Friday, April 10, 2009

An open mic (Update)

Most of us were not around at the end of the Civil War. Many families were not even here in America. We still bare the common burden as to how we react to the Black man.

While reading the diary of thereisnospoon, I got the impression the vibes we are getting are the same vibes that were prevalent during and after the Civil War. Perhaps Dr. Doris Kearns Goodwin could attest to the similarities and I do not think I am far off base. If there are similarities, it was during the Reconstruction Period this country was taken back generations, never to recover.

And now that I think of it, I have heard the New Deal started by Pres. FDR is also controversial to this day. Another example why America did not move forward as much as it could have. And now we have the Presidency of Obama wherein people digging in their heals are once again making efforts to retard our growth as a country. Is the Black man really white America‘s problem or just a convenient scapegoat?

At this time, most people would agree the retardation of our country is due in large part to the media but I do not know the driving forces behind the retardation of the New Deal and the Reconstruction Period. I do not know if this is as simple as saying people will be people and there is a common thread but I do believe there has to be one and one we have to intelligently address. As I said, perhaps Dr. Goodwin or Lerone “Forced Into Glory” Bennett could enlighten us where the land mines are.

Hitler thought he found the answer. Bush and Cheney thought they found the answer. The power structure in Darfur thinks they have the answer. Pres. Saakasvilli of Georgia thought he had the answer.

In my opinion, this diary by thereisnospoon, if written by a white person is what has gotten the controllers of this country so angry and desperate and if thereisnospoon is a Neo-con, they most surely have woes to deal with. Thereisnospoon’s diary is definitely not the kind of writing they want to see regardless how well written and insightful. Will the Obama administration and it followers put the lance through the golden ring for America? We’re trying! Will bringing broadband into the lives of the whole country be a good starter? I wonder as I wander....
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors, God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

It's Panic. Sheer Panic.
by thereisnospoon
Fri Apr 10, 2009 at 09:56:19 AM PDT
And it would be right. The panic we are seeing from the GOP goes far beyond the shock of minority status. It is caused by a profound sense of powerlessness that comes not from a temporary electoral setback, but from a realization that previous methods of political survival have been rendered impossible.

The entire principle of Republican politics was predicated on the notion that an African-American man named Barack Hussein Obama could barely get a fair shake at catching a cab or getting an apartment, much less winning the presidency and a 60% approval rating. To some, the notion remains so impossible that it must have been the work of a massive shadow conspiracy.
The ascendancy of Barack Hussein Obama (and, to a lesser degree, Hillary Clinton) to the highest stations of political power in America represents, in a final sense, the rejection of that brand of politics by a majority of Americans.

Glenn Beck's wild fantasies of Communist insurrectionist threat are equivalent to those of the high school nerd who, unable or unwilling to deal with the world as it actually presents itself, retreats into fantasy games, swinging ethereal swords at the faceless orcs who have come to take the place of his ever-present bullies and tormentors in his own imagination. Such lashing out is, in its essence, the commonplace reaction of desperate individuals attempting boldly to escape a reality which they intellectually refuse to acknowledge.

(Update: This is from one of the comments to the post. In my opinion, the opening paragraph has a brilliant metaphor. Oh, how I love a good, tasteful and appropriate metaphor! )

It Ain't Over Yet (2+ / 0-)
There's a lot of fear, panic and loathing going on among the entitled white guy class of People Who Run Things - or think that they should - because all of their baseline assumptions have been overturned. It's a mixup as the would-be puppet masters pull on strings that are no longer attached to anything - and frightened puppets find themselves cut loose and on their own.
Except for one segment of this particular class. It's still not a bad time to be an uber rich Master of the Universe player in the financial world. Sure, some are getting symbolically thrown to the sharks, meaning they retreat to one of their gated homes with the money they've been sucking down for years.
For most of them though, they just have to adjust their public profiles and watch their statements while the government hacks on both sides who've taken their campaign contributions and the members of their own class who've taken a sabbatical to get their hands dirty in government for a brief time stay up nights worrying about the best ways to make sure they don't feel too much pain in the current economic clusterfuck they brought about.
Meanwhile, wealth may trickle down (Hah!) but 'sacrifice' is flooding up from the bottom as ordinary people watch their jobs go south, and workers are told they have to give back still more today... so they can keep giving back tomorrow.
In the last 40 years, I can't recall any time when it was ever the right time for regular people to get more for their labor. It's always been cut here, give back there, be charged more. And it doesn't stop when they retire either - how many pension funds workers paid into for years are evaporating? How many old people are looking for work in their 'golden' years?
When panic begins to spread to the Lords of Finance, then maybe the day of reckoning will be at hand. Till then, a lot of what is going on is sideshow, distraction and misdirection. The grownups aren't quite in charge yet. (home page here for those who want more on this last link.)
"No special skill, no standard attitude, no technology, and no organization - no matter how valuable - can safely replace thought itself."
by xaxnar on Fri Apr 10, 2009 at 06:17:15 PM PDT

Thursday, April 09, 2009

What is happening to our country? (Update)

People are talking and lying. Some are talking and within that talk some people are lying but talking just the same. The statement as it stands is not to imply, idiomatically speaking, that talkers are “truth tellers” and liars are not.

It is a good thing people are talking. When people talk, you know where they stand. When a Black man decided to run for President of the United States, everybody was aware of it; tuning in big time and when you get that much tuning in and exposure, everybody has something to say, young and old alike.

The American population has not grown so significantly since Pres. Obama started running for President but rather it is the publicity of the event that has gotten people talking and when people start talking, liars are not far behind playing catch-up. They have their roles to play in a society. They are characters you simply can not write out of the script, try as you may. Even when they are not on stage, their presence is felt. Iago, if you will.

Many liars are just mesmerized, maybe even traumatized how the world is changing and how fast it is doing so. It is my opinion, the world is changing much to fast for them. They can not catch up. Left in the dust and tumbleweeds of an era that went by too swiftly for them they are literally embarrassed. Embarrassed with either their lack of appropriate education or due to confrontations with their own failures in their lives, some being very significant.

This group of liars are so boxed in by the bright light of sun-shine reality all around them they could be saying things like: “It is a matter of relevancy”; “I am somebody and do not want to lose my perceived status”; “I’m just as good as you are!” “Help me understand what is really going on!” and "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered".

We see how Dick Cheney, poor man, is trying his damnest to drag Father Time back to the start line. He is being helped by Frank Caffney, Dr. Rice and, alas, even our own beloved “I’ll wait until the report comes out” Sec. Powell. I think I also see Richard Boehner and little Bobby Jidal, Ari Fletcher and a host of friends and relatives all pulling on the rope they have tied around the waist of Father Time whose only desire is to travel forward as painful as it is. Talking about stress! No “Smiley faces” here.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
(Update: I am ever mindful somebody can say what you want to say better.)

* Obama Should Be Ashamed Only Two-Thirds Approve of Him

So pity the poor media, especially those commenting from the right. Their frustration in not being able to control the storyline on Obama's presidency must be giving them fits. Their most recent attempt at finding the gloomy lining in Obama's silver cloud was that he is the "most polarizing president ever!" They focus in like a laser beam on a Pew Research poll which shows, in essence, that the Republican Party is shrinking down to its core base of very conservative people.

But Obama's polarizing approach challenges and changes the core of his political identity. His moderate manner and message appealed to a country weary of division and ambition -- a nation now asked to endure another round of both.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Limbaugh moving due to death threats?

Funny how you do not hear of death threats directed to the Limbaugh cache. We all know there are kooks on both sides of the spectrum but after reading the post by *silentreader got me to wondering.

The diary got me wondering why does it also seems the person who is doing something good always gets the death threats according to the media. I am mindful of Michele Miliakin whining to O’Reiley about how “mean and nasty” some people are to her but never remember her talking about death threats. When I really think about it, it does not make sense. A kook is a kook is a kook. They are consistent with their behavior regardless of party affiliation and anything else. And why we have not heard of a kook issuing death threats to the likes of Limbaugh et al., and them hiring bodyguards and things, I’ll never know.

Pres. Obama has been on the job for only a few months and I note how many death threats are recorded to date. Limbaugh and his kind have been on the air for years and human nature says it is impossible for death threats to not have happened and happen often. **And now Rush is moving. The oligarchy protecting its product from naked exposures? The media in denial? I wonder as I wander….
As always,
* Rush Caller gives him the SMACKDOWN!!!!
by silentreader
Tue Apr 07, 2009 at 03:32:10 PM PDT!!!!
Charles, a republican caller from Chi-town provides us with today's entertainment. He slams Rush (and Hannity, etc) and their nonsensical rantings and schemes - see Operation Chaos, as the reason the party is doing so bad right now. He calles Rush a Brainwashed Nazi who makes exuses for torture while never serving in the military - as Charles did.

** April 2, 2009, 1:20 pm
Paterson Bids Rush Limbaugh Farewell
But while Mr. Limbaugh has been accepting apologies lately – Michael Steele, the Republican national chairman, drew much scorn from Democrats by recanting his description of Mr. Limbaugh as a mere “entertainer” who made incendiary and sometimes ugly remarks – Mr. Paterson said he was hardly sorry to see him go.
“If I knew that would be the result,” he said after a speech Thursday morning in Midtown, “I would’ve thought about the taxes earlier.”

Jiverly Wong letter dated by Post Office?

I thought the Post Office stopped putting dates on mail. I took another look at mail I received yesterday and there is no date on the envelopes. Perhaps they still do it in Syracuse, N.Y., Yes? Curious.

Apr 7, 2009 8:58 am US/Eastern
Binghamton Gunman Sent Letter to TV Station
The letter was dated March 18, more than two weeks before the shooting. It included photos of Wong smiling with two guns, a gun permit and his driver's license. The envelope carried three stamps: two Purple Hearts and a Liberty Bell.
As always,

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Jews and Blacks at critical juncture in America

No one knows better than Anti-Defamation League CEO Abraham Foxman how the Jew is just as reviled and hated as the Blacks. In my youth, I always heard the KKK hated Jews more than they hated the Negro and I note they he has never condemned racist behavior directed towards us Blacks.

One would be stupid as hell to think the Fox News enterprise does not have a lot of Jews in the higher ranks and being in the higher ranks allowing their surrogates dogs to go “Sic” Blacks. This is self-hatred in its finest moments. If that is indeed the fact, in my opinion it is only to once more scapegoat Blacks thereby diverting attention from the Jewish controlled financial structures in the world that has bought out the pitchforks and torches in people. It is an American aged old strategy for the Jews to say, “Stop! Look at what the niggers are doing” as the Madoff, Bernanke, Summers etc., rob us blind and take over more controls of our country.

One must assume the many un-publishes incidences of disrespect directed toward the Jewish communities and instead look at the voluminous incidences reported ad nauseum regarding the mis-conduct of Blacks and the media orders to “sic‘em”. I am therefore very comfortable in my heartfelt belief if this country is to go into a Civil War mode, as some person from Russia predicted in his writings, the Jews will be the first to go and it looks as if it has already started. I note Bill Kristol etc., circling their wagons with a new Think Tank and that is the one strategy publicly announced.

In the case of the racist Anglos wanting to kills us Blacks, I object and resent the notion. Most racist Anglos just do not want to be around us and hear anything we have to say but look at how the Jewish community treats the Palestinians on the Gaza Strip. There is no comparison! They want to treat us Blacks the same way with the help of Anglos but increasingly many good Anglos stand in their now frustrated and desperate way. I am mindful how angry the media was when seeing how many white men voted for Pres. Obama during the primaries. They were beside themselves with the realizations. Who the Anglos should be mad at, and I am sure many of them are, is at Abraham Foxman, Norman Podhoretz and Rupert Murdock for starters who are on a daily basis finding there are fewer and fewer Anglos to manipulate. Praise the Lord!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. After reading the diary posted below, I am mad as hell. A mad and angry nigger, it you will and I’ll edit this post later! In my opinion, you are Black until you have to go into a protective mode. All Americans born Blacks and socialized in America can do it! Some may deny it but deep down inside……
KKK revival and the Fox Noise Talking Heads.
by LaFeminista
Sun Apr 05, 2009 at 04:19:24 AM PDT

Jews and Blacks at critical juncture in America

No one knows better than Anti-Defamation League CEO Abraham Foxman how the Jew is just as reviled and hated as the Blacks. In my youth, I always heard the KKK hated Jews more than they hated the Negro.

One would be stupid as hell to think the Fox News enterprise did not have a lot of Jews in the higher ranks and being in the higher ranks allowing their surrogates dogs to go, “Sic” Blacks. This is self-hatred in its finest moments. If that is indeed the fact, in my opinion it is only to once more scapegoat Blacks thereby diverting attention from the Jewish controlled financial structures in the world that has bought out the pitchforks and torches in people. It is an American aged old strategy for the Jews to say, “Stop! Look at what the niggers are doing” as the Madoff, Bernanke, Summers etc., rob us blind and take over more controls of our country.

One must assume the many un-publishes incidences of disrespect directed toward the Jewish communities and instead look at the voluminous incidences reported ad nauseum regarding the mis-conduct of Blacks and the media orders to “sic‘em”. I am therefore very comfortable in my heartfelt belief if this country is to go into a Civil War mode, as some person from Russia predicted in his writings, the Jews will be the first to go and it looks as if it has already started. I note Bill Kristol etc., circling their wagons with a new Think Tank and that is the one publicly announced.

In the case of the racist Anglos wanting to kills us Blacks, I object and resent the notion. Most racist Anglos just do not want to be around us and hear anything we have to say but look at how the Jewish community treat the Palestinians on the Gaza Strip. There is no comparison! They want to treat us Blacks the same way with the help of Anglos but increasingly many good Anglos stand in their now very frustrated and desperate way. I am mindful how angry the media was when seeing how many white men voted for Pres. Obama during the primaries. They were beside themselves with the realizations. Who the Anglos should be mad at, and I am sure many of them are, is at Abraham Foxman, Norman Podhoretz and Rupert Murdock for starters who are on a daily basis finding there are fewer and fewer Anglos to manipulate. Praise the Lord!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. After reading the diary posted below, I am mad as hell. A mad and angry nigger, it you will and I’ll edit this post later! In my opinion, you are Black until you have to go into a protective mode. All Americans born Blacks and socialized in America can do it! Some may deny it but deep down inside……
KKK revival and the Fox Noise Talking Heads.
by LaFeminista
Sun Apr 05, 2009 at 04:19:24 AM PDT