Thursday, March 10, 2011

Are Republicans trying to save America from itself?

There has to be a reason wealthy people akin to the Koch brothers are throwing huge sums of money into the political arena.

There have been questions asked of the wealthy American oligarchy: “How much money is enough?” and the answer may well be, “Enough to save America”. The dialog may also extend into a confession, “We have also seen the promised land from the mountaintop and it does not look good”.
To give you one or two examples, we feel corporations can better train students for our future needs of working on multi-national levels along with us. Teachers’ unions can not do it. They can barely keep a student interested enough to stay in school.

And we feel having multiple productive citizens locked up in the penal system is counter-productive to a thriving country and once again, it does not meet our multi-national needs. It may make a few people rich but that does not help us on the levels on which we operate.

But the straw was letting bank robbers go free. The looters of the American treasury have vast influences and they will destroy America feeling they can not and will not be stopped. There are too many Eric Holders in America, some are Republicans and far too many say they are Democrats. Those are the real stinkers in America.

Already we see the influences of not bringing people to justice and the escalating consequences. We know it will get worst. We work world wide and see situations from different perspectives. We can not sit back and do nothing. America has been too good to us.

As always,

Americans ‘Bamboozled’ again!

In my opinion, what happened today in Wisconsin and Michigan are two examples of how we Blacks have once again been used as scapegoats and smoke screens.

We Americans were told time and time again in every way, every shape and possible form that the TeaParty wanted to take this country back from Blacks.

The entire TeaParty movement was tarred and feathered with labels like ‘Racist and xenophobic’ and we were badgered not to vote for them under dire threats of losing our beloved country to the eternal abyss of Black control.

Selected posters from protesters were photographed and published depicting our Pres. Obama as the most vile and contemptible of people due to the fact it was common knowledge he was the undisputed proof of Blacks having taken our country away from whites.

And now today we see Wisconsins’ TeaParty poster boy Gov. Scott Walker ever so gently pulling the carpet from under our feet by eliminating unions in his state but we all must be mindful (smile) and not forget (chuckle) that the TeaParty wants to take our country back from Blacks (LOL)!

Also today, mind you, today Republicans in Michigan voted to create a financial management team capable of dissolving a whole town but again we must be mindful that the singular purpose of the Republicans and TeaParty is to take our country back from dem Blacks.

In the words of Malcolm X:
Oh, I say and I say it again, ya been had! Ya been took! Ya been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Republicans in the Wisconsin state senate have approved a plan to strip public-sector unions of most of their collective bargaining rights.
Read more at:


LANSING — With over 1,000 union members and supporters on the lawn, and hundreds packing the Capitol dome chanting “kill the bill,” the GOP-controlled state Senate pushed the controversial Emergency Financial Manager legislation to the precipice of passage on Tuesday.
Read more at:

Monday, March 07, 2011

Al Jazeera, like reading a good book on humanity

Yesterday, my son-in-law and I watched Al Jazeera for little over an hour. It was his first time seeing Al Jazeera. I have never before heard him so quiet. Comatose! I‘ve known him for nineteen years. He is now forty years old.

I told him I was mindful how so many years ago my son and I were just as ‘awe struck’ with the introduction and rapid advances of the internet. He said he understood the relationship I was making. I told him a lot of my TV viewing time is now spent watching Al Jazeera. Again, he said he understood.

Most of all and what dominated the conversation after watching Al Jazeera was our agreement we had not been subjected to propaganda. That is important to us. We both agreed we were not seduced to hate someone or something which is of equal importance to us.

During the time we were watching, the speech of host commentator, journalist and translators was impeccable. And finally, we agreed we had just witnessed good journalism and the most up to date usage of modern technology. Metaphorically, one can say we drank a toast or two to Al Jazeera.

My son-in law writes rap songs and he is THE man amongst his friends. He is the more politically astute and they listen to him. I can only reckon why he left my house so abruptly.

He did promise to come back in the morning to take me to Lowes to get a light bulb for my porch light and to get fertilizer for my pale, stressful looking rhododendrons. I have two of them in my front yard on either sides of the steps.

As always,
P.S. Tomorrow, I’m going to tell my son-in-law why in utter disgust I threw away Howard Zinn’s book, ‘A peoples history of the United States’ due to the fact Zinn did not even mention the name of the Black security guard working at Watergate who was instrumental in toppling the Nixon administration and neither did Woodward in his book on Watergate. I am going to poise the question were it not for Frank Wills, who knows the political climate of today.