Saturday, September 13, 2008

Reading the tea leaves in another cup (Update)

Many times I read materials and agree with what the author has written and, as an added bonus, it helps when the writer also makes sense. Such is the case with the enclosed *Gallup article posted on Drudge. I do not agree with it due to wishful thinking and stubbornness on my part but I can not deny the fact the article makes sense to me. If I am reading an article that makes sense to me even if I do not want to agree with it, I get picky; anxiously going into a “Show me! Really light me up!” mode. The author had such a moment for me:

Until now, the dark shadow cast by George W. Bush's widespread unpopularity has suppressed Republican Party identification nationwide, as well as voters' willingness to support the Republican candidate running for Congress in their district. Now that the symbolic leadership of the party is shifting away from Bush and toward the suddenly popular Republican presidential ticket of John McCain and Sarah Palin, things may be changing. This shrinks Bush's shadow over the Republicans, revealing more of the Democrats' own shadow stemming from high disapproval of Congress. The key question is how much of this is temporary because of the tremendous bounce in support for the Republicans on many dimensions coming right off of their convention.

It was as if I were sitting in the bleachers at the first night baseball game and the stadium lights came on at dust and the author thrust home inviting readers to write an e-mail if they have concerns regarding the article. I was stunned! Hysterical! After reading the article, I asked myself, “Do incumbent Democrats have need to worry? and a voice from the past whispered back, “Is the Pope Catholic?” And then I asked, “Is it too late for us to do anything?” and the whispering voice replied in pedantic tones, “You are beginning to bore me.”
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span, the spirits of the unborn for the help and The National Enquirer for the help,
(Update) The bullies are sauntering back onto the school playground. They are piling up on Barack, beating and kicking him while his friends just stand around watching. Sad. Even his friend Joe kicked him. The winners will become the new heroes. Sadly, the word is out: "Barack doesn't fight back. He doesn't cry and he doesn't fight back."
*September 12, 2008
Battle for Congress Suddenly Looks Competitive
September 12, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

Democrats: A spoonful of sugar….

God helps those who help themselves!

Democrats on Capitol Hill fear Obama fallout
By Andrew Ward in Washington
Published: September 11 2008 23:30 | Last updated: September 11 2008 23:30 ({{Thanks Drudge}})
Delicious excerpt:
Democratic jitters about the US presidential race have spread to Capitol Hill, where some members of Congress are worried that Barack Obama’s faltering campaign could hurt their chances of re-election.
Party leaders have been hoping to strengthen Democratic control of the House and Senate in November, but John McCain’s jump in the polls has stoked fears of a Republican resurgence.

Things haven’t changed since God’s time; sit on your lazy ass and do nothing and nothing is what you’ll get. You sit back and watch Sen. Obama trying to help you save your seat and you are too ignorant to add two and two. Pitiful. Let me be clear about how I feel: If you lose your seat to a Republican or your seat goes back to a Republican, it serves you right. You deserve it. The battles and nuclear wars Sen. Obama had to fight without your help and the humiliations he has endured to help you and you sit back and just say, “My, my, my! That boy sure can go! Hey ya'll. Look at Barack go!” You have not had his back on nothing! NOTHING, I say!

I would have no problems whatsoever with a Democratic President and a Republican Congress. You Democrats have missed so many chances to show your Hiney Shiney on the campaign trail and elsewhere and I say most emphatically until you learn how to play this political game, you should be thrown out on your incompetent ass of whatever race in which you are presently engaged! You simply do not know what you are doing. You do not know how to play the game! The intellect is not there. Period. The other day I note the Gov. of New York doing his best to help Sen. Obama and you do not even try to help him with his message of support.

I made up my mind several months ago you are a collective lost cause. Hopeless street urchins. Useless political ornaments. Dust catchers on the contemporary shelves of history. Just the other day, the women Democrats should have banded together and in one voice saying, “I am not offended by Sen. Obama’s lip stick remark. I do not feel it was sexist.” Here! Take this sugar and shut up and go away, you useless scoundrel, and hand me my drink over there before you leave.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span, the spirits of the unborn for their help and the National Enquirer,
P.S. Get off the court! You do not know how the game is played.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In America keeping an open mind can drive you crazy

So I am gonna try to stay as focused as I can.

As I see it, one can keep an open mind at ones own peril and when there is an antagonistic invader, one can throw the bum out, lock and bolt the door. But who wants to go ‘round with a locked and bolted door to his mind while making efforts to hold a job and maintain various relationships? It is becoming increasingly difficult to avoid giving the decision a chance. The best you could be would be having some consistency.

You try to read a book or title appealing to your open-mindedness and find yourself knee deep in sticky, gooey shit. You turn onto a radio or TV program with your open-mindedness and find they are unloading shit and shrapnel by the wheelbarrows. You answer the telephone only to discover a telemarketer willing and able to make adjustments to your open-mindedness. All of these people want to get into your minds to re-arrange it and to interior decorate it to their satisfaction and I resist it. First and foremost, I did not invite them into my head to set up a combative situation. I did not invite them in to give me the blues. I did not invite them in to show off on my part. I invited them in as a business deal. What can we do for each other, so to speak? How can we help each other and of late, such a charitable invitation can have devastating results.

This afternoon, I tuned in Chris Matthews with an open mind. He still had some Lip Stick garbage in his pail he wanted to throw out so I said OK, I’ll take it. This was after turning off the TV and turning it back on. And then there was this little peep-squeek who said the Clintons were not enthusiastically campaigning for Sen. Obama due to the fact Sen. Obama was not nice to them during the primaries. (Click) My mind locked and bolted the door.

There is the following post on Huffington Post I started reading with an open mind and discovered the United States is not fighting the Afghanistans with diplomatic talks and truces in the background being signed and the like but rather just trying to kill as many of “the enemy” they can with no formality set forth, rhyme nor reason. Does Mainstream Media want me to be open minded to accept this behavior? Again I lock and bolt the door to my mind. This is creepy. Now they are messin’ with my humanity and I note:
*The former U.S. intelligence official said the Pakistani government is not told about the targets of U.S. attacks in advance because of concerns that the Pakistani intelligence service and military are infiltrated by al-Qaida and Taliban supporters.

Also, the "rules of engagement" have been loosened, allowing troops to conduct border attacks without being fired on first if they witness attacks coming from the region, the official said.
Many Pakistanis blame their nation's alliance with the U.S. for fueling violence in their country, while U.S. officials worry that Pakistan's government is secretly aiding militant networks _ keeping them as a wedge against longtime rival India.

I read this **post with the implied tid-bit from the Wall Street journal telling the reader, “Your open mind is warped. We no longer cater to the open mind. This is what we want to say to you.” and without shame they change strategic information in an article referenced by the reader.

And finally, there is the command “Don’t read the National Enquirer” due to the fact you must help us to keep an open mind to you. We want exclusive rights and no competition. You must help us to help you. Remember, Ve have yer pap-puers.

*Further Straining Alliance
NAHAL TOOSI | September 11, 2008 01:23 PM EST
**Wall Street Journal scrubs their article on Palin UPDATED X9
by Paul Anderson
Thu Sep 11, 2008 at 11:04:16 AM PDT
This is the state of our US media.
Pure propaganda.
As always,
P.S. I feel so much better now. I was not sure I would be able to articulate my feelings.

Outing the Emperor (McCain)

…since our good mainstream media is afraid of doing it for whatever reason….

The Man Who Called His Wife a "C--t" Cries "Sexism!"
stumble digg reddit news trust huffington_post:
Posted September 10, 2008 | 05:49 PM (EST)
The man whose running mate denies manmade global warming cries "environment!"
The man with ZERO executive experience cries "executive experience!"
The man who chaired the committee that set a record for unauthorized appropriations cries "I'll make them famous!"
The man who voted with George W. Bush 90% of the time cries "change!"

As always,

I’m bored! I know, let’s play “Putting lip stick on a pig!”

Drifters, “Up on the roof”
“When this old world starts getting me down
And people are just too much for me to face
I climb way up to the top of the stairs
And all my cares just drift right into space
On the roof,”
playing Lipstick on a pig.

Of the many theories why the lipstick game is so appealing at this time, my opinion is due to stress. Stress can make you un-characteristically say and do a lot of things out of sheer desperation to relieve the melancholy. With our internal and external 900 lb. Gorillas, white and pink elephants popping up everywhere we look, the cognitive mind rejects ignoring the obvious and goes into protective mode. The struggle is between seeking solutions, discussing the issues or continued denials and if continued denials is pursued, the situation breaks down into shoulder shrugging and jokes.

Although the denials of the issues remain, the inabilities to effectively solve them emerge full stage front and center in the character of Incompetence competing on stage for attention along with the 900 lb. Gorilla, the white and pink elephants. What a show and they even have noon-time matinées along with evening performances as we have witnessed these past few days. Since at least ninety percent of the world population consists of people of color, the days of this brand of racism are numbered and count down is already well underway.

I say with no shame if the National Enquirer continues with its un-bias reporting regarding this presidential election, America has a better than average chance of surviving these elections with some dignity. The National Enquirer’s brand of reporting is patriotism not associated with monetary benefits but rather love of country and many of us should take heed of their positive contributions. Our very own little Dutch boy putting his finger in the leaking dam, if you will.

A few elections ago this may not have been so dire but with communications as sophisticated as they are today and the past eight years with the Bush administration having lowered the bar for the definition of a country and more especially, a country considered the leader of the free world, we have a dilemma on our hands. America has always played their “Ha-ha, isn’t this fun” games with people and the present game of Lipstick on a pig is just one of many more to come. The world watches, shaking its head wondering why it put up with the immaturities of an established country so long.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

National Inquirer: No white privileges here!

the national enquirer effect
by superba
Wed Sep 10, 2008 at 07:54:25 AM PDT
What a stinging indictment of the MSM! (3+ / 0-)
So sad that as you say (granting the rare exception) that it is absolutely true.
"A noun, a verb..." and P.O.W Thanks, Joe Biden
by UneasyOne on Wed Sep 10, 2008 at 08:10:17 AM PDT

I have not blogged much in the negative regarding the good Sen. McCain due in part I know he is a “white boy” and is going to do and say “white boy” things. What has pissed me off is the Mainstream Media granting him white privileges at Sen. Obama’s expense. I can identify and appreciate a whole bunch of American Patriotism in the National Enquirer woefully lacking in the Mainstream Media. A lot of people may not like the paper because it is race neutral being spoiled by traditional media. Pity! There’s a new kid on the block. A new player on the political stage. You go, National Enquirer! Sic’em!
As always,

The polls and military uniforms

*“If you follow these polls closely, it almost seems they cycle party ID regularly, as if on a whim or schedule.”

This quote is from a diary on Dkos titled “Busted!: Gallup, CBS, USA.Today, etc. Tinkers With Party ID Again.” It has inspired me thus in the area of lies and greed and I somehow find a relationship with poll numbers:

Everytime I see an American soldier fighting in the war either in Iraq or Afghanistan, with ghoulish observation I see multiple price tags on him. Further and with even more ghoulish interest, I wonder about private contractors pasting bar codes on their products financially profiting from his uniform from top to bottom and also underneath.

I wonder regarding the law made and who got the contract to make his underwear. Was making his t-shirt under a separate contract? Does he also have a protective gear for his gentiles? Contracts for his socks and shoes? Shoe laces, buttons and sewing thread? Those contracts alone have to be lucrative when you compare what you may logically suspect the cost of the underwear, shoes and socks of “the enemy”. (Smile)

Going forward to the soldier’s outerwear, there is the clothing proper; there is the gun, bullet belt, water canteen and helmet. I wonder about the contractors and sub-contractors and the salaries of the CEO’s of the companies supplying those features of the official uniform. I saw a few months ago the introduction of night goggles with the every soldier “must have” rhetoric. The newest cottage industry? I wondered about the law passed and the contractors and sub-contractors involved with the added equipment. There is a shoulder microphone I see some soldiers wearing and I am sure the list goes on. Our soldiers look so bulky; so weighted down.

What gets me is when the “enemy” jumps out from behind a building with his gun or rocket launcher, he can fire his arm and run away like hell seeking shelter at best leaving a sandal at the scene.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help and The National Enquirer,
I am mindful of soldiers writing home for family members to send subliminal equipment.
*by Excelscior1
Tue Sep 09, 2008 at 03:45:38 PM PDT

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Dems: “…and they never said a mumblin’ word”.

As predicted, Sen. Biden is right out there swinging with Sen. Obama. Sen. Obama could not have prayed for a better friend. Wisdom and good decision making procedures have already begun to yield good results.

And now, in my opinion, there are two of them out there to “Tote that bar, lift that bail” while the rest of the lazy incompetent Democrats sit on their tuffets sucking their thumbs playing with their genitals waiting for an Obama/Biden win nervously grinning on election night, swaying back and forth readying themselves to pop up singing “Hallelujah, WE WON! We?? It is disgusting to me.

Again and in my opinion, Ms. Palin was able to electrify the Republican Party due to the fact our Democratic Party has done nothing to produce a counterweight to the political tsunami her entrance produced. We do not have the counterweight of having started impeachment proceedings, the counterweight of pushing bills and laws consistent with messages Sen. Obama and now Sen. Biden are talking about in their speeches. Not even the counterbalance of both Sen. Obama and Biden saying to the audience that such a bill, as they speak, is being introduced in congress and for them to go home, call their representatives saying they want that bill to pass. Not one of those good-for-nothing Democrats have come forth saying, “I think Sen. Obama has a good policy on issue XYZ and I am introducing legislation”. My biggest fear is if and when Sen. Obama wins the Presidency, that same group of do nothing Democrats will “stay the course”. Parasites! Hate’em! Where is Cynthia McKinney when we need her. (Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Constitution and Nancy Tee-hee took care of that.)
Tonight I watched Keith Olbermann and the first part of his interview with Sen. Obama. Kudos. Then I discovered I had to watch a segment of Bill O’Rielly before seeing the other part of the interview. No thank you. I enjoyed the first part of the interview but not enough to see or hear anything Keith thinks is important for me to know about Bill O‘Reilly. I respect his right to think Bill has something noteworthy to say and respectfully disagree with him. I view it as an un-necessary taunt not having a happy ending.
The news cycles are driven by “The Polls”. With dispensing so much information, we, the public, should know more about “The polls” than we do i.e., “The anatomy of a poll from start to finish”.
-(Knock, knock)
-Whose there?
-Open the door Richard. This is Barack.
-What do you want and my name is Hilda.
-Tell that lying wench Sara I want to talk to her.
-She doesn’t want to talk to
-She’ll talk to me. Tell her that her Mama wore a bed sheet at her wedding.
-Bed sheet…? What???
-Tell her huh Mama so fat she has to take a bath in Niagara Falls.
-What’s going on..??? Sarah! Ms. Palin!!
-Tell her she doesn’t have to shoot a moose. Just show the moose a picture of her Mama.
-(Door open) What do you want, Barack?
-Somebody here to see you, Sarah. You know my wife Michelle, don't you?
-Girl, why you goin’ ‘round lying on my husband? (S-SLAP!) Now listen to me, you little hussy! Best you pack your bags and get your skinny God fearing moose eating butt back to Alaska. Let’s go, Barack.
-What did you say? WHAT DID YOU CALL ME??
-Come on, Michelle. Time to go..
-Un uh! Did you hear what she called me? .. I’ll show her..
-MICHELLE! I said let’s go. Now!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span, the spirits of the unborn for the help and The National Enquirer,

Monday, September 08, 2008

For want of an impeachment….America is lost forever. An orphan country.

And I as a Black man am lost with it. As a matter of fact, I was lost long before impeachment of the Bush administration became an issue but the lack of it has escalated my living demise. “The Invisible Man” comes to mind followed by “Two Americas”.

I have long believed America use us Blacks as the control group in an experiment before going nationwide. With us, the savage tools they want to utilize are up-front and used without shame. However, it successful, the same tools are used on the general public but there are well paid surrogates in place to deflect the shame and the pain. Eventually, the whole populace is indeed fucked as a result of our Black data and some of us Blacks feel the blunt of “The Great Oligarchy Screw” more than others. The difference is other then the Blacks, the other groups are kissed and cuddled by the oligarchy while THEY are also being screwed. Romanticized comes to mind but savagely screwed all the same and maybe even murdered during the act: Roberta Flack song: “Killing me softly” maybe? We Blacks have no illusions whatsoever the new settlements in Israel are places we can also go to when America becomes just another (Yawn) temporary home for the wandering Jew. The Caucasians of America are too busy being romanticized, cuddled and kissed to have the foggiest idea of what is happening to this country and that includes Sen. McCain and his sidekick, Sarah Palin. Thirty pieces of silver takes on new meaning with those two.

Gone are the niceties of the Victorian age. Those people are all dead now. We do, however, have our very own Benedict Arnold only this time in the form of a female senator. She alone escalated the doom of what many said was a great country.

Enter the new world order and the Black rappers telling us new personalities are either incubating or already on stage. Artist being the harbingers of society got it right again. Sen. Obama better get himself some rap boys around him to wise him up because what he is doing now ain’t gonna make it. Jest ain’t gonna work no mo! Living in the past, comes to mind and I hope it is easier for Sen. Obama to morph into the thug modus operandi then it was for Sen. Clinton’s unsuccessful efforts to become a bitch. In my opinion, she did not succeed. A facsimile, maybe. A thug, yes, but who is endeared by a female thug? In my opinion, Wagner’s Brunhilda is a thug! There is no charm there. No challenges to the male testosterones but then I can not imagine moose hunting being an acquired taste either Re. Gov. Palin. I get confused when it comes to women. They communicate through mental telepathy. They win their battles with other women and some men through telepathy. It’s amazing to me how they do it.

Below, I have carefully chosen some internet post I feel could be useful to a Black recapturing in some areas of his/her dissertation the 21st century racial mentality of America during the ‘08 Presidential elections.

Don't blame him for the mortgage giant's scandal … yet. (Fannie Mae)
By Henry Blodget
Posted Thursday, Oct. 7, 2004,

On Wednesday, when Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines appeared before a House subcommittee to address allegations that he and his finance team had cooked the mortgage giant's books, he had three choices: One, he could do what other CEOs have done—take the Fifth (a prudent legal tactic, even for the innocent, albeit wimpy and unsatisfying). Two, he could claim he was shocked to discover that his finance department was staffed by hoodlums (also typical, even less admirable). Three, he could stand behind the accounting, his team, and his company, explain the decisions, and suggest that the allegations were wrong.

(Author) The hearings were ugly. Mr. Raines was undressed in public from as many Republican Senators there were on the panel. His bonuses to himself and his senior advisors at Fannie Mae were named and threatened. I do not know that to be the case regarding the present management.
Blog Swarm Lessons? Palin Pays Off Sexual Harasser
by Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse
Sun Sep 07, 2008 at 07:16:04 PM PDT

Troopergate looks at whether Palin fired a state commissioner for not firing a state trooper, who coincidentally was divorcing her sister. Palin replaced the fired state commissioner with a fellow fundie who was officially reprimanded for sexual harassment. While the national media went on vacation, Alaska media wanted to know why she appointed a known sexual harasser. A local "media firestorm" culminated 2 weeks later in his resignation, which may have been "encouraged" by a $10,000 exit "bonus" from Palin.

Obama's verbal slip fuels his critics
Christina Bellantoni (Contact)
Sunday, September 7, 2008

ST. LOUIS, Mo. - Sen. Barack Obama's foes seized Sunday upon a brief slip of the tongue, when the Democratic presidential nominee was outlining his Christianity but accidentally said, "my Muslim faith."


Wright also accused Obama of posturing in his criticism of Wright's sermons, saying, "If Senator Obama did not say what he said, he would never get elected. Politicians say what they say and do what they do based on electability, based on sound bites, based on polls."
Obama said afterward that he was "outraged by the comments that were made and saddened by the spectacle that we saw."

Sarah Palin And The Alaska Independence Party
By Greg Sargent - September 1, 2008, 11:12AM
The Alaskan Independence Party's goal is the vote we were entitled to in 1958, one choice from among the following four alternatives:
1) Remain a Territory.
2) Become a separate and Independent Nation.
3) Accept Commonwealth status.
4) Become a State.

The High Heel Is On The Other Foot
by Naithom
Sun Sep 07, 2008 at 10:51:22 PM PDT
But then Sarah Palin became Sarah Palin the vice presidential candidate....with little experience......and an extreme stance on birth control and a pregnant teen daughter.....and a connection to a secessionist group....and an active investigation concerning wrong doings....
And suddenly the shoe is definitely on the other foot. And does Sarah stand firm and take it like a seasoned politician aware that it's part of the deal? No. She whines.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span, the spirits of the unborn for the help and The National Inquirer,
P.S. If you don’t or can’t write to get shit off your mind……