Saturday, September 05, 2009

How does it feel to know…..

you are going to be a one term President after eight months in office? You know you had voters at a fever pitch with your promises of change. You know you had a great winning line going for you. You were able to see political candidates around the world adopting your slogan of “Change!” and singing your praises in every way and language possible to honor an individual. You saw this! We Villagers saw it! It was impossible to avoid but yet you did not see what a lot of us saw; the Democrats as a party did not share your vision during those primaries and, alas, to date.

The upper crust of the Democratic party, including Rahm Emanuel, did not endorse you. We had no choice but to believe you knew what you were doing and would fight for what you had promised us. We trusted your brilliance as being far greater than our own and we opened paths, roadways, byways and avenues for you in our own uniquely pedestrian ways upon which you traveled to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in North West Washington, D.C. on January 20, 2009.

You are a Constitution lawyer and teacher which, to me, is the social equivalent of being a brain surgeon. I do understand being a President is the only job in America you are allowed to get OJT (On the job training) experiences for four years. This Villager is not angry with you for that; a bit disappointed, you may say, but not angry and hostile. You are much to young for me to feel that way about you in your job as the President of a country with shitty ass advisers like Rahm Emanuel. I think Axelrod is on your side. You should listen to him more often.

However, with you being a Constitutional Lawyer and all, I was just banking on you knowing your discipline and knowing how to work your knowledge of your discipline so your constituents would not be disappointed in the results of listening to your presentations and the way you presented yourself to us. We thought you “knew your stuff!”

In secret, I fantasized you would throw the Constitution around just as the Bible toting people throw around Bible verses. I was anxiously awaiting the chance to finally see our Constitution work in real time. I fantasized you would throw portions of the Constitution at the MSM as if it were confetti ladened with Crazy Glue, sending the White House press corp back to school or, in some cases, into school. I thought you would use the Constitution to justify everything you wanted to do even if that meant when a President should go to the bathroom, wake up to do his job and go to his office to administer the affairs of state. I was wrong. My bad.

We teachers have lesson plans and curriculum we have to follow and justify every lesson we teach when our supervisors come around. You, Sir, in my opinion, have the Constitution. That is truly where the buck stops here in America. Pres. Truman had it absolutely right. Three cheers for “Give’em hell Harry!”
As always,
P.S. It would be nice to call Pres. Obama “The Constitutional President”. (Smile) Speaking of Pres. Harry Truman, he got into a spat with Music Critic Paul Hume. Paul Hume said Harry’s daughter Margaret could not sing. Similar spat between the Harvard Professor, the local cop and Pres. Obama. If I remember correctly, the spat between Pres. Truman and Mr. Hume got ugly. If something like that filtered down into the “Negro” community where I was…it was bad!

Will President Obama yield to “Killing” another Black?

In my opinion, earlier this year Pres. Obama was pressured into murdering three seventeen and eighteen year old *Somalia Pirates. Will he also be pressured and responsible for “killing” the career of white House staffer and social activist Mr. Van Jones? Will Pres. Obama fire him as suggested by the now odious Glen Beck and Company? Will our President once again grind the knives of those having knives to grind with Blacks and other people of color? Will our first Black President be the newest (ahem) water boy for the likes of the Glenn Becks’ of America? My word, what will the neighbors say??
Will Glenn Beck Bring Down Van Jones After All?
A couple days ago I ran a post defending Van Jones from some of the more absurd charges leveled at him by noted race-baiter Glenn Beck over the last month. Jones is not an "ex-con," he's not a communist, he's not even a czar. He's not, to pick just one of Beck's darkly hinted smears, on a top-secret mission to commandeer the U.S. treasury and dispense slavery reparations. He is, however, two things that scare the whitey tighties off of Beck and his tighty whitey audience: black and liberal.

mcmchugh99 I'm a Fan of mcmchugh99 I'm a fan of this user 63 fans permalink
If we have learned anything about Obama, it's that he will certainly throw Jones to the wolves in a futile attempt to appease the Right. Unfortunately, it will only make them hungrier for more. And if the Republicans want to make a rule that no president can have any tsars, special assistants and special envoys, let them beware that teh same rules will apply to any future Republican administration.

GrimAdventures I'm a Fan of GrimAdventures I'm a fan of this user permalink
Van Jones is a Yale-educated lawyer; co-founder of the Ella Baker Center in Oakland; founder of Green for All; author of the Green Collar Economy, New York Times Best Seller
2009 - the Hubert H. Humphrey Civil Rights Award, presented to those who best exemplify selfless and devoted service in the cause of equality.
2009 - Eco-Entrepreneur Award, Institute for Entrepreneurship, Leadership & Innovation; Howard University
(There is more to this list to compare to accomplishments of Glen Beck)

*President Obama Ordered the Killing of Three Black Muslim Kids April 14, 2009

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestor,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I note Sen. Lieberman fully endorsed Sen. McCain in the Presidential campaign and he keeps his chairmanship.

Friday, September 04, 2009

A teachable moment for the ages!

I can hardly contain myself! This flack over Pres. Obama wanting to talk to school children is perhaps the best history lesson those children can get regarding the tenor of the times in which they grew up. It is priceless, priceless, I say! This will surely impact their world, wake them up as to what is happening in the world and listening more to the conversations of their parents. It is that “Little pitchers have big ears” thing. This is better than Lave it to Beaver, I Love Lucy and Gilligan’s Island rolled into one. This debacle truly registers America post the 60’s. I am mindful there are grown-ups who are today walking on egg-shells with their parents due to the fact they, the child, wanted Obama to be President and their parents wanted either Clinton or McCain and are now rotting for Palin.

A lesson taught is a lesson learned….
-Tell me again why you quite school, Grandpa?
-I really don’t know for sure but maybe if my parents had let me hear the speech they said Pres. Obama wanted to give when I was in high school….

-Sure, Bob. I would love to meet your parents. Tell me, what are they really like?
-They would not let me go to school to hear Pres. Obama's speech that day in ‘09.
-Oh, dear!

-My parents said I could stay home that day Pres. Obama was giving his speech to us school kids and I just wandered around and met this guy who turned me onto drugs. What can I say? Maybe things would be different if I had‘a went to school that day.

-Jr? Your father and I think its time you get a job. You’re 22 now. You’ve been here every since you quite school.
-Go to hell, Mom. You and Dad both! Maybe if you had let me go to school to hear Pres. Obama tell me to stay in school, things would be different. Get out of my room!

by high bitrate

Anderson Cooper and Roland Martin DESTROYED Jim Greer over Obama's speech to kids (Video)
by icebergslim

Obama Hussein Jong Il to indoctrinate school kids
by bruns

Save the children
by jalicandro

As always,
-Hey BB, this lemonade is not bad, man.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Blue Ribbon Pictures from DKos

Lord, have mercy did I need these pictures! Many thanks to diarist citisven. God bless you! I am crying like a baby. I especially like the picture with the Black, the middle-age lady and the Asian. They have got to be three of the nicest people in the whole wide world! I am going to add that one to my small cadre of political pictures.

We're On! (Warning: Photos may cause extreme motivation!)
by citisven!-%28Warning:-Photos-may-cause-extreme-motivation!%29
As always,

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

“Public Option” becomes a misnomer Re: CNN (Update)

An error in naming a person or place.
Application of a wrong name.
A name wrongly or unsuitably applied to a person or an object.

Five minutes into the 5:00 PM news on CNN I turned it off. The lead story was about the President and his up-coming speech next week regarding the Healthcare Reform Bill and his struggles with the Public Option portion.

Long story short, most of us know what we are talking about when we speak of “Public Option” in the Healthcare Reform Bill so let us not get into alley fights over that. My concern at present is the reported difference between what Nancy Pelosi has articulated regarding the bill and the desires of Sen. Olympia Snow. It is reported Ms. Snowe wants to put a trigger in the bill: That is, if the insurance companies do not do blah, blah, blah, the Public Option will kick in.

If Public Option has now become a misnomer, what is it exactly that will kick in? Is it a new version of what we thought it was? Is it a variation? At this juncture, if the White House tries to alter perceptions of what Public Option is, it will only add insult to injury. It will be so insulting and it will finally drive the nail in the coffin saying the Obama White House does not know what it is doing! If they want to insult their base by going that way, it would be clear as shit to me they are lost in the wilderness of Washington politics.

First of all, let’s take this typical Washington route: the word “Trigger” has the word “Tri” which means three. If I have this right, the White House, along with Sen. Snowe, want to put something in the Healthcare Reform Bill that is called a “Trigger?” Let’s see how well that stands up in court and for future interpretations when disputes arise and they will arise. You can bet your mortgage payment on that one!

Secondly, before we Villagers sign up for this “Trigger”, it would be nice to know its history and how many other important legislation had it and whether it was fully implemented when it came into effect. We need concrete examples to investigate and ponder. You can not throw something like that at us and expect us to gravel. We know you.

Thirdly, I am mindful how the recently bailed out banks are re-constituting themselves with ever more money, how the credit card industry is responding to a law enacted to go into effect almost a year after its passing and how the Civil Rights Act was halted until women were added to the term “Minority” and they were the ones who benefited the most from the law. Include No Child Left Behind and we are off to another planet. All of them the results of laws being written, voted on in the full Congress and signed by the President.

There are some of us Villagers who love this country but would not trust it as far as we could throw the Jefferson Memorial. We watched it as it was growing up!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I personally feel it is much to late for the President to breath air into the patient. The heart monitor in the operation room has registered a flat line for far too long now. The body is decomposing and fowling up the air and I am getting sick. To try to bring it back to life now will only create for us a monster. Let’s call it a day. Maybe we could try again next time. Hopefull by then the administration will have learned how to act in public. (Smile)

Why The Trigger Is So Dangerous
by thehouse1
The trigger is so dangerous because it is so malleable. Progressive would need to guard it like a hawk and there would still be no guarantee that they would not be stabbed in the back at the last minute without media fanfare. If the Congressional progressives embrace a well designed trigger they are setting themselves up for a swift, subtle, and complete betrayal.  The trigger could quickly go from a real tool to control cost to a fig leaf, or even a leaf poison ivy.

Laaadies and Gentelmen……..

The boy wonder…..The Valentino of Community Organizing…..the Casanova of politics….the Heart Throb of Health Care Reform…….De man…the one and only… the President of our beloved country…. Barack, Hussein, Obama! He will now endeavor…..he will now attempt….he will now ar-tic-u-late his position on the Health Care Reform Bill. Let’s all give him a big hand, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome our President.
White House: Obama May Detail Health Care Goals In Speech, Shift Strategy
CHARLES BABINGTON | 09/ 1/09 09:17 PM

This is the most difficult part of the democratic process of having groups establishing input into an issue. It can not happen until all the groups have reported out. Then and only then it is up to you, the leader, to pull it all together and believe me, it can not only give you sleepless nights but also daytime nightmares. In other words, it is pure rough’n ready raw politics aka, a bitch! I look forward to the President’s next soft-shoe, er..I mean speech.

-Did you hear that, Tonto??
-He said “Soft-shoe”.
-Come on, Tonto. As you would say, “We got heap big work to do!”

As always,

“Leave them alone and they’ll come home…”

Maytag Moves To Mexico
By David Moberg
Eight years ago, Kemp began working at the factory of Maytag Corporation, the largest employer in Galesburg, a western Illinois town of 34,000 and the birthplace of poet Carl Sandburg. In September, Maytag finally closed the plant, after sending a large part of the work that 1,600 people had recently been performing to a new Maytag factory in Reynosa, Mexico; another large part to Daewoo, a Korean multinational subcontractor that is expected to build a plant in Mexico; and a few dozen jobs to a plant in Iowa. Now Kemp, a 31-year-old union safety and education official with a muscular build and a small goatee, has a temporary job as a counselor to laid-off workers at two-thirds his old pay.
The local Machinists union fought the shutdown, taking their case to the streets, to the press, to politicians and to Maytag shareholders, even winning national attention when Senator-elect Barack Obama mentioned their cause in his Democratic convention keynote speech. But the union could not stop the Maytag jobs from being added to the tally of 2.7 million manufacturing jobs lost since 2000. Those several million jobs were eliminated for many reasons—including declining demand, rising efficiency and increased imports—but a significant portion are the result of U.S. multinational corporations, like Maytag, moving production out of the country.

I can only imagine the frustrations of some of the people who work within the vital organs of Maytag having to pack up to move to Mexico. I can only imagine some may have health insurance concerns for themselves or family members preventing them from quitting Maytag and try to get another job here in America. To many of them, I would imagine it is not the pay. Many of them could and would create a viable company here in America were they to stay. No, it would be their health insurance that would be the gun at the back of their heads making them sever their ties here, goose-stepping with their families and other co-workers down to Mexico.

I can imagine Americans working for American companies in “Those far away places with strange sounding names” wanting to come back home to America but are of such vital importance to their company it would be blasphemous and perhaps dangerous to openly opine, for they know the company would vaporize were they to leave. Public Option and “going back home” for them can only remain a dream, a fantasy they can only entertain in the privacy and security of their own minds. A real "Got'cha" moment. Sad.
As always,

Monday, August 31, 2009

President Obama, the cowardly lion?

Sadly, the Lion of the Senate, Sen. Kennedy, just passed a few days ago and it seems we, the villagers, are in no mood for a cowardly one and especially one who has taken to hiding behind the colorful leotards of Rahm Emanuel.

First there is grumbling in the square, then comes the tomatoes and after that the barking dogs, the throwing of rocks and God forbid, pitchforks and lanterns. Before you know it, it will be 2010 and 2012. Time to wake up, my dear Mr. President. It is getting nasty out here!
Bill Moyers Disses Dems as "Spineless"
"The problem is the Democratic Party," said Moyers. "This is a party that has told its progressives - who are the most outspoken champions of health care reform - to sit down and shut up. That's what Rahm Emanuel, in effect, the chief of staff of the White House, told progressives when they stood up as a unit in Congress and said, no public insurance option, no health care reforms." Moyers said that, over the years, the Democratic Party "has become like the Republican party - deeply influenced by corporate money."

The President campaigned and
Mon, 08/31/2009 - 07:47 — Peggy (not verified)
The President campaigned and won on his promise of Hope and Change. These words were simply rhetoric. What we got was lack of courage and lack of leadership. The change he promised, the transparency, the justice, and his disconnect to corporate lobbyists were not his intentions, but rather a political tactic to win our support. We elected a political machine that runs on the same fuel as the predecessor.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Sunday, August 30, 2009

So easy to be mean, nasty and contrary

Thinking aloud…..
It must be nice to be mean, nasty and contrary. Just reading comments on some diaries and posts makes me feel inclined to envy people who are mean, nasty and contrary. They appear to be so sincere and have so much fun chasing diaries and posts enunciating their brand of American freedoms upon the various sites.

If I wanted to be like them, the first thing pops into my mind is not having to think about what I am talking about. To be honest, I would not have to even think or even care what they are talking about. That in itself would be a big relief for me! I get so damn tired of having social graces, that, you know, that “Do unto others” shit! Tired of it! Nobody “Do unto me!” or nothing even close to it. I say to hell with them! I don’t need the aggravation!

Not thinking would be my biggest asset. I would not have to think about having empathy with the person making a statement in a dairy or a post I intend to target. I do not have to think about respecting him or not, and heavens forbid me considering his social or political background. It would be so good to have absolutely nothing to give me pause. Hallelujah! All I want to do is, you know, be mean, nasty and contrary.

I would have a stable of nasty, mean and contrary things to say. Anybody can do it and, to my utter delight and through constant usage, I would find like others have found that indeed one size fits all in being nasty, mean and contrary. And neither will I waste my time with any time consuming discrimination crap.

And hey, I figure being that way would save me a whole bunch of energy listening to people. Listening takes energy and I do not have time for that neither. It’s always BS! I would become a master in selective listening. Another plus for me, praise the Lord, and for sure, I would not have to read, you know, read anything regarding the subject. I mean, why should I spend energy reading something when all I want to do is be mean, nasty and contrary? A total waste of my time!

With those appetizing thoughts, I would hereby declare myself thus and closely akin to those who like to be mean, nasty and contrary: You will not find a truer American than myself who, with all my heart, believe in the freedom to speak my mind. God bless America! I am somebody here in America, you know, and it feels sooo goddamn good!!
As always,

P.S. I am mindful of a song by the late Ertha Kitt, “I want to be evil!”