Saturday, September 03, 2011


Kudos to diarist *Vyan for publishing Black Perspectives on Speech-Gate on the Dkos website.

Writing about Black racism takes a ton of mainstream and non-mainstream memory, the patience of a saint and the determination of a prize fighter. To say it is an enormous task is a gross understatement. In my opinion, it is a Herculean one everytime a Black person takes pen to paper recording Black racism as he sees it. The subject is a quagmire with every word you record having the potential of becoming the Achilles Heel of your writing.

Unquestionably the election of Pres. Obama has, in many cases, brought Black racism out of the closet. The rating agency Standard and Poor’s has seen the results of Black racism and re-acted to it putting America on a wake-up call of which I have no choice but to remain optimistic.

Here we have a President, a well educated and articulate Black man in a position no one will support. The historical reasons are fears of whites being labeled “Nigger lover” and others, as in the case of White House correspondent Helen Thomas, the nebulous label of “Anti-Semitic”. I don’t see VP Biden or Hillary Clinton going to bat for the President nor do I see Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid. There is a reason and I re-interate, it is called fear.

Everyone on a work site who supports his Black colleague is suspect, and talks regarding promotions of any nature are analogous to professional suicide. There are those who tried to support the President and suffered dire consequences. This may account for the fact Blacks have not be leaders of large unions, barons on Wall Street or founders or, until recently, CEOs of mega corporations.

There have been so many Blacks treated like our President:
In recent years, there was Dr. Martin Luther (Obama) King; Medgar (Obama) Evers. There is presently Rev. Lewis (Obama) Farrakhan and Rev. Al (Obama) Sharpton and most recently, Michael (Obama) Steele.

The bottom line is America has deliberately destroyed and continues to destroy so many great Black minds. Sad.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

*Black Perspectives on Speech-Gate

by Vyan
So, it's fair to say what they're doing to Obama isn't new, they would pretty much do it to any Democratic President but then again - the African-American Community has also been through this type of thing for the last few decades and they recognize it for what it is.
Read more at:

Friday, September 02, 2011

Jay Carney and the Cookie Jar

Jay Carney is Press Secretary to the Obama White House. Un-like any good secretary, Mr. Carney allowed his boss to be embarrassed and publicly humiliated.

Un-like any good secretary, Mr. Carney let his boss take the fall for lying about scheduling an ill conceived date and time for an address to Congress.

Further, un-like any good secretary, Jay Carney scheduled a three state speaking engagement for his boss to talk to people equipping him with absolutely nothing of substances to say.

And finally, in my opinion, the not so good secretary Jay Carney should be fired by a boss, any boss, who is tuned into the realities of his position.

As always,

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Jobs Bill speech becomes tainted

- Hear ye, hear ye! I am going to give my jobs speech to Congress on Sept. 7th at 8:00 pm.

- No, no Mr. President, on September 7th at 8:00, we Republicans are having a “Happening” in California.

- Do you know who I am??

- Yes sir, Mr. President, but it’s not fair you want to just walk in and disrupt our “Happening”. It’s not fair.

- I am the President!

- Do I have to go through this again and tell you who you are?

- (uh) No sir. You’re right. My bad. Tell me when I can give my speech on jobs. Please???

-Looks to me like you've been played again, Mr. President.

- FU!!

As always,
P.S. I smile wondering if Pelosi or Reid could write a letter as elegant and professional as the one Boehner sent to the President? Those two should have been long gone.

Coincidences don’t happen in presidential politics. Ever.
by Chris Cillizza
And so, when the White House announced today that President Obama would deliver his much-anticipated jobs speech on Sept. 7 at 8 pm — the exact same day and time that the 2012 Republican candidates are scheduled to debate in California — the idea that the timing was purely coincidental was, well, far-fetched.
Read more at:

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

If I were running for President of the U.S.A.

I would form a company by getting all my ducks in a row. Every news conference would be a production par excellence.

I would let voters know I have like minded highly qualified friends ready to help me run the government. So when a member of the press would ask me about arresting the Banksters and war mongers from the Bush and Obama administration, I would refer them to whomever I have chosen to be my Attorney General. The same process would be used when I am asked about jobs, taxes, home foreclosures etc.,

My slogan would be from the title of the Michael Jackson song, “We are the world!”

I would have as many members of my company accompany me to as many news conferences, town hall meetings and fund raisers as possible.

I was very impressed when “W” announced early in his campaign that Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell would be in his cabinet. I would try with all my heart and soul to avoid springing a surprise on voters by doing what Pres. Obama did by hiring Hillary Clinton and Rahm Emanuel without giving us some advance notices during his campaign.
If I were a voter, running such a Presidential campaign would surely get my attention as it did with “W”.

And if I lose the election, it would not be due to the fact my company and I were not ready for prime time. Going this route would take a lot of planning and discipline but hey, voters want to know what makes me tick, really tick and that I’m serious about running this country as President BB!

As always,
P.S. Now if reporters doesn't ask me about my college transcript and my “C” in gym and my “C” in World History and my “D” in Shakespeare, I’ll be alright. And if they do, standing proud and thumbing my chest, I would tell them I am a politician and not some lousy writer from the Harvard Law Review and surely (cough) they can notice the physical difference.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cheese: Munster Gerome

Munster Gerome comes under the category of “Stinky cheese”. I like stinky cheese. I fell in love with Munster Gerome little over a year ago and became frustrated when I could no longer purchase it over the internet.

I made a special trip to Whole Foods only to find they sold the last one a few days earlier, so said the clerk. I bought a package of Limburger cheese and left. It was a wasted trip into D.C. and I had not been a happy shopper.

I Later decided to go to a store closer to where I live. I had heard about Wegman’s but had never gone there before the day I went searching for my beloved Munster Gerome. No luck, but a heartbreak instead: The clerk at the expansive cheese counter told me, “America stopped importing Munster Gerome because it is not a pasteurized cheese”.
- What??

- Yes sir, all cheese made and sold in America has to be pasteurized.

- But, but it was the best cheese I ever had. Much better than Limburger or any other stinky cheese I’ve ever eaten!

- I know but that is the situation, sir. Sorry.

- I guess that’s three cheers for the French.

- Yes sir, three cheers for the French.

During our conversation, the very attentive clerk confessed to also liking stinky cheese and suggested I sample one her favorites, St. Albray. It was OK but my taste buds had already made a mile-wide leap from Limburger to Munster Gerome. What a difference a really good cheese can make in your life!

Here I now fantasize sitting on the French Rivera in straw hat with neatly arranged ascot tie and a plateful of steroid free roasted lamb before me, accompanied by a side dish of tiny white potatoes, a salad and a nice glass of French wine toasting my new love, a huge mound of un-pasteurized Munster Gerome cheese. (Gosh!)
As always,

Monday, August 29, 2011

Landmark cases for Blacks: Who was in control

1. Brown Vs. Board of Education
I did not get his name but I remember what he said as he was giving a lecture on C-Span this past week-end. He said that the Warren Court passed the Brown Vs. Board of Education decision and Dwight D. Eisenhower was President. I was very engaged, i.e., fascinated, to learn Chief Justice Earl Warren was a Republican appointed by Republican President Eisenhower. From that point on, I was on a mission to find out who was in control with other landmark decisions regarding Blacks with the help of Google searches.

2. Dread Scott
Roger B. Taney was Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1836-1864). The Dread Scott decision was rendered in 1857. Taney was a Jacksonian Democrat when he became Chief Justice and Democratic Pres. Andrew Jackson appointed him.
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), was a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that people of African descent brought into the United States and held as slaves (or their descendants,[2] whether or not they were slaves) were not protected by the Constitution and could never be U.S. citizens.[3] The court also held that the U.S. Congress had no authority to prohibit slavery in federal territories and that, because slaves were not citizens, they could not sue in court. Furthermore, the Court ruled that slaves, as chattels or private property, could not be taken away from their owners without due process.
Read more at: Scott V. Sandford

3. Civil Rights Act 1964
Legislated in the U.S.Congress. Opposed by major Democrats leaders. Passed with help of Republicans. The Democratic President was Lynden B. Johnson.
The bill came before the full Senate for debate on March 30, 1964 and the "Southern Bloc" of 18 southern Democratic Senators and one Republican Senator led by Richard Russell (D-GA) launched a filibuster to prevent its passage.
Read more at:
(Note: There were two previous Civil Rights Acts: 1875 passed and in 1883 it was struck down by Republican Supreme Court Justice Joseph P. Bradley who was nominated by Pres. U. Grant)

Republicans Roots of the 1964 Civil Rights Act
by Michael Zak
Among its provisions, the 1875 Civil Rights Act banned racial discrimination in public accommodations. Sound familiar? Though struck down by the Supreme Court eight years later, the 1875 Civil Rights Act would be reborn as the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Republicans supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act much more than did the Democrats. Contrary to Democrat myth, Everett Dirksen (R-IL), the Senate Minority Leader – not President Lyndon Johnson – was the person most responsible for its passage. Mindful of how Democrat opposition had forced Republicans to weaken their 1957 and 1960 Civil Rights Acts, President Johnson promised Republicans that he would publicly credit the GOP for its strong support. Johnson played no role in the legislative fight. In the House of Representatives, the 1964 Civil Rights Act passed with 80% support from Republicans but only 63% support from Democrats.
Read more at:

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. It is my understanding the 80% to 63% vote is what caused the rife between Dr. Martin Luther King and the Jewish community. There were so many Jews actively participating in and supporting the movement. I can not find when there was a Republican House and Senate majority along with a Republican President and what bills, if any, were passed specifically effecting Blacks.