Saturday, January 17, 2009

Keith Obermann and a diarist epiphany

Kudos to diarist Reed Young for a concise and precise articulation of “moving forward” by cleaning up your backyard in relationship to prosecuting the terrorist Bush/Cheney team for war crimes. In my opinion, one of the reasons the diary reads so smoothly is due to the lack of distracting parenthesis. Not using them in writing requires a lot of rhetorical skills and discriminating discipline.

Regarding Keith Olbermann's Upcoming Special Comment On The Moral Imperative To Prosecute War Crimes
by Reed Young
I cannot know until Monday if this was his (Keith Obermann) intention, but it occurred to me while I considered the implication that "looking back" is not a valid reason to deny justice, that in fact all the arguments against prosecuting Bush and Cheney depend not on looking forward, but on looking back, and on the way that we look back to be exact. It was switching the role of "looking back" in the standard argument that triggered a very rapid realization that I had been overlooking something crucial. It was like an epiphany or an apotheosis, but I'll try to explain as linearly as possible what I've realized about the Bush administration's war crimes.

What I notice about those memories is that I have been terrorized by my own government, in statements now proven false, and I'm still somewhat embarrassed at having been conned. Those sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution have done more to undermine it than any foreign or domestic terrorist ever has, or could. The argument that we should not prosecute them is dependent, at its ugly primal base, on the fear that the Executive Branch systematically instilled in us, through the lies that we know they told: that Iraq poses a credible threat not only of attack but of a "mushroom cloud," that apprehending terrorists requires compromising the Fourth Amendment, and that prosecuting terrorists might depend on, or even be advanced an iota, by torturing suspects who we assume, or pretend to believe have important "operational details" of an imminent attack.
As always,

My limits: Six pills a day

I am not sure how I came to the conclusion my comfort level will not include taking more than six pills a day. It may have gradually come about when I started seeing a cardiologist, gastrologist or making scheduled visits to my primary doctor. Of one thing I am sure and it is the visits invariably end with the doctor saying, “I’m going to write you these prescriptions” at the conclusion of a visit. Sometimes, though rarely, the prescriptions are for a limited time but most often in perpetuity. Before you know it you are taking twelve, fifteen or more pills a day and I will not mention the expense. It would be an enormous strain on your budget.

The cardiologist is afraid to eliminate from your diurnal (daily) duties pills prescribed by your primary doctor; your primary doctor is afraid to eliminate pills prescribed by your gastrologist and on it goes. Each doctor smiling as you tell him how many pills you are taking a day.

However, there are people who ware the amount of pills they take a day like a badge of honor. You see “The march of the pills” in a corner of the kitchen table; sitting on the kitchen counter top or prominently displayed in a little gathering on the buffet. Their proud owners are eager to pick up each bottle telling you what it is for; a ritual you have to endure whenever they see you eying their little treasures or politely begin asking about their health. Most of the time, it takes next to no provocation and you except the ritual when you decide to visit them. Who knows? They may have a few new ones to show you. Something to look forward to, yes? I am mindful of “This is my box” from Menotti’s Christmas operetta “Amahl and the night visitors.”

Now with my diagnosis of having diabetes, I find myself also having an accumulation. Not of medicines but paraphernalia. Where to put them all? I resent keeping them out in the open but the drawers in my modest kitchen have my cooking paraphernalia. There is no room. And I am most resentful having to store the insulin in the refrigerator. I am a “the refrigerator is for storing food” kind of guy. It sends my psyche into an interesting direction opening the refrigerator door seeing two bottles of insulin inside. Color me dis-pleased. I do, however, manage to keep my six pills in a top drawer in the kitchen cabinet and there is room for no more. What with my two strainers, (a big one and a little one) a food grater, a manual knife sharpener and a few other things, additional materials would produce clutter.

- Mr. BB, I want to give you these new prescriptions…
-No, no Doctor.
- But Mr. BB…
-How many of my six medicines are you going let me stop taking so I can take the new ones? Which ones, Doctor? I’m listening.
-Sit down, Doctor, we have to have a little talk.
As always,

Friday, January 16, 2009

GOP and patriotic duty (Re-write)

Seeing that our country is run by the best in sound body and mind is the duty of all citizens. I understand Sen. Norm Coleman has re-financed his home fourteen times in twelve years and is now upside down in his house value. Something is wrong and if I were to meet or see a person in that position face to face, I would say as nicely as I could, “something’s wrong with you, Mister!” If an individual or group of individuals feel they can influence a difference electing a candidate of sound body and mind, I say, “More power to you!” That individual or group will not have a problem with me due to the fact that is also what I want; a person representing me of sound body and mind irregardless the party affiliation. May the best man win on the floor but at least give me a good, sensible battle coming from a “sound body and mind”. The older I get, the more my displeasure with a grown man being a fool.

Sometimes on the floor a difference can be made by a sentence, body language or, alas, a tear or two. Let the games begin! I’ll watch’em on C-Span: True Democracy at work.

A group from the GOP has decided to get a head start on un-seating Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nav.) There are few “No man of woman born” (Macbeth. Shakespeare. Witches.) who would not agree with the GOP group that Reid has to go. He is an embarrassment to America as he is an embarrassment to the GOP. It’s that ‘association’ thing that Hillary started. That ’association’ thing is going to haunt her as she travels from country to country. She is not going to be believable and Heads of States will end up personally calling President Obama for verification what she is telling or has told them. Unfortunately, Hillary has that suspicious “Trust me!” demeanor about her. Additionally, she is messing with their culture as to how they treat their woman which is, in my opinion, an interest not relegated to nor suitable for a Secretary of State. I personally see many a chaotic Secretary of State venue for her.

-I’m sorry King Anybody, we can not talk about diplomacy because you don’t treat your women right.
-Pardon, Madame Secretary, what did you say?
-You heard me, Buster! Until you start treating your women right, maybe we can talk! Don’t call me, I’ll call you!

I strayed.

If I were on the inner circle of that GOP group seeking to get rid of Sen. Harry Reid, here is what I would suggest to them:
I would suggest soliciting the aid of the polling apparatus, the “Glengariff Group”. From my deduction, it is a very influential polling group working in Illinois. It is my opinion this group helped the populace of Illinois miss seeing the stadium lights illuminating the brilliance of Sen. Obama when he was running for the U.S. Senate and more recently polling local residents to get this results, “Poll: 52 Percent of Illinois Voters Oppose Burris Appointment”. Added to that the calls for the impeachment of Gov. Blagojevich. Gov. Blagojevich is saying the State Senate has long contemplated his impeachment perhaps due to the work he is doing to help the poor and helpless of his state. That kind of polling insensitivity is due to manipulative poll numbers and the practice is no longer a secret.

So I would conclude, speaking to the august GOP group, if they want to garner support for the ousting of Sen. Reid, I would say make haste and get thee to the Glengariff Group.

Conservative group takes on Reid
Excerpt: First paragraph
A conservative organization is set to launch an all-out effort aimed at beating Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in 2010.

Albrecht said a fund-raising drive would start up this week with the launch of a Web site called “Watchin’ Reid.” The site intends to “shine the spotlight on [Reid’s] actions and motivate Republicans across the country.”

JamesOctopus Party: Democrat Reply #13
Date: Jan. 14, 2009 - 7:42 PM EST
Please! Take him! I do hate the idea of us losing a seat in the Senate. I really do. Honestly, though, if the Democratic Party doesn't remove him from his current position as Majority Leader themselves, someone needs to. He's a horrible, horrible leader and is a liability for the Dems more than an asset, just like "Impeachment is off the Table" Pelosi.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. My monitor screen was going off and on. I went to add/remove programs and removed my Foxfire and re-installed it. A notice came up they were dis-abling Realplayer Browser Record Plugin 1.0 and Sotfone Teacher 1.0.0. My monitor worked fine after that until I added this morning and the monitor started once again going off and on again. I deleted and so far, so good again. My nephew told me to remove the Google and AOL bar located at the top of the page. He said they were conflecting with Foxfire. Each one trying to dominate. Monitor still doing well.
P.P.S. There is a case in the U.S. Supreme Court to pull back Affirmative Action requirements due to the fact we now have a Black President. On the secular level there is a push to get Black representative of political pundits and reporters especially in the press coup and especially at the White House. I sense a relationship between the court case and the secular demands.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Olmert: Flaunting power or exposing traitors and cowards?

Or "Condi, Olmert's lap dog!"

(Ehud Olmert) I simply wanted to show the American public how easy it is to get them to do what we want them to do. We’re partners, right? No big deal. I just call them. We’ve been doing this for years. What’s the problem? You make it sound like this is the first time this has been done. In Israel we are a very transparent and open society. Keeping things nice and simple. It’s better that way, you see. Hillary is going to be just as co-operative. Nice lady.

Defending Condi: Olmert Shames Himself in Kick-in-the-Teeth Attack on Rice
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was left shame-faced after President George W. Bush ordered her to abstain in a key UN vote on the Gaza war, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Monday.
"She was left shamed. A resolution that she prepared and arranged, and in the end she did not vote in favour," Olmert said in a speech in the southern town of Ashkelon.
The UN Security Council passed a resolution last Thursday calling for an immediate ceasefire in the three-week-old conflict in the Gaza Strip and an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza where hundreds have been killed.
Fourteen of the council's 15 members voted in favour of the resolution, which was later rejected by both Israel and Hamas.
The United States, Israel's main ally, had initially been expected to vote in line with the other 14 but Rice later became the sole abstention.
"In the night between Thursday and Friday, when the secretary of state wanted to lead the vote on a ceasefire at the Security Council, we did not want her to vote in favour," Olmert said.
As always,

Monday, January 12, 2009

2010 Political Cliff Hangers

There are already some Senators and Congresspersons hanging on the edges of the political cliff. Someone was thoughtful enough to place name cards in front of each set of fingers. There are some set of fingers with strong resolutions they can somehow maneuver themselves back upon tera firma with the aid of a good public relations firm. There are some barely holding on with their thumbs and some many aching fingers with dis-located shoulders contemplating giving up the ghost.

On Election Day in 2010, many of us with serious glee in our hearts are going to go to the edge of that cliff armed with hammers, sharp objects or wearing shoes with heels of various shapes and sizes (Aka ballots) to let the cliff hanging politicians know how we have rated their performances. As we search the name cards to register our mal-content, some of us “Voters for Change” participants will be singing or humming, “God, bless America” while others maybe doing renditions of “We are the World” and still others in various verses of “Kum bye ya”. I myself will be singing, “Oh, happy day”.

There will be more un-willing cliff hangers added between now and election day in 2010 and their continued anti-American conduct in office will have placed them in that position. I am looking forward to searching out three or four name cards already. 2010 is going to be a very interesting election year. You bet'cha. Kain‘t wait!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW
P.S. On late night radio the other night, there was a lady from Illinois identifying herself as African America saying Roland Burris should be seated but if he runs for re-election in 2010, she would not vote for him. She feels this way without knowing what record Mr. Burris will have after being seated nor who his opponents would be in 2010. Yet another tragedy of " Black Low expectations"? Sad.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Roland Burris and Fannie Lou Hamer: Déjà vu

I understand Sen.-elect Mr. Burris is going back to the Senate this week demanding his seat. (*Can not find source again)
(Ms. Hamer) "All of this is on account we want to register [sic], to become first-class citizens, and if the Freedom Democratic Party is not seated now, I question America. Is this America, the land of the free and the home of the brave where we have to sleep with our telephones off the hooks because our lives be threatened daily because we want to live as decent human beings - in America?"

In 1965 Hamer, Victoria Gray, and Annie Devine ran for Congress and challenged the seating of the regular Mississippi representatives before the U.S. House of Representatives. Though they were unsuccessful in their challenge, the 1965 elections were later overturned. Hamer continued to be politically active and from 1968 to 1971 was a member of the Democratic National Committee from Mississippi.

With tickets that had been given them as "honored guests," the black Mississippians headed for the seats the regulars had left vacant. Michigan and North Dakota delegates offered some of their seats too and MFDP delegates took them.
Several MFDP delegates stood silently in a circle on the convention floor. For two hours, there was pandemonium as sergeants-at-arms tried to remove the MFDP delegates and various other delegations put themselves between the MFDP and the sergeants-at-arms. (This was on television. I saw it!)

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. In my opinion, when Mainstream Media can not relate any American history to the Holocaust, they make fun of it or do not make appropriate relationships. It is up to others to make those American relationships to American historical events.
* (I found source)
Roland Burris may return to Washington next week to demand that he be accepted as the legitimate Senate appointee to replace President-elect Barack Obama and be sworn into office, according to a Burris adviser.
If Burris' appointment is not accepted, he will file a lawsuit challenging Majority Leader Harry Reid and the Democratic leadership's refusal to seat him, the adviser said.