Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christians (R) Vs. Christians in name only (D)

I was always told when you see a cockroach scurrying across your living room floor, there are many, many more behind the baseboard. The one you see is merely one of their scouts and you are to make no assumptions it is the only one you have in your house.

Diarist mka193: *Well this all came to a head on Friday night when the inimitable Rainbow Girl played folks like a fiddle by posting a diary titled President Obama & Poor Americans of Color. Thanks to the intrepid Bob Johnson this diarist was unmasked as a 60 year old white woman posing as a "poor American of color."

Depending on interpretations, the deep brevity of the diaries of mka193 and ThisIsMyTime makes this Black ol’ timer remember that "White Citizens Council" organizations springing up back in the day were Democratic organizations. As of today, they are still around with various different names i.e., Democratic Party.

Also, back in the day, when we Blacks went to register to vote, the white person asking us to count the beans in a jar, count the number of soap bubbles on a bar of soap and to recite portions of the U.S. Constitution as part of the registration apparatus for Blacks was a Democrat.

I am ever mindful and with great lament sensitive to the feelings of Rev. King witnessing Democrats voting against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It is my understanding he never got over it and his feelings were re-enforced by his wife, Coretta Scott King. Years later, I distinctly remember the now widdowed Ms. King talking about Congress slowly dismantling the Civil Rights Act.

And alas, last month, the group of people who helped tar and feather Rep. Charlie Rangel were Democrats. Lots of’em! Perhaps the title of this post should be “Why I am no longer a registered Democrat”. Enough said! My pressure's going up. Merry Christmas.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

*Barack Obama, Race Traitor!

by mka193
Well this all came to a head on Friday night when the inimitable Rainbow Girl played folks like a fiddle by posting a diary titled President Obama & Poor Americans of Color. Thanks to the intrepid Bob Johnson this diarist was unmasked as a 60 year old white woman posing as a "poor American of color."

Anyway, I found the entire Rainbow Girl masquerade to be fascinating. Here you had an unabashed racist 60 year old white woman "infiltrating" a progressive site in order to get progressives to tear each other apart. In the meantime, she got the added benefit of discrediting the black man in the White House. It was brilliant. It was Machiavellian. It was working.

Read more at:,-Race-Traitor!

BREAKING UPDATE: My Criticism To The Diary "President Obama & Poor Americans of Color"
by ThisIsMyTime
I started writing it in a comment but I felt it is important that it gets as much visibility as the diary itself. It is a quick response to the diary "President Obama & Poor Americans of Color" which I feel uses poor black folks as a punching bag to continue this Obama hate feast that has been displayed in this community for quite sometime. And, it is very unfair and I will speak out about it quickly!

Read more at:

In the diary by Rainbow Girl, I note periodic episodes of inconsistent voicing per the amateur as follows and there are more:

Though times are tough across the nation and at almost every level of society in the present economy, the group which seems to be most deeply affected now are black Americans:

It is a very, very difficult fight. And for those people of color who are out there fighting for survival, things such as DADT repeal signing ceremonies -- however important they are -- mean little. But tax cuts for the wealthy mean a lot, particularly when one who is fighting for survival is being asked to overcome yet another obstacle by a man whom many felt would take away such obstacles, and not add to them, when we voted for him in 2008.
Think of the poor people this holiday season, please. You won't see us at the holiday parties. We probably won't come up in the discussions. But we are here, and many of us are not from the dominant population.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Nancy ‘Tee-hee’ Pelosi wants to go Hollywood

A wishy, hopey thing...
Coming Soon: ‘Democrats’ — A Steven Spielberg Production
By Doug Powers
Consistent with the claim that Democrat setbacks have been a problem with messaging rather than voters rejecting their policies, Nancy Pelosi is turning to Hollywood for (more) help:
Read more at:

Nancy ‘Tee-hee’ wants to star in a Steven Spielberg-ish production of “Sunset Boulevard” featuring herself akin to Norma Desmond and Harry Reid as Max. She wants to venerate the Democratic Party under her leadership.

I can already see her dreaming and salivating over her last scene descending the steps of the Capital with ribbons in her hair and out-stretched arms advancing slowly toward the camera uttering her infamous line, “Impeachment is off the table!”

Hey, Nancy! Hello? The President has packed his gear and moved on! Haven’t you heard? It’s a new day, sweetheart. Kumbaya is on the table. How’s that for messaging? The mentally competent have come on stage, in their places and have started playing their parts. They have performed a few show-stoppers already and we are a little ways before intermission. Not bad,eh? (Smile)
As always,
P.S. I can imagine the President saying 'You ain't gonna do to me what ya'll did to Charlie Rangel'.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The ghost of DADT

“Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” was repealed (To revoke or rescind, especially by an official or formal act) on Dec. 18, 2010.

Homosexuality, in any form, is one of MSM’s cash cow. Media can always get the publics’ dandruff up via a story on homosexuality. Up to this point, the 1965 Civil Rights Bill was number one in keeping our society polarized but I am beginning to see signs of DADT being used in the same manner and for the same reason: Polarization, aka News.

DADT will turn out to be another cottage industry wherein ‘experts’ will periodically write their usual poison pen articles, write their usual posts and books under various pseudonyms making a good living doing it. They will be invited to appear on various televisions shows and to certain conferences yielding their ‘expert’ opinions on DADT, springing into action responses from their nemesis and the news cycle would continue until the well calculated next time.

(I note a recent CNN attempt to re-start the Tiger Woods saga with host T.J. Holmes and I am looking forward to one on Newt Gingrich.)

One of the ardent fighters for repealing DADT was one Dan Choi, an ex-serviceman discharged due to his public confessions of being gay. It is unfortunate Mr. Choi is now hospitalized for stress related issues. It is equally unfortunate Mr. Choi does not have enough people in the Asian community helping him navigate this ordeal like a Rachel Maddow or a Julian Assange would have when society begins to close in on them. The communities of Rachel and Julian would include people with prestige, are influential and rich. I am mindful Michael Jackson was also in that kind of protective society. I wish Mr. Choi well.

As always,

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Senate ruling towards a more perfect union..

Most people will have no idea the colossal impact of this Senate ruling. In my opinion, this ruling to cast more lights into our communities via FM radio could possibly be the single most edifying entity saving them and our country. This is HUGE! If you can envision ‘colossal’, this is COLOSSAL!

I have always said heroes come from the most un-expected places and at the most un-expected times. This is almost as good as having the entire country wired for broadband computers. (Now watch how the 'powers that be' try to fuck over the ruling, ie., the ruling will not go into effect until 2099 and will have only limited access to people with red hair!)
Senate PASSES Community Radio Bill - Low Power FM Nationwide
by dasheight
"This is a huge win for communities across the northwest and across the country who have been pining for more and better local radio, more support for local music and more diversity on the airwaves," said Jonathan Lawson of Reclaim the Media, a Seattle-based media justice organization which has worked alongside many other advocacy groups since 2002 to expand community access to media, including LPFM. "Senator Cantwell deserves our thanks for seeing this through to the end."
Read more at:

As always,

Sen. Mitch McConnell explains the “No” votes

Appearing on “State of the Union” this morning, Senate minority leader McConnell told hostess Cindy Crowley why Republicans did not vote for the recent spending bill to fund the government into next year.

Mr. McConnell told Ms. Crowley that Republicans were unified and ready to vote for the bill until ‘things’ started being added to it at the last moments just before voting time.

I am mindful that everytime the Republicans would change their votes from Yea to Nay, they would say it was due to the procedure of presenting the bill. Is this what they were talking about? Is this what has been happening all along?

Could it be that Democrats have always added additional elements to a bill at the last moment with the hope Republicans do not notice or object to them? Were outcomes predictable? This is mighty, mighty curious! Where are the investigative reporters when you need them?

The analogy of Lucy and the football comes to mind: What would Lucy learn or realize about the situation at the last moments to make her change her mind about holding the football for Charlie Brown?

As always,
P.S. Note: About 10 years ago, over 75% of reporters identified themselves as Democrats. (Smile) And I note DADT was a stand along bill that passed with no sweat. I am also mindful of the President brokering a one issue deal with the Republicans regarding the Bush Tax Cut bill. It also passed with no room for sweat.(The problem is Reid and Pelosi, Ya’ll!)

Financial terrorism!

I am mindful a few years ago suddenly hearing a multitude of people saying they were being harassed by persons calling from a Collection Agency.

There were many stories from threats to damaged credit ratings to calling employers to outright racist provocations to repeatedly telling the caller they had the wrong “John Doe”.

Most of the time, anything you would say would be of no avail. You would be told once the account goes into ‘collections’ bad things would happen to you if you did not pay what you consider a bogus, and sometimes, fabricated bill.

If the collection agency continues calling you, you may now be a victim of financial terrorism. I heard the phrase (I think) from T.J. Holmes of CNN. The phrase is new to me and eventhough it does not have a legal definition at this time, it could not hurt using it on the complaint you file in the court along with the word ‘harassment’.

It you do not owe the agency the money, BEG them to take you to court and by no means be flippant about it. If they still persist in harassing you, you may at this time need judicial intervention. Don’t be shy. Let a judge help you sort it out. Be sure you send the complaint to the right "Resident Agent" for the company. If you can not find it, send it to the President of the company.

The judge can help you a lot if your suit is $5000.00 or under. Going over $5000.00 in my state ushers in other financial situations due to the fact I would be asking for more money. Without a lawyer, I would suggest staying at $5000.00 or under.

I repeat; it would no longer do any good pleading your case to the collection agency. Talking to them would only delay the process. Let them now pay a lawyer to defend themselves in court. The lawyer will get in touch with you. Make him write you a letter. Insist on it! Everything you need to know should be in that letter.

Finally, Google the name of the collection agency. You may be surprised at what you find.

As always,
P.S. If you are in advanced age, you should note a bad credit rating could effect getting into the nursing home of your choice or your families choice. Moreover, upon your demise, your estate could be settled with a bill of any proportion your family knew nothing about and scratch their heads wondering why in the world you would order a pair of water skis and Reyes boxing gloves or, if appropriate, a few things from Victoria Secrets when you couldn’t even take your medicines or get to the bathroom on time. However, your family may have to pay the agency in order to get death certificates.