Saturday, March 26, 2011

Join the military: Searching for adventure and intrigue

But of course people join the military for many reasons. I only want to concentrate on one of them: The individual who joins for combating boredom and is warrior spirited.

On C-Span 3 this afternoon, the highly decorated military man was answering a question from a reporters’ inquiry as to the number of programs involved in the Odyssey Dawn operation currently going on in Libya.

The highly decorated and disciplined military man from the State Department rapidly reeled off about seven or eight jaw dropping operations that included everything from communications jamming of all sorts to propaganda machines. The completed list of the operations I later found on *Wikipedia.

My mind went ballistic while internalizing the individual training and organizational structure involved in each operation. My first and lasting thoughts were human factors. You have to keep the colossal personnel involved in those structures busy and the only way to keep them busy is to allow them to actively participate in their areas of expertise which means, of course, keeping them in a war.

War simulations will no longer work. Simulations are good for training purposes and have their place. However, there are saturation points which come all to quickly for the easily bored and warrior spirited individual of whom I speak.

The worst thing the military could do would be allowing them to become bored. The military would have a heap big problem on their hands if that happens. One of those problems would be for the maverick not re-enlisting or defecting, coming back home with no usable skills for a peaceful society thereby becoming a mis-fit, maybe even a biter one. Many of them would be poorly educated ending up jobless and homeless with military propaganda oozing out of their ying yang. How's that for collateral damage? I am mindful we have over 500 military bases around the world, each needing its portion of 'busy work!'

As always,

Friday, March 25, 2011

Libya and her U.S. ‘protected citizens’

My understanding is the ‘protected citizens’ were groups of anti-Gadaffi forces entering stage left led by the Mouse king. They were crudely armed and proceeded to harass and kill the un-armed pro-Gadaffi people who had peacefully gathered in the grand ball room.

That’s my scenario; straight out of a scene from The Nutcracker Suite.

So it is, when the pro-Gadaffi people did begin to fight back, Hillary cried out:

- Oh me, oh my! Look! Gadaffi is killing his own people. We must make hast and do something!

Hillary was able to go to and convince ‘the powers that be’ to kill the mean and nasty people who were only protecting themselves. And with that momentum started, she was able to arm the now groveling forces of the Mouse King with gifts of modern machinery and fire power. They all sang her praises.

- (Song) "For she' a jolly good fellow.."

Upon mounting one of the tables a la Sugar Plumb Fairy and blowing kisses, she proceeds to tell them that she will protect them. She tells them she has their best interest at heart. She tells them that only she truly loves them.

-(Pentagon) Hold on now, Hillary. We were only supposed to protect the opposition citizens and now you have gone and armed them. What do we do now?

- (Hillary) Trust me!

- (Michelle 3:00am) Barack! Barack, wake up! Hillary has started a war!

As always,
P.S. (Here I was wondering about the Presidents’ hastily scheduled Latin America tour.)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Obama: “Gaddafi must leave now!”

I heard Pres. Obama speak those words. In my opinion, the President has revealed a character trait offensive to some people and it is sad. In my wildest dream, I would have never conceived him so tactless in proclaiming the leader of a sovereign country had to go. I find the relationship analogous to a teacher at a teachers’ meeting discussing Johnny:

- “I have Johnny in my class. I’m sorry but I just don’t like him!”

As always,

Libya Protests: Obama Says Muammar Gaddafi Must 'Leave Now'

Read more at:

Un-employment lines in Libya?

I amused myself last evening wondering if high ranking officials who denounced Mr. Gadaffi were still on the governmental payroll. If not, I pondered how their mortgage payments and car notes were being paid and by whom? And then I stumbled upon this information:
Who Are the Rebels?
I'm listening to Chris Matthews interviewing NBC's great war correspondent Richard Engel.

I think I heard Engel say that one of the highest ranking generals who'd defected had taken the day off today.
Read more at:

It appears Mr. Engel wanted to interview the good general. You know, kind’a like wanting to tell his side of the story? I have the sneaking suspicion this 'highest ranking general' had taken the day off to go sign up for his un-employment benefits. Mr. Engle would do well to try for an interview tomorrow. I hope so. I’m curious.
As always,
P.S. I am also waiting for the interviews of the two jet pilots who survived their plane crash. Surely they will be honored at the White House by a greatly relieved President.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Amanpour did journalism proud today.

In my opinion, Ms. Christiane Amanpour gave a stunning performance on her Sunday, March 20th show regarding the situation in Libya.

Her initial and follow-up questions with her varied guest appeared God sent! I was very impressed! Her structured and highly stable presentation had no peers on talk shows that followed. If 'Kudos' were gold, I yield Ms. Amanpour one pound.

She ended her show interviewing Sec. Chernoff and Gov. Richardson, both of whom articulated their personal disdain for Gadaffi in non-diplomatic terms. In other words, they were pedestrian. Street! Thuggish! Those are the same two people who would call me a nigger. However, Gov. Richardson surprised me. I didn’t know he could be so mean spirited.
As always,