Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The unqualified Sen. Chuck Hagel

Trial balloons are saying Ex. Republican Senator Chuck Hagel is being considered to replace retiring Sec. of Defense Leon Panetta.  Critics of Mr. Hagel are calling him *anti-Semitic saying he will have a difficult time being confirmed by the Congress if he is picked by the President (No Drama Obama).  If you are an American Citizen, you can be a lot of things while serving your country but regardless of your illustrious background,  the one thing you can not be is anti-Semitic. Your Constitutional Rights are null and void. Sad.

As always.

* Definition of ANTI-SEMITISM
: hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group
— an·ti–Se·mit·ic adjective
— an·ti–Sem·ite noun
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