Saturday, November 17, 2012

Avoiding The Fiscal Clift and Pandoras’ Box

I listened to the Presidents’ post election speech on Nov. 15 and was very interested in what he said regarding his reservations for avoiding falling off the now infamous “Fiscal Cliff of 2012”.

In my opinion and to paraphrase what I heard, “…I do not want to feel the situation is resolved and find out later there are loop-holes throwing the full weight of our economic burdens back onto the backs of the middle-class.”

Apparently the President rightfully anticipates the possibilities of  legal interventions challenging the contents in  any documents created by his Administration designed to avoid falling off the fiscal cleft. In other words, any efforts to modify existing documents would  be argumentative fodder  for his now openly public nemeses.

Enter the contemporary good fairy from the North, U.S. Sen. Patty Murray:
Let the Republicans eat cake! Let’s go over the Fiscal Clift! Let’s give them nothing, nothing, you hear, to help them to survive. Both their pledges to Grover Norquist and Grover Norquist himself can go straight to hell! Go to hell, I say and at that time we can forge a tax code that is equitable and fair for all Americans. I say we all hold hands and march to the edge of that cliff and jump off singing “Kumbayah!” at the top of our voices! Clicking our heels three times won‘t cut it this time! More than ever, we know what and who we are dealing with. God bless America!!

As always,

 P.S. For some odd reason, I suspect most of the opponents of Pres. Obama and his administration have dual citizenship with dual national loyalties. 

The Wisdom Of Patty Murray on the Fiscal Cliff

By Matthew Yglesias
 On January 1st if we have not gotten a deal, Grover Norquist and his pledge are no longer relevant to this conversation. A name, by the way, that I heard repeatedly by Republicans over and over in the Super Committee will no longer be a part of this debate. We will have a new fiscal and political reality. 

If the Bush tax cuts expire, every proposal will be a tax cut proposal, and the pledge will no longer keep Republicans boxed in and unable to compromise. If middle class families start seeing some money coming out of their paychecks next year, are Republicans really going to stand up and fight for new tax cuts for the rich?  Are they going to continue opposing the Democrat’s middle class tax cut once the slate is wiped clean?
Read more at:

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The abrasive Dr. Susan Rice

I am hearing what I hope are rumors and trial balloons. I am hearing that the President is considering replacing U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with Dr. Rice.

In my opinion, Dr. Rice could better serve the second Obama administration in another capacity. She  would do well in an administrative position void of attracting lightening rods that could turn off world leaders and heads of states. There would be un-repairable damage plaguing the Administration for many years if that were the case.

Honestly speaking and unfortunately, I do not think the appropriate use of diplomatic language, tact and patiece are the forte of Dr. Rice. I am sure Dr. Rice is a nice lady and has worked hard for her position but I see meaningful  positions other than Secretary of State for her temperament and skills. The Department of Defense (DOD) or Homeland Security (DHS) comes to mind.

I am mindful of the embarrassing incident of Dr. Rice walking out of the U.N. Assembly during a speech being delivered by President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. I am also mindful of her having another hissy fit when China and Russia did not go along with certain sanctions on Iran. Regarding that particular incident, there are some who would classify the feelings of Dr. Rice as un-controlled anger. 

If Dr. Rice were to become our Secretary of State, she should not be surprised when visiting Iran, China and Russia if she is officially greeted by an under-secretary who would later offer  her and her entourage a bagel and a choice of tea or a glass of Coke for lunch with no mentioning whatsoever of  having a state dinner in her honor.

As always,
P.S. I wish Michael Steele would be considered as U.S. Secretary of State. He at least deserves an honorable mentioning.

Susan Rice likely Hillary Clinton replacement

(CBS News)
CBS News) President Barack Obama is putting together his cabinet for a second term, including a new CIA director. So far, only Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has confirmed she will leave. And Republicans are already objecting to her potential replacement.

CBS News has learned that President Obama is likely to nominate Susan Rice, the current U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, to replace Clinton as Secretary of State.
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