Friday, July 20, 2012

Alan Keyes, Mitt Romney and Pres. Obama

While watching television last evening, I literally had to LOL when it struck me that  Republicans have sent yet another half-wit to challenge the destiny of Barack Obama.

From the very beginning, the episode was comedic when Republicans persuaded Dr. Keyes to pack his bags, leave his home in Maryland to go take up residency in Chicago, Illinois.

African American Dr. Keyes was on a mission! He was going to Chicago to challenge Obama who was the leading candidate for the U.S. Senate after his Republican challenger dropped out of the race when his un-sealed divorce papers exposed his “interesting” sexual fantasies as reported by his wife.

When Dr. Keyes finally arrived in Chicago, there was a media frenzy at the busy down town bus station followed by a brief ride to check in at a nearby rooming house and off to  television and radio studios he went announcing his intentions to challenge Obama to a number of debates. The media openly and without shame salivated! They had never before seen anything like what was happening.

And so it is, in the personhood of Mitt Romney, we have yet another challenger propped up, brainwashed to the best of his abilities and sent forth by Republicans to challenge Obama and the Obama team who, by this time, are taking it all in stride. Elegance has never seen it so good.

As always,
P.S. I note a curious relationship between un-sealed divorce papers and withheld tax statements. 


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