Friday, November 26, 2010

Somebody didn’t get the memo on North Korea!

I read that Keith Olbermann has already told the public it was South Korea firing the first shots at North Korea and North Korea only retaliated.

Apparently the war mongers in the Pentagon automatically go into play when such provocations occur i.e., sending war ships for ‘exercise’ purposes. (More raids on our treasury?)

I feel there will be some resistance to go to war on the part of South Korea due to the fact they fired the person apparently responsible for firing on North Korea. Unfortunately, the US and our media will over-rule whatever internal decisions South Korea would make especially after its administration immediately fired the person responsible for the conflict. It may have been a decision to which the US disapproved. In my opinion, South Korea firing their military general, for whatever reason in the face of impending war, is noteworthy.

Have you hugged your 12th grader lately? I smell war coming; high college tuition costs, no jobs, un-employment benefits being cut off gives few choices than joining the military.
As always,

WTF? War with North Korea?
by Blue Wind
Tension mounted on Friday near a South Korean island bombarded this week by North Korea as Pyongyang’s military again fired artillery, this time in what appeared to be a drill on its own territory. The North’s state-run media warned that a planned United States-South Korean military exercise could push the Korean Peninsula closer to "the brink of war."
Read more at:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

You can live in a totalitarian state

Cheer up, my fellow white comrades! As long as your ancestry and the Oligarchy continue telling you that you are more valuable and deserving more privileges than Blacks, your worries are few. The word ‘minimal’ comes to mind.

We Blacks have been living in a totalitarian state since we arrived here in American in 1619 and you can judge by the treatment of our first elected Black President in 2008 the concept is still alive and well.
A totalitarian government is a country run with only one political party, like China, or North Korea. The government can prevent people from doing anything including leaving the country. Stalin lead a totalitarian government in Russia during the Cold War. Totalitarianisn can also mean that this country might be ruled by one person. In general, it means that one person or party holds absolute control.
It generally means that the population is excluded from the political process, and any form of dissent is met with force.

And now that you good Europeans are gradually being lumped with us Blacks and handed your asses in a basket, I turn your attention to the not so distant past fights and fates of Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, Schwerner, Chaney and Goodman and I can only conclude your fighters of the ‘system’ will suffer the same fate. It has already begun.

See Glenn Greenwald “Anatomy of a journalistic smear job” at

However, I once again encourage you to cheer up! Consider the fact there maybe at the least, life after death. That was the belief bringing many of us Black through, i.e., singing and preaching about ‘a brighter day tomorrow’ and ‘putting on my long white robe’ etc., There’s not much more you can do. Like the man said to us Blacks, you have been “bamboozled"! Happy Thanksgiving.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

TSA screening protest fails to take off at U.S. airports
By Tony Pugh and Marisa Taylor | McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON — Unwilling to gamble with their on-time arrivals, the nation's airline passengers on Wednesday ignored calls to protest heightened airport security measures on the busiest travel day of the year.

Brian Sodergren of Ashburn, Va., became the unofficial leader of the would-be protest when he set up a National Opt-Out Day website and urged passengers to opt-out of the full-body screening.
Read more:
Read more:

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Airport security checks are here to stay

In my opinion, there are enough legal presidence regarding invasive searches of Black for a judge to laugh any and all attempts of anyone else wanting exceptions.

“First they had invasive searches of the Blacks and I did nothing, then they came for me….”

A member of the American oligarchy is making far to much money from the searching of airline travelers to allow a mere commoner to come in disrupting his money flow. It ain’t gonna happen. If you think the public is going to win on this one, let’s you and I sit down and talk about you purchasing this bridge in Brooklyn I hear so much talk about.

Next, there may already be plans for intrusive searching at bus and train stations and the money for doing so will be added to the price of the tickets. If not, some vendors may get very entrepreneurial asking you to pay your $5.95 cash and up-front before the search proclaiming it to be, with copious media support, “A badge of honor” or “Your patriotic duty to help protect the country from terrorist.” Just you wait! After all, we are talking about a capitalist society, right?

- Mom, I know my last class ended today, but I can’t come home. (Boo-hoo)

- Why? I sent you the bus fare. Didn’t you get it?

- Yes, but they say I need $5.95 to pay for the body search and I don’t have it and they said if I have to go to the second body search, it would be $25.00. Oh, Mom…(Boo-hoo)
can you come get me?

As always,

TSA uproar moves to the Hill

Napolitano: TSA may see 'changes'

Raise the national debt. I want my war!

Hell no, no tax cuts for the poor! I want my war.
We must pass the START treaty….I want my war.
If our infrastructure crumbles into oblivion,
If un-employment reaches 100%,
Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn..
I want my war.

As always,

How Republicans Will Legislate Debt
by Jim Angle


Rich Lowry

Sunday, November 21, 2010

“Will you kiss me while you f… me?”

When I was a young lad in college working part-time in the festive environment of an inter-city liquor store, there was a known very foxy neighborhood prostitute who would come into the store.

We college guys would tease her telling her we were going to take her goodies and not pay her. She would reply, “As long as you kiss me while you are doing it.” We would all laugh and ogle watching her paying for her purchase and leave the store with swinging, rhapsodical hips to whatever soul tune was blaring on the radio. Our white boss would smile. We all, usually four or five Black college students and week-end clerks, would’ve amused him.

In my opinion and metaphorically, we have been violated with no intentions of being paid -as per a prostitute- by the Obama administration from the hiring or Rahm to Bernanke to Summers, to DADT to stopping the wars to forcibly taking our hard earned street monies extending the Afghanistan war into the year 2014 and to the recent bull shit speeches asking for more of our monies regarding START and... ne’er a kiss.

Decent folk may call this the battered housewife syndrome while others may simply call it, ‘un-requited love’. We guys at the liquor store would’ve gloated and called it something else i.e., getting free pussy from a professional!

Fast forward: Enter the prostitutes’ new John -TeaBaggers- chasing us down, holding us accountable.

If this continues, I will not be voting a Democratic ticket in 2012. I will seriously be looking at and identifying with the offerings of TeaBaggers and the political agendi they would be espousing and advancing at the time. End of story!

At the very least, I think we metaphorical prostitutes deserve a gratuitous kiss from Democrats for good behavior. We are not even asking them to instead ‘KMA’. Not yet! The man said, "Keep hope alive!" and we potential TeaBaggers are saying, “Yeah, right, but don‘t be delusional in the process!”

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,