept the Democratic on the back bench for decade when all they had to do was stand up to the most reviled president in living memory.
Explaining that you've put the nation's healthcare in the hands of profiteering CEOs because you are relying on them to fill your campaign coffers doesn't play well. Explaining that you expanded our military operations in the Middle East because you thought it would keep the Democrats in power for ever and fill their war chests with money from people that cheating both taxpayers and our military doesn't play well.
Explaining to voters that they thought we were too dumb to notice isn't a going win any elections.
They decided on the blame game. They blame the Republicans for what the Democrats could have done but failed to do. They blame voters for not being "enthusiastic".
But we did notice. They have less than three weeks to prove to us that they are worth re-electing.
Closing tax loopholes and a Social Security increase are good start.
They could make Elizabeth Warren's job secure, stop banks from stealing homes and craft a Mainstreet bailout that includes a jobs program aimed at building a green economy.
Obama could kick oily Ken Salazar out and continue the ban on deep water drilling.
People would hear that message loud and clear.
Read more at: