Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sen. Patty Murray has a dream

Ms. Murray is a Democrat who think other Democrats will share her dream thus:
“*Senator Patty Murray of Washington, a member of the Democratic leadership, said Monday that her party was prepared to let all the Bush-era tax cuts expire on Jan. 1 if Republicans refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy.” She wants to introduce a more favorable tax bill on Jan. 2nd with lots of moving parts.

It is hard for me to have any optimism regarding the wonderful dream of Ms. Murray. When dealing with fellow Democrats, all one can ever do is dream.  Pres. Obama found that out when trying to work with them during the first two years of his Presidency. Things got so bad, the columnist Glenn Greenwald coined the phrase “Villain rotation”. 

Democrats randomly popped up like targets on a shooting range opposing different sections of any bill the President proposed and consequently very little was done when both houses of Congress were controlled by Democrats. Sad but true.

Come January 1st, Ms. Murray is going to be like Old Mother Hubbard going to her cupboard only to find it bare.  Gone are Republicans who would have shared her dream. They, like I, will only be able to sit back and lament another American dream deferred. I wish Ms. Murray well due to the fact she dares to dream. However,  she must not forget  both Harry Reid and Nancy Peloso also have dreams.

As always,
P.S. I do not know if Ms. Murray is already writing the Jan. 2nd bill for the new Congress to sign.

*Democrats Gain the Upper Hand
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