Friday, September 07, 2012

Democratic Convention: Tidal waves and under-currents

It only occurred to me towards the end of the Presidents’ speech that he and Vice President Biden were talking about  issues involving the under-currents of their administration.

Both Biden and Obama told us they can only go so far in strengthening the under-currents of their administration and need our help in the process. I got the impression they were asking for our continued help and support in producing more of the beautiful tidal waves we witnessed in the speeches of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio villaraigosa, Ex-President  Bill Clinton and First Lady Michelle Obama

BTW, to me, the most endearing part of the Presidents’ speech was his opening line as he placed his heart into the lap of his wife saying, “Michelle, I love you”.

As always,

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Where are the Democratic obstructionist?

I wish I could forget  the two years Democrats controlled both houses of congress under the Obama Administration. I wish I could at least forgive but I can’t even do that. Enduring the stresses of some Democrats obstructing one bill after another sent forth by Pres. Obama has taken its toil on my wishing them well this coming November.

On my November ballot, I have thoughts of placing an “X” in the box for Pres. Obama and perhaps a few initiatives, leaving the booth and calling it a day. To say that I am conflicted is an under-statement. After listening to the brilliant convention speeches last evening, I am devastated. 

I want to hear from Rep. Mary Landrieu and Sen. Ben Nelson. I want to hear something from them as well as from other Democrats who would not support the President during the first two years of his presidency. The hypocrisy is un-bearable!

As always,
P.S. I'm still PO with the huge amount of Democrats who voted to census Rep. Charlie Rangel last year.