Saturday, November 05, 2011

DKos diarist Ray Pensador lays a Golden Egg

I always marvel when somebody has the wisdom and skills to encapsulate an issue which, to many, appear to be a series of abstractions, each having its own wildly pulsating set of tentacles.

Mr. Pensador has made relationships I would never have thought of in my wildest dreams.
As always,

The Democratic Party: Tasked With Delivering The Final Blow to Democracy

by Ray Pensador
The establishment is the oligarchy: The Republican and Democratic parties; the multinational corporations who funds them.

The set up is so basic, that it pains me to have to explain it... The Republican and Democratic parties are part of the criminal oligarchy. The Republicans take the role of the bad cop, and the Democrats of the good cop. But they are actually acting in concert, and ultimately, their objectives are the same: to help the oligarchy cement its power, and to subjugate the population.

And this will continue until two things happen: The realization that we are truly on our own, and that the power structure is a true and real criminal oligarchy (not an abstract concept); And when people realize that for the revolution to succeed, there has to be a high degree of planning, strategy, discipline, and leadership.
Read more at:

Friday, November 04, 2011

Politico forced Cain into a poker game with them

....and they thought it was going to be a piece of cake.

In my opinion, members of the National Restaurant Association know how to play poker and they know how to play it very well. It is my understanding the association became a very lucrative D.C. lobbying firm after hiring Mr. Herman Cain as their CEO. There had to be hard and fast negotiations securing contracts from famous restaurant chains and Mr. Cain was the man who pulled it off.

Politico is writing (discovering) information that should have been in its original ‘hit’ piece directed toward Mr. Cain. They are now writing articles on the fly, playing “catch-up” if you will. They are clumsily playing their poker hand as amateurs and are about to lose their drawers in the process. I understand there is a law suit soon to be filed against them. They did not have their ducks in a row and now have to pay the price. When jumping out on the world stage in todays' society, you have to clearly know what you are doing.

I don’t know a thing about playing poker but the opening statement in this Youtube video, “How to play poker”, confirms to me Mr. Cain knows how to play the game better than Politico. In the opening statement on the video, the moderator speaks:
"When you play poker, think of playing poker as running a business."
View the video at:

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. In the beginning when Mr. Cain confronted the Politico reporter with the question, “Have you ever been accused of sexual harassment?” To me, the response to the reporter by Mr. Cain was analogous to, “Be careful now. Do you know how to play this game you are trying to pull me into?”

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Welcome, Mr. Cain, to Washington politics

Please note “In God we trust” is the national motto. “In vetting we trust” is the political motto. They are two different cans of worms.

MSNBC political commentator Richard Wolffe tells us, to paraphrase, that vetting is a system designed to finding out how well you deal with a crisis. Lying, cheating and back-stabbing are but a few components of the vetting system. If you understand even that much, then you can structure and make appropriate decisions as needed. It would be a good start. And no dis-respect but if there is a book titled, “Mephistopheles for dummies,” read it and remember the words of Pres. Truman, “If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog”.
- Uncle BB, Mr. Herman Cain sure has balls.

- I agree.

- I mean for a Black man trying to run for President on a Republican ticket, that man has balls.

- I agree and that’s why I support him.

- You WHAT??

- The old Negro spiritual says, “You’ll understand it better bye and bye”. Seems like Mr. Cain wants to come here singing “This lit’le light of mine” and it won’t work. Not here in Washington politics, it won’t. Now hurry up and finish your dinner, your Mothers’ waiting to take you to band practice. Hurry up now, move along and we don‘t say “balls” around here, young man.

- Yes sir.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. Watching Rachel Maddow interview author Ron Suskind last evening was like watching an elegant court dance. It was absolutely stunning!

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Herman Cain and a womans’ scorn?

I would suspect a woman looking for a sugar-daddy would find a successful, wealthy, attractive, mature, non-smoker, non-drinker, church going family man who brags about his over thirty years marriage to the same woman a good catch.

However, if that man has been avoiding her advances, not picking up on her cues, ignoring her, and if she is getting “OK” on her evaluations and is living pay check to pay check, in her mind that man has put her through a lot and the rallying cry develops, (sniff) “He has to pay for humiliating me in front of my friends!”

Over ten years later…
-Shit! He still does not know me. What’s worst, he does not even remember me! What is wrong with that man? Damn! I am going to sue his ass again and this time I’ll get more than that measly $32,000.00 they gave me last time. After they took out taxes, it wasn’t’ shit! I’m going to get me a lawyer. I'll bet you he'll remember me this time.
Cain Accuser Got a Year’s Salary in Severance Pay
The precise nature of the encounters between Mr. Cain and the two women remained murky. He has said over the past two days that he joked with one of the women about her height. But he has not addressed what happened with the other woman — the one said to have received the $35,000 payment. Her friends and colleagues said she had told them at the time that she was deeply uncomfortable about the situation.
Read more at:

As always,

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Politico, Herman Cain and Investigative Reporting

Dreams from my childhood:
When I grow up, I want to be just like the reporters who wrote about the sexual abuse charges that Herman Cain was accused of. I would be on television a whole lot of times'n everybody will want me to be on their show. I might even could work for Politico. Wow!

What is an Investigative Reporter?
Written By: Garry Crystal
The investigative reporter researches, interprets, and communicates the news. The story he or she is researching can take anything from weeks to months to research and write. With the investigative reporter, it is a case of going deeper, getting to the root of the story, and presenting it to the public. The investigative reporter will usually make sure to cover all angles and present the most comprehensive, unbiased view.

A good investigative reporter has a built-in sensor for a news lead. He or she should also be sensitive to people, unbiased, and open-minded. Competition in the field of journalism is fierce, but there are a wealth of media formats, such as television, radio, and print, in which a career can be found. A good starting place for a career in journalism is to take a course at a college or to apply for a writing job at a local newspaper. The trainee will start off small to gain experience, and the pay will not be great, but it can lead to one of the most rewarding and exciting careers.
Read more at:

As always,