Saturday, June 27, 2009

MIA: Gloria Allred, Nancy Grace and Prosecutor Tom Sneedon

As a matter of good literary taste and respect, the initials MIA mean “Missing In Action”.

These three names are closely associated with the 2005 child molestation trial of Jordan Chandler Vs. Michael Jackson. The thrust of the trial was Michael had many young boys in his bed and had molested all of them and this boy, Jordan chandler, was one of two who were brave enough to come forth and make accusations. As I recall the incident with Boy #1 surfaced when Michael was getting ready to go on tour and since there were so many contracts already signed and so many people depending on getting money from the tour, he just settled out of court which many interpreted as a verdict of guilt. The out of court settlement was far less than what he would have made on the tour. Passport and visa had been obtained, baby-sitters in place, money borrowed for the trip had come through, etc.

I heard a commentator today say that Michel had hundreds of boys in his bed. I posit the fact if Michael Jackson had even a few, not hundreds of boys in his bed, by now one of them would have come back and killed him. He would not have died from a drug over-dose. There are some boys that do not ever forgive you for taking advantage of their youth and they can not wait to get old enough to get back at you. Boys are different than girls. Boys will talk about the experience and fester their hated for you with very unpleasant culminations of their feelings. Boys talk about “faggots!” they know and if one of them did something to them when they were young, defenseless and did not know any better, Lord have mercy! He is going to tell it! Michael was 50 years old which was long enough for some of those boys to have matured.

Prosecutor Sneedon thought he had such a boy with Jordan chandler above all the other boys Michael was supposed to have molested and bought charges against Michael. Enter Gloria Allred, Nancy Grace and Tom Sneedon. With those two ugly women and a viper alone is enough to drive you to take drugs while pulling your hair out. Witches and vipers would be insulted and perhaps sue you and win in a court of law if you were to make such an analogy.
As always,
P.S. (Random thoughts) Like any child, Michael only wanted to please people he thought of as being adults. ~I often think about the lady in the parking lot releasing the doves after the “Not guilty” verdict in 2005. ~Ironically, that same mentality of Grace, Allred and Sneedon is after our Pres. Obama in the persons of Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney and John McCain. They go after the more brilliant. They already managed to get Ahmandenijad angry at him. Watch how that flows and I note no public statement regarding the death of Michael Jackson from the President.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson, his doctor and drugs

After the release of the 911 tapes requesting an ambulance to come to Michael Jackson’s home, there is a need, as procedure, to talk to the doctor who was in attendance at the time and who was mentioned on the tapes.

Many years ago when I was young and had all my teeth, a friend told me what was considered a drug over-dose. I will paraphrase what he told me.

Most people think a drug over-dose is due to the escalation of the dosage. Not true. You can over-dose using the same amount of dosage you normally use and the difference is whether or not your body can turn over the drug. If you have been taking the same dosage day in and day out and have not gotten much sleep and you are tired and haven’t eaten, your body is not going to be up to snuff. You are physically exhausted. So when you take that same dosage of drugs under those conditions, your body simply can not handle it. That is when your body goes into shock and you die. You die having used the same dosage you always used.

It would be impolite for me to say anymore and besides, I wouldn’t know what I was talking about.
As always,

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thoughts on the “Do or Die(ers)”

What I am learning about the “Do or Die” personality is how much the “die” part effects me.
Whether the issue is political or personal, many people are effected by persons embracing the negative or positives of a “Do or die” mind set i.e., Dr. Martin Luther King Vs. Gov. Mark Sanford Vs. Sen. Max Baucus Vs. Mr. Mousavi of Iran.

Judging from the positions of Pres. Obama, it appears to me he neither believes in “Do or die” rhetoric nor conduct. He is of the school of thought that says, “Look, you don’t have to go that far. Let’s sit down and talk about it. I’m sure we can find some common ground.”
What has gotten my strongest attention of late is the past “Do or die” rhetoric of Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina that came home to roost. I am mindful of his strong stance regarding the stimulus money to his state wherein his peers not only voted against his stance on the issue but additionally giving him a swift kick in the butt by over turning many of his recent vetoes. In my opinion, that was akin to being tarred and feathered and he himself spared them the glee of running him out of town by doing so himself.

It is my understanding by making efforts to refuse the stimulus money, Gov. Sanford was messing with the educational system in his state. If he were successful we all know the impact would have been greatest in the poorer, predominately Black communities.

It was during Gov. Sanford’s press conference yesterday I took particular note of two African-American females in the background who were, in my opinion, wearing the historically enigmatic Mona Lisa smile; Gov. Mark Sanford, along with his “Do or die” approach to the stimulus package, had died. There are those who would believe it was fate that sealed his doom.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

P.S. Governor Sanford Sees Loss in Stimulus Fight
Mr. Sanford, the only governor to take his opposition to the bailout funding to court, said his best hope had been before a federal judge "because it's federal money and the federal prerogative, we believe, was given to the governor" to decide whether to accept the funds.
The state's legislature says the money is vital to avoid mass layoffs of teachers and other cutbacks. The U.S. Dept. of Education recently set a July 1 deadline for governors to apply for the so-called fiscal stabilization funds, which are slated to be used for education and public safety, among other things.

Keith and Rachel, please apologize regarding Sanford emails.
by Jack Dublin
I cringed last night while Keith Olbermann mocked the contents of emails sent by South Carolina Governor Sanford (R) to his lover. I couldn't understand why Keith felt so compelled to read the elove letters word for word. I could not find one bit of newsworthy information in his routine. I was sickened by the glint of joy I saw in Keith's eyes as he pounded away at the contents of the love letters.
Then came Rachel Maddow, the political commentator that I trust most. And she seemed to be making fun of Sanford's emails. My heart sank. I was ashamed to be a liberal if being a liberal meant that we cheered the unnecessary fire bombing of a person's love life.,-please-apologize-regarding-Sanford-emails.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Double-dipping in Educational Funds?

This article caught my attention:

Court Says Public Must Pay for Private Special Ed
Washington - The Supreme Court has made it easier for parents of special education students to be reimbursed for the cost of private schooling for their children.

During my thirty-seventh year of teaching, I was transferred into a very affluent area of my school district to teach music and one class in particular stands out for me even to this day; the Special Education Class. There were the boys with their orange or blue dyed hair, some with Mohawk cuts and girls in their long paisley sun-back dresses with ribbons in their hair. The man sang, “Ah, I remember it well.”

The class was especially large and as the students came into the classroom for the very first time on the very first day of school, I noted to myself, “These are not Special Ed. Students. No way!” They were polite, courteous, charming, had book-bags, were well groomed and ready for learning to take place. After taking the role I started out with my first unit, “What is music?” wherein I end up with the students having to distinguish the difference between music and noise with me giving musical examples of each on the piano and having a student record their answers in two columns on the chalk board. My example for music was the first part of “Mary had a little lamb..” and for noise I would slam open and close the piano lid, bang on the side and top of the piano with my fist and intone non-sensible words. They tore that lesson up! “No, no, no!” I said to myself once again. “These are NOT Special Ed. Students.”

In the class there was only one student, one mind you, who would literally stand up on the desks, could not work in groups and constantly disturbed the learning environment. He was conspicuously lost in the class and the only one in the class demonstrating true Special Ed. experiences.

A few days later I was able to engage a teacher in conversation regarding my impression about the class who told me in order for parents to qualify for state-paid private tutoring for their child, the child had to be registered in a Special Ed. Class. Bingo!
As always,
P.S. Also during the year, an outside independent music teacher came asking me to help her teach a Bar Mitzvah song to her student who was also in my class. (Gasp!) I did not think to ask the good Madame how about us both teaching the boy a good Negro Spiritual.
BTW, music is organized sounds. Have fun! (Smile)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Iran: President caves to Congress?

There’s talk that during his public television announcement this afternoon Pres. Obama will articulate language condemning Iran for whatever to satisfy Congress and outside forces.

I hope this is a “quid pro quo” deal, Re: Health Bill. It would be hard for the President to satisfy his base if that were not the case.
As always,

Who is Neda of Iran?

According to Peter Dauo of Huffington Post her name was Neda Agha-Soltan. Neda was the young lady murdered during a street demonstration on Sunday. I found it odd her last name was not immediately available nor the full identification of the person so attentively attending her right after the shooting rather than making a guess he was her father.

To my knowledge there is no official hospital account, no identification if she was from the Kurdish or Arab community or if she was a student, housewife, mother or a citizen of Iran. There are those calling her a martyr. It just seems strange to me to pronounce a person a martyr making them the symbol of a movement without information other than their first name being made available to the public.

If was obvious Neda Agha-Soltan did not have on the usual and traditional female Muslin attire when the tragic event occurred which raised a red flag to me regarding the “random shooting” theory. We know nothing regarding the random shooting of the other demonstrators regarding their sex and, if they were females, their attire.

During a mass street demonstration and with all those people around it is hard to imagine a random shooter getting away. I can understand how that happened when James Earl Ray assassinated Martin Luther King there were not many people around; not as many as attending the demonstration Neda attended and I extend my prayers to her family and friends.

Finally, we are informed the family was TOLD to bury her the next day. What happened to the autopsy for various verifications if for none other than official records and very importantly the origin and trajectory of the bullet? When making a martyr a lot of information has to be released.

In my opinion, to leave all those young people leaderless at this point adds to the unfolding tragedies regarding Iran's woes. Sad.
As always,

Neda's Martyrdom and the Pitfalls of Obama's Chronic Pragmatism
A gruesomely captivating video of a young woman -- laid out on a Tehran street after apparently being shot, blood pouring from her mouth and then across her face -- swept Twitter, Facebook and other websites this weekend. The woman rapidly became a symbol of Iran's escalating crisis, from a political confrontation to far more ominous physical clashes. Some sites refer to her as "Neda," Farsi for the voice or the call. Tributes that incorporate startlingly upclose footage of her dying have started to spring up on YouTube. Although it is not yet clear who shot "Neda" (a soldier? pro-government militant? an accidental misfiring?), her death may have changed everything.