Friday, November 27, 2009

A Thanksgiving gift or another Trojan Horse?

While we ate, Dubai defaulted, now markets are melting
by Jimdotz
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - Just a year after the global downturn derailed Dubai's explosive growth, the city is now so swamped in debt that it's asking for a six-month reprieve on paying its bills — causing a drop on world markets Thursday and raising questions about Dubai's reputation as a magnet for international investment.
Read more at:,-Dubai-defaulted,-now-markets-are-melting

If memory serves me correctly, Halliburton Energy Service Groups, a close and friendly company to Ex. Vice Pres. Cheney, moved its headquarters to Dubai sometime last year. I wrote a post at the time and my contention was most of the corruption money of America was going into real estate building in both Dubai and Israel. Will Halliburton be in a position to manipulate bail-out monies from our Congress?
As always,

Pres. Barack Obama and Dr. Ian Pavlov

In two of my most recent postings, I used the phrase “social engineering” in reference to my feelings surrounding the constant “raining on Pres. Obama’s parade”. We Villagers were quick to notice the storm clouds gathering, feeling the first drizzles of rain during the Presidential Primaries with the “guilt by association” campaigns regarding Mr. Ayers and Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

In my opinion, the drizzles became heavier on January 20th during the miffed rendering of the oath of office for President of the United States of America. The oath was embarrassingly botched by Chief Justice John Roberts.

The clouds opened up with the infamous “Gorilla” cartoon published in The New York Post and it has been pouring rain ever since. There was the releasing and talks in the media of escalating death threats focused on the President on the day of his birthday. The latest being the gate crashers at the White House during the President’s first formal dinner and before that, his bowing to the Emperor of Japan and his wife. This “kick in the butt” can not go un-noticed by the decent people of Japan.

In my opinion and coming from the oligarchy, the contrived negativism associated with these incidences have a foundation in proven *theories of “classical conditioning,” “psychic secretion” and “conditional reflexes” made famous by Dr. Ian Pavlov. What would be perceived as general and natural outcomes of human behavior is being systematically perverted in every sense of the word.

Pres. Obama has been set-up to be nervous while harboring apprehensions regarding every move he makes and he says. Consequently, we Villagers too have been set-up. Set-up on two fronts. Those with desires to continue perpetrating the experiments of Dr. Pavlov and those who are its victims vicariously harboring positive identifications with the plights of the President. In both cases, the end results is an un-healthy society. Some would say, “Sick to my stomach”. Others would say “America the beautiful”. And we would all agree beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. Where are the mental health providers in our society? Don’t they also have a stake in this dilemma? Where are the “preventative” illness articles and speeches? Do they not see? Do they not understand? Do they care??
* These experiments included surgically extracting portions of the digestive system from animals, severing nerve bundles to determine the effects, and implanting fistulas between digestive organs and an external pouch to examine the organ's contents. This research served as a base for broad research on the digestive system.

Further work on reflex actions involved involuntary reactions to stress and pain.

This research showed how all temperament types responded to the stimuli the same way, but different temperaments move through the responses at different times.
Read more at:

Thursday, November 26, 2009

WH gate crashers and a bridge for sale (Update)

There is this lovely bridge for sale in Brooklyn I’d let you have for a song and a dance if you believe the couple who allegedly crashed Pres. Obama’s first White House State Dinner did it by “hook or crook”. Are we really to believe there was only one official security check point for those attending the affair? That basically there was no one watching the store?

The couple have not been identified. No bizarre or wild guesses! I am sure the tape showing their entrance has been shot around the world. The word "Hoax!" comes to mind.

Is John Q. Public to believe automobile license plates were not checked? Are we also to believe the couple really got in without their names being on the guest list?

I note a story about the Chinese “Obama girl” who was photographed wearing red, sitting close to Pres. Obama at his Town Hall Meeting and how fast she was identified. It turns out she is indeed a student attending a university in China.

I posit the couple was one of several security agents who got caught. Ain’t no way in this world there was a slip in security when three hundred of the most influential people in America were attending an affair. And besides, no quotes from Rahm Emanuel, Gibbs or from the President himself as to their outrage that such a thing could happen and lastly, no talks of anyone being fired.

Someone in the White House or elsewhere is doing a good job with their mandates of social engineering negativity regarding our President. Now about that bridge…..
As always,
P.S. How ironic the female looks to me like Valerie Plame. Finally, other people in attendance also have security forces who had to meet and coordinate the security for the evening. Is there anybody still believing 9/11 was not an inside job?

'Obama Girl in Red Coat' fires up cyberspace
By Wang Hongyi (China Daily)
On Tuesday, the Shanghai Jiaotong University graduate was forced to quell the online heat building up over her attractive appearance at the US president's speech at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum on Nov 16.
Read more at:

Obama's security at risk?? Reality TV hopeful Stars crashed Obama's first State dinner! WTH

by LaurenMonica
(Mystery solved!)
Read more at:!-WTH

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Are Teabaggers America’s newest niggers?

Tis true I am not in any position to define “niggers” from a scholarly point of view as is Drs. Cornel West ,“Skip“ Gates or N’aim Ackbar. It is due to the fact my ancestors, friends and I have at one time or another been called “a nigger,” I therefore feel I can speak and only speak about the term from my personal point of view.

The name was placed upon my ancestors and me by a group wanting to identify a person who was passive, illiterate and easily manipulated to work against his own interests when told to do so.

If nigger is the name assigned by the dominant group to a person having those qualifications, I posit it can not be assigned exclusively to a person of color. The only problem the name callers have is identifying only persons of color with that malady and for sure, as slaves, many of us Blacks met the mental qualifications. However, when using the entire definition, the logic is not there due to the fact a color differentiation invalidates the entire premise with the premise being, to repeat, describing a mental condition.

I am not a person who is passive, illiterate and easily manipulated to work against my own interests when told to do so, I am therefore not a nigger but I know people who are: Teabaggers!

Finally, if the total definition of nigger were ascribed to a person because he “is” a person of color, who is “also” a person of color or “who happens to be” a person of color or even “appears to be” a person of color, once again and in my opinion, one is embracing fallacious and dirty logic.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. Note: This is my defense of the word “nigger”.

I do not like the emotional set-up

If Pres. Obama already knows he is going to escalate troops in Afghanistan, he surely knows his reasons for doing so. Why wait a week to tell his constituents?

In my opinion, this is not the time to play psych games with the public nor is it the time to allow precious time to elapse between “mind made up” and “running tuh tell it!” I will stretch my neck out and say, in my opinion, there is not a mental health provider alive who would approve this procedure.

To deliberately, on a massive scale, raise blood pressures of us Villagers, incite our anxiety levels providing a negative platform for verbal and physical engagements is mental torture however way you want to spin it.

And whether with promises of forthcoming Christ like acts of parting the Red Sea, feeding the multitude or emitting loud shouts to be patient because the Calvary is coming; in my opinion, proceeding with this decision is a straw that could brake many a camel’s back. This is social engineering in its finest hour and it is, plain and simple, cruel!
As always,

Have you had enough?
by MotleyPatriot
Have you not learned yet that government, OUR government, is about connections, and, an establishment.  Did you not learn that when Timothy Geithner and Larry Summers got put in charge of Wall Street?  Did you not learn that when Eric Holder refused to prosecute Bradley Scholzman for his perjury in front of congress?  Have you not learned this, as time and again, the Obama administration sits idly by as everything around them deteriorates into a political quagmire even as they have 60 Senate seats and an overwhelming majority in the House?  Or, maybe you didn't learn it when he nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, a person first nominated by George H.W. Bush because she leaned to the right in her rulings.
Read more at:

You are losing me, Mr. President
by Granny Doc
Please step up and take control of your government.  That is what we elected you to do.  Your failure, so far, to exercise the leadership and decision making skill set that I felt you might possess has been a profound disappointment.
Read more at:,-Mr.-President

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

An Ode to Public Option

Fare thee well to the sun, the moon, the butcher and the baker and the candle stick maker. We are all niggers now because America’s oligarchy is also fighting for life.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. Teabaggers are now the ones working in the "Big house". History repeats itself once again.

Obama/Congress against Independence of the New financial Regulator
by FLS
Rep Ellison tried introducing an amendment making the new agency fully independent from Congress and the White House but Barney Frank is said to have blocked his attempt. Hopefully Rep Ellison reintroduces it to the full House on a floor vote or the Senate's version gives the agency full independence... haha fat chance. What the point ... I think we all know. It's just for show.
Read more at:

Les Commercials la bazaario

When commercials for medications come on my TV, I usually put the mute on so I do not hear the second half of the commercial. If you thought you had medical concerns before taking the advertised medication, take a look at the warnings of possible side effects hurled at you in short, well manicured segments during the commercial:
Medication could produce threats of suicide, hallucinations, heart palpitations, nausea, nipple pains or anal itch. Medicication may make your mouth look like a virgina or add inches to your tongue. Do not take medication if you are prone to puberty rash. Medication may give you a black eye, make your eyes droop or lost of vision in one or more eye. Do not take if you are pregnant or wish you were. Prolonged uses of medication could produce unsolicited wet dreams, turn you into a 900 pound gorilla, Mother Theresa, Paris Hilton or Barack Obama. Consult your doctor.

As always,

Monday, November 23, 2009

Nomi Prins: “It takes a pillage.” (Update)

It is a bit of a challenge typing with your jaw propped up with a crutch, but I’ll try real hard.

In my world and until this evening, the name Nomi Prins was just as un-familiar to me as was Naomi Klein before I saw her reviewing her latest book on C-SPAN earlier this year. Ms. Prins was having her book, “It takes a pillage” reviewed on After Words on C-SPAN,

I did not know Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) could moderate a book review. Mr. Sanders and Ms. Prins teamed up to present one of the most fascinating book reviews I have even seen on television. Together they meticulously and effortlessly undressed Larry Summers, Timothy Geithner and the rest of their Wall Street cohorts a la Citizen Kane.

Ms. Prins: Watching banks becoming Too Big To Fail is “watching something you do not understand”. And if you want Wall Street to alter its behavior, “You need legislative attachment(s) to make those changes occur”. Ms. Prins discussed how secretive Wall Street is, its inabilities to be regulated and a whole bunch of other good stuff.

My efforts to write about the show is like me trying to play Vladimir Horowitz’s arrangement of “Stars and Stripes” with this damn crutch in my way! Very difficult!
As always,
12-3-09: D-Day for Bernanke- Expect Wolves with Pitchforks
by Badabing
Both the Federal Reserve and the Treasurer were both complicit in the financial meltdown.  Both were charged as regulators towards reining in the Banks and Wall Street during the financial meltdown, and both of them failed miserably.  And instead of admitting their failures, they have done just the opposite, and have 'dug their heels' in and continue to support the very entities that continue unabated in their 'controlled fraud' on Wall Street, the SEC, the NYSE and the Vampire Banks.

Well, Senator Dodd 'you didn't pay attention' and that was your responsibility and look where it has led us as a nation.  Congress is just as complicit in this national disaster as is Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Wall Street, the Banks, and all of the so-called-regulators (including Timothy Geithener) look the 'other way' and who just let these 'raving out of control' crooks and liars bring us to economic disaster unlike any in our history as a nation.
Read more at:

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Public Option: “Just a little bit pregnant?”

Health Care Cloture Vote Reax
by math4barack
It would take 60 votes to take the form of public option that is now in the bill and remove it. It would take 60 votes to put in a new thing in its place. There aren't those 60 votes.

This is precisely why it was so damn important for us to get a public option in this bill. Having it in there, it can't be removed. It won't be changed.
Read more at:

Reax (New word for me)

Inquiring minds want to know….
1. During the up-coming debating juncture of the bill, amendments can be offered. How many votes would it take to pass an amendment under the circumstances?
2. Could there be an amendment to remove the “Opt-Out” portion of the bill? (Already answered?)
3. Will debates occur in the House or Senate?
4. How many votes to pass the bill to conference?
5. How many votes to pass bill out of conference?
6. Will the final bill be voted on in the House or Senate?
7.How many votes to pass bill onto the President?
If we are talking about sixty votes every step of the way, we are sloshing around in deep do-do and perhaps should busy ourselves ordering more mops and hiring as much temp help we can.
As always,