Friday, September 03, 2010

Is America declining, morphing or imploding?

In my opinion, everybody and their Mama know something has gone wrong here in America and I understand an “era” is identified by a cadre of historians long after the fact.

I can not phantom how those historians would describe what
is happening during this era or what they would name it but thanks to the computer and the blogosphere they will have many accounts to draw upon as witnessed these past ten years or so.

Likewise, I can not imagine the body of works we would have at our disposal if there were computers in the days of the Roman Empire and other ancient civilizations. What would those bloggers have told us in laymens’ terms about the conditions of the times and their frantic efforts alerting the government of their concerns and fears for their nation? Would we then be absolutely correct and "spot on" saying that human nature is indeed cyclical and evolution be damned?

I thought this post would be longer but hey, what the hell! I
still have time to call in an order from the Chinese lunch menu.

As always,

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Obamas’ August 31st Oval Office speech (Update)

Diarist misterconcept of DKos recorded my feelings regarding the Presidents’ speech on Tuesday evening:
*As President Barack Obama addressed the nation on August 31, 2010, he gave the appearance of a frightened executive reading a text written for him by a terrorist faction holding his family at gunpoint in a locked cellar. It is obvious that the reality of American government has finally found its way into Obama’s psyche. Below is the speech he should have given:

This is my impression of what ‘the appearance of a frightened executive’ was saying:
The combat war in Iraq is officially over. Now the war has been turned over to the neocon controlled State Department sending 50,000 private security guards to augment a Kurdish takeover of the entire country of Iraq. Remember it was the Kurdish community aggressively encouraging America to wage a war against Sadam Hussein and his subsequence hanging for charges of killing Kurds.

I did not know State Department was going to make such a move but former Pres. Eisenhower has told you about the powers of the Military Industrial Complex being out of controls of the President. The State Department will continue using military equipment and paying huge sums in salaries and now going forward, things will happen in Iraq you will never hear about.

In all honesty, I believe you can anticipate sporadic media spins on power-struggle conflicts in Iraq akin to those of Israeli/Palestinian proportions. This will happen as Fox News continues providing cover with smoke screens and forest trees with polarizing stories of gays, Blacks and Muslins resentment.

I leave you now to prepare for a Mid-East Peace Summit to begin tomorrow. (Whisper to camera: Israel wants me to start a war to de-stabilize Iran so State Department can do what they are about to do in Iraq) Good night and God bless America.

As always,
*We Had a Dream
by misterconcept

(Update) Iraq/Afghanistan: A Promise Kept, a Promise Deferred
By Robert Naiman
Policy Director, Just Foreign Policy

A major objective of the Bush Administration's war -- which, as a Senator, Joe Biden supported -- was to remove Saddam Hussein's government and replace it with a pro-U.S. government. The Obama Administration, according to the statement of Biden's aide, is still pursuing the second half of this objective. But the pursuit of this objective continues the war, not only because it was a key objective of the war, but also because it is a politically divisive objective among Iraqis; many Iraqis don't want to have a "pro-U.S." government, and some of them are prepared to use violence to prevent that from happening.

The belief that we can and must control other people's governments, that we can and must decide who will participate in power in other people's countries, is a key component of the mindset that leads to war. If an effective consensus had not developed in Washington that the United States could and should decide who would govern Iraq, the war would never have taken place.
Read more at:

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Obama grabs ankles for Bush

Ever since Obama became President, he has been grabbing his ankles for each and every passing Republican he see. It could fondly be called “The Obama salute” and it appears he has never met a Republican he doesn’t like and will not salute.

He spends most of his time with hands wrapped firmly around his ankles while hopping around various political arenas soliciting Republicans to find out what a nice, warm and fuzzy guy he is. I face no shame in calling his recent call to “W” sickening and in my opinion, without rhyme nor reason.

When is this man going to grow up?? He’s hopeless! Were calls also made to Rumsfeld and Cheney? This is pitiful! And then he wonders why people are beginning to turn against him.

As always,
P.S. When is he going to call Elizabeth Warren?

Obama Calls Bush Fellow Patriot in Iraq Speech
Posted by Brian Montopoli
President Obama hailed his predecessor, George W. Bush, in his remarks on the end of combat operations in Iraq Tuesday night, stating that even though "he and I disagreed about the war from its outset," "no one could doubt President Bush's support for our troops, or his love of country and commitment to our security."
Read more at:

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Will we eventually lose the House and Senate because of ACORN?

If memory serves me correctly, ACORN helped Get Out The Vote (GOTV) and especially in minority neighborhoods. They complimented other canvassers and the like. Will future elections suffer as a result of their demise? Will their input be missed and was it significant at the time? Is there any data? Just asking……

Open Thread: Senate Votes to Stop Funding ACORN

The Senate voted Monday to block the Housing and Urban Development Department from giving grants to ACORN, a community organization under fire in several voter-registration fraud cases. The 83-7 vote would deny housing and community grant funding to ACORN, which stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.
Read more:

As always,