Saturday, August 30, 2008

Alaska aka Payon Place staring Sarah Palin

Ah, the joys of popping popcorn!

If there are two or three people who are perhaps crying or laughing uncontrollably, the ushers will gently lead them into the prayer room where they can continue to enjoy the presence of Jesus without affecting those around them.
However, he is also open to the possible occasions when the Holy Spirit will just sweep over the service and the majority of the people will be either laughing, crying or worshipping at one time.
His Sunday evening service generally lasts for three to four hours, compared to the morning one of around two hours. At the conclusion of the evening evangelistic endeavour, people are invited to open up their hearts and hunger for a fresh touch of the Spirit. It was during these times that the powerful manifestations will take place and, having observed what has been happening in our Adelaide meetings over the last few weeks, these times have a great similarity to the old time Pentecostal camp meeting or tarrying services where people received a fresh touch of God.
People, Sarah Palin is toast. This could probably be weathered within just Alaska, but this story WILL break on the national level and then a substitute VP choice will have to be made. And after how they've been treated, I see no way it could be Pawlenty or Romney.
And in the meanwhile I think it will be easy to say that her executive "experience" has her husbands hands all over it.
As always,

Friday, August 29, 2008

Does Sen. McCain operate in the covert clandestine areas of the US?

This is what I am working with. Cindy McCain goes to the country of Georgia for whatever reason. McCain’s chief statistic, Schummerman, is a lobbyist for Georgia. McCain’s VP, Ms. Palin, has some ties to the oil industry and no foreign diplomatic relationships. Mr. Putin of Russia gives an interesting press release regarding our Presidential election strategies. What gives?

I never heard of Georgia the country until they decided to do the ethnic cleanings in Osesstia but it seems McCain et al., has years of dealings with them. I do not get the impression the Bush administration is fully behind McCain suggesting to me there is a power struggle occurring in Washington as to who is going to run America. Parallel universes if you will. Both entities have a Neo-con cabal and then there is Sen. Obama. What a trilogy this makes. Is there a good Neo-con cabal, a bad one and stand alone Sen. Obama? Interesting! The conflicts are surfacing. I read a report after McCain sent Lieberman and that other guy to Georgia, Pres. Bush asked Sen. Biden to go.

Am I so awaken now I can see the clouds of covert operations formatting above the Sen. McCain candidacy?

-Hello? Hillary?
-What do you want, John? (Slurp)
-I’m thinking about asking you to run with me as my VP.
- (Slurp, chuckle) Are you really, now.
-Yes, Hillary I am sure and I would like to know would you consider it?
- (Slurp, chuckle) Hold on, John. Wait a minute. Hold on.
- ~ what happened, Hillary. You told me to wait a minute and I heard all this funny noise on my phone….
- Well, John, my friend, (Slurp) what you just witnessed is what some may call (chuckle) rain.
-You bitch!!
-(Chuckle, Click)

(Author disclaimer: I did not want the character to chuckle before hanging up on Sen. McCain, but that’s what she wanted to do. Women!)
As always,
P.S. This is the same party calling on Alan Keys to up-stage Mr. Obama for the Illinois Senate seat.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

…and those lazy, stupid niggers.

Most people think we Blacks have not accomplished meaningful things in America due to the fact we are lazy and stupid. Unable to contribute anything meaningful to this society.

What we are now witnessing in the Mainstream Media (MSM) has long been called “Institutionalized racism.” For some, it may have gone un-noticed in the pass. What is happening now with the negative attitudes attributed to Sen. Obama is prevalent in the courts, banking institution, social agencies and halls of higher education. You name the institution and they all reflect the tenor of reporting directed to people of color we are now witnessing with MSM. It‘s the birds of a feather thing. Murdock and Griffin birds.

It’s out there now. America’s racist closet doors have been flung open wide for the world to see deep into its dark corners and behind hanging Klan robes and head gear and the owners have no shame. I note, most members of MSM say they are registered Democrats up to a few years ago. (Yeah! Right!) In reference to the comment of diarist mojave mike, Rome aka MSM is burning! And people thought our marches were easy things to do. Ha!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. My sincere Thanks to the helping whites and Neo-cons.
P.P.S. “If a niggers is saying it or doing it…trash him! There‘s no such thing as an intelligent and articulate nigger!” they preach. “War is hell!” Sad.
Message to CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ABC, NBC, and CBS
by cadfile
Thu Aug 28, 2008 at 12:49:23 PM PDT
Please, stop hurting the country with your concern troll, faux "objective" analysis of the speeches and events at the convention. We don't care what YOU think or care what you want us to think. We KNOW what the GOP thinks, we don't need to see them on the air repeating the talking points, in fact we don't need YOU repeating the GOP talking points.

And comment:
TV, like print new, is dying a slow and painful (5+ / 0-)
Recommended by:
Flippant, geejay, TomP, Bule Betawi, addisnana
death. What we are witnessing is the last gasp to remain relevant and evet at that, they are failing miserably.
Don't lend your hand to raise no flag atop no ship of fools.
by mojave mike on Thu Aug 28, 2008 at 01:06:01 PM PDT

Who told Pres. Carter not to speak at Convention?

On the second night of the Democratic Convention, Pres. Carter and his wife Roselyn simply came out on stage, wavered to the audience and disappeared. I did not think anything about it at the time but the third night and after Ex. Pres. Clinton spoke, it was my understanding that ex presidents usually speak at the nomination conventions.

Specifically, the moderator informed us Pres. Carter was not allowed to speak due to a book he wrote critical of Israel. By denying Pres. Carter to speak, I was denied a part of my history. A part of United States history. I do not think Neo-cons have that right. Neo-cons do what ever they want to do in Israel and we do not tell them what to do but to have them altering and modifying our history here in the U.S. is something I do not like. Neo-cons should run Israel and let us run America and not try to run two countries at the same time. I am not happy about that arrangement and wonder how it happened.

I note on Wednesday three individuals at the podium espousing our U.S. commitment to Israel; Ms. Wasserman-Schultz, Rep. R. Wexler and Sen. Bayh. In my opinion, Israel also has some obligations to us Americans. No one ever talks about it but they do. For one thing, they have the obligation to let us deal with our own internal affairs. Duel citizenship with Israel greatly diminishes that honor. For another thing Israel has the obligation to help keep us out of harm’s way and not deliberately create problems for us. Lastly and the thrust of this post, Israel has the obligation to support the freedom of speech out country was built upon.

A speech by Pres. Carter was mandated by tradition, a part of the historical recordings of the event and I am pissed I was denied the opportunity to participate due to the fact “someone” felt it inappropriate for Pres. Carter to speak. I too have a dream for America and unfortunately it does not include the continued Neo-con obstructions of our history. The un-questioned and rigid surrogate role. The banning of free speech. BOO!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I got my reparations tonight

I did not know if I should write the title of my post as a declarative sentence or a question. Since I opted not to watch Ex. President Clinton’s speech, I decided to make it a declarative one. I did not watch Bill because I did not want my emotions to start dancing a ragged hoe-down tonight.

I feel my soul and those of my ancestors are at peace tonight. I personally feel I have received OUR reparations in witnessing the nomination of the first Black President of the United States of America. This was done with the good will of many whites to whom I say, “Thank You!”

I look forward to other Blacks getting their own feelings of reparations and with the Presidency of Sen. Obama and his team, there is no telling how many blessings they will personally amass. I have decided to declare tonight a personal reparation due to my background which, in a way, is collective for many in my generation.

I note, like my new hero diarist *billmon, have been to the mountaintop and looked over and going one step further, the man said “I may not get there with you..” and at my age there is much truth to the statement. However, with what I saw tonight at the Democratic convention - an America I have never seen before- yet another quote surfaces, “How long? Not long”. Sen. Obama is here. Joy!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

*Really Proud
by billmon
Wed Aug 27, 2008 at 05:26:16 PM PDT

Dem. Roll call: CLASS! Class! CLASS!!

If the American public has never seen what we elders call CLASS, they saw it tonight at the Democratic roll call. The Madame Secretary, I did not get her name, was what we old timers would call “A classy dame!” as attested to by Frank Sinatra in Pal Joey and *Rogers and Hammerstein's South Pacific. She set a tone for the roll call only a person of her statue could do. I do not know her name or anything about her but she was great.

Sen. Clinton gets Kudos. I was so happy for her the tension has been relieved. If Hillary learned one thing from her campaign is the fact racism in America is no longer working as well as it use to.
C-Span continues to do the American public proud.
As always,

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Joe "Black Face" Scarborough

OMG...It's Smack Joe Scarborough Week on MSNBC!
by aquarius2001
Tue Aug 26, 2008 at 04:21:32 AM PDT
Opening sentence:
Joe Scarborugh spends his time on his crappy morning show bullying his co-host Mika and throwing a hissy fit when guests don't agree with hiim!

I personally never found any substance to Joe Scarborough and never really watched him. I always thought him to be very shallow. Even when he appeared in Black Face. Now it seems every since the Neo-cons stole the show from Imus and its entire protocol and put Joe in charge, there is more criticism of him than I heard ever before. Could it be the good Mr. Joe Scarborough was more appreciated in Black Face due to the fact he could pretend he had good sense while in reality receiving many “benefits of the doubt” amidst polite chuckles? It has been tried oh, so many times. (Smile)
As always,

Howard Fineman’s “Sour Grapes”

With the opening of the Democratic Convention drawing to a close and after the horrific speech of Sen. Kennedy and the brilliantly heartwarming speech of Mrs. Obama and the precious interaction between the two girls and their father, being interviewed by a helpless Chris Matthews, Mr. Fineman took his place, perched on a small mound with the bright silhouette of the full moon behind him, he began his mournful howls. Wave upon waves of howls expressing his polarizing and mal-content regarding the events of the day penetrating the countryside of Denverville. The villagers were shock out of their festive reveries after celebrating “The Festival of the Obama’s”. Shop keepers promptly closed their business; In the homes, shades were pulled, shutters closed and blinds hastily drawn. On the streets, Mothers clutched their young, shepherding them into the nearest place of safety as the men ran into their homes and barns fetching their pitch forks, lanterns and torches.
On WAMU Morning Edition, I heard a report saying the country of Georgia is requesting the U.S. to send Black soldiers as part of our peace keeping troops.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Monday, August 25, 2008

DKos Family, Drudge & Huffpo XXXXXXXXX

If people only knew…….If the world only knew…. The stories we could tell. We told them from the beginning… NOT THIS TIME..... “We’ve only just begun.”
Love always,

I know what I believe and I believe what I know

I believe there is going to be a big shake-up in Mainstream Media (MSM) after the Presidential elections. It is hard to conceive a corporation shelling out good money to so many who know so little and produce variation after variation recipes for making mud pies. Are they claiming heavy tax-breaks for their Entertainment Funds? Mud pies were made by the little people in our society learning socializing skills coached into using their imagination and saying nice things. MSM, to its detriment, wants us to eat the heavily laced “delusions” pies. Here are a few pies I passed over or once taking a bite, may be even chewed on it a bit before spiting it out for whatever reason forming my own beliefs. Here are my beliefs.

Pres. Musharrif of Pakistan was fired. I heard and believe the U.S. was angry with him for not going out into the hinterlands of his country killing the “terrorist”. I heard Pres. Musharrif himself say most of the people in the hinterlands had family members in the urban areas and to ask them to go kill other family members was a tight rope for him to walk in trying to hold his country together. The fact citizens of Pakistan are having political problems so soon after Musharrif departure means they did not think thing through as carefully as they should have. “Who’s minding the store?” he asks as he lay on his dying bed comes to mind.

I do not know why Pakistan and India do not get along but here again I believe it is their internal problems. All countries have them. In my book, “Internal” is the operative word.

More pie? Diarist billmon of Dkos brilliantly informed me how the U.S. is trying to manipulate NATO members holding them hostage into helping us produce more Kosovo’s. Now try this piece of pie. You’ll like it. Hillary Clinton can not be VP due to the fact when the Obama campaign wanted to vet her some time ago, Bill Clinton, her husband, would not co-operate with turning over the list of donors for his library and there is the question about their income taxes. Why you keep spitting my pies out, man? A few hundred people or less attending the Democratic Convention are going to represent the will of the disputed 19 million who voted for Hillary during the primaries. Even if Hillary wins the popular vote, she still loses to the Delegate Votes. Spat that one out too. Man, you crazy! We do not heard the true story how Sen. Obama was not the choice for Senator of Illinois but a white Republican was until he had a big sex scandal putting Obama into the lead by default.

-Man, you spat out all my pies. My Musharrif pie, my NATO and Hillary pie. What’s wrong with you, man?
- I spit what I believe. I’m too old to be eating mud pies.
-You’re too old for anything.
- (SLAP)
-…and you don’t play fair neither!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Sunday, August 24, 2008

“Obama Revealed:” A TV masterpiece

I’ve just finished watching Susan Malveaux’s presentation of the childhood and political career of Sen. Barack Obama and I can not say enough nice things regarding her opus.

However I have an incident to relate if saying something nice regarding the presentation is not what I can put in words: During one of the commercials and as I was going to the kitchen, looking into my dining room I saw a place to put a figurine of The Statue of Liberty. In my wildest dreams purchasing a figurine of The Statue of Liberty and putting it anywhere in my house would never have entered my mind. Yet it happened and I am ordering one. To me that is the nicest comment I can make regarding the presentation. There were times people would put pictures of President John Kennedy and Martin Luther King on the walls of their living rooms and dining rooms. Truth to tell, sometimes I have to laugh at myself, “Crazy old uncle”.
As always,