Friday, April 16, 2010

“Racism” only used in reference to Blacks

I don’t know what made me feel at peace this evening. It may have been something I read or did not see on television. It must have been an accumulation of things.

I remember reading some comments on HuffingtonPost wherein more than a few people told the writer of an article that his quote from a female TeaBagger was not a racist remark. I remember I smiled. It felt good.

I remember reading that Sean Hannity was not allowed to speak at a Tea Party rally by his bosses. They jerked his chain. That made me smile.

I remember reading something about the TeaBaggers and what they are trying to do and the article, post or diary did not use the usual verbal gymnastics trying to say it is a racist movement; that all they want to do is waste their time talking about how much they hate Blacks.

Now that I think about it, I did not see the TeaBagger’s protest today. I did not see a single event televised and that meant I did not see some of their offensive signs. Those signs that, in my opinion, have nothing to do with wanting a smaller government or lower taxes but the offensive ones so much highlighted by the media.

There was the article about Rush Limbaugh cautioning his listeners about “infiltrators" coming into their movement. The psychology surrounding his warnings struck a strong cord with me. I don't know why, but psychologically, in my opinion, that was a curious move. I think I smiled. There was something ingenious about his warning if nothing more than ingenious manipulation.

Now that I’ve gotten this flood of memories, there was a snippet on TV of a fellow talking about what the TeaBaggers mean when they say, “We want our country back” which had absolutely nothing to do with Blacks. That one really made me smile. The statement was from the mouth of one of their horses. I was never so happy to see the media and others thrown under the bus.

So it was, slowly but surely I concluded when the word “Racist” is used, it only means Blacks. When Jews are attacked the word used is “Anti-Semitic” and when whites are attacked, there is no word. However, almost instantly the person is proclaimed deranged and may have a history of mental problems and has to be evaluated before going to trial. Don’t you just love the American way of doing things?
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. Sometimes every time I re-read what I have written, I make corrections. I can imagine the frustrations of an artist who wants to make a slight color change during his gallery opening or a writer wanting to make corrections after a publication. It can drive you crazy! (Smile)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rep. Clever and Rep. Barney Frank un-equal

I can’t say I don’t understand it because I do. I can’t say I don’t understand why so much talk regarding Rep. Clever being spat on goes on forever and Rep. Barney Frank being called a “Faggot” receiving much less exposure.

Both instances occurred at the same time. There has been considerably less exposure for the Barney Frank incident! Almost nil print and air time! However, a reward has been posted identifying the person who spat on Rep. Clever.

I can’t say I don’t understand when homes of people are raided and copies of “The Turner Diaries”, “Mien Kampt”, several flags and arm bands with swastikas on them are found, the press reports how much the home owner and their close associates hate Black folks; reporting the “fact” ad nauseum that they are racist and want to do heap big harm to Black folks.

I can’t say I don’t understand if racial hatred is directed towards a Jew or White person, the tone of the report always manages to spell out or seriously imply how much that individual or group hate Blacks.

The media for so long has manipulated people into believing if they are to be angry at anything, anything at all, they can be made whole again by hating and attacking “that one”, the nigger.

I can’t say I don’t understand this. I can’t say that at all. I do. It’s been going on all my life.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

P.S. I heard when Rep. Frank, not Rep. Clever, was recently on an airplane, there was a confrontation and bad language was used. (Smile)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Boehner for Speaker, Palin for President? LOLROF

Here we have a U.S. Senator with personal identity issues and not knowing the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution wanting to become Speaker of the House and a woman who writes notes on her hand and saying she can see Russia from her front porch in Alaska wanting to become President of the United State of America, both pipe dreamers restlessly promoted by our equally sincere media. Hysterical!
'Boehner for Speaker' committee launches
Boehner’s political team Tuesday filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission to create the “Boehner for Speaker” joint fundraising committee with the National Republican Congressional Committee.
Read more:

As always,
P.S. I’m sure Republican voters are beside themselves with joy knowing Boehner could become Speaker of the House. (Smile)

Thoughts on how the President ticks

Today I sat in awe watching and listening to the President summing up the activities of his Nuclear Security Summit. And when he came to taking questions from reporters, I tried my best to analyze the brilliance as to how he was answering the questions. My only point of reference is my own discipline: Music.

I came up with two scenarios: one is the scenario “Harmonizing a given melody” and the other, “Firmly announcing the modality of your music”.

In one of my music classes, we had to purchase a series of folk songs from other countries. In those little books, there were ten of them as I recall, only the melodic line was written. Our job was to go to the piano and harmonize that melody however way we wished. In other words, we had to use chords or whatever to turn that melodic line into a completed song. Sometimes the teacher would just call out a page number for us to go to.

As we laboriously played each chord progressing into our creation, we had to identify the chord or whatever we would be playing as the teacher would quietly ask at various intervals, “What chord was that you just played?” and she would follow up with, “Did you use the appropriate progression from that chord?” “Yes, Ma’am” many would answer in humble and trembling timidity, horrified she may follow up asking, “Why?” “Wh..wh..why? Ma‘am?” “Yes. Why did you use that particular progression?” or she may ask, "Class, do you know?" and you knew you were sunk!

In relation to the President’s speech and answering questions from reporters, the President hears a melodic line and proceeds to use appropriate chord structures to create the verbal masterpieces he does. And in the event he is given two different melodic lines, he yields an oratory/melodic feast. And if he is called out on any one issues, he is fully prepared to define its structure and justify his usage and its logical progressions. I scratch my head!

The second scenario deals with writing music in the classical form. One thing you must do is keep the tonality in sync with your writing. That is, being consistent within the musical key or modality in which you are writing. Don’t confuse the listener with non-related and extraneous modalities. In it simplistic form, one would say if you were writing in the key of “C major” stay in the key of C major.

Don’t go drifting into the key of “F” or “E minor” without appropriate justifications. Even momentary modality drifting could turn a listener off concluding you do not know what you are doing or worst, you know what you should be doing but you lack discipline. I am mindful writing in another post regarding un-disciplined streams of consciousness.

With the speeches of the President and answers to questions from reporters, if he is in the key of “C major” with his speech, he uses appropriate *normaclasure or buzz-words associated with the issue he is addressing. That issues alone pops me out of my seat. I wonder how he remembers such things and use them at the drop of a hat!

It is fascinating to me and the only analogy I can conjure up as grueling within another discipline would be that of law. A law student is asked by the professor to identify all the parts of speech and its justification he is using in his class-room summations in a mock trial.
As always,
* I swear I know normaclasure is a word but I can not find the spelling on google.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

No not one…..ONLY one!

It is my understanding Israel is the only country not attending the Nuclear Security Summit this week that was called by the President.

This has to be an embarrassment for the President. Having forty one countries coming to Washington supporting him with his worldly objectives of controlling nuclear arms and having one of his own denouncing him by not supporting him nor his objectives has to be painful.

Israel is a child of America, a favorite child birthed and nurtured by the United States. America has been the “Big brother” to Israel since her birth; her best friend, protecting her, defending her, giving her money and love not afforded any other country in the world and spoiling her rotten. I repeat, it’s gotta hurt and hurt bad and it does not say nice things about Israel, not that she cares. Sad.
As always,
P.S. I googled Nuclear Security Summit and got next to nothing for such a historic occasion.

Netanyahu cancels trip to Obama's nuclear summit
 By Douglas Hamilton, Reuters

Nuclear Security Summit

President opens nuclear summit

Sunday, April 11, 2010

…. if he hollers, kill him!

“Eeny, meany, Mighty-Moe..” if he hollers, kill him! Students at Kent State hollered. Rachel Corrie hollered. Rev. Martin Luther King hollered as did Malcolm X and Huey P. Newton. And amongst the walking political dead who hollered we have Rev. Jackson, Rev. Sharpton and Minister Lewis Farrakhan. All of their voices forever intimidated into deadly, if not eternal, silence.

It is no longer a secret our government will kill you if you go against her grain. If the government herself does not kill you, she fosters conditions to have you murdered.

The above mentioned were people who could call a strike with the snap of a finger; strikes with all segments of our society participating. Strikes the world could not ignore.

Those people were fearless, believing in the decency of mankind. They had confidence in the humanity of mankind, the Constitution and the law. We Villagers also shared their beliefs until brutally proven wrong time and time again.

I note we have recently learned our government operatives can murder American citizens who have been declared terrorist.

On our television sets we see striking citizens in other countries meet with police canning them or using night-sticks. Here in America we have been met with biting dogs, powerful water hoses and police as mean as hell! That has not changed and there are those of us wanting to believe such conduct by the police is in the past. One must not forget “…life is a learning experience”. A Tiananmen Square with a solitary citizen thwarting a huge tank will never happen here in America.

Who wants to die or be maimed for life? Who wants to call and participate in a strike in today’s hostile American atmosphere? If the continued calling of Americans to strike results in modest results at best, there has to be a way to motivate the masses that has not been explored. It will be found!

“The iron foot of oppression” Dr. King spoke about has now become the bloody iron foot of oppression and alas, no longer whispered in dim-lighted office corners, in pool rooms, behind shielded lips of men or lady’s opened fans. The awareness is now like dog shit; its everywhere.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I usually gauge a big event like a strike when reports from bookings for hotel rooms come out, when vendors start making T-shirts, when the transportation department begin making room for out of town bus parking, when police leaves are cancelled and the likes. Finally, I note the intellectual shallowness of Rupert Murdock in a recent TV interview. No surprise. I remember “W”. We are not dealing with mentally astute people. Their strengths are elsewhere.
May 1st Strike Nationwide UPDATE
by one pissed off democrat
WOW MOST OF THE COMMENTS ARE DEFEATIST I guess the republican dogma has really permeated the whole of our world hasn't it.
Reading these posts on not even being willing to try, let's me and many others know that the Reaganomics fans rewriting of history worked.  And no matter who we elect, or what we do, we are slaves to this insanity


Walk out, sick out, sit down, stand up, whatever it takes.
Read more at: