Friday, March 26, 2010

Mandatory Health Insurance and the IRS

A possibility resulting from the recently passed HealthCare Reform Bill and mandatory health coverage for all citizens…

- Have a seat, Mr. Brown and we’ll get to your taxes right away and thanks for being early.

-That’s one of the advantages of being on time.

- Uh, yes. Of course. Now let’s see what you bought me. I see you got your W-2 form, your 1099 forms, your Social Security Card, uh-huh, and here are your forms from last year. Now what I don’t see is your HC-R13 form. Did you forget to bring it?

- HC-R13? What’s that?

-That’s a new form your health insurance company sent you this year stating how much you paid for your coverage. You know, that ObamaCare thing?

- I bought you everything I have....

-No problem, Mr. Jones, since you did not have private health insurance last year and you made less then $32,000, I’ll just enter “O” on that line.

- “O”? And what does “O” mean?

- “O” means Zero. With your salary less than $32,000, Uncle Sam will take 2% of your return in case you or a member of your family has to go to a hospital emergency room.

- We did go to the emergency room a couple of times last year.

- And you didn’t have to pay for nothing, right?

- Right!

- Now you do. You have to pay, get this, 2% of your refund which is much cheaper than paying $300.00 a month to an insurance company for your family coverage. Right?

- Right!

- But tell me, Mr. Jones, do you think you will buy any health insurance now?

-Hell No! I can’t afford it!!

-And with paying 2%, of your refund to the IRS, you can go to emergency rooms, Community Health Clinics and private doctors.

- Private doctors? PRIVATE DOCTORS?? You mean, I mean, hey, that’s great! Now you just put down that silly little “O” and let me get out of here! I gotta run’n tell this! Golly Miss Molly! Oh, what a beautiful morning…..

This has been a simulation of a perception.
As always,

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sec. Eric Holder epic fail?

Mr. Holder would not call them terrorist with overwhelming evidence they met the legal definition.

I speak of Scott Roeder, murderer of Dr. George Tiller; I speak of Holocaust Museum murder James Von Brunn and Piper airplane pilot Joe Pack. Mr. Holder did not do his job of enforcing the law with appropriate statues.

In my opinion, due to the fact Mr. Holder did not adequately perform his job, he alone has lain the foundation for the present climate in our country with physical threats to members of Congress. As Chief Law Enforcer of our country, I personally can not think of another conclusion: Mr. Holder is not doing his job for whatever reason.

I can not more strongly suggest Mr. Holder address members of the Republican Party and Sen. Boehner in particular informing them the seriousness of their recent behavior as it affects the daily lives of citizens. He should be crystal clear telling them how their behavior strains his resources and weakens the dignity of his office. He should not waver informing them he holds them personally responsible for efforts to de-stabilize the country due to their various positions. In my opinion, this is within his job description.

I do not think inaction from Mr. Holder will result in the positive outcomes recently experienced by the President with his HealthCare Reform Bill nor do I think Mr. Holder will get another chance to “Do the right thing” as did Ms. Pelosi after her “Impeachment is off the table” flip-flop.

Both the President and Ms. Pelosi felt the dire consequences of doing nothing in relationship to their jobs and were able to rectify their behaviors. Mr. Holder has to do the same and I wish him well. This is clearly a case of “Shit or get off the pot!” It is that serious.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I do not want Mr. Holder to assume that I am assuming he is doing his job in the background. I do not. There is not a shred of evidence from his office or elsewhere suggesting that is the case. Nada! Zilt!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

HCR: A Lawyer’s Gold Mine (Update)

It’s elementary. As basic to human nature as going to the bathroom. Create a crisis than raid the state or US Treasury to fix it. It’s that simple.

Who can forget Sec. Paulson’s passionate pleas to have America fork over seven hundred billion dollars to Wall Street before the sky falls? Who can forget the genius manipulations of the pharmaceutical and insurance companies culminating with guaranteed health insurance policies for every *American?

And now the lawyers want their share!

With the assistance of the media in creating frothy mouths, urine smelling street urchins demanding their rights to not have HealthCare Reform, benevolent Attorney Generals in fourteen states are going to magnanimously grant them their one wish: They will repeal the law granting them HealthCare Reform.

- ”Oh, oh dear Sir. You are too kind.” they grovel.

The Attorney Generals are preparing to march into various courts around the country. They will probably heir the most expensive law firms to dig for gold in the more than two thousand pages of the HealthCare Reform Bill. They will be digging for any and everything they can go to court with and since the law firms will not be vetted by the City Council or any other authoritative agency, through the Attorney General’s office the gate to the State’s Treasury would be wide open 24/7 for many years to come. Isn’t America wonderful?
As always,
* Population: 303,824,640 (July 2008 est.)

(Update: Very surprised to read Texans communicate to each other this way.)

Texas Democratic Legislators Response to AG Greg Abbott Updated
by Deja Vu
Dear Mr. Attorney General:
We are very disappointed by your decision to file suit against the federal government because you believe that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act "violates the United States Constitution and unconstitutionally infringes upon Texans' individual liberties."

Article VI of the United States Constitution declares federal law the supreme law of the land. Since Congress passed this legislation under its constitutional grant of power under Article I, Section 8, Clause 1, it is unclear how any case based on " Texas ' individual liberties" or the 10th Amendment is legally sound.

 The 10th Amendment does not allow a Texas governor to secede—or a Texas Attorney General to sue—just because they want to score political points.  As a Texas taxpayer, we ask you to quit wasting taxpayer money with threats of lawsuits destined to lose, go back to work on issues like predatory lending or toxic contamination in Texas air and water, and shelf these divisive, extreme and losing ideas.
Read more at:

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Will the President start playing with fire?

The teacher whose job it was to prepare us students for a teaching career concluded one of her lessons, “Once you have made your point clear to a class, do not dwell on it.”

By dwelling on a point, no matter how salient and proud you are regarding its construction, you can turn people against you personally. People can become defensive and feel you are trying to make them look stupid. They heard what you said the first time and you should not assume they did not. People do not like feeling you are insulting their intelligence, especially through repetition. And if they hated or dis-agreed with your point from the beginning, you only aggravate their malcontent.

So it is my understanding the President is going to hit the road to sale the public on his newly passed HealthCare Reform Bill. “What for?” I ask. Why is there a need to rub the now highly inflammable bill into the faces of the public? The bill will have been passed by the Congress and signed into law. The train will have left the station so best to let it continue on its way. To do otherwise would, in my opinion, be politically un-wise, physically un-safe and have a more than average propensity to become personally demoralizing.
As always,
P.S. By the way, the teacher taught us how to prepare lessons using “repetition of an issue”. In short, it has to do with the saying, “There are more than one ways to skin a cat”.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Chatting with myself on a rainy day.

Who said “Lightening does not strike twice?”
Lightening did strike twice in the same place and it hit Barack Hussein Obama in the butt both times.

The lightening bolts, however, represent benign opportunities and when they hit Barack, it was both times he was willing, ready and able to pick up the baton of opportunity and run with it.

So often in life we are told when opportunity strikes, you have to be ready to accept it. Countless movies and pieces of literature testify to the soundness of the old saying. To be sure, they are not all “Rags to Riches” either.

The first lightening bolt met up with Barack in Illinois when his chief opponent’s sealed divorce papers were opened and made public. My understanding it was like the 4th of July! His opponent, *Jack Ryan, dropped out of the Senate race and Barack ran un-opposed. The incident, however, was not without its comedic elements: Alan Keys was deported from Maryland to Chicago to set up housekeeping and to run against Barack and I do not think to this day Alan’s mentality has caught up as to what happened to him. The entire fiasco orchestrated by Alan and the Republican party was hysterical! "Amos and Andy" comes to mind.

For the second lightening strike, enter Scott Brown of Massachusetts. Scott won the Senate seat of the late Edward Kennedy and when that happened, the entire Democratic community literally went comatose. That is until Pres. Obama got another lighting bolt striking his butt and with the HealthCare Reform Bill in clinched fist, he was once again propelled forward, alight with much energy and once again making history; ”Yes I can!”

Meanwhile, the media yawns as it did when Sen. Obama won twelve straight states in the primaries and at this point, I am just wondering who will be getting the pens the President will be using tomorrow to sign the HealthCare Reform Bill into law.
Republicans as role models?
Why is it ever said of a famous white boy being a role model when he demonstrates un-social behaviors? Surely the behaviors of Republicans these past few months should come into question. Is this not the same dis-respectful behaviors teachers in school systems all over the country are complaining about?
* Prior to release of the documents, Ryan had told leading Republicans that five percent of the divorce file could cause problems for his campaign.[24] But after the documents were released, GOP officials including state GOP Chair Judy Baar Topinka said they felt Ryan had misleadingly indicated the divorce records would not be embarrassing.[25] That charge of dishonesty led to intensifying calls for Ryan's withdrawal, though Topinka, who was considering running herself, said after the June 25 withdrawal that Ryan's "decision was a personal one" and that the state GOP had not pressured Ryan to drop out.[26] Ryan's campaign ended less than a week after the custody records were opened, and Ryan officially filed the documentation to withdraw on July 29, 2004. Obama was left without an opponent.
Read more at:,_2004#Democratic_primary

As always,

The Overture has played….

The curtain has opened.
Good luck, America.

As always,

Sunday, March 21, 2010

TeaBaggers: America's 2nd big Banboozle (Update)

We are going to hear a lot from TeaBaggers with the passage of the HealthCare Reform Bill. In my opinion, the oligarchy, via the Media, will once again make efforts to *Bamboozle Americans but this time with the TeaBagger movement as follows:
1. The term “TeaBaggers” is often used as anonymous source.

2. There is rarely if ever a name associated with TeaBaggers nor the identification of a specific state nor specific chapter.

3. There has not been a TeaBagger chapter disagreeing nor questioning the many horrible things media accuses them of saying and doing.

4. An interviewed TeaBagger is never identified by name even though the interviewer needs to have them sign a paper of consent.

5. When at a TeaBagger rally, Media focus on the sign rather then the full identification of the person who made it or is carrying it. Nor does Media identify the signers of needed permits.

6. There is not one person whom the media targets as a spokesperson for the movement as they did with Martin Luther King, Rev. Sharpton, Min. Farrakhan or Jane Fonda. Their names do not become household words.

Journalism is failing the public big time on this TeaBagger movement and it is by design. I note with interest the newly formed Coffee Party. Founder Annabel Park has immediately been targeted as spokesperson. When the party recently had a meeting at StarBucks across the country, the media interviewed people identifying them by having their names in full view on the screen as they spoke.

I posit we Villagers are in the midst of being Bamboozled once again but at this time with a mythical boogeyman. The media and oligarchy are once again taking advantage of the deliberate mis-education of the vast number of Americans. Sad.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

I sincerely hope the President has learned the lesson that a leader must set the tone and direction how he wants his bills to be crafted and not leave it to underlings. By not doing so from the very beginning, the President put the country in great peril. He was lucky this time. LUCKY, you hear! Lucky he was able to grab the HealthCare Bill from the jaws of utter defeat within a few days of its passage. Lucky the Gods were truly on his side with this one.

* It takes its title from a speech by Malcolm X in which he said that blacks in the United States had been "bamboozled" and "hoodwinked. ...

Right Wing Violence Is An American Tradition
by goinsouth
Excerpt: Opening paragraph
Some liberals are shocked and upset at the increasingly ugly, even violent nature of the health care debate, but those who know American history are not surprised.  What we are witnessing is the same tactic employed for decades by those in power in the United States.  Whenever something or someone threatened the hegemony of capitalism, those with power and money have made a show of their pit bull: the Radical Right.  Whether it's the Ku Klux Klan or the Silver Shirts or the Black Legion, right wing thugs have always been useful for beating, intimidating and killing workers who wanted to organize, minorities who wanted equal rights or those who resisted the capitalists' wars.  And the American law enforcement and legal systems have been quite adept at looking the other way.
Read more at: