Saturday, January 24, 2009

Et tu, Barack?

“Barack Obama gave the go-ahead for his first military action yesterday, missile strikes against suspected militants in Pakistan which killed at least 18 people.
Four days after assuming the presidency, he was consulted by US commanders before they launched the two attacks. Although Obama has abandoned many of the "war on terror" policies of George Bush while he was president, he is not retreating from the hunt for Osama bin Laden and other al-Qaida leaders.”
President orders air strikes on villages in tribal area
As always,

Monitor blinking off and on

I do not find the problem with Windows 9.0 VR. I switched to Foxfire when I found out you can adjust the size of the print. I have used Foxfire for little more than a year and now this monitor blinking has occurred. My monitor does not blink using Windows 9.0 but I have the inconvenience of not being able to adjust the size of the print. Now I have to depend on the benevolent web sites that offer “Text enhancement”. I Googled “Monitor blinking off and on” and got lots of answers. None of them saying the reason could be Foxfire. I will be using Windows 9.0 if indeed my monitor problems are resolved until Foxfire solves its costumer problem. Fingers crossed.
As always,

Friday, January 23, 2009

"You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done,"

*"You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done," he (Pres. Obama) told top GOP leaders, whom he had invited to the White House to discuss his nearly $1 trillion stimulus package.

In my opinion, Pres. Obama is now “Johnny come lately” in pointing out the obvious. It is my understanding Rush is fighting for his and other Cesspool Gilded Talking Turd's "entertainment" life. Rush is the prominent and lone turd leading the charge in the toilet bowl, refusing to be flushed without a fight, defying gravity and all things natural to nature. With the election of Pres. Obama, the pressures of the water forces have been increased many fold and it is only a matter of time when Rush et al, will go by way of the out-house and bedside slop pale. Speaking of nature, as the saying goes, once people hear good clear common-sense and have seen the city lights, “It’s hard to put them back on the farm”. This is part of the reason I like the creative concept of having Teaching Schools akin to Medical School. In my opinion, nothing less will work for the American educational system and her survival.

Pres. Obama and many members of his cabinet are extraordinary teachers and that is what this country so desperately needs. As my wife use to say, “All good teachers are not in classrooms”. There is more than one way to skin a cat.

Good teachers find the balance between “tuff love” and otherwise. A friend of mine was "nudged" off the faculty of Howard University due to the fact all he knew was "Tuff love". No balance. Further, good teachers do not blather talking points as do some third class political pundits. Good teachers are teaching every moment of their waking life; it is in their DNA and I note the extraordinary press conference Pres. Obama had with his White House staff on Wednesday as an example of good teaching practices and communication skills. I also note each and every Rachel Maddow Show. I note segments with Tom Foreman and appearances of Tom “The World is Flat” Friedman; and there is a new hopeful named Jill somebody, recently assigned to cover the State Department. There is the fearless Michelle “Her father has to be very proud of her” Bernard who is well on her way. Not there yet but I see where her sail has been set. Maybe after a book deal or even a pamphlet or two. Something! Michelle, like Tavis Smiley has a lot to say from our Black community. This list is just from the top of my head. Of course there are many others but that is not the main thrust of my post.

For years Rush Limbaugh has said he is an entertainer but, alas, he has yet to reach the heights of a Red Buttons, Sid Caesar or Richard Pryor. He is well on his way and I wish him well. I remain hopeful. The man said, “Keep hope alive!”
As always,
P.S. I got the most beautiful engraved invitation to attend the Inauguration of Pres. Obama. I treasure it. It has already become a family treasure.

P.P.S. This article makes no sense to me. Not only is it not well written but contains the vague talking points enunciated elsewhere. It is deliberately vague with pretence and aura to be substantive. I simply do not understand what happened. Maybe some examples would help put the point across. Boo!

WASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Friday lifted restrictions on U.S. government funding for groups that provide abortion services or counseling abroad, reversing a policy of his Republican predecessor George W. Bush.
The Democratic president's decision was a victory for advocates of abortion rights on an issue that in recent years has become a tit-for-tat policy change each time the White House shifts from one party to the other.
When the ban was in place, no U.S. government funding for family planning services could be given to clinics or groups that offered abortion services or counseling in other countries, even if the funds for those activities came from non-U.S. government sources.

Obama lifts restrictions on abortion funding 24 Jan 2009 00:57:01 GMT Source: Reuters
(Just found) Perhaps the author should read the following article from Planned Parenthood and re-write the one presently presented.
The Global Gag Rule: Playing Politics with Women's Lives

You lying!!! Nancy said what???

*Pelosi said one of her favorite moments from Inauguration Day was when Marine One lifted off the Capitol grounds, signifying former President George W. Bush's exit from Washington. "It felt like a 10-pound anvil was lifted off my head," she said.

In my opinion one of the most colorful and versatile instruments in the English language is the “Metaphor”. Again and in my opinion, you can use one metaphor and “skin it” as many ways as you can skin the proverbial cat. That is only one example of its many charms. When I begin to “skin” Ms. Pelosi metaphor, “"It felt like a 10-pound anvil was lifted off my head." I get:

He had a nose around my neck
My head was on the chopping board
He had a ring through my nose
Serving at his pleasure

With the implied resolution:
Ding-dong the witch is dead
Lady Nancy, the young Sir Barack has slain the dragon
The three little pigs lived happily ever after
The Devil made me do it

Sorry, Nancy. You’re metaphor, “It felt like a 10-pound anvil was lifted off my head” is akin to the pleas at Nuremberg: “Your Honor, I was just following orders!” Nice try. A full confession wrapped in a metaphor. Thank God now we don’t have to “waterboard” you. I love it! Thanks.
As always,
P.S. Re: Eric Holder’s confirmation hearings delayed. Pssst! There is that woodle ting saying the President can make appointments when Congress is on vacation. I think they are called Interim Appointments.
*Pelosi sketches strategy on key issues
Zachary Coile, Chronicle Washington Bureau
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tavis abandons Obama fixation?

It was a pleasure seeing and hearing Tavis Smiley this early morning on the Larry King Show. It was also a pleasure hearing him knocking and pounding on the Democrats door, forcing himself in to give them a piece of his mind. In my opinion, by dealing with the source of our problems, Mr. Smiley will not only get more mileage regarding his political concerns but also directing his concerns to a body of people who are his political peers. He has a lot of meaningful things to say. Pres. Obama is in a class unto himself and one can only make a fool of himself trying to start a brawl with him on the school playground. He has lots of friends. One only has to look in the dust bins of the not to distant past seeing the bruised careers of those who have tried.

Mr. Smiley was on the Larry King Show with Bob Woodward. There was a compatibility with those two all too rarely seen on television. Their vocal qualities and temperament went together like peaches and cream; horse and buggy. I saw the same relationship one day watching Margaret Carlson and Andrea Mitchell. A “smash” of a team! Broadway producers look for that combination and when they get it, they know they have a winning team.

I turned the channel when Larry started an interview with Nancy Pelosi. I do not dislike Ms. Pelosi but I can not watch her. To me she has nothing of substance to say commensurate with her station in life as Democratic Majority Leader and I do not think it is her fault. Truth to tell, I do not like feeling this way about anybody but what to do? To me she has nothing to say. That’s the kind of guy I am. If you have nothing to say I have no rights to listen to you. (Smile)

I returned to the Larry King show to hear the interview with Aretha Franklin opining about her voice and singing for the Presidential Inauguration in freezing temperatures. I was mindful what I used to tell my music students all the time: It does not matter what shape your voice is in. You may inherently not be able to sing very well today or tomorrow. My experience has led me to believe if people can hear and understand the words of the song you are singing, you have made it worth their while listening to you and they will be pleased. The students always appreciated me saying that to them and from their own experiences, they find a lot of truth in the statement. They begin to listen more closely when we go over the pronunciation of the words to a song to unify the vowel pronunciations, word endings etc. In my opinion, Ms. Franklin’s singing of “My country ‘tis of thee” was as appropriate as it was priceless. Priceless, you hear. Priceless.
As always,

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A “RIOT Act” I can live with.

The “Riot Act” was the news conference held by Pres. Obama with his new staff. The “Riot” itself was the new President revealing and explaining the new and improved ethic rules of conduct while working for his administration. Something tells me we are going to hear a lot more benign “Riot Acts” from Pres. Obama.

The whole news conference lasted less than forty five minutes and was full of class from start to finish and one may conclude his dancing last night was not the only thing about him that is “Old fashioned”. Please be seated, ladies and gentlemen. Class has begun. Hallelujah!
As always,
P.S. Where does the President get his energy from? Wasn’t he “dancing the night away” last night? (Smile)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

“*The John Roberts Presidential Oath”

I gasped “Oh, No!” when Mr. Robert’s could no longer contain his dysfunctional character. To think one would deliberately expose himself in such a character flaw before the entire world is beyond my thinking skills. It was so surreal and the word Un-canny readily comes to mind, but yet it happened. I think I’m gonna run’n tell it: “Hear ye, hear ye! Let it be known to all the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America could not memorize a thirty five worded paragraph containing three three syllable words, namely the words solemnly, faithfully and execute, and two four syllable words, namely, ability and constitution”. It is scary to think how Chief Justice Roberts would vote for any portions of a case involving education.

I am thoroughly in agreement with diarist RadicalRuss writing,

“Now counting down to the wingnut theory that Barack Hussein Obama, the guy who faked his birth certificate and is a secret foreign-born Muslim terrist, isn't really the president because he didn't truly recite the oath of office... which is, according to Article II:”

To the person or persons who would want to float that garbage around, the rock solid defense is Sen. Obama was already Pres. Obama ordained by the Constitution at twelve noon on Tuesday, January 20, 2008. The oath by Chief Justice Roberts was administered at twelve-o-four PM.

Y’all kin go back tuh what y’all was doing now. I done finished.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. If Mr. Roberts was laying a trap for already Pres. Obama, it did not work. Supposing Pres. Obama had repeated the exact words spoken to him?
*The John Roberts Presidential Oath
by RadicalRuss
Tue Jan 20, 2009 at 09:45:31 AM PST

*How incredibly appropriate that the final punctuation mark on the Bush Maladministration is his chief arbiter of the Constitution verbally assaulting it, or lacking the intellectual capacity to memorize it.
Now counting down to the wingnut theory that Barack Hussein Obama, the guy who faked his birth certificate and is a secret foreign-born Muslim terrist, isn't really the president because he didn't truly recite the oath of office... which is, according to Article II:


I am calling a few friends and relatives this morning.

-Good morning, dear heart, this is BB and I just want to wish you a “Happy Inauguration Day”. Can’t talk long. Want to make a few more calls. Bye.
As always,
Where is that lone trumpeter going down to the mall to take out his trumpet and begin playing, “My country, 'tis of thee” and “God Bless America” from the bottom of his heart?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Tom Foreman, Teacher par excellence

I just saw a segment with Tom Foreman on Anderson Cooper, 360. Mr. Foreman was explaining step-by-step the schedule for tomorrow, Inauguration Day. I usually enjoy everything he does and he looks as if he is enjoying teaching so much. I like that! He is just as good a teacher as Rachel Maddow.
As always,
P.S. Dick “Just another American Traitor” Cheney coming to the Inauguration tomorrow in a wheelchair. Why doesn’t he just stay home? Lord, Lord, Lord I hope he does not have a Black person pushing his chair.

No fan-fare entrance music for PE-Obama. Boo!

I know having entrance music is not something we do with our President-elects, but for some reason I think the entrance of Obama and his family is different. When Obama comes out on stage alone or with his beautiful family, I just hear music. I hear patriotic sounding music. Nationalistic sounding music. Strong American music!

I am aware soon PE-Obama will be coming in to “Hail to the Chief” and it will not happen until Tuesday afternoon, but all the same, I hear music when he makes an entrance at this stage of his public appearances before large crowds.

In my musical world I thought it criminal there was no entrance music at Chicago’s Grant Park or at the Lincoln Memorial Sunday afternoon neither for PE-Obama’s entrance nor exit. At the Lincoln Memorial, all those steeps the PE-President, the PE-Vice President and their wives had to come down without even a drum roll. To me it just seems vulgar not to have some music for such occasions and I do not mean soul music. I mean something like “God Bless America” or the likes. In my opinion, not having music for him is like the continued use of calling him by his first name after he becomes President; like not humanizing him into his new station in life; like denying him a personality. Yes, even calling him “Boy”.

I am mindful when Pres. Clinton made his entrance one night the music was Copeland’s “Fan-Fare for the Common Man”. I think it was his Inauguration night. Not sure, but the music was there. It is not as if a musical director does not know what to do because, to my great delight, it was done Saturday when PE-Obama came out on stage during his train stop in Baltimore, Md. The musical director did his thing. The music was there. The appropriate fan-fare music was there. The music director used music to dignify the occasion. It was so moving. I cried.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tavis Smiley has issues with Pres. Obama

If one were watching “Meet the Press” this morning seeing Tavis Smiley as a guest and getting strange vibes regarding his rhetoric, I will posit what you were perceiving was jealousy. Black jealousy. The “Black on Black crime” jealousy. It was so blatant! So “out-there!”

Curiously, Mr. Smiley covered his ass stating, "Great Presidents have to be made. They have to be forced! Frederick Douglas forced President Lincoln into greatness". That leads me to believe Mr. Smiley is trying to connect the intellectual soundness of Frederick Douglas to his own efforts to influence President Obama into greatness. I strongly suspect Tavis feels if Frederic Douglas could do this for Lincoln, he could do it for Obama. I further feel Tavis feels he is on a mission when he will only end up akin to a Zoot suited jive-time negro trying to give an
African-American a hard time. How delusional! Utter madness! Sad. Your move, Dr. Cosby.
As always,
P.S. Hang it up, Tavis. Face it. The intellect is not there!

Michael Jackson, O.J. Simpson and California's financial woes

*California's fiscal future lurched yet another step toward oblivion on Friday as state Controller John Chiang announced he could no longer make payments for services to disabled and blind people who need the money to pay for rent and food.

Chiang said payments would most likely have to be stopped by Feb. 1.

"People are going to be hungry at my house," said Shirley Magers, who receives a $900 monthly payment related to her disabilities. "(This is) not to mention the utilities. Personally I can't pay all the utilities right now.

Lord knows I am not in a position to question the fiscal responsibilities of California and how it spends its money but I wonder as I wander. I wonder if the two most highly profile court cases in California history, the OJ murder accusations and the Michael Jackson child molestations accusations, are examples how California squanders its financial resources.

I have a vivid memory at one point during the OJ trial reading that some Los Angeles governmental agency or agencies may have to issue IOU’s to its employees that month due to the expenses of the OJ trial. This was in reference to the original trial. And then they had another one soon afterwards. The words Lickity split comes to mind.

In reference to the Michael Jackson child molestation trial, the District Attorney at the time, Tom Sneddon, said he vacillated in bringing the case to court but nevertheless he and the good Nancy Grace did their thing. I wrote a post some months ago wondering how much the tax base had eroded in Santa Barbara County due to the fact Neverland was forced to close thereby producing an instantaneous chain reaction to tax based business supporting the ranch i.e., tour buses, souvenir shops, gas stations, salaries for the employees of Neverland, food for the animals, property taxes etc.
Article on Neverland:

As always,
P.S. My nephew came in from California Friday for the Inauguration and told me about the possible IOU’s for tax return. I chuckled, hence this post.

*Disabled, Blind People to Lose Disability Payments
Original source:
Panic Grows In Ca As Welfare Checks Set To Stop
by SmileySam