Saturday, April 18, 2009

President Acknowledges Humanism Of Peers…

..and they and their subjects respond in kind. There are no “Big me, little you” interactions. No proclamations “Only my country has a right to exist” and definitely there is no “Shut up and sit down!” caustic rambling from our President Obama. Does that make me proud? You bet’cha!
As always,

Friday, April 17, 2009

If not now…… (Update)

A few months back while talking to a friend who told me they had gone to a meeting wherein some political candidates were endorsed. She wondered to me why endorsements were happening so early for 2010:
-I think it is kind of late endorsing a candidate at this time.
-Late? No you didn’t say, “Late!” Why would you say late, BB? I’m curious.
- You have to make plans, Marsha. It’s almost 2010 now, don’t you know. In a way, running for a political position is like the plans you make for your wedding a year in advance or something.
-Let’s not get personal, here.
-Not getting personal. It's like making a plan for a cruise. Don’t you have to book a cruse many months in advance?
-How’n hell would I know? I never took no damn cruise, neither.
- Look, Marsha. Contracts have to be signed.
- What con…
-Let me finish, now. Before a politician, before a serious politician takes the bullhorn, he has to set up headquarters somewhere, right? He has to have a place to pass out his literature, answer questions on the phone or just have a hang-out place for his supporters and himself. That takes a contract.
-I didn’t think of that.
-And money.
-Yes of course. Didn’t think of that either.
-He has to have a paid staff or at least one paid full time staff member. We are still talking about a contract and money.
-A contract and money. Hep, hep hurray for contracts and money!
-He needs money to get back and forth to campaign rallies. He has to pay for the hall or wherever place the rally takes place, right? That takes contracts and money.
-Contracts and money. But of course.
-At some fund raisers, he is going to have food and you have to…
-you have to have contracts and money.
-Exactly, and now you bought this issues up, I don’t know why we are not hearing about more races that are scheduled for next year. Now that I think about it, it is kind’a weird. Why aren’t we hearing from more candidates?
-Contracts and money?
-What’s that?
-Never mind, BB. I’ve got a head ache now. Good-night.
-No! I mean, wait a minute! I just thought. There are TV ads someone has to write and produce, signs to be made, developing a campaign slogan, paying a DJ, and that is only the obligation for one city and if….. Marsha? Marsha?
As always,
P.S. The more I think about this issue the more curious. I know a lot of money is presently being spent on PR for many existing political figures, but still…..! My Hiney Shiney is telling me someone is planning some sort of political coup in 2010. I am mindful Pres. Obama had people working on caucuses before or very soon after he officially kicked off his primaries. ACORN’s political position has been secured by the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that no private entity can challenge a congressional ruling so I wonder what the Republicans are up to for 2010. What are Democrats up to? Interesting.

Dodd's five Connecticut donors
by Expat Texan
Thu Apr 16, 2009 at 06:30:59 PM PDT
Chris Dodd raised only $4,250 from Connecticut residents during the first three months of this year.

(Update: Wave of the future? Makes you wonder if there is a legal definition of "Frivolous lawsuit?" Even those lawsuits cost money.)
NY-20 !!!??! Down by 178 votes, Tedisco sues to be declared winner
by Hudson
Thu Apr 16, 2009 at 10:17:28 PM PDT
Excerpt: Opening paragraphs
Just when you thought the Tedisco campaign's tactics couldn't get any more absurd here in the 20th Congressional District, they just got utterly ridiculous.
According to late Thursday night report in the Hudson Register-Star, the Tedisco legal team filed suit in Dutchess County court demanding to be declared the winner in the special election race with Scott Murphy.
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Thursday, April 16, 2009

A little learnin’….

I am mindful of the expression, “A little learning is a dangerous thing” usually followed by, “An educated fool!”

Although the two expression are usually linked together and many times spoken within the same breath, I do not see an “Off with their heads” intentions nor malicious intentions. The expression as I know it is only to say some people take knowledge and make efforts to link it to nonsense. They try to do the “If so and so is true, than the results are what I say they are”. Many times you can get a bunch of people agreeing with you. You can draw a consensus around that thinking and with appropriate exposure, the results could develop little feet and indeed little feet fully prepared and eager to run a marathon.

A lot of teachers get these reactions in their classrooms but appropriate guidance and careful preparations can eliminate most, if not all, mis-guided conclusions. We know without appropriate preparations we could end up with a few students, (Tea Baggers?) who are rebellers looking for a cause; sniffin’, scratching and scrounging around for a cause, if you will.

They feel educated, informed and empowered and you really feel bad giving them a low grade on their test due to the fact they made such crazy connections with the information to which they were exposed in the learning process. You scratch your head, “How in hell did they come to that conclusion?” and it would be one of those conclusions, 2+2=2 2/2. You took such care in the sequencing of the lesson. After a few years with that kind of student, you can not help making some private conclusions. Private due to the fact your conclusions may very well be un-professional to openly verbalize. (smile)

In my opinion, the “little learning is a dangerous thing” is what is happening in some segments of our society regarding the transparency of our present administration. The “spot on” information is there. No lip-stick on a pig. Just as much sun shine as possible. However, the only drawback, as I see it is some people can not stay on a good, mentally healthy learning curve. As I would say about myself, and as with everybody, while skipping down the Learning Road, “Things happen” along the way and for good or bad, you are judged on them. Enough said.
As always,

And now....the helpless despair sets in
by thereisnospoon
Wed Apr 15, 2009 at 05:10:30 PM
Dear Tea Party Participants,
Let me begin by saying this: I know how you feel. I've been there.

As easy as it is to mock your fringe besotted, astroturf corporate, woefully named protests--and the ease with which you are mocked has made doing so almost de rigeur--I will not mock you here. For many of you, these poorly attended, ill-considered events are your first foray into real citizen activism, and your first venture into the art of the street protest.

"Obamas made $2.7 million last year." So?
Correction: In today’s economic environment and in the shadows of the Wall Street golden parachutes, the headline should read “Obamas (Only) made $2.7 million last year.” And since VP Biden was labeled the poorest Senator in the U.S. Senate, I also hope he and his family are on their way to the wealth they so richly deserve. (Mumble) My God, some people…….
As always,

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

America has no clothes

The frothing on the beer head has blown away. The champaign bubbles in the impressive stemware have subsided and the fox has eaten all the chickens. The year is 2009 AD and this is America; five hundred and seventeen years old.

Just like the Emperor, America lay bare in the most humiliating of circumstances. Gloating, heaving her chest, frolicking in the sun with a boa around her neck and ribbons in her hair, so proud of her exhibitionism. Spain admonishes, “Girl, go look at yourself!” Germany calls her a shameless hussy as Russia and China energetically coax, “You go, girl! Strut your stuff! Shake your money-maker!” and the band plays on. France weeps and England giggles. Sad.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Monday, April 13, 2009

Racism has energy

In my opinion, you can feel it. The feelings may come in different degrees of intensity but you can not deny its presence.

No, of course you can not smell it nor physically see it nor hold it in your hand to mold it but you know it’s there. You can feel it. And if you could smell it, it would be odious. If you could hold it in your hands to mold it, it would burn your hands and if you could see it, it would blind you. The only true acknowledgment of its presence is the sensory feelings you get when it comes into your realm of consciousness.

To say it frightens you can not be ruled out and one could say the energies of racism produces fright and in all the kingdoms of animals, freight produces the feelings of flight. In my opinion and since many can not fly away from danger as a bird or wrap himself into an armored ball as does the armadillo or shoot quills as does the porcupine, there are situations one has to just acknowledge the racism and do the best he can with his emotions.

The racist feelings may come from a co-worker, a boss or perhaps from some corners of your citizenry if you are Barack Obama, President of the United States of America.

Personally and when I find myself having the feelings of racism and although I can not fly like the bird or roll up like the armadillo, I turn nigger and my transformation is obvious to co-worker and employee alike; I can not hide my nigger energies no more than they can hide their racist energies. They are there. For both of us to see and feel. Just as powerful as the drive for sex; wanting to express itself.

I think a large portion of Americans, Blacks and whites, first felt the fear produced by racism with the Bobby Kennedy remark during the Presidential Primaries. It was the anvil pounding of the words, “God damn America” and of late it is “I hope he fails” from an individual and “He will not keep America safe” uttered from another.

Last night before going to be, I read a few unusual posts directed to a white man whom many are getting the vibes of fear and colored him crazy. Unbalanced. Insane, it you will. That man is Glen Beck. I do not know why Glen Beck has raised such a fear in America due to the fact the Glen Beck’s have been around a very long time in America. They will always be here. America appears to be their breading ground and the fear is spreading down to the very young. Damn!
As always,

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Somalia: A 'strrrange' kidnapping story (Update)

The Somalia situation and the kidnapping of the ship and the captain being held hostage after pleading with the kidnappers to take him instead of harming his crew and subsequently breaking away jumping into the waters and deciding it was a dumb thing to do, allowing himself to be rescued to once again be a hostage is, in my opinion, baffling. After jumping into the water, where did he intend to swim in the middle of the ocean? Sounds like somebody (From the Pentagon?) trying to create a story line full of tension not thinking it through. But then, the story line says there has to be a white hero so, what the hell!

The ship's Captain Richard Phillips, perhaps a bit disorientated or mad as hell, jumps overboard in shark infested waters to escape his captors. Spielberg should not have any trouble with that scene. He probably could get that scene in one take and with the appropriate back-ground music that could be the scene giving him a nomination for another Academy Award. Don‘t think these people are not already thinking about movie and book deals. Also, Capt. Phillips may wound up capturing the Honorary degree from Michael Crow of Arizona State University (ASU) originally intended for President Obama ater making a speech at the university. I repeat, this is a strange story.

To be honest, the entire incident doesn’t make since but then when little demure Pentagon reporter Barbara Star comes on stage getting involved in the story line, look out for golden gilded propaganda points “la grand”. In my opinion, Ms. Star is an American propagandist extraordinaire! Not only supported by the Pentagon but by the media in general.

Of particular note to me is the absence of negative name calling associated when people of color do such deeds; terrorist, savages and ocean monkeys. Kill’em. Wipe them off the face of the earth. Social scum.

With the absence of those descriptions, I know sure as hell America has not changed that much and this is abnormal behavior on its part. Very abnormal! To go a step further, it is “doesn’t make since” abnormal behavior. However, What does seem normal to me and make sense is this diary by *bobbymcgill identifying the pirates as Freedom Fighters, my words, protecting their country from ships dumping toxic waste in their waters and fishing fleets from other countries over- fishing in their waters thereby jeopardizing their livelihoods.

The diary is an interesting read and I have not read or heard anything to the contrary making such a scenario as the one published by bobbymcgill hard to believe. The diary is a good read. Kudos to the diarist for good reporting of facts or for being an overzealous and highly imaginative ol’ world Creole. Notably, the information in his diary has not been challenged and with little over fifty comments at this time, the possibilities fade for whatever reason.

On C-span this morning, one caller called in to identify the problem with the pirate situation being one of large fleets over fishing in the waters of Somalia. We have not been told about the cargo the ship is carrying nor any intentions or threats of the pirates to wire the ship with dynamite to blow it up if demands are not met. Pirates of color not attacking luxury ocean liners, rapeing white women and stealing their jewelry, not communicating like thugs and leaving the ship in tact as soon as they get their money is not like the behavior of any kidnappers of color “the powers that be” want us to know about, so what gives? They are being treated like (gasp!) white boys.

The bigots have not been satisfied by being told the pirates will hang on the nearest tree on land or, if not killed on the spot, will spend the rest of their lives being water boarded in an undisclosed prison. I'll say it one more time; this whole situation is strange as hell!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestor,
God bless bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

*In defense of the Somali pirates and their initial reasons for piracy
by bobbymcgill
Thu Apr 09, 2009 at 07:36:06 PM PDT
Piracy emerged in Somalia following the collapse of the government there in 1991. With no authority to police the waters, European ships began dumping millions of barrels of toxic waste into the ocean off the Somali coast while illegal trawlers fished Somalia's seas taking an estimated $300 million of tuna, shrimp, and lobster each year --depleting stocks previously available to local fishermen. Then, following the 2004 tsunami, hundreds of rusting barrels, dumped from foreign vessels, washed up on shore leaking toxic and nuclear waste --causing the deaths of over 300 Somalians.

Then that's not a solution (0+ / 0-)
And, believe it or not, our navy is not really suited for combatting piracy. So while we could blast them out of the water, in this specific situation that's not an option because I'm pretty sure we'd all like to get Phillips back alive, and over the long run it would require a constant presence, unless, as people like Gates an others have suggested, you go in and deal with the root of the problem which stems from the instability in Somalia. I really wish I could find the link.
Any bluster about storming the lifeboat is just that - bluster. That's not a solution. It's not a long-term solution. That's certainly not, it seems to me given the size of the pirate's craft, really feasible without seriously endangering the hostage either.
-8.25, -6.97
by jaywillie on Sat Apr 11, 2009 at 09:21:29 PM PDT

(Update) I did not look at the political aspect were Capt. Phillips killed. I had a completely different take on the situation. Thanks to diarist JCWilmore for enlightenment.

The Republicans wanted Obama and the Navy to fail (26+ / 0-)
They wanted this mission to fail so they could use it to bolster Dick Cheney's case that Obama can't keep us safe.
Well the U.S. Navy and Barack Obama didn't let us down, did they?
"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." --H.L. Mencken
by JCWilmore on Sun Apr 12, 2009 at 01:02:21 PM PDT!