Friday, July 23, 2010

Elizabeth, Elizabeth, wherefore art thou?

This is the kind’a crap that fills up my windbag!

The President is going to let arguments naming the person heading the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau go to critical mass and then do something stupid and that is whenever Rahm gets around to telling him what to do after he (Rahm) has gotten his kicks listening to the various arguments. Does every single aria have to have an overture?

It is the repetitive usage of this tactic that pisses off many of the Presidents' supporters! At this point in time, how could he himself be indecisive as to who he wants to run the bureau? Why does he let these kind of issues fester?
As always,

Barney Frank: Elizabeth Warren Should Head CFPB, By Recess Appointment If Necessary
If President Obama fears Elizabeth Warren won't be confirmed by the Senate to head the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, he should just appoint her while the Senate is on one of its many vacations, House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank said Friday.

"Given the way [the Senate has] misused the filibuster... given it's anti-Democratic, I think the President did exactly the right thing with Donald Berwick," the 15-term Massachusetts Congressman added, referring to an earlier Obama recess appointment to head the Centers for Medicare & Medicare Services.
Read more at:

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Andrew Breitbart infinitum

At this time, there is no way to stop the Andrew Breitbarts’ of America.

Just as the angered Jewish community quieted columnist and White House Correspondent Helen Thomas, so will Blacks have to be in such a position to quieten persons such as Andrew Breitbart.

I am mindful with Ms. Thomas, her speaker agency abandoned her, she was dis-invited to speak at a graduation ceremony and there were serious threats to withdraw her White House credentials and, if I am not mistaken, a book deal was cancelled. Economically and socially Ms. Thomas was stripped bare.

If Blacks were able to perpetuate such a pox on the house of Breitbart for his racist attacks on Ms. Shirley Sherrod , the ending of the saga would have yielded a more satisfying ending; the perceived villain would have been dealt with appropriately.

However, that is not the case and that is not what happened. Andrew Breitbart continues his economic routine as per his unobstructed desires.

So it is, when the NAACP decided to wack at the honests’ nest of the TeaBaggers, it was void of the essential economic components and like they always say, talk is cheap.

At this time, to have future success with charges of racism directed towards both the TeaBaggers and the Breitbarts’ of America, hands would have to be held between APAC and the NAACP. And until such a time Blacks have equivalent economic recourses, we will have to depend on the good wishes of organizations like APAC.

Finally, and in my opinion, this is the only way such shameless overt racism in America would slowly but surely become a thing of the past.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Trash pick-up at the White House

One worker tossing a bag marked Sherrod and the other tossing a bag marked Warren. Sad.
As always,

On building the perfect mole hill (Update)

Fox News provides the blue prints, location and building
materials to be used.

By all appearances, it appears the Obama administration
has a fetish for mole hills. No, no, no, not just any old
everyday run of the mill mole hill but rather ones they
consider prize winning ones built by the developer Rupert Murdock.

The most revered builders are Glenn Beck, Shawn Hannity
and Rush Limbaugh and for the bipartenship purist, there
are many Democratic sub-contractors.

With this administrations’ most recent prize going to the
Shirley Sherrod model, it will hang in the company of other
pictures including Van Jones, ACORN and The New Black Panther Party.
To be sure, lots more wall space is available due to the fact Mr. Murdock has lots
more mole hills he wants to build.

Word is the administration has aspirations of going into the
Guiness Book of Records as “Patron of Mole Hills” and
conducting guided tours of its gallery before leaving in 2012.

The administration refuse to admit their love of mole hills is,
well, kind’a weird. In any event, I wish them well.
As always,

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I does not understand “Deficits”

In my opinion, people using the word deficits is akin to
trying to find the pea under the shell.

On her show last night, Rachel Maddow did a segment on
deficits and I was wanting to see more. I was visualizing
Keith entering as the villain with a handle-bar mustache and
Rachel donning a bonnet pretending to be tied to the
railroad tracks to give a full visual of what deficits are. I
sincerely need the help.

Pres. Obama and Elizabeth Warren: Strike 3, 4 or 5?
Will the non-nomination of Ms. Warren for heading the new
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau be another time the President goes against desires of the populace? By now, he should be use to being between a rock and a hard place and the consequences thereof.

As always,

Monday, July 19, 2010

Once upon a time, Nancy ran for Senate....

and released all the demons from hell. I am mindful of the
scene from the Michael Jackson hit movie,” Thriller”.

“If elected”, she threatened, “I will start impeachment
proceedings on Bush” she knowingly lied.

As soon as Nancy Pelosi was elected, her accepted speech was,
“Impeachment is off the table!” I clearly remember the
passionate pleas and deeply felt hurt her remarks garnered
from the DKos community. It was heart braking! And soon
afterwards, it was reported she stopped contributing to
DKos which was yet another insulting and devastating blow.

It was during this time ol’ Harry “Droopy drawers” Reid
managed to mumbled, “We don’t have the votes!” which he
got and lost, and President Obama, with drawn sword,
came charging up the hill telling the calvery, “We will not
look back!”

Republicans and others lost all respect for the Democrats!
They were looking for a worthy foe but instead discovered
“The cowardly lion” crouching down behind a donkey, of all

Throughout history and for whatever reason, cowards have
always been taunted and teased and that is what the
Republicans are now doing to the Democrats. In my opinion,
there is only disgust and anger.

The Republicans have managed to put the lion on public
display for all to see, saying and doing anything they want
to do and say to him, hence the proverb....

For Want of a Nail
For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

In my opinion, for want of impeachment proceedings,
America was lost. Stories do have beginning and endings.

As always,

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A slave was property, a cooperation is a person

In my opinion, consistency in the law has finally confirmed
issues in this contemporary era as to who in America are
slaves and who their masters are.

There is a saying, “The more things change, the more
they remain the same” i.e., American style slavery and
masters syndromes.

It worked before so now it has been officially acknowledged by the U.S. Supreme Court that American slavery embraces a wider population of our society than earlier beliefs.

True, identities of slave masters may have changed but
the hierarchical structure of dominance remains the same with
surprisingly few uses of various contemporary instruments.

I was not able to find the specific decree granting ownership
of slaves but I did find the one granting human attributes to
corporations: Citizens United Vs. FEC

I am mindful months ago Rep. Donna Edwards and Speaker
of the House Nancy Pelosi vowing with the vigor and
tenacity of Susan B. Anthony to repeal the Supreme Court
decision by adding an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I wished them luck then and continue to do so.
Despite not being natural persons,
corporations are recognized by the law to have rights and
responsibilities like actual people.

Supremes Declare Corporations Individuals,
With Your Rights

By: Ruth Calvo
By a 5-4 vote, the court ruled that corporations may spend
freely to support or oppose candidates for president and
Congress, overturning a 20-year-old decision that barred
such contributions.

"We find no basis for the proposition that, in the context of
political speech, the government may impose restrictions on
certain disfavored speakers," Justice Anthony Kennedy
wrote for the majority. "The court has recognized that First
Amendment protection extends to corporations."

Read more at:

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the
unborn for the help,