Friday, July 10, 2009

To Sen. Roland Burris: “No help needed!”

Mission accomplished! The media has once again earned smiles and glee resulting in hanging out their banner reading “No Blacks allowed in the Senate!”

Mr. Burris is an old and wise man. I tip my hat to him for “..knowing when to hold’em, knowing when to fold’em” as Kenny Rogers sang. In my opinion, Mr. Burris knows better than anybody how the Black community in Illinois totally missed the brilliance of one Barack Obama only to begin anointing him for a Senate seat in Illinois after a salient episode exposing the sexual conduct of his opponent, Jack Ryan.

For Sen. Burris there is no *Richard Ayers nor **Rev. Wright in his political background and if he were to run for re-election for his Senate seat, he is not stupid enough to think there would be a Jack Ryan situation in his cards. He knows how “clean” he is and how hard he worked throughout the years to remain so and that fact has gotten him nothing in the Black community save the brilliant endorsement of Gov. Blagojevich.

Were I Mr. Burris, I would also say, “F*em! I’ve got my retirement now and I am going fishing! Let those colored folks (Sp) have their other white Senator! That‘s what they wanted all along! They didn’t want Barack at first and I know damn well they don’t want me. Free at last, free at last………”
As always,

Burris Won't Run For Senate Seat In 2010
WASHINGTON — Sen. Roland Burris, whose deep ties to former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich seemed to doom his Senate tenure from the start, will not run for a full Senate term in 2010. The move increases Democrats' chances of holding on to the former Senate seat of President Barack Obama.

*Richard Ayers

**Rev. Jeremiah Wright

Thursday, July 09, 2009

A letter to cousin John Boehner

John, I know it maybe too early to talk about the Christmas Season but I just have to tell you that Ann and I would not be able to invite you and Deborah to the house this season for either our Hanukah or Christmas celebrations. We’re broke.

As you may remember visiting me in the hospital this Spring I already had concerns how I was going to pay the bills. Surgery has never been cheap and since I was laid off, I had no better sense than to need by-pass surgery. Me, getting by-pass surgery with no more health insurance than my keyboard and the hospital also claims my condition was pre-existing which makes the situation more complicated.

I remember Dad talking about your medical discharge from the Navy after serving for only eight weeks. I wasn’t even born then but Dad talked about that for years and I often wondered if he and your Mom ever discussed it. That gives you a pre-existing medical condition but I guess your insurance company from the Senate makes all that disappear.

I am not asking you for money to help pay my bills. I hear you and some of your friends are not trying to make things easier for people like me when we get sick and need medical treatment and have all these bills. We are not Senators like you and your friends who can get preferential treatment. It’s very hard so I beg you and your friends to help us anyway you can with your votes. It is kind of complicated for me but I do hear things every now and then and see you talking on television.

Also I want to tell you we had to cancel little Josh’s Bar Mitzvah and Sarah has to wait until better times to go to Columbia. She had her heart set on going there but things happen. Medical bills happened. We are beyond being embarrassed about our situation now. Ann sends her love.
Yours truly,
Cousin Josh
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

If You Don't Want the Public Option, Get the Hell Out of the Way
Please explain, conservatives and wingnuts, why you wouldn't seriously consider switching to the public option if it turned out to be more affordable and portable from job to job -- not to mention the fact that you wouldn't be turned down for a preexisting condition; you wouldn't be randomly booted from the plan as soon as you needed it most; and you would never have to worry about health insurance coverage ever again. Employed or unemployed. Sick or healthy.

The fact remains that the only downside to the public option is that it's just too awesome. We don't deserve anything that good. Simply put: it's Medicare, but for anyone who wants it. And this is somehow a nightmare scenario -- one that we must never be allowed to experience even though it would cost much less than our current system, it would cover everyone who wants it, and it would be accountable to the American people. This is somehow a terrible idea. Terrible to the private health insurance mafia, that is. They simply can't allow you to have an affordable public option because they need your financial support. Face it, $1.4 million a day to lobby members of Congress isn't cheap.

However people are, in fact, dropping dead here due to a lack of affordable, reliable healthcare. They're being abandoned on the street. They're being denied coverage and care. They're going bankrupt and losing everything just because they had the bad luck of losing their job and then getting sick. And the Republicans are telling us that this is the best system ever, even though our infant mortality rate ranks 29th, our life expectancy ranks 42nd (so much for "pro life") and our healthcare spending is the highest among industrialized nations.

The Health Care Crisis: Letters from Vermont and America
A woman in Eagle, Idaho, wrote of "a beautiful, intelligent, hard working small business owner who died because she couldn't afford to buy health insurance for her family nor her employees. She was 53 and I will never forgive my county for allowing the greed of the insurance companies to limit her opportunity for preventable health care. A colonoscopy at 50 would have saved her life."
Because every American needs to hear what's going on with health care in this country, I intend to read some of these letters on the floor of the Senate and send a copy of the booklet to every member of Congress.

John Boehner

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Harry Reid: The mule that roared?

The story goes the farmer had to use a 2x4 producing some serious whacks on the ass of his mule every time he wanted it to do some work in the fields.

I hastily tried to see if the referenced diary by *budydharma was snark and it wasn’t. I was sure it was but reading further I was convinced it was not and the question comes up what got Harry Reid’s Pampers untwisted?

He wants to be as revered as Michael Jackson? He knows how much money has already been collected from Michael Jackson’s fans calling for, and will most likely get, Sen. Peter King’s head? He has read diaries and post calling for his own head now that he can no longer hide behind his “I need 60 votes!” partition? It has finally settled on him he is in serious do-do and broke with his primaries coming up? There is talk of his replacement? Low contributions to the party with money for down tickets? He has become a born again Christian?

This is the second political mystery within a two week period; the first being Sarah Palin’s self immolation a la., Madame Butterfly and now little dirty Pamper Harry Reid trying to pretend he’s a grown up! What's next...Nancy Pelosi thinking she's Madame DeFarge? Will wonders never cease.
As always,
* In Praise of Harry Reid
by buhdydharma
With 60 caucus members, Senate Democratic leaders are now under increased pressure to deliver big legislative wins on health care and climate change, largely because Republicans theoretically can no longer use the filibuster rules to prevent Democrats from passing major pieces of the agenda.

When was the last time a CongDem Leader even came close to actually doing the no brainer, incredibly obvious right thing to do???
My memory doesn't go back that far!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Always dirty dishes in my little kitchen sink #3

1. Peter king and Michael Jackson
Fans of Michael Jackson and his legacy stand united against Peter King's hateful words. Please donate here to show Peter King that true MJ fans won't stand for the smearing of a pop sensation!
UPDATE: Michael Jackson Fans AGAINST Peter King featured in Huffington Post, Politco,
Nassau County Legislator (Peter King's County) tweets: @DianeYatauro: I will mourn the loss of MJ, Rep King, don't be a "hater" its the music stupid!
Help spread the word and build on this momentum!

Sending Check today for $xx.01 to: ActBlue | 14 Arrow Street, Suite 11 | Cambridge, MA 02138 | P.O. Box 382110 Hat tip to diarist LaurenMonica

I hope it is true Peter King is up for re-election in 2010 as follows:
“Clinton's Democratic replacement, newly minted Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, must run in 2010 to win the remainder of the former First Lady's term.
She is likely to face a challenge from Rep. Peter King, a popular Long Island Republican who - as a candidate with a shot at winning - will likely attract the GOP's smart money.”

2. Fareed Zakaria RUDE TO GUEST
On his show Sunday, Fareed had two quest; Dambisa Moyo “Dead Aid” and Jacqueline Novogratz, CEO, Acumen Fund. He let Ms. Novogratz talk endlessly, and I do mean endlessly, while constantly interrupting Ms. Moyo. I have never seen him do that before. In any case, Ms. Moyo got her point across saying government sponsored free items like giving mosquito nets to the citizens of Africa in efforts to control malaria put the local mosquito net makers out of business thereby making the populace depend more and more on government hand-outs. If I understand Ms. Moyo correctly, she is saying this procedure is usurping the citizens need to help themselves and to control their own destinies.

I have noted Mr. Zakaria to be one of the few host, like Larry King, Oprah and Rachel Maddow, who ask good questions and get out of the way of the answers with few if any interruptions.
Watch Video

3. Pres. Bush and Signing Statements
In my opinion, this is how the White House was able to trash our Constitution and reign in all the forces of the government. Mr. Bush made a believer out of me that trashing the Constitution was not illegal and as the late Michael Jackson would say, “Easy as ABC!”

4. Palin for President
It is so cruel some individuals and the media panders to Ms. Palin’s delusions she can become President of the United States of America and even ahead of Hilary Clinton, mind you. Hasn’t enough been done to dis-orientate the poor lady or are they going for even more public and unquestionable madness? Can’t they see the lady is already very unstable? I suspect this is fun for them.

5. Froomkin hired by Huffington Post
by byteb
“One giant step for mankind.” Compassion still lives! Long live Arianna!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Sunday, July 05, 2009

“Bravo!” Roland Martin (Update)

Washington Watch With Roland Martin: New Sunday Show Aimed At Blacks
NEW YORK — Roland Martin will anchor a new Sunday public affairs show aimed at a black audience that will debut in September on the TV One network.
The "Washington Watch" program aims to tap into a new interest in politics and government due to the election of President Barack Obama, said Johnathan Rodgers, TV One's president and CEO. It debuts Sept. 27 at 11 a.m. EDT, and the show will be repeated each week at 5 p.m.

I wish Roland Martin well. He has earned such a position in the media. Like any Black individual in the media Mr. Martin has gotten caustic and oftentimes blistering criticisms from both sides of the racial divide and yet he survives which is no small feat. If you carefully listen to foes of Blacks, including some Blacks ourselves, there will never be the right time for a Black to have his own media show addressing our issues. In my opinion, critics conclude all of America’s issues should be authenticated with constant references and analogies to the Hitler regime, Hitler himself, Anti-Semiticism, the Neo-Nazi Party and other Jewish hate groups dragging us Blacks along for color. As I have noted before when the Nazi party headquarters are raided you will not find “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” or “The Mis-Education of the Negro” on their bookshelves and neither will you find the “Black Liberation Flag” hanging on their walls in mockery.

The critics who feel this way feel this is the only way to authenticate troubling issues here in America and perhaps it does but not our home grown Black issues. Surely this is learned behavior on the part of our critics. Could this be the reason some issues of our society will never move forward by making such absurd analogies? Is American history really destined to keep repeating itself by constantly, I say constantly, making such ridiculous comparisons? Most of America’s issues are born and festered here and should be resolved thusly. Speaking of absurdities, *I saw one the other day comparing Pres. Obama to Hitler. I can not understand this Hitler obsession. We Blacks have our own American history to draw upon with our Bull Connors and Jesse Helmes’ and do not need to visit 1930 Germany for nuffin!

I look forward to watching Mr. Martin’s new show. He is considered by many an “arrogant” Black man which means in translation he, like myself and many other Blacks, are living the American taboo by being Black, educated and having the audacity to be comfortable within ourselves in this environment.

Finally, and in my opinion, Mr. Martin can become a wealthy man with his new show as well as bringing great prestige to the TV One Network by having on-line Salons as was attempted by the Washington Post. (Busted!) Personally, I like the idea. (Smile) I like it very much. There is an old saying, “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance!” The time has long past when a Black man in public has to address the whole spectrum of the Black community. There are people working hard doing their damnest addressing various individual segments of the Black community and I hope Mr. Martin and his producers have the good sense to know even then you can not win’em all. Let Mr. Martin address his segment of our society and I thank God almighty in the heavens above it was not Tavis Smiley! Here’s wishing Mr. Martin well and the best of luck. Color me ranting!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
* Republicans Claim Free Speech Re: Hitler/Obama Comparisons at Tea Party
According to
numerous signs that were prominently displayed at the gathering, including two that featured Barack Obama in Nazi garb. One sign, in fact, had altered Obama's appearance to resemble Hitler. Other signs compared ACORN, the community organizing group accused of voter registration irregularities, with the SS-the Nazi organization responsible for enacting the Holocaust and the group responsible for most of the crimes against humanity committed by the Third Reich.