Saturday, October 25, 2008

Drudge Czar?

In my opinion, there has been a lot of unfair drive-by swiping at Drudge.

It was during a conversation and I do not remember the stupid reason but I had tightly balled my fist and hit my friend on his big, massive and muscular arm. I was not young. Maybe in my forties. He calmly looked at me as if to say “Et tu, BB?” I eagerly looked to him for an answer to my foolish gesture and he gave it to me. He said people always want to hit a big man as himself. He said they always want to test their strength against his. He went on to say had he hit me on my arm as I had his, he would have broken it. I am ashamed to say I do not remember the rest of the conversation as well as I remember the lesson it taught me to which I will not further elaborate.

In my interpretation, lots of people want to test their strengths on Drudge. His site is big, massive and without question, muscular all of which I think is the attraction to the ninety five pound weaklings on the beach.

I first saw Drudge on C-Span with Brian Lamb hosting that day. Drudge told us he was a one man pony show, that he had journalist and reporters feeding into him and he in turn would put on his site. I immediately identified with him as being a loner as myself and a person who would rather work along than with the social dynamics of a group. When you are a single man and also a loaner, certain social dynamics come into play at the work site that can negatively influence the work force and yes, I have read unflattering things written about both Drudge and Jesus.

It was then, during the C-Span interview, Drudge pulled a rabbit out of a hat. While talking to Brian he, Drudge, slide over his desktop computer and right in front of the face of “totally in control” Brian Lamb, change the headline on his web site. I was aghast! Brian kept his cool. I said “That’s power!” And Brian said in effect, “That’s kool!” And I said, “This man is unique!” And Brian went on with the interview. I was left breathlessly waiting to see Drudge pull another rabbit out of his hat. I was beside myself with total identification with this smart, unassuming loaner man.

During the ensuring years, I have begun to look at the Drudge Report as a store in the shopping mall of the internet. I stroll by, look at his window displays and decide if I want to read any of his articles. His stories are on display just as the stories of other merchants on the website mall and he has to purchase them, display them and sell them as do the other merchants.

On the internet, you have your Macy type news web sites, you look in their windows and see if you like anything and you have your Neaman Marcuses' and some less then up-scale sites you can also window shop, peer at the displays and, if you are so inclined, read the articles. The background music in the mall may be a string quartet or “You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog”. You mosey along the various promenades looking at the window displays; shopping for news articles that strike your fancy.

However, when Drudge puts his stories on display in his window area, he sometimes spices up the display a bit and, alas, a whole lot very often due to the fact he has to sell a story and the merchants want to be paid and he has to make a profit and besides that, he has a talent for window displays. I would guess new merchants approach him daily and they just keep’a commin’. There maybe times you are pondering the display when Drudge reaches in from behind the display to alter or change it. There‘s money in the Drudge reports and we all know about how people are when they smell money and what people will do who can not get it. It becomes a “have's and have's not” situation.

Drudge may take his cue from the jeweler who would never advertise his diamonds on a white or yellow background. The jeweler uses the background color that flatters the diamonds to their best advantages. I liken the Drudge report to both a jeweler and to a grocery store owner who has different farmers bringing in their produce for him to sell. One must remember, the grocer also has bills to pay and the last thing he wants to sing to his customers is, “Yes, we have no bananas today!”
As always,
P.S. In my opinion, The Drudge Report has become the Carnage Hall or Sydney Australia Opera House of news web sites; One of a kind, idiomatically speaking. (Smile)

College Grads. Vs. U.S. Job Market

Not enough ado about something very important. There is talk about our college grads not having jobs after graduation. In my opinion, I have not seen the relationship made between two of Sen. Obama’s campaign speeches in reference to bringing over-sea’s jobs back home and instituting Universal Health Care for all Americans.

I recall arguments most companies left our shores due to the medical community. The argument was the unions wanted the business community to bare the burden of burgeoning health plans for their members which had begun to stifle their profits. I do not think the decision to leave the country would have been so rapid it we had a Universal Health Plan either in place or on the horizon. I am sure some of those folks want to come back home considering what it cost them to make the trip for visits and the likes and the hassles at the airports with passports and visas.

So it appears to me Sen. Obama knows the relationship of recovering our jobs from over seas and paying close attention to the cost of the health care of all our citizens. It’s a study within itself. One begets the other. “If you build it, they will come” comes to mind.
As always,

Friday, October 24, 2008

Pres. Obama: The ethereal Negro comes to America’s dinner table

And another myth from our Neo-con brothers comes tumbling down. The Neo-con community with its insistence in it motion picture industry, music industry and its total control over our media that we Blacks are foreboding, “different” and should therefore be treated differently and with fear. They have presented to us in the Black communities monumental edifices to tear down both locally and worldwide and now, alas, London Bridge is falling down; Crashing below into the River Tames with many of the villagers jubilantly crying and singing “Hosannas!”

Anglos were never our biggest problem due to the fact for most of them, they do not have to go back to far in their genealogy to discover Black relatives Re: Sen. McCain. A good Black genealogist could pull up the background quicker then we could eat a slice of watermelon or dribble a basketball. (Smile)
There was a white lady being interviewed for a television program confessing she would not vote for Sen. Obama “because he would do everything for Blacks.” She’s right but not in the way she was thinking. The Presidency of Sen. Obama would make a racist police who has gotten away with shooting and killing three Blacks something to think about. It would give the judge who exonerates the policemen pause due to the fact there is now a Black president: His white “back-up” up the chain has eroded. The atrocious act of killing a Black could well end up on the desk of a Black President of the United States. Therein lies a lot of the fear.

The Presidency of Sen. Obama would put a spring in our little Black feet as we go knocking on the door of the local country club asking for an application or perhaps taking our family out to the restaurant in Virginia recently visited by the McCains’ and Liebermans’ for a multi-course dinner would be different; we have a good back up. We would feel better about voting for our Back-ups and talking about them and voting him into office. We would feel good going into our own office knowing when it is time for a promotion, we would get it. We have a back-up now and there would be tons of relieved whites who would say that it is about time. Who would say, “Welcome! Enjoy the full citizenship of being an American. We have been waiting for you. You are no threat to me. Enjoy.” Of the Neo-cons? I’m not so sure. There’s still that Palestinian and Arab thing. They're still amidst the rolling bales of tumbleweeds and swirling dust clouds crying, “Obama is a Muslin.” Sad.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Thursday, October 23, 2008

You go, Greenspan!

I just witnessed the most compelling opening statement I have ever heard from a person addressing a senate committee. Mr. Greenspan is speaking as if he were reading poetry and his outline was brilliant! Color me impressed. WOW! Now the fun begins.
As always,

Everybody wants to ride in Rachel Maddow’s new little red wagon.

True, Phil Griffin gave it to her as a gift and when you get a brand new red wagon as a gift or otherwise, you want to ride people in it whom you want.

Proud Rachel did for a brief time and with great dignity go about riding people whom she wanted to ride in her sparkling brand new red wagon. But then, something happened. “Someone” told her to give a ride to Pat Buchanan in her brand new wagon. She said Ok and then Chuck Todd wanted to jump in and then Tucker Carlson and she found she had no more room for Margaret Carlson, Andrea Mitchell, Kent James, Dr. Goodwin and other friends she wanted to play with and give rides in her new wagon. "Oh, my!" she said.

“Boo-hoo, hoo” she cried and mean old “somebody” said “No, no, no you signed a contract and you must ride them in your new red wagon”. “But I wanted to ride my friends” she pleads and begs. “No, no, no” was the reply, “You have to ride more of my friends than your friends.” Rachel continues, “But you gave the wagon to me, boo-hoo-hoo” she cries and the tears continue and mean old “somebody” stands rigid, arms tightly folded and face fiercely contorted up-ward!

Suddenly, Rachel spies the contract she signed sticking out of the pocket of “Somebody”, snatches it, tears it up right in front of his now stunned face, running out of the door, jumping onto and sliding down the banisters, knocking over a few chairs and plants in the lobby, flying out the front door racing down the street followed with what looked like a tail wind, recall mesmerized observers, thus leaving behind on the set her brand new shiny red wagon with Pat Buchanan, Chuck Todd and Tucker Carlson sitting in it, waiting for Rachel to pull them; Pat with his Halloween Einstein wig on, Chuck with his large spiral lollipop and Tucker adorned in his favorite beanie cap; the one with the propeller on top.

When word of what happened filtered into the down stairs lounge on the premise, Kate O’Brien and Christopher Hitchens, who were Rachel's next scheduled guest, were stunned trying to make sense of it all.
As always,
I never heard of Rachel Maddow before the folks at Dkos started talking about her and when I first saw her on the Olbermann show….
Clang, clang, clang
went the trolley
ding, ding, ding
went the bell
zing, zing, zing
went my heartstrings….

In a movie version and with some minor changes to the lyrics, I could be Denzel Washington singing the song about Lena Horn. (Smile)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Has Sen. Biden “…..been to the mountaintop?”

Sen. Biden appears to me to be the kind of man easy to talk to. You talk easily to him due to the fact he listens wells. You know he will not be one hundred percent accurate when he retells your story, if he feels he has to do so, but you know you can trust his recapturing the emotional connections and jest of what you are telling him. So you talk.

With Sen. McCain’s recent “Got’cha!” remarks to the Obama campaign and with Sen. Biden’s “..been to the mountaintop” and “…we’ve got some difficult times ahead” reply, we do indeed have a very dramatic scenario in the making. And with the financial community of Bernanke and the military community in the form of Colin Powell circling the Obama wagon, I wonder as I wander. The oligarchy was put in check with the endorsement of Sen. Obama by Sec. Powell and you see how they are dealing with it. Add to this mix the political prankster Gov. Palin, her followers and throwing in the media, you have the perfect staging for internal mischief.

At this time, I do not see the mischief, or outside enemy confrontations, as Sen. Biden has put it. I do not see the dangers he has envisioned as emanating from outside of America due to the fact most all of our present external “enemies” have indicated in one way or the other they want Sen. Obama as our next President. They did not have to do that which, as I see it, generates a level of sincerity. The media has reported the leaders indicating their desires but I have always noticed a tinge of abatement on the part of the media. Contempt, if you will.

With the hysteria that was created with the Bailout America act, I would think the oligarchy now know how it can push on America’s hysteria button, the Congress and press that would advance its wishes and have anything it desires come to past. In other words, I think Sen. Biden’s theory regarding the testing of the Obama administration will come to past but it will be internal and just as devastating as he has predicted. There are a lot of people who have the ear of Sen. Biden.

The blogosphere is successfully taking care of the media. Everytime I read or hear about Madonna or that other girl, Britney Spears, I think to myself, “Another cost-cutting media story. More employees are going to get pink slips.” And as it comes to past, that leaves the Congress and the reason I will be very selective in voting for incumbents on my ballot.

The props have been dutifully placed, the actors have their scripts memorized, the stage director has done his thing and they now hold their collective breaths for the curtain to rise; January 20, 2009.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I read that scathing letter by the wall street guy Mr. Hedges. WOW!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Bless your heart for the question. The “GOP Leadership” is the same leadership of Israel. Sorry to be the one to break the news to you and we all know how well Israel is governed. Remember hearing about the “Neo-con cabal” surrounding Pres. Bush?
As always,
by jamaicanblood
Tue Oct 21, 2008 at 03:53:27 AM PDT
America has two major parties. For over 200 years, other nations have look toward America for leadership on democracy. Our election model is the bench mark and envy of the world. We trained and monitored elections and poll workers in South Africa; We are currently in Iraq with the aim of transforming and uniting the waring factions to come together for the good of their nation.

Sen. McCain is a sad man.

If ever there were a man to be pitied, it is the good Sen. John Sidney McCain. Kudos to the two Dr. Briggs. This post could not have been easy but it is information we should know about a perspective President of the United States. We know Sen. Obama wanted to be President of the U.S. since Kindergarten and the legend goes he even was able to write about it. Sort of like George Washington and the Cherry tree. Also, once upon a time Sen. Obama met a man named Richard Ayers.

The Candidates: They're Ambivalent and They Can't Help It. No One Can
Sunday 19 October 2008
by: John P. Briggs, MD and J.P. Briggs, PhD, t r u t h o u t | Perspective
As they grow up, children go through several stages of oppositional behavior. It's part of the process of making adjustments to the changing relationship between parents and child. The growing child needs and feels the pressure to be independent. This is countered by the feeling of dependence on the parental bond. The individual resolves the powerful ambivalence between these two feelings by developing an autonomous self. To an important extent, it seems that McCain remains in the struggle. He is not yet free.

"McCain says he felt bad throughout his captivity because he knew he was being treated more leniently than his fellow POWs, owing to his high-ranking father and thus his propaganda value ... McCain expresses guilt at having broken under torture and given the confession. 'I felt faithless and couldn't control my despair ... ' Tellingly, he says he lived in 'dread' that his father would find out about the confession. 'I still wince,' he writes, 'when I recall wondering if my father had heard of my disgrace.'"
As always,


Americans on their Elementary School playground

No, I wouldn’t call it “childish behavior” due to the fact if a child is doing it, I would think you would simply call it the behavior of a child. To me, calling it “childish behavior” further suggest “you are too old to be acting like that” and “you should know better”. I think of it as a phrase of condemnation. (At this point, I know I am in trouble but I am still going to continue to wonder as I wander. Its my own free association.)

Rush Limbaugh, when making attempts to make himself perfectly clear he thinks Sec. Colin Powell’s endorsement of Sen. Obama was a racial move, he cuffed his hands megaphone style, raised his voice saying “It’s racial! It’s racial!”

This was just another kid on the school playground running around for attention begging for someone to chase him by calling out names to someone in the dominant group. Sometimes little boys will do that to a group of girls and sometimes girls, hands on hips, would do that to a group of boys. It all depends on the motivation of the name caller but, in my opinion, it is always for attention. Always ready for the chase. I can still recall how they do it: They stand outside of the group, perhaps with a friend or two looking around to visually see where they are going to run, yell their offensive name and start running, looking over their shoulders to see if anyone is chasing them.

"It’s fun!" you would hear someone say backed up with smiles of approvals. I supposed and it usually always gets people to notice you. I readily recall the antics of Joe the Plumber, Sarah Palin, John McCain, Michele Bachmann, Geraldine Ferraro et al., They are handsomely rewarded by the oligarchy. "The chase" drives the news Re: Joe the Plumber. “He (Sen. Obama) danced around the issues like Sammy Davis.” A true only in America rags to riches remark prompting a lucrative led by the media chase.

-Did you hear what he called us? Let’s get him! (And the chase is on.)

I would imagine some financial markets around the world very grateful to us Blacks if we were indeed the one who produced this world wide financial crisis with sub-prime lending for giving them opportunities to separate themselves from a country demonstrating such continuous and overt behaviors of a child.
As always,
P.S. Still can not figure out why Keith Olbermann keeps coming to the group telling us Bill O’Rilley has called someone in our group a name. Does he want to see us all stop what we are doing to go chasing Bill O’Rilley? I honestly don’t get it. “Weird” comes to mind.
-What do you want, Keith?
-Bill over there called you stinky.
-Go tell him I’m gonna get him.
-If he calls me stinky again.
-~what is it now, Keith?
-He called you stinky again.
-Keith, he’s talking to his friends.
-I know, but he still called you stinky.
-Keith, go ‘way. Just mind your own business, OK? And when you go home, tell your brother we'll see him on the field around four o'clock. ~You back again??
-He called you stinky again.
- (Sigh)

Monday, October 20, 2008

More unpleasant Bachmann fallout?

Minnesota press spinning for Bachmann
by Bill Prendergast
Sun Oct 19, 2008 at 09:03:37 PM PDT
Q. can't El use some of his weekend windfall (17+ / 0-)
to literally buy a full page ad in each of the major papers with all of the facts, quotes, info, etc....
Welcome to the US - where the Right is wrong and the Left is HERE TO STAY!!

by left my heart on Sun Oct 19, 2008 at 09:15:03 PM PDT
[ Parent ]
A. I talked to him today, for the blog (45+ / 0-)
He's gonna saturate TV, he says. That's the plan, that and building the local ground organization up.

It's a good plan, I guess. An ad by a candidate in a paper doesn't have the impact that it used to.
I also write for the Dump Michele Bachmann and MNBlue blogs.

by Bill Prendergast on Sun Oct 19, 2008 at 09:21:22 PM PDT

Mr. T’s “enthusiastic” answer has given me pause. I would have thought with the first bail of money his campaign found tumbling down into his lap, he would have gone out shopping ‘round for printing presses and volunteers for phone banks. What’s with this “Aw, Gee, let’s try doing this.” stuff? Sounds like the response of a true straw candidate to me. Color me skeptic. Does the man drink? Is Mr. T ready for prime time? Could I have sent money to the wrong organization?
As always,
P.S. Don't know what's wrong with shit today; it doesn't stay where you put it anymore. (Mumble)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

My brain has a mind of its own

Ever so often, I have to let my brain go due to the nagging pull of its mind. Sometimes, its annoying but just as a little child, my brain’s mind nudges at me, whining and wants to express itself. Usually it does it when it has been really offended and it was really offended yesterday watching Michele Bachman on the Chris Matthew show. Chris was good and did the best he could as he did not have a trump card for her. My brain’s mind was as offended as it has been with Sarah Palin and one other time long ago with Katherine Harris.

I did not watch the Chris Matthew show to see Katrina Vanden Heuvel speaking afterwards. I had turned off my TV mid-way though the Bachman interview still convinced I had witnessed in Michele Bachman one of the most unusual human beings I have ever seen in my life. My pressure went up and stayed up for awhile.

Enter my brain’s mind and I am recording it exactly as it was lain out to me regarding Ms. Bachman. I took notes and I have added nothing. Call it free association, if you will:

Pleasure syndrome. He is a Muslin. Defective. He is an Arab. Pleasure syndrome. He associates with terrorist. Substitutes for real feelings. Transfer of emotional energies. Those energies can be interchanged and replace with other energies. It is an immature emotion, a mutant, an emotion that has not, for whatever reason, fully developed. Stuck in a stage of its development. Something has happened in life bruising that emotion, giving it a broken appendage that does not heal, having it consistently water boarded or tortured by another emotion. The other emotion may have withdrawn its support for whatever reason. Indeed, the other emotion may be dead.

Does anyone really know how the mind works? Michele Bachman is a very strange woman. And so is Sarah Palin but in a different way.
Looking forward to more timely up-date from
Thanks to DKos from Dump Michele Bachmann
by Bill Prendergast
Sat Oct 18, 2008 at 10:21:10 PM PDT

This scenario from diarist Bill Prendergast sounds exactly like what the Republicans are doing with Sarah Palin. Apparently it has worked for years, too date, for Ms. Bachman.
She's notorious for staying out of (15+ / 0-)
her district. She doesn't deliver for the district; they can't even get her help on an issues like repairing a local bridge. She campaigns as a media conservative, not a legislator who delivers for the district.
She's absentee in her own district. Refuses to conduct town hall meetings, will only take screened calls over the telephone at telephone town meetings.
Won't respond to constituent mail, if it seems hostile to her. Cancels out of debates at the last minute. She takes pains to avoid forums where she might get hostile questions.
But always has time for conservative talk radio, always has to time to go on out of state junkets, always has time to appear on national television or evangelical radio
I also write for the Dump Michele Bachmann and MNBlue blogs.
by Bill Prendergast on Sat Oct 18, 2008 at 10:26:45 AM PDT
As always,
P.S. Donated to Mr. T’s campaign and also want to send refresher “hurdle help” to Rep. Wexler’s campaign. Lost the campaign headquarters address and can not find a Wexler Campaign page on Google. There were some contributors vowing to help individual down ticket candidates.

DKos Calendar of Events

In my opinion, there is too much hard work and information rendered by diarist Sunday Talk for the diary’s brief exposure on the Dkos web site. I like the motivational “insiders” analysis of the various shows and the guests. Strongly suggest copies posted on other prominent web sites, in newspapers, on “Morning Edition” WAMU, somewhere. A blogosphere treasure?

Sunday Talk - Plunging into the Gutter
by SundayTalk
Sat Oct 18, 2008 at 08:45:05 PM PDT
Meet The Press: The Colin Powell 2008 Redemption Tour. Or else its gonna be Colin Powell's Wishy-Washy Express. Hard to know which Colin will show up. Very Serious campaign discourse with Chuck Todd, professional dickweed David Brooks, Jon Meacham, Andrea Mitchell and Morning Joe Scarborough.
Tweety: NBC's Mark Whitaker, Katty Kay, Andrew Sullivan, conservative outcast Kathleen Parker. Quotes here. Parker compares Obama's FL team to General Petraeus, organizing a sunshine state surge.
This Weak: Adulterous nerd Newt Gingrich. Gingrich '12! Some roundtable with the same people repeating the same crap they did last week.
Face the Nation: Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), Passed-over-for-veep ex-Rep. Rob Portman (R-OH), Failed Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt (R) and Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine
THE DAILY SHOW: Christopher Buckley 10/21; Tom Brokaw 10/22; Gov. Corzine (NJ) 10/23
THE COLBERT REPORT: Fareed Zakaria 10/20; David Frum 10/22; Jonathan Alter 10/23
LATE NIGHT with CONAN O'BRIEN: Charles Barkley 10/27; Tina Fey 10/28; Rachel Maddow 10/30
As always,