Saturday, November 01, 2008

C-Span and Zogby (Boo)

E-mail to C-SPAN from today
by Michael Bindner
Sat Nov 01, 2008 at 04:31:00 AM PDT
What you should have said (0+ / 0-)
Instead of that, you might want to ask why in G-d's name they use Zogby for their daily tracking poll.
He is making ARG look good. He claims that McCain actually polled 48 to Obama's 47 in yesterday's sample.
Of course, Nate Silver at 538 is all over this and how Zogby plays games with his numbers to get the result he wants.
C-Span is supposed to be totally neutral and generally they are just that. Using Zogby undercuts their neutrality.
"Senator Obama, are you ready to take the oath of office as President of the United States?" --Chief Justice John Roberts, January 20, 2009

by oxfdblue on Sat Nov 01, 2008 at 04:39:23 AM PDT

I always looked at C-Span like “Caesar’s wife, ‘must be above suspicion.’” It was embarrassing hearing Zogby this morning on C-Span. He sounded like a child begging for candy. His report was awful! I am mindful the station has asked us for feed-back regarding them going into the polling business as an adjunct to their morning program.
As always,

Uncle Sam using the toilet

There he is. Trying to look important. Sitting on the toilet in a stall in a public rest room located somewhere in middle America excreting our Constitution. He is not experiencing any difficulties. No signs of constipation. It is a liquid flow. Just periodic smiles of satisfaction on his face as each chuck of articles and amendments slide out of his intestine track, plunking into the waters below. (Flush)

The American Constitution of 1776 is gone. “All the King’s horses and all the King’s men” can not bring it back together again. I understand Pres. Bush is preparing more erosions of the Constitution before he leaves office. It means Uncle Sam has one more time to go to the public rest rooms to “dump” the Constitution. Good riddance, I say. Good riddance to a document that has out spent its usefulness. A document justifying the mean things that can be done to another human being. A document used to tell women what they can and can not do with their bodies. A document used to steal money from our treasury. A document designed from the top down to maintain control of a people.

We need a new document; a new Constitution. As a matter of fact, with a new administration coming in, as it now stands, we have no valid constitution or rule of law. As we start a new era in America, so will we construct a new constitution on the way. In my opinion, it is inevitable. It is our destiny. It is the way countries develop. As a country, we will survive by any means necessary; hurt feelings, outings, jail time and all, we will survive and be stronger than ever before. In a strange way, the Bush administration has high-lighted our vulnerabilities as a country and it is up to us to take heed. Also, in my opinion, they have even done us the favor of trashing our vulnerabilities due to their unceasing love for America. They have shown us how Congress does not have to be the one to declare wars and how a Congressperson can be a traitor to their constituents by getting them to say “Impeachment is off the table”. Will the glories and wonders of God ever cease?
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Friday, October 31, 2008

My barber and Absentee Ballot Applications

My barber called me asking me how I got my absentee ballot. He has to go out of town to a funeral Tuesday and will not be here to vote. I told him I got my application for an absentee ballot using my computer. He was here within an hour. We live in Prince George’s County, Md. When he got here, I called
(301) 952-3923
Recorded voice asked for date of birth and house address I.e., 1234
I was then asked my fax number. Since my fax number is also my home phone number, I entered the fax number and hung up.
Seconds later, the Absentee Ballot Application came churning through.
My barber signed the application and was off to the Board of Elections to get his absentee ballot. There is still some mystery regarding Absentee Ballots and Applications but he got his today and is on his way down to the Board of Elections.
As always,
P.S. There is the Absentee Ballot and there is the Application for the Absentee Ballot. I would have to take the handicapped bus and arrangements have to be made twenty four hours ahead. I would not be able to tell them what time to pick me up at the voting place.

Go in peace, Ashley Todd. We mean you no harm.

Ashley Todd, McCain Attack Scammer, Reaches Deal With Police
PITTSBURGH — A volunteer for John McCain's presidential campaign agreed Thursday to enter a probation program for first-time offenders for falsely reporting that a Barack Obama supporter robbed and assaulted her and scratched a "B" on her cheek.

And so it goes, “A black has no rights which white men are bound to respect.”
Scott Vs. Sanford 1857 -Present
And now we have two tuxedo wearing skin heads we can use to re-enforce the message like we did with those other two a few months ago. Are we having fun yet?
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Yo,Bro! Dig it! You ain't ready yet! Did you know that?

John McCain is so darn mavericky that's he's put out an ad that says Barack Obama isn't ready....yet.

-I know! I know what he meant! I know!!
- (Teacher) Ok, BB. What do you think the ad meant with that little tag at the end?
- I think it ultimately meant to say, “Obama, you a bad MF!”
- (Class giggles)
- Go on, BB. Continue and watch your mouth, young man.
- Well you know when some people want to pay you a compliment, they start off saying, “I hate to say this but..” and then they tell you what they liked?” Do you know what I mean?
-Go on. Please continue.
- “Yet” being used as it is used in the ad is kind of a literary coup de grâce specifically saying “At the specific hour this ad is being made before the election” and at the same time conceding the race. Conceding With dignity and a hat tip, mind you! In my opinion, it is really a nice ad even if it was not meant to be. Whoever put “Yet” at the end get my vote for “Employee of the Month.”
- I get your point, BB. You want to stand and take a bow?
- (Class giggles)

As always,
What we see now is the real Sen. McCain. Lying, grinning, laughing at facts and reality. Appearing delusional. Abandoning any and all social responsibilities, amused by his own jokes, just a little white guy having fun. “Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran”. What we are seeing now is the real John Sidney McCain. A grown-up wannabe.
* WATCH: My Reponse To McCain's Weird "Yet" Ad : "Anymore"

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Franklin Raines: First Black to get a Political Presidential Pardon?

The Wall Street and sub prime guys are holding off the international wolves as best they can until they can elevate Franklin Raines up the food chain to be devoured and they can’t seem to do it fast enough.

World wide economics are looking for someone in America to “run the sword,” go to jail or least to get indicted for thievery or some other such misconduct. Since that is not the case, foreign investor can look at America as not a country that is going to change its financial ways. No matter what Sen. Waxman or any other person on his committee says, Sen. Mica is going to have his way and lay the entire collapse of American’s financial system on the shoulders of one Franklin Raines.

And while we’re waiting, Mr. Raines had better grow himself a new set of balls and stop letting Rep. Waters go to bat for him. Mr. Rains should take a crash course, there’s not much time, in Thugery 101 plus get a private tutor maybe from the local community college.

Mr. Raines was CEO of Fannie Mae from 1999 to 2004 being considered the first Black man to head a fortune 500 Company. After his “cohered” retirement on December 21, 2004.Mr. Rains was succeeded by Daniel H. Mudd but he remains the first Black man to head a fortune 500 company. In the world of the Neo-cons, there is a bitter price one has pay for such an achievement and pay it one will. I envision jail time for Mr. Raines unless there is a Presidential pardon.

I have always known Blacks do not get good breaks in America, but reading a Dkos diarist by Tommybones (judging by the few comments I read before writing this post, they’ll probably call him anti-Semitic and take away his privileges). I found out how the American and Israeli representatives veto every time a UN resolution designed to giving dignity and fairness to the Palestinians and Arab peoples is stopped in its tracks. The results of the votes are always around 119 to 2. The “2” being the veto votes of both the US and Israel and the 119 being the votes of other civilized countries, many of them rich in people of color. There are sober conclusions to be made with the writing of diarist Tommybones and I for one greatly appreciated his enlightened diary. Kudos. It fit right in with the things I wanted to write about Mr. Raines and the wolves at his door; who they are and why they are there. Both for nefarious reasons. Now that I think about it, there is a case can be made with the diary and the presidential campaign of Sen. Obama.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Israel: Slicing Through the Propaganda
by tommybones
Tue Oct 28, 2008 at 02:46:17 PM

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We have issues with Jews so let’s go kill us some niggers

Apparently some sick fucks were planning to break into a gun store, steal guns and go into an AA High School and start murdering kids - 102.
Apparently 102 because of the significance of the numbers 14 and 88 to Neo-Nazis.

14 representing 14 words written by David Lane, "We must secure the existance of our people and a future for white children."
88 representing David Lane's 88 precepts, or sometimes the eighth letter in the alphabet (H), to represent Heil Hitler.

So this means we should go out and kill…..Black people? A newly hero arrival on the political scene Joe The Plumber has the physical characteristics of a skin head. Doesn’t matter you say. And the Jewish name of one of the would be assassins? Still does not matter, you say. Couldn‘t be a self hating Jew either? Ok.

OK! I’ll tell you what I’m getting at. First of all, you wanted this story to get legs of its own so you gave us the absolute minimum of information to go on. You wanted John Q. Public -good ol’ Willie and Bessie really- to fill in the story including the humor of wearing tuxedos. We didn’t bite and most of all, MSM held back. In my opinion, there are problems as follows:
1. No noose on the door of the Black family visited
2. Swastikas left at one scene
3. No saturation of media with photographs
4. Piss poor charges. OJ got harsher charges for doing less.
5. Neo-con community still trying to make claims the Anglos hate us Blacks more than they hate them.

When government agents raid KKK and Skin Head offices and see all the ** anti-Jewish materials, they always tell the public they are plotting their little hearts out to go out to kill Blacks. Yeah. Right! Let’s have the whole story and the correct one; they hate your Jewish ass more than they hate my Black one. You are using the same logic as Sen. McCain now telling people Sen. Obama is going to continue George W’s agenda if he were to become President. LOL! This is the same logic used by the nut that shot John Lennon. Backwards!

*Updated:ATF discovered Skinhead plot to Kill Obama and over 100 AA"s
by silentreader
Mon Oct 27, 2008 at 01:20:39 PM PDT

** They don’t see Poems by Phyllis Wheatly or The Mis-Education of the Negro by Dr. Carter G. Woodson or Introductions to Black Studies by Dr. Karenga.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The money for the IMF comes from where, you say?

I truly does not understand it. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has all this money to loan when economic conditions world wide are supposed to be wanting.

The IMF has loaned money so far to Iceland and these past few days to Hungary just for the asking. Even if the money is backed by either the dollar, gold or the euro, I can not understand how it is done. Not at this time. Billions of dollars appear to pop out of nowhere just like the eighty billion for the beginning of the Iraqi war and the recent seven hundred billion and still Universal Health Care is too expensive, they say.

I would not be surprised as to the reason Pres. Bush put an economic summit in mid-November is due to the fact some of the seven hundred billion dollars is somehow tied up in IMF fund and the US will again have a vital seat at the economic table on the world stage. Right now, we do not have one. Is the US going to also borrow some money from the IMF? Will we ever know if that happens?

They tell us to be suspicious when our children start coming home with lots of money and they don’t have no job. I’m suspicious! Fighting two wars with seven hundred billion to lend to bankers and the IMF loaning billions to bail out the two countries of Iceland and Hungary. That makes me mighty suspicious! Smells like drug money to me. Pure and simple.
As always,

Sunday, October 26, 2008

D.L. Hugelgy: “Say what???”

I tuned into CNN last night to see what all the hublah was about one D.L. Hughley. Unfortunately, I can not respond to what I witnessed during my five minutes visit. I knew he was not speaking Spanish due to the fact I had taken Spanish in High School. I called a friend of mine who was also watching the program who told me it was not French. In utter desperation, I called another friend who told me, “No. Definitely not Yiddish.”

I see Mr. Hughley is signed up for 39 more episodes giving me enough time to find out what language he speaks and perhaps take that crash course I see on television in learning that language. I wonder if Mr. Hughley can READ English? Silly me. It’s 2008. Thinking about sending him an e-mail asking him what language it was he was speaking last night. Whatever it was, for me it was definitely a show stopper!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
D.L. Hughley is "da bomb" on CNN
by David Kroning
Sun Oct 26, 2008 at 07:10:23 AM PDT
Apparently Hughley signed a 40-episode contract with CNN. If he gets 4 more, I'd be surprised.

Republican campaign: “I think there are some bad spirits…..behind the scene”.

So saith Ms. Andrea Mitchell on the Chris Matthew show later on this morning. I can not wait to hear her say it. It would be mindful to me on the Betty Davis line, “Fasten your seat belts, it‘s gonna be a bumpy ride”. "Are you ready for your close-up, Ms. Mitchell?" (Smile)

McCain campaign workers
Ashley Tood+Peter Feldman+black eye+”B” on cheek= “Curious” in my book or “I didn’t mean to do it. I love you. Please baby, please baby, please don‘t tell nobody”.
As always,
"Take a look at who shows up on the John McCain campaign last week. There's always a crisis when a campaign is behind as to how to keep the candidate's spirits up, how to keep him plugged in and focused. And you might see Tom Ridge or some other old buddies coming around to help him keep spirits up and keep from the blame game, because I think there are some bad spirits there

Ugly desperation:
McCain Pennsylvania communications director Peter Feldman pushed reporters on a highly incendiary version of Todd's hoax -- providing reporters with quotes from the fictitious attacker and telling them the the "B" scratched on Todd's face stood for "Barack."