Saturday, March 06, 2010

Song: “Baby, baby, please don’t leave me!”

To my surprise, today was the third time a doctor from the past has contacted me urging me to make an appointment. This has never happened before.

The first time, about a month ago, there was a phone call followed by letters from two more doctors.

I know a law is soon to past in the HealthCare Reform Bill that gives doctors fewer dollars for attending Medicare patients. I would guess in some neighborhoods there are doctors having a high cliental of Medicare patients who will feel the pinch with lower reimbursements.

This is by far the best indication I have witnessed signaling significant re-structuring of the medical profession as promised and advocated by Pres. Obama. Like it or not, the HealthCare Reform Bill is gonna pass. Cheers!
As always,

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Spotting an amateur with a small “p”

In my English writing class, we were told when referring to the President of the United States, one should always write the word President using a capital “P”.

As I recall the teacher saying that by using the small “p” you could be writing in reference to the president of a bank, club or company.

The teacher went on to say, however, if in your writings you specifically write the name of that president of the bank, club or company, you would be grammatically correct using the capital “P”.

In other words, the stand alone word “President” refers to only one person in the United States of America wherein the stand alone word "president" does not. I understood from my teacher this is of scrupulous importance in professional writings. In my English classes, as in most English classes at a university, there were students going to be doctors, lawyers who would have to write briefs, people who would be writing as a profession, students eventually writing their dissertations and so forth.

I constantly read post thinking they are written by professional writers, at least they are identified as such, until I see the stand along word “president” referring to President Obama. Ouch!
As always,

HCR: The need for a time-line plan

After listening to the President’s speech today and witnessing “a difference of procedure” between CNN moderator Wolfe Blitzer and Sen. Lamar Alexander, I can immediately see a need for publishing a time-line plan for the HealthCare Reform Bill.

In my opinion, a time-line plan does not have to be date-specific but tracking the bill, even in generalities if necessary, going forward on its way to the President's desk for him to sign. Such a plan would help keep hope alive and momentum going forward. Such a plan does not have to be elaborate. As a matter of fact, it should NOT be elaborate. The reading primer "Dick and Jane" of the 30’s and 40’s comes to mind.

It would be to the detriment of the HealthCare Reform Bill to now let it fly to the whims and nefarious behaviors of obstructionist and naysayers. We all know how influential they can be and with the educational level of large portions of our society, it would not be difficult. That fact has been proven day in and day out for the past year or so.

People need structure, something they can look forward to, something for which to prepare.

Finally, I would think newspaper editors would greatly benefit from such a plan with planning and special hiring assignments and the like. I know I would personally see benefits in such a plan in picking my battles knowing what I am talking and writing about. (Smile)
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. As they say, "One good thing about having a plan is you can always change it!"

Bravo, Rachel, braaavo!!

While watching the Rachel Maddow Show last night, I almost peed in my britches.

The only time I witnessed a street fight has been in the movies or on TV. At no time have I seen the hero both kicking his opponent’s ass while giving his head a serious whooping. Oh, sure I have seen the hero pow-wow a gang of opponents, kicking their asses and such but never simultaneously knocking the shit out of them. Surely a feat deserving the attention of the World Olympic Committee.

Ms. Maddow took on four opponents from our U.S. Senate; Charles Grassley, Lamar Alexander, John McCain and Orrin Hatch. One by one she repeated her amazing prowess ending with Sen. Orrin Hatch in what can only be described as an Ass-whoopin’ Tsunami. It was devastating and I loved every minute of it! At the end of her bout, the now demure Ms. Maddow looked straight into the camera as if to say, “….and I don’t feel no ways tired.” You go, girl! (Snap!)
As always,

Maddow Slams Orrin Hatch For Lying, Washington Post For Printing It
(A short post with video.)
Read more at:

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Deep in the heat of Texas

I did not know a primary political race was going on today. The race is for the Governorship of Texas between incumbent Rick Perry and Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson and I’m all ears! The Democratic contender is Bill White, former Mayor of Houston.

I learned from somewhere it is the local races, the ones main stream media tends to ignore, that you, as a citizen should not. I find no justification the voter turn-out is light. I wonder why? (Smile)
As always,
Turnout light for Texas primary elections
From Staff Reports
North Texas voters hit the polls this morning to choose their parties’ nominees in several local primaries.
But today’s main event remains the hotly contested GOP primary for governor.

Perry and Hutchison are reinforcing their campaign themes: The incumbent boasted that the Texas model under his leadership is superior to the Washington way, and the challenger declared that the governor's time is up and that the state and party can do better to prepare for the future.
Read more at:

Sen. Blanche Lincoln and Repercussions

There was this drug dealing character, see, who found out one of his “boys” was stealing money from him, see, so he beat him up bad and dumped him into his car trunk, you know, and pulled out this sack of snakes, poured them into the trunk on top of the thief and slammed shut the trunk lid and stood around, man, listening to the bloody hysterical and muffled screams coming from inside the trunk. The characters of novelist Solomon Jones don’t play!

And there was this Senator, see, who completely pissed off the AFL-CIO, you know? Well she is running for re-election in Arkansas and while she was walking down those hallowed halls of the Senate Building yesterday? You know what? The AFL-CIO snatched all her clothes off her back! Just calmly walked up to her, they did, and before she knew what was happening? They snatched them off! All of’em! Butt naked, she was, and the only thing she had left on her was her make-up, ear-rings and fingernail polish! Man oh man, what a sight!! It gives new meaning when they say pay-back is a bitch! Man oh man…..
AFL-CIO Drops Lincoln, Commits $3 Mill To Halter
by sluggahjells
A labor source confirmed to TPMDC tonight that the AFL-CIO voted to back new Senate candidate Lt. Gov Bill Halter over Sen. Blanche Lincoln in the May 18 Democratic primary in Arkansas. Three unions within the umbrella group have committed to a $3 million independent expenditure on Halter's behalf.
Read more at:,-Commits-$3-Mill-To-Halter-

As always,

Monday, March 01, 2010

Tea, Coffee & Sympathy

It is difficult abandoning my feelings that ever since the President hit the campaign trail as Sen. Obama, it has been fraught with testosterone battles.

I posit the belief a great deal of racial prejudice is testosterone related and since it is “alleged” TeaBaggers are racist and do not like or want our Black President to succeed, I conclude it is but one more endless testosterone battle for the ear of the President. A racist has to let you know he does not like you and if possible, to your face. I am mindful of the infamous “cartoon” appearing in a New York newspaper of a policeman shooting a gorilla.

And now, as counter to TeaBaggers, we have the newly formed Coffee Party jumping up on stage, unfurling their banner singing the *“Anvil Chorus”.

(In the early twentieth century, the Anvil Chorus was commonly sung by the spectators or played by a band when a player, especially an opponent, committed an error, or to "rub it in" to the losing side.) As they say, “….the plot thickens!”

Drifting back to the primaries, it was hard thinking Sen. Obama and Sen. Clinton were having a battle of the sexes Vs. a battle over testosterone, if you will. It was common knowledge there were some very, VERY mean things said about Sen. Clinton and her uh, sex life. They were ugly things and as we used to say back in the day, they were “U”-gly! They were so bad, we never even made those kinds of allegations about somebody’s Mama.

Oddly enough, I never thought there was a testosterone situation between Sen. Obama and Sen. McCain. I do not think Sen. McCain thinks that way. I just feel he is in a totally different weather zone and I was never able to completely figure it out nor was I able to feel a testosterone or truly racial situation between the two of them. I guess you may say I find it hard to consider Sen. McCain racist.

As always,

My Qualms With The Coffee Party
by Rusty5329
I am totally in agreement with them on this, so what are my qualms with the Coffee Party? It is indicative of what I have always liked least about the progressive movement: we are far too often responding, always reacting and never acting.

I have grown tired of responding. And while I cannot make claims that I will stop any time soon, I certainly will not be joining any Responders Anonymous. I will not join a group that would never exist were it not for the teabaggers. I will not dignify their nuttiness.
Read more at:


Coffee Party Movement now at 30,000+: Updated 3x
by Incognito1958
In just a few weeks, the movement to counter the Tea Party Movement has grown from an idea of a few progressive friends sitting around talking to 28,000 members and chapters in major cities across the country.

The Coffee Party movement in less than a month has five times the supporters of Organizing for America--the relic of the Obama '08 campaign that Plouffe never got off the ground because he was writing/promoting his book.
Read more at:,000+:-Updated-3x
