Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sen. McCain: Character flaw Vs. white privilege (Update)

“I am so glad Sen. Obama took my advice,” I would say to the assembled reporters. “I look forward to having a debate with him when he gets back from Afghanistan and Iraq” I would continue and with my best Sunday School and “Jesus loves me” attitude I could muster, I would tell the reporters that due to the fact Sen. Obama did take my advice, therefore blah, blah and blah.

Unfortunately, the good Sen. McCain did not see fit to take that route but instead focused on issues revealing, in my opinion, yet another serious character flaw of the flippant American white boy. Since birth, those flippant white boys have never been held accountable for anything and as a matter of fact; their attitudes have been considered by many as being “Truly American”.

From Sen. McCain’s “Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran” antics to his latest “Let the cigarettes kill the Iranians” to revealing the travel itinerary of Sen. Obama’s Foreign Experience tour, he is being considered “Just a white boy having fun”. The other day I heard the remark, “Sen. McCain is just being Sen. McCain”. The Neo-con press would never throw Bubah under the bus. They think they need him to keep us Blacks in check. This is the main reason I do not have much to say about Sen. McCain. I have seen that treatment with silly white “boys” all my life and I know damn well it is not going to change now. As a matter of fact, I sense the conduct to be admired in some segments of our society if not given tacitly approval time and time again.

Inarguably, we have seen the full manifestation and results of having such conduct in halls of power with our current President and if the press wants to accept that attitude and most of the public want that persona representing them as their next president, so be it. I repeat, I have seen that un-checked “White only” behavior all my life and it is not going to change with either Sen. Obama or Pres. Obama. Many of us Blacks have found that out via our Black heroes, fellowmen and many from devastating personal experiences. It’s the press, stupid! It has America under its thumb, by its throat, by its balls and in the corridors of hell with them. Sad.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. With Sen. Obama as President, it would be harder for the Neo-con press to keep tensions between us Blacks and whites thus having to yield some controls of the country. P.P.S. With the Sen. Obama and Sen. McCain issue, the MSM is in a stranglehold within itself that has become obvious to the critical observer. It could be its final death knell being painfully heard by many of us.
(Update) My personal problems with Neo-cons is their beliefs everybody is sub-human except themselves. No one is as smart, as talented, as worthy of wealth etc. as they and their constant projections of these facts.

Pundits, Semantics and Chameleons

Whether I like Andrea Mitchell and respect her is not the point. I feel it was still stupid for her boss to arrange her having an interview with Gen. Petraeus in Iraq. The interview was typical with the typical hypotheticals etc. The intended purpose was, of course, to lay land mines for impending direct talks with Sen. Obama. “Elementary, my dear Watson.”

This evening and watching the evening news on the cable channels, I was struck by the different titles attached to political pundits. They seem to have different titles for the same work load. Kind of weird. They pontificate over the same issues thrown out time and time again by the presiding moderator’s flavor of the day. One may wonder are the different titles an issue of hierarchy, part of some journalistic pecking order or just ego stroking and thereby a money thing.

-OK! OK! If you insist on being a damn pest about it, I’ll explain the different categories you can check on this application. Sheesh! If you thought about majoring in ceramics if you ever decide to go to college, we haven’t considered basket weaving yet, you check Political Analysis. Right here. See. Check that box. Now if you have problems with five syllable words, check this one. The box that says Political Consultant. No, no! Not that one! This one. (Fool!) Now if we can get a letter from your Rabbi, Priest or Minister, you are eligible to check the box Political Hubrist. This is a new category usually associated with reporters and pundits reporting about Sen. Obama. That particular one, for some reason, does not pay as much as the others. Now for Political Strategist, you need to pass an audition for a gift to gab. That’s a hard test, I understand because you can’t laugh at your own bull shit. That’s when most of the applicants fail. That’s absolutely crucial not laughing at your own abilities to push bull shit. And now the last box, the one that says Foreign Affairs Correspondent, you have to have some diplomatic connections. Either married to one or have one as a family member. Well, those are your choices and you can move from one category to another especially moving from one TV or radio station to another.

The constant with a chameleon is the fact it is a reptile regardless how many changes it has on its color palate. The constant with political pundits is the fact they are human regardless how many changes are made to their titles (And appearance). And so we have titles like Political Analysis, Political Strategist and Foreign Affairs Correspondent. I have yet to hear the title Political Scientist amongst the regulars. Political Science is a discipline to which a college degree is attached. At this time, I can not name a regular on the cable news shows introduced as a Political Scientist but the times they are a-changing.

The question then becomes what exactly is a Political Analysis, a Political Strategist and a Foreign Affairs Correspondent et. al? Are they also degreed persons or are they just as the chameleon, a reptile capable of changing its color palate as needed? Good gossips come to mind. Some better than others. “Much ado about nothing” plant hoppers. How differently does each one really report the news?

NEWS FLASH: Obama farts.
As always,

Friday, July 18, 2008

This diary got the tears…

I am bracing myself up to write this short post between complete melt-downs! I can not remember when I have cried for so long in my life. This post has revealed to me Sen. Obama is in good hand. Madeline Albright and Warren Christopher as his foreign policy advisers with the suggestions there are other teams helping him. It was the Quakers helping us a lot during slavery times.

The diarist Jim Q has made me feel very comfortable with his extraordinary writing skills and I tip my hat to his talent.

Few people will ever know the feeling we older Blacks have regarding the presidential aspirations of Sen. Obama. Never!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Organizing for the Presidency (and a ding on the US press)
by Tim Q
Thu Jul 17, 2008 at 09:29:51 PM PDT

Opinion: Sen. Obama Foreign Experience tour #2

Diarist niteskolar and commenter artform have captured what I also heard this evening on cable. However the jest of the conversations were capture, I say kudos to the both of them. I no longer have to ponder the questions Sen. Obama will be manipulated into answering as he embarks on his Foreign Experience tour. They will be just as vile and contemptuous as the questions they would ask him were he here.

It is my contention there are two major objectives of the networks for sending their “Negro Overseers” over seas to interview Sen. Obama: One is to remind him of his place and the other is to show the world community how we treat our “Negroes” here in America and possibly a third agenda.

It is my contention the move of the three networks is a nefarious one due to the fact they do not have to follow Sen. Obama half way ‘round the world to have an interview with him. I say we should let members of the foreign press have their say. I would love to see it on BBC-World. Let them interview Sen. Obama asking him questions they want to ask. Most of THEM are bi-lingual. Let them embrace Sen. Obama on their terms and not filtered through the horribly racist and mean spirited ass hole of the American Mainstream Media. I would like to see whoever is Black in the Obama entourage also get a book deal. I would love to hear accounts from their perspective.

Maybe if the radio and TV stations in the host countries were to ask their listeners to write in questions to ask Sen. Obama, which would short circuit the American manipulators who know their control of the Gaza strip inhabitants have to be kept under control. Can’t let them think they are equals much less human.

Sen. Obama will not be the only one that has high stakes in this trip. Supposing one of those “A-rabs” get inspired by Sen. Obama and want to run as Prime Minister of Israel? (Smile)

I hope the interviews are not the doom and gloom scenario I envision but I know this racist country and the lengths the press would go to embarrass and humiliate our Black favorite sons just for the thrill of doing it. They like to tie tin cans to their tails, so to speak. Why are we here in America to think the present thought processes of the press as reported in the diarist niteskolar and commenter artform account of what just happened this afternoon on cable TV going to be any different then the mind set of its surrogates following Sen. Obama around?

-Ptsssst! Hey Mister. Wanna buy a bridge? Cheap?

Diarist niteskolar and commenter artform have captured their mind-set down to a “T” and what they did is not the yawn-worthy diary and comment some would have you believe. They have exposed a media set-up! I saw it starting this afternoon with Katie Couric.

-But you know we did not follow Sen. McCain around.
-Yeah. Right. Uh..Are you gonna make me an offer on that bridge or not?

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I got a funny little something looking almost like a dust speck appearing on the top of my monitor screen the other day and will not go away….could that be… Naw. What I write is not that important. Hush! You’re getting paranoid.

Masochist: I watched 'Hardball' twice
by niteskolar
Thu Jul 17, 2008 at 05:30:35 PM PDT
It's worse than that . (1+ / 0-)
There are so many weasels I can't name them all . Both CNN and MSNBC are harboring these freaks of vernacular , who by the way are either racially prejudiced or working for the GOP . Never mind FOX . There is no middle ground for the freaks , because anything Barack does is wrong or questionable . How dare he go on a trip abroad while the country is in such dire straits ? He's going to talk to foreign dignitaries , he must be an elitist . This could backfire if he is received well . If he's not received well that will be telling . They didn't cover McCain's trips (McCain didn't ask them) . What does he hope to prove . The assholes think he was born just to make news for them . What a bunch of presumptuous jerks . You would think that they are running this country .
Poor Pat . He will be so disappointed if we don't attack Iran .

by ArtfromMI on Thu Jul 17, 2008 at 06:02:39 PM PDT

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Is S&L debt paid?

When the government decided to bail out the Saving and Loan Associations in which Sen. McCain played a significant role, the statement was made every household in America would be paying for the bail out to the tune of X amount of dollars for X number of years.

I did not remember the exact dollar amount but it was over a hundred dollars and I do not remember the number of years but I do remember the statement was made. Now our government is contemplating presenting us citizens the additional burden of bailing out the Home Loan Associations or whatever it is called. I would wager the same culprits are involved in both bail outs which heightens my anger to the scam and un-fairness.

At the end of the year, my Social Security checks are already taxed at 40% to help pay my share of the S&L bail out and it is only logical to think there will be more taken out as a result of the current situation. I PROTEST! Damn!!
As always,

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Obama goes Foreign Experience: Delighted McCain and Hillary?

Surely this is not the way Sen. McCain wanted Sen. Obama to get experience. Sen. McCain wanted to tag along with Sen. Obama to get foreign experience talking to Gen. Petraeus in Iraq. He wanted to tag along as a chaperone. A tour guide, if you will.

Sen. Clinton never envisioned Sen. Obama going out of the United States for his foreign experience. As a matter of fact, I do not recall her chiding Sen. Obama on his lack of foreign experience at all but rather on a general lack of experience. She expected his lack of experience to be hanging around here being called “a nigger” al la Clintons and their surrogates to toughen him up. Her imaginations did not comprehend a debate of him speaking at the Berlin Wall.

In my opinion, Sen. Obama’s entourage should include a little more than pundits from three or four television stations. They will not be fresh, spontaneous nor informative to the viewing audiences in his targeted countries. They would just continue talking the Neo-con U.S. corporate shit the world is tired of hearing.

Were I Sen. Obama, I would invite Madame Albright to go with me. She is good in interviews and she is a very powerful woman. Madame Albright, in my opinion, would balance me with grace, dignity, wisdom and a grand universal matriarchal appeal and presence. Everybody’s Grandma comes to mind.

I would also invite multi-lingual Blacks to go on the radio and television stations to speak for me. That would also include a Black who can speak Hebrew. That would prevent me looking like a freaky Negro just performing in a sea of whites accompanying me. Barnum and Bailey comes to mind here.

-Laaaadies and Gentlemen. Step right up! I present to you the first Negro running for President of the Eeeeee-UUUUU-nited…..States…of… Amerrrrica!

Besides, it would show a progressive America on the march to change its world image. As much as I would want to take my family with me, I would not. The focus of the trip with then would hang on too thin a thread between my speeches and the various press, and most definitely the U.S. press, giving attention to my family members.

-Look, honey, I don’t know what you are going to do with all these new outfits you bought for yourself and the girls. Can’t you take them back or something? I mean…look honey.... and will you stop looking at me like that?? I can’t take you with me. This is business! Tell you what…I’ll call everyday. How’s that? We’ll go together when I’m President. How’s that? I Promise. Now com'here,you sexy thing. Grrrr!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Iran or Also-ran

Thanks to members of the blogosphere not only do we know satire when we see and read it, our level of sophistication is above average. Some of the satire you witness in the blosgosphere can bring the concerned attention of your neighbors to your house. (See Diary below of Last Years Man)

Now to my post. The Bush administration sends an envoy to Iran to conduct talks on Saturday regarding its nuclear program. Unless things have miraculously changed, the mind set is “You are going to build a bomb to destroy Israel. It does not matter what YOU say, we say you are going to build a bomb to destroy Israel now shut up and sit down! Let’s talk.”

The Bush administration can now say peace talks with Iran preceded the Obama administration and I can already envision foot-notes being inserted by history revisionists. One thing they are missing is the fact the Obama administration is already in play and the Bush administration can sing as many Swan Songs it wants to until it gets hoarse, it is my opinion the assertion will pale with the most gentle of ripple on the waters supporting the swan. Sen. Obama and others have made too many speeches to date regarding the intent to talk with Iran for the revisionist’s mis-leading assertions to coagulate. However, I note, they will still try as a group and I’ll be right here, God willing.

What I do further note is the U.S. usually attacks a big problem to satisfy smaller one. In other words, the U.S. is not a one issues country. Usually the larger problem is dragged on long enough so monies can fly into certain coffers. Regardless the magnitude or importance of the problem, if certain fringe groups can not build a mechanism to siphon off some of its intended monies, the issue goes nowhere. So it is my opinions that the decision to talk to Iran without pre-conditions is due to the fact coffers are in place and waiting for “de money”. In politics, money comes in many forms. I can only speculate money from the Iran talks will come from money not going to Israel for bomb supplies if they were to initiate war with Iran. I can speculate money would be saved at the higher echelons when gas prices are stabilized due to the fact I am hearing there is a relationship between high gas prices and Israel’s threats to Iran. Or I can speculate the good faction of American Neo-cons are flexing their muscles to do what they can to stop or slow down the conveyor belt coming out of our treasury.

I sincerely believe the un-preconditioned talks with Iran are going to manifest itself in a major area of our economy. It could not be the position I envision but I can not see the negative side of the situation. It is a remarkable move on the part of the Bush administration and since it is so remarkable, I think it is not from the Bush administration per se but the nucleus of an Obama administration. Don’t woke me now. Leave me ‘lone! Let me sleep a bit longer. Gotta good dream going.

And finally, some Democrats standing amongst us are throwing stink bombs at Sen. Obama trying to convince us they are Republican drive by’s. The New Yorker magazine was caught with its hand in the cookie jar. Talkin’ ‘bout backpedaling!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
I did not watch Matthews today. Buchanan was on. Buchanan must have a huge mortgage payment. He doesn't like Black me and I return the favor.

Bush the Appeaser to negotiate with barbaric nation of Iran
by Last Years Man
Tue Jul 15, 2008 at 10:38:40 PM PDT
He actually says now that he's willing to talk to Iran. Iran! Those evil, bomb throwing, blood drinking, jew hating, wanna-be cartographers? I've heard rumors they're even Muslim.

And inspiration to my posting:
Another reading, as suggested in the comments, is that it's a campaign strategy to coopt Obama's positions and take away his advantage. I think this has a strong chance of backfiring, Obama has already done good work in congratulating himself for his position on Pakistan, I think he's be able to make similar hay here.
Bush: Obama was right again, this time about Iran
by camipco
Tue Jul 15, 2008 at 10:25:39 PM PDT

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Teasing student who does not understand lesson

In the early grades, most teachers and administrators are alert to the student who can not keep up with the lessons being taught in the class room. They are alerted not to disruptive behavior due to the fact the student who disturbs the learning environment with behavior problems in all likelihood will have already been placed in a special program. I speak instead of the student who hears but simply can not appropriately process what he has heard. This can happen at a later stage of a student’s development to which I sometimes refer to as being stuck on a plateau. The student may in effect just need a little “hurdle help” but in any case, the situation has to be bought to the attention of his counselor. There are increasing challenges as life goes on and its called "Maturation Stages".

His test papers are turned in full of “WTF was he thinking about” answers and “He either he didn’t read the chapter or something is wrong” pondering on the part of the teacher. There are times a “slow learner” shows up later in his academic school life and is appropriately placed. There may be amusing anecdotal stories in the teacher’s lounge regarding the student’s level of competence in a particular classroom but it stays there and would not be bought up at a meeting wherein the teachers and administrators discuss with the parents their child’s need to go into another learning environment.

Recent polls show that small percentages of our citizenry believe Sen. Obama took his oath of office with his hand on a Koran; Is a Muslim; Went to an Islamic School etc., and the polls acknowledge these citizens are people in the general public, indicating they are from all political persuasions. I am so glad the general public perception was injected into the summary of the polls due to the fact “slow learners” are people from all walks of life. No special group has a monopoly on being a “slow learner” contrary to some group think polarizers.

In the general population, there has been much talk, logic and truths dispelling of what has become the myths of Sen. Obama and his connections to the Muslins faith but the energies of the myths continue. For the thrust of this post, I isolate the recent case of the cartoon on the front cover of The New Yorker magazine July 21 edition. The magazine editor and the cartoonist himself say their intent was to satirize the “myth holders”. It has now become common knowledge you do not tease people about their mental and learning deficiencies. It is mean and cruel and one could be assuming the position of a bully taunting a whole group of people which does not help the situation at all and in particular our Presidential campaign. It is disruptive and fragmenting on so many fronts.

Personally, I would have preferred the magazine editor and artist to not have said they were trying to satirize the Obama myth clingers. To make matters worst, they were trying to satirize proven non-truths which means they either did not understand satire as do most of us or clearly had an agenda not consistent with their public statements. On top of all that, they appear clueless and stupid and managed, apparently in a rush to judgment, to print a picture with no relationship to the accompanying article. Keystone Cops come to mind. With that kind of thinking, I hope what happens in New York City stays in New York City. Having taught the slow learning student for many years, I weep at the stated intentions of both the editor and that boy who draws well. Your move, Dr. Krauthammer and Dr. Phil. Here I am with my nose all stuck up in your discipline.
As always,
P.S. I note the absence of funeral arrangements for Tony Snow.

Monday, July 14, 2008

No character, no respect for human values nor integrity

I speak in reference to the recent cover of The New Yorker Magazine featuring the Obama’s.
As noted before, poor whites and Neo-cons will go to any lengths to make a Black man “loose his cool” which, in my opinion, is the objective of the magazine’s cover. The cover also exposes one of the many facets of racism and yes, I posit there are many rooms in the mansion of racism and the room to get a Black to “loose his cool” is but one of them.

Many Blacks view this as saying the whites are trying to play so many games with you. “Runnin’ a game on you” we would say. Most of the games are very irritating and that is the point of the game; to irritate you so much that you first implode due to the fact you may not be in a position to defend yourself and the next step is exploding wherein you loose your temper, your job and your credibility.

In a classroom with a racist teacher, some of those Black youngsters don’t know what hit them when they erupt like a volcano. They can’t articulate it but they know that teacher said something that bothered them. Fortunately, as one gets older, one is in the same helpless situation but fortunately has the ability to articulate the situation.

The perpetrator(s) are amused and carefully monitor your body language as they do their thing with you and if you know the game, you too can be amused at their amusement. I am mindful of the string and wood puppet of a Black man tap dancing or something on a square block of wood when you pull the string.

As I named this post, people like the ones featuring the picture of the Obamas on the New Yorker magazine have no character, no respect for human values nor integrity. In essence, they are human wannabe’s with absolutely no foundation upon which to build; useless and powerful entities looking for every opportunity to thwart civilization. Their lives call then to do nothing else. I think of that Charlie Brown character that is always depicted under a dark cloud.

The share holders of The New Yorker magazine can speak louder than I. For some it maybe a revenue thing and for others it may be one of integrity. In any case, the share holders have the megaphone in situations like this and we will never know it they have or not voiced an opinion. “I may not get there with you…” the man said. Sad but true. This sort of thing has got to be embarrassing also for the McCain campaign. You could never get me to think he would approve tacitly or otherwise this conduct. I honestly have no ax to grind with Sen. McCain. I don‘t know why but I just don’t. Guess the Obama surrogates take so much of my energies. What a bunch! (Smile)

I note and applaud this ‘all that is needed’ dignified and tasteful response: The Obama campaign is condemning as “tasteless and offensive” a New Yorker magazine cover that depicts Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in a turban, fist-bumping his gun-slinging wife. (Thanks Drudge)

And I also note as “interesting” the end of Ex-Pres. Clinton’s 44 minute speech “Speaking at the National Governors Association's semiannual meeting,” and I look forward to Sen. Obama helping Pres. Clinton spreading the word he is not a racist.

"If we don't, in the words of President Roosevelt, dark will be the future," he said. "I'm betting on light—I hope you are, too."

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Enter karl Paraguay?

Has Karl Rove Fled The Country?
by Gemina13
Sat Jul 12, 2008 at 09:46:21 PM PDT
I heard he was in Paraguay (10+ / 0-)
And that was not said in jest. He's probably putting the finishing touches on the compound down there so it'll be ready when the whole Bush clan decides to flee the U.S.

Blogging for Alabama at Left In Alabama
by Mooncat on Sat Jul 12, 2008 at 09:49:41

If China thinks it has a financial problem with its smog situation preparing for the Olympics, consider what Paraguay will have to spend to take care of its sulphur fumes later on including responding to extradition treaties, protecting compounds, hostile air crafts invading its space, riot polices responses, bomb scares, all those threatening phone calls from the Hague etc., They have my sympathy. Glad I’m not President of that country. I would quickly find a flaw in Bush's land contract and lock my vault doors. And there's always the possibility of Cindy Sheehan showing up un-announced with her lawn chair and a new straw hat and her picture albums.
As always,