Saturday, August 16, 2008

Three young patriots responding to 9/11

One dies in Iraq, one in Afghanistan and the last one in Georgia, training Georgian soldiers to kill other Georgians. How were they to know they would be placed in mortal danger at ports other than Iraq? How would their family members have known to warn them? What shame on this administration. Undeclared wars all. Three sad laments. What a Morality Play had I the skills.
As always,

Friday, August 15, 2008

Rice in Georgia

- (Pres. Saakashvili) That Condi is such a sweet little thing. Coming all the way over here to have me sign these stacks of silly little papers. What an angle. The epitome of kindness….The Gods must smile on her everyday…Why, she's the...
-Sir!! Sir!!! I’m looking over some of these papers you just signed! It says the Russians can stay in Abkhazia as Peace Keepers...
-What??? Let me see!! No wonder she wanted to get out of here so fast. Go get her! Bring her back!
-But Sir…
-By force if necessary!! They've done it to me again! Why, that little…

As always,

Rice offering Georgia imperfect peace plan By MATTHEW LEE

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Republican prototypes out on leave

David Shuster Destroys Phony PUMA 'Democrats'
Thu Aug 14, 2008 at 04:52:12 PM PDT
Thanks to diarist Oil Guy of Dkos for video.
Featured on the video is Hardball substitute host David Schuster. “His first guests were Dara Murphy, the founder of PUMA and Will Bowers, of "Just Say No Deal."” The absolute epitome of most of the representatives of the Republican party.

The exercise of cognitive denials on each and every level of the thinking process was breath taking. Brilliant comes to mind. Truer representative of the Republican party group-think could not have been found i.e., Dr. Rice not going to Russia nor having meaningful dialog with Iran and "He (Russia) hit me first!"

I look forward to Murphy and Bowers’ significant ascension in the Republican Party if not already begun and for the present, I am so glad they are boarded in a non-public private sanitarium. They are definitely in a class unto themselves. What a pair!

In a Three Little Pigs scenario, consider the wolf -David Schuster- being the good guy and the three little pigs as being Charlatans who everytime the wolf blows the house down, one little pig keeps the wolf busy distracting him by throwing rocks at him, hiding under rocks and darting in and out behind trees trying to make the wolf think there are more of them then there really are, while the other two pigs hastily use pre-constructed smoke and mirror props to try tricking the wolf into thinking he did not destroy the house. Cute! The wolf is finally able to lasso them up together, marching them off to do whatever a wolf would do with three little Charlatan pigs.
As always,

Gen. Clark or Sen. Biden. Is that the question?

Sittin’ here, minding my own business when this dairy from johnsonresult came messin’ wif me.

I’ve been busy down on my knees praising the Lord, burning incenses, reading my Bible singing “Oh, How I Love Jesus” the VP for Sen. Obama will not be Hillary. However, my attention these past few days have been forced upon the Georgia/Russia crisis and new information demands new adjustments of your view of issues.

My adjustments were in relation to the Vice President of Sen. Obama. What happened and what got me up off my knees was the recent Op-ed article written by Sen. Biden and cited below. In light of the seriously flawed diplomacy we have observed these past few days, some of us watched and listened in horror, in my opinion we need - pardon me - a SOB as a Vice President; the drill sergeant variety. We need someone who not only knows HOW to kick assess but has taught others how to do it all the while adjusting his academic awards and honors on the wall behind his desk. We need a person who would chew up the words “being nice” and spit them out in the faces of all our highly placed and mis-guided faux citizens working for our government and in other sacred cow enclaves.

You can learn a lot about a man through his writings. It is one of the most revealing instruments you can have to reveal him and its reliability is almost never questionable. I would put the percentage in the high nineties. If you can look into a person’s eyes and see their soul, in my opinion you can do the same thing reading their writings.

Hence, I have listed three units. They are snippets. The first unit features a snippet of the writing from the diary prompting this blog. It is by diarist Johnsonresult. Unit two features two opening paragraphs from a writing by Gen. Clark followed by the opening two paragraphs of the Op-ed written by Sen. Biden. Now where did I put my Bible at?
As always,
Can you believe Dr. Rice not talking to Russia? Incredible!

1. VP has to be...
by johnsonresult
Thu Aug 14, 2008 at 12:48:38 AM PDT
The only proven VP choice with executive experience, whom is a Washington political outsider, and possesses credentials that will really undercut the charges against Obama on patriotism, who will appeal to older white voters who may still be reluctant and fearful...
Is General Wesley Clark.

2. Writing of Clark
Take Rush Limbaugh Off Armed Forces Radio
Posted October 2, 2007 | 03:02 PM (EST)
Last week, Rush Limbaugh labeled any American soldier who supports an end to the war in Iraq as "phony." We challenged Limbaugh through an email campaign to invite's Jon Soltz to his show and repeat these same insults to an Iraq war veteran's face. Over 10,000 people responded and emailed Rush -- but to our disappointment, he has refused to respond to our request.

It's time to put real pressure on Rush Limbaugh. His show is broadcast on Armed Forces Radio, and this time we are going to go straight to the lifeblood of Rush's show -- Congress. Congress has the power to remove Rush Limbaugh from Armed Forces Radio, and it won't be as easy for elected officials to ignore our call.

3. Writing of Biden
Joe Biden, an Op-Ed Reply, and The Wall Street Journal
May 23, 2008 - 07:24 PM

On Wednesday, Joe Lieberman wrote on this page that the Democratic Party he and I grew up in has drifted far from the foreign policy espoused by Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman and John Kennedy.
In fact, it is the policies that President George W. Bush has pursued, and that John McCain would continue, that are divorced from that great tradition – and from the legacy of Republican presidents like Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.

Sen. Lieberman is right: 9/11 was a pivotal moment. History will judge Mr. Bush's reaction less for the mistakes he made than for the opportunities he squandered.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Russia ragged for saving lives

It is a sad commentary on the world community. We American citizens are expected to join the world view South Ossestians are non-human and their lives have no value. Sad.
As always,

Neo-cons should take pause…

…to understand their relationship with the Bush administration, their front and center positions in the sub-prime mortgage tragedy, their influences on the Iraq war plus their on-stage egress in the unfolding Georgia/Russia saga is not going unnoticed by the world. This time around, patrons seated in the world's newly constructed and contemporary theater watching the performances on stage are rekindling and evaluating long ago unanswered questions as to their influences on advancing civilization to the positive. People are talking.
As always,

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dear God, I could not be happier….

People are talking. Amen.
As always,

Dr. Rice: “Don’t use the words 'ethnic cleansing' or 'genocide'”.

This is what Dr. Rice told a high ranking Russian official in a telephone conversation yesterday or the day before.

The mythical South Ossestians are not to be seen anywhere or even talked about in human terms as to what has happen to them. Their devastated town is not recorded, there are no interviews of a dis-placed person or family from Ossestia, not even an interview with persons whom Georgia Pres. Saakashvili says are in his cabinet. We have seen those efforts by the media in the past keeping a person de-humanized but more importantly at this time and in my opinion, the power of the world media for local media outlets to not show pictures is an eye opener. Pictures are also absent on web sites which is even more disturbing. Is this propaganda machine wider spread than I imagined?

Usually by this time when a story is developing, there are pictures but as of this moment, nothing. Nada! Zilt! Curious! Our beloved Pres. Obama is gonna have a “tuff” row to hoe not only with the crazy do-nothing anti-progress lazy and ornamental Democratic Congress but also the media.

So it was listening to a press conference early this morning with a Russian diplomat and the head of the something who, by the way, continued throughout the conference pledging he was not going to blame anyone for starting the Georgian conflict. “That will come later” he repeated over and over reminiscent of the Katrina blame game.

Due to the fact a lot of media programs no longer display the name and positions of the person talking for any length of time, one is reduced to the level of reporting “hear say”. I used to be able to record the name and position of the person I was quoting but that has drastically changed. Some one will come on television now and say the most egregious of things and the only time you hear their names is when the commentator would say, “Thanks for that report, so and so” with the vocal inflection dropping when saying the name. For the past few days, 99% of my TV has been watching BBC-World. It‘s a blood pressure thing. I have developed a phobia watching even my favorites i.e., Andrea and Matthews. Oh waiter, two olives in that Martini, please.
As always,

Georgian and Russian legs

*"George Bush once again misused his office as the head of the world's greatest superpower and helped start another war."

"My point: This hornet's nest was stirred up, very deliberately, by the Bush administration. Whether out of sheer incompetence (unlikely, IMO) or by design, only time will tell."

It already has. I also heard the Democracy Now interview with Amy talking to Ret. Col. Sam Gardiner and here is where we bloggers come into the picture:

-Vera, I know you are a little busy right now here in the office but I just got to talk to you.
-What is it Clara?
-John and I were talking last night and you know our son Bobby has just turned sixteen.
-Yes, I know and my Cathy is twelve. What’s this about?
-Bush and the Neo-cons are trying to start a war with Russia.
-Call Nancy over here and give me a minute to close out this program.

As always,
*How Bush helped start another war

by Inky99
Mon Aug 11, 2008 at 11:32:37 PM PDT

American Diplomacy: Deny, Rearrange facts and Hypothesize

The past few days have been my first time observing America diplomacy from its beginning and I am not a happy camper.

So this is how it is done. This is the prototype, their template; their modus operandi. I observed it unfolding last night starting first with the rearranging of facts followed by the denials. Later this morning, I was able to catch hypotheticals being thrown into the already bubbling brew they were handing out to the public. It was a festive sight seeing the propagandist doing their thing. USUALLY they are not people you see too often due to the fact they are the heavy weights. They are the puppet maters for their particular area of control but when you see them, you say to yourself, “Who the hell are you talking like that? I haven’t seen you before.” Very much like the rare appearance of Henry Kissinger.

The Universal Thought did not fail me today looking for a launch pad for my post and I found it on Dkos with a diary of the ever passionate and articulate *One Pissed Off Liberal, OPOL as he is referred.

The major thrust of his diary, as I understand it and agree (as I am going out into very deep waters), is that WE must do something. I am keeping my buoyancy by using the Blogosphere for three reasons. I am using what I consider a mentality that can not be used by marching and demonstrations as in the past. The Bush administration has clearly given us the “fuck you” message loud and clear from Code Pink herons to Cindy Sheehan and her lawn chair and many other true American patriots who love this country and wants it to straight'n up and do right.

From my observations today how the Bush administration works I thereby conclude you can not march to stop someone from lying on the international stage. You can not march to get someone to stop re-arranging sequence of events nor to stop uploading alarming and socially tasteless hypotheticals. In my opinion, those three practicing elements are what got us into the Iraq war and what is destined to put us into serious conflicts with Russia and her allies.

I saw a commenter on CNN using the formula who deliberately and rudely interrupted an Assistant Prime Minister each and every time he was making his point. I heard the formula being used from a Pentagon spokesperson, Sen. McCain and our President. I head collectively cognitive denials from people whom you would have thought know better. The word systemic comes to mind. For sure, their model is on the juvenile level proves to be a threat to any intelligent person running the country. This country can and has been run by the seriously un-intelligent for eight years. However, it is working now as it worked leading up to the Iraq war and to top it off, the words Jews and Muslins are never used in reference to the Georgia issue. Sacred cow words? I can not go any further. No answers here. Kind’a got my britches twisted up. All I can do is make slight adjustments to my “Three Little Pigs” scenario used in my previous post.

The President of Georgia, Pres. Saakashvili, says, “No, no, no not by my chinny chin chin! You are a part of our country now and if you don’t do what I say, I will huff and puff and blow your Muslin Temples down.” and little Osesstia said, “Oh, yeah? Let’s see you try it, Sak-kass! Just ‘cause we’re Muslins does not give you the right to do that to us. You Coward! You bully! Sissy!” and so Pres. Saakashvili said, “I’ll show you! Take THAT!” as he moves his army into the town square of Ossetia which also happens to be the entire state, and Russia quite calmly said, “Hold everything, Partnuh. Why don’t you pick on somebody your own size? Now you take THIS!!” and America said, “Oy Vey! Russia is picking on poor little Georgia! We gotta do something! Condi….Condi!!!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

P.S. I am mindful when Sen. Kerry during his campaign and boarding his plane say, “Those people lie so much” and a big deal was made of it.
Wise Up and Rise Up – or Kiss It All Goodbye
*by One Pissed Off Liberal
Mon Aug 11, 2008 at 03:58:56 PM PDT
Opening sentences:
I find myself, on some level, torn between my highly strained faith in American democracy and a perception that it no longer exists. I applaud and encourage political activism and cherish the activists that I know, but for all their heroism, commitment and hard work, I see us sliding steadily backwards.

American News Self-Censoship: Genocide

by Hjiorst
Mon Aug 11, 2008 at 10:02:12 AM PDT

Monday, August 11, 2008

Genocide this morning. Holocaust this afternoon??

I note a creative way to describe a group of people in this impeccably written article:
Georgians are a melodramatic people, and few more so than their hyperactive president;

I am waiting for the other shoe to drop as to the ethnicity of the people and I also note no cries of “rape” as you do the instance a group of Blacks are put upon. As a matter of fact, no rape reports from Kosovo either where some of Georgia solders are also stationed.

I do not know very much about Darfur but I wonder if the U.S. had acted as swiftly in Darfur as did the Russians in Georgia, would the outcome be different. Seems the UN Security Council is poised to condemn……Russia? Sounds familiar: The people protecting their families and country in Iraq are killed and they are called terrorist with these cognitive reversals by some members of our society. Will the Russians be called terrorist?

First thing this morning, it seems Hamas is in the news. Interesting. Talks in Zimbabwe appear to be going well. Commentators and pundits have their work cut out for them today. A friend of mine used to say, “Getting butter from the goose” (A difficult task). This is going to be a very long day! The weather report says we are going to have a beautiful one. As the old folks used to say, “We’ll see.” One thing we're sure to see today is some of the world's best propagandist! Get out your popcorn.I just saw several on BBC-World.

As always,

Talented nerve workers

There is a group of people in this world who know how to regulate your blood pressure through talk.

In their youth they may have stumbled upon their abilities by accident and through the years found they had an ability to regulate people’s nervous systems by what they say. This group of people with this special talent found people would pay money for their talent hence your modern day Mainstream Media (MSM) commentators and pundits whose talent is encouraged by their salaries and environments. You have your Michael Jordan’s and Ethel Merman’s of commentators and pundits. They have become some of the most priceless real estate of the American oligarchy and they have been right under our noses all the time. Talents in full sight and sound.

One must not forget a talent is usually a God given gift and the abilities to regular ones nervous system was God’s gift to them. No argument there. Also we must not forget there are gifts that can be used for the good of both the possessor and the enlightenment of others. For sure just as we have talented ministers, artists, writers and public speakers. Within each circle, the truly talented one can be identified and so it is with commentators and pundits. Still no problem.

I was not interested in seeing any talk show programs today and I find it easier and easier not watching them. I do not make a conscious effort but I just do not become interested enough to tune them on. This has gone on for several months now, for at least a month I am sure.

This morning, going through the living room on my way to the kitchen, a talk show was on wherein the moderator asks one of those questions accusing Sen. Obama of being the perpetrator, why his poll numbers were down or something like that. I forget the exact question and I do not want to remember what he said but something hit my stomach so hard I honestly had to take my medicine to calm down. I was on the brink of hysteria and I try not to get that way. I go from panic to stalk raving mad in five seconds and have been forced to develop certain defense mechanisms. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t. (Smile)

I said to myself “Aha! I just caught your ass, you bastard!” Those were my exact words! Those host and pundits deliberately say something so backwards in logic that your mind has to take so much energy defending the fallacy or preponderance of fallacies that your mind eventually tires and succumbs to the process or has the violent reaction as did mine this morning. A well placed sock to the groin!

It is when your mind puts up the resistance that your blood pressure goes up and other mean things happen to your body. I am therefore convinced: Talk media can be bad for my health. In hindsight, I remember reading a diary just the other week regarding my experience. Naturally, it was not written the same way but the thrust was there.

This is the first time I have been conscious of anything like that physically and mentally happening to me. Could this be why many people are becoming so increasingly angry and callous in their relationship to others? Manufacturing scapegoats and enemies? Young girls getting earlier menstrual periods and the like due to their lack of defenses to this bullshit?

I am mindful when something I think was upsetting to the old folks and ask them what they thought about it, they would simply say, “Well?”
As always,

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Bush calls Petraeus

-David? You heard about Ossessa?
-Ossetia? Yes Sir, I have.
-Well, what are we gonna do about it?
-“We” Sir?
-Hell! You know what I mean. I want you to assessorize things on the ground there.
-But Sir, I’m tired down here in Iraq…trying to get those troops off to Georgia that Saakashvili requested, trying to find replacements and all.
-Who do you think is going to advise me, David? Tell me! Condi? McCain?? Well, on second thought, maybe McCain could tell me something I could use.
-I understand, Sir. I’ll get right on it and let you know
-Atta boy. I knew I could count on you. Now you hurry up, ya hear? I have to make a statement to the press shortly and I want them to know I am on top the issue. I am the Decider, you know.
-Yes Sir. You are The Decider.
-What’s that?
-Oh, nothing Sir, I was just thinking you could ask Barack?
As always,

Sunday Talk: How to make ‘whole cloth’ live demonstrations

I make the statement in reference of late, almost 100% of all Talk Show dialog is based upon what many consider fallacious poll numbers. “Lay on, MacDuff. And damned be him that first cries ‘Hold, enough!’” Look Mom. I'm damned!
Bruce Bartlett had a soon to be released book interview on C-Span Book TV with Clarence Page. I was mesmerized with Mr. Bartlett’s accounts of historical events about which he had written in his book, “Wrong on Race”.

Antidotal account after another kept me sitting on the edge of my chair with the relaxed mental comfort of, “Yeah, man! Learn me something!” Most notable was Mr. Bartlett’s account of the money Pres. Jefferson offered for one of his run-away slaves and the lashes he was to endure. And secondly, Mr. Bartlett’s flash of desperation when talking about the children of Sally Hemming and Mr. Page’s white protectionist stance regarding paternity. It happened in only an instant camera shot but if you watch closely you will see it and understand the patience of Mr. Bartlett during the interview.
I have yet to fully test my new found theory regarding my
reading of diaries and posts. If I can not break the posts down to The Three Little Pigs or Little Red Riding Hood story format with the appropriate heroes and herons, materials that stray from the structure are usually of the propaganda genre. They are usually VERY wordy, repetitive and full of side issues in parenthesis. Very disturbing to read if you intend to go to the end of the diatribe many times losing sight of what the author is writing. In my opinion, copious parentheses are one of the dead give aways. Constant conflicts with “what I think” and “what is”.

This is the problem I am having with Darfur. I can not see The Three Little Pigs nor Little Red Riding Hood. All I hear of is the wolf blowing down the little pig’s houses, raping the female pigs and killing the piglets. In the case of Little Red Riding Hood in relation to Darfur, all I hear is the wolf repeatedly raping poor Grand-ma. That’s it. Additional characters can be inserted and slight modifications can be tolerated but the format should remain the same and the whole structure can be “up-graded” to the intended audience. You have to have the structure very clear in your own head and it will be noticed if you do not. Believe me! I note a reporter asking Ex. UN Secretary John Bolton and columnist Bill Kristol what would happen once Israel or the US bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities. “Then what?” the reporter queried. If Bolton and kristol could have gotten away with kicking his ass, they would’ve.
As always,