Saturday, September 19, 2009

IPUA: A new American union?

Could the “IPods United Association” be the newest union in the works for America?

I think those persons spending their money for an Ipod, related equipment and spending their time making films should be compensated for what they do when their works are shown on television. I have seen some very impressive ones and I am mindful producer, director Spike Lee made his first and blockbuster movie, “She’s gotta have it” with a miniature and inexpensive camera.

If our TV stations were charities and pro-America, I could very well see a person donating to its continued success but with the money the companies pull in and the salaries of their staff and their own lazy and many times sloppy reporting would deter me from doing anything free for them.

In my opinion, the IPUA would be just as influential and accountable as ASCAP, the AFL-CIO and other unions who pay their employees a fair price for their labor. BTW, I think TV stations should also re-pay people who text messages into their shows. It is my understanding text messages are charged to the Ipod owner @rate of o.5 per letter or something.
As always,

“Killing two birds with one stone”

*The United Nations General Assembly will hold a meeting next week in New York City and it is my opinion foes of our President will play it to the hilt doing outright childish things to embarrass him.

In my opinion, efforts to embarrass Pres. Obama by being rude to his guest, Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran and Muammar al-Gaddafi of Libya is a case in point. Foes of the President would hope to have him fall out of favor with the two leaders so were he, Pres. Obama, to visit Iran or Libya, their subjects would treat him the same way.

As a citizen, I note with embarrassment how Pres. Al-Gadaffi has been shun in New Jersey where he wanted to stay during his visit to the U.N. and how hotel reservations for Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his party were suddenly cancelled and no one, save foes of the President, will utter a mumblin’ word!
An added bonus would be for the foes to fan “fires of ill will” amongst the Presidents so when Pres. Obama finally gets around to addressing the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, they will have fuel to drive news cycles. I believe there is a method to this mean-spirited and childish behavior. I do not understand where friends and foes are to go, save the U.N. to talk and iron out differences. If not at the U.N., where, pray tell? Are they simply not to talk to each other at all, having some outside entity frame and manipulate the discussions?

I am mindful slave owners would not let us slaves gather for justifiable fears of their own.

-Now hear me good, boy, don’t you ever let BB and that woman Hester who he calls his wife talk to none of the other slaves without you being there. You hear me, boy?
-Oh, Yes suh, I hears you mighty good!

*Clinton outlines sweeping agenda for U.N. conference
"Our agenda is ambitious," she told an audience at the Brookings Institution about the highly anticipated U.N. session, saying it stems from President Obama's belief the United Nations is "a critical, central institution."
Obama will be the first U.S. president to head a meeting of the council. His high-profile U.N. engagement marks a sharp shift in emphasis from the Bush administration, which generally placed a lower priority on the need to act through international institutions.
Regarding the quest for a comprehensive Middle East peace, Clinton said it is fitting that next week's U.N. gathering is happening at the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and amid the Jewish high holidays of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
The administration is "very patient and very determined" to bring Palestinians and Israelis to the bargaining table, she said. But ultimately, she noted, the decision to reach an agreement is not in U.S. hands.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I amuse myself identifying the birds and the stone in my post and ponder how the above article would infuriate foes of the President. (Smile)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Huffington Post: A spoonful of sugar…

I’ve had it! A few months ago, I stopped going to the Drudge Report due to the fact the headlines and accompanying pictures above and beneath strategic topics were unbearable.

I am beginning to get that same frustration with the Huffington Post; the part about the headlines. In my opinion, the Huffington Post is becoming more and more greasy and sly to entice you into reading articles. I do not know why but I think this is the way they headline articles in The Jerusalem Post to keep people confused.

I personally do not like reading mis-leading headlines and find the continued practice distasteful. Many of the stories following those mis-leading headlines in the Huffington Post stink in their interpretations. Navigating through the site is bad enough!

Come on, Arianna! You can do better, much better than this! Someone is trying to brainwash us through your creation, or is incompetent and/or simply do not know what they are doing! Please find out what is going on and give us loyal readers a beak!
As always,

That’s the way, un-huh, un-huh, I like it!

Watching C-SPAN this morning, the moderator said the Wall Street Journal was the only paper at that time carrying the story of the U.S. shelving the Nuclear-Missile Shield surrounding Russia.

Later this morning and during the public announcements, they were short and sweet. First, there was the President making the official announcement followed by Sec. Gates and Gen. James Cartwright. The coordination was impressive. The language of the speeches was straight and decisive. I saw it all on BBC World News.

Within the last few days, I have seen articles referring to the death of capitalism and I am mindful Pres. Chavez said, at this point, this is the logical way for the U.S. to go. With that thought in mind, I could not help thinking about people who will not personally profit from the scrapped missile shield program and by extension those who no longer personally profit from AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. I smile. Could this be one of the reasons Maytag Corp. hauled-tail to Mexico? I wonder as I wander….
My President is such a fast learner and I am so glad he has stopped all that darn grinnin'n shinnin’! In my opinion, it makes a better presentation.

U.S. To Shelve Bush's Nuclear-Missile Shield

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Thursday shelved a Bush-era plan for an Eastern European missile defense plan that has been a major irritant in relations with Russia. He said a redesigned defensive system would be cheaper, quicker and more effective against the threat from Iranian missiles.

Read more at:

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Nickname for MSM: Doom and Gloom

Whether a political or social situation, Mainstream Media (MSM) is determined we are going to filter information they feed us through negative and banal perspectives.

It appears MSM has a personal vendetta against those of us who do not live our lives in depths of the darkest realms of our existence. There are those of us who either naturally or by cultivation refuse to live our lives in such a manner and I do not understand why MSM makes such efforts to wrestle from us such a precious human emotion. One could, with some justifications, say MSM has taken on the mantra of transforming our human emotions into a commodity; one they can trade and sell wherever one can trade and sell such a commodity.

Further, it appears they already have barkers like Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, O’Reiley and the like outside the Republican tent inviting the “bold, brave and risqué” to go inside for a guaranteed audition on worldwide television and the more bold, brave, risqué and obnoxious, the better! “Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, step right up!” (After the Civil War, these people were called Carpetbaggers. They’re back in force!)
barker [countable]BODLO in the past, someone who stood outside a place where there was a circus or fair shouting to people to come in.

Further, it appears to me are people whom they have chosen to continue leading our country from President to Cabinet Members to Latrine Czar; they have inundated us with their own special brand of a public servants. The line is long and you have such hopefuls as Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Newt Ginrich, Joe Wilson and the very latest, Rick Santorum and Jim Traficant.
Go away, Mr. Traficant. We don't want you.
by Christian Dem in NC
This morning, former congressman Jim Traficant suggested he just might run for his old seat in 2010.
"I'm not sure at this point," Traficant told CNN's John Roberts on American Morning when asked if he wanted to seek a return to the body that, in a near unanimous vote, voted to expel him more than seven years ago.,-Mr.-Traficant.We-dont-want-you.

Yessireee, it appears the MSM along with the oligarchy want us decent people in America to be a commodity that eats, sleeps and breath feces; joining the rest of the Republican population and some Democrats. And for those of us who resists, they may make it mandatory for us to get some sort of shot to bring us around to thinking their way of thinking since we also think their polling apparatuses are one big hilarious joke i.e., viewership for the Glenn Beck Show is up. Yeah, right! I am just thinking of all those people I have apparently missed calling into C-Span and talk radio shows complaining to us that the polling people are worst than telemarketers. "They keep calling day and night. I tell you, Susan, every time I pick up my phone there is somebody wanting to poll me!” (Smile)
As always,

Monday, September 14, 2009

Non-Blacks “learning their place” in America

It has to be a sobering experience whether talking about starting a third party, throwing the bums out of Congress to having their way with laws to be written, non-Blacks “learning their place” here in America has to be a painful experience.

From witnessing the long Viet Nam War to massive and Herculean opposition to the Iraq War to the continuing war in Afghanistan and now to the possible death of a universal Public Option attached to the HealthCare Reform Bill, I repeat, the experience has to be painful.

If this country were built from peasants upwards, as are most countries our age and older, instead of elites downward, maybe at this point things would be different. However, this country was not built from peasants upwards and the consequences are so “in your face” as we are witnessing.

As it now stands, the Blacks and other people of color know where we stand; the Anglos, the Saxons and Jewish communities know where they stand. In my opinion, there are no more dots to connect and its much to late to start this country over again. Chin-up!
As always,
P.S. Whether the oligarchy is amused or a bit worried as to what is going on in America, they are busy as hell! They still have a country to run even if it is now analogous to crabs in a barrel.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

“I hate music!” and other problems

The seventh grade counselor puts a student in your Music Class. He hates music. He does not want to be there and he tells you, the teacher, every chance he gets which is mostly non-verbal. He does not work in groups, he does not take the test, he does not want to learn how to play the guitar and just sits in his seat and sulks most all of the time. He is only in your class for six weeks before going to the Art Class. Do you fail the student? Or….

The school counselor puts another student in your Music Class who is new to the country and does not speak a word of English. Again, you ponder; do you punish the child?

Your teacher in college tells you upcoming teachers there is a theory saying you should not fail any student in your class due to the fact you may not be able to test or evaluate him on the things he has learned from being in your class. You ‘soon to be teachers’ in the class consider the theory “Interesting”.

During his speech last week, the President said no illegal immigrants would be able to take advantage of the Public Option of his HealthCare Reform Bill. He said Public Option is only for the indigent members of our country and does not include the illegal immigrant population. I see his and our dilemma in the short article below:

Health care for illegals
Obama Provides Clarification On Healthcare And Illegal Immigrants
The question, as we all know, arises from the Wilson "You lie" outburst, and the core claim that notwithstanding specific bill language barring illegal immigrants from participating in the "exchange," as a practical matter, there is no way of verifying the citizenship of applicants -- which is the current state of play. Republicans say that then means illegal immigrants would end up being enrolled in plans -- bill language or no bill language.

Today, for the first time as far as we know, the administration is backing a provision that would require proof of citizenship before someone could enroll in a plan selected on the exchange.

Here, the administration also concedes that hospitals would be compensated with public funds for the care of undocumented immigrants.

The bullet points sent tonight by the White House:
Undocumented immigrants would not be able to buy private insurance on the exchange. Those who are lawfully present in this country would be able to participate.
 -Undocumented immigrants would be able to buy insurance in the non-exchange private market, just as they do today. That market will shrink as the exchange takes hold, but it will still exist and will be subject to reforms such as the bans on pre-existing conditions and caps.
-Verification will be required when purchasing health insurance on the exchange. One option is the SAVE program (Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements) which states currently use to make sure that undocumented immigrants don't participate in safety-net programs for which they are ineligible.
-There would be no change in the law that requires emergency rooms to treat people who need emergency care, including undocumented immigrants. There is already a federal grant program that compensates states for emergency room costs associated with treatment of undocumented immigrants, a provision sponsored by a Republican lawmaker.


As always,
P.S. (Note) Illegal immigrants were enticed to come here to America due to the fact, it has been alleged, we need cheap labor.

“But who will pay for it?” they whin.

Ever wonder what a group of children playing are talking about? Ever wonder what provoked the sudden burst of laughter or caused one in the group to say to another, “I just told you why?” Ever wonder what appear to us adult as aimless and un-productive blather? In my opinion, talk shows tomorrow will be full of this immature and un-productive “blather”.

The immature and un-productive “blather” will center around the words, “But who is going to pay for it?” This afternoon I heard the formula played out in its fullest on the Ed Schultz’s show as he was talking to Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius. (Paraphrased)

-Sec. Sebelius, we heard the President talking about his HealthCare Reform Bill last Wednesday. What I want to know is, who is going to pay for it? How are the reforms going to get paid?
-Well, we have isolated funds 1, 2, 3 and 4 and just the other day, we found fraud in one agency that will save us billions of dollars and blah, blah, blah. We already have money in the pipeline and blah, blah, blah and we plan to use that and blah, blah, blah.
-Yes, but I want to know how we are going to pay for it? I just wanna know.(Ed would not advance the conversation)
-(Graciously) I’m sure the President has a plan.
-Well, I look forward to hearing it. I mean, it’s about time we know who’s gonna pay for it, don’t you think? Do you know? If you do, tell me.
-(Smile, still gracious)

Tomorrow, I also look forward to hearing other “Theme and Variations on ‘Whose going to pay for it?’” Additionally, I look forward to hearing resurgent of “Single payer, Co-op and Triggers” thrown into conversations to obfuscate and anything else to help pundits and commentators get through the time frame to continue paying rent and making mortgage payments by any means, lies and BS necessary. There is a format they have to follow and some areas of the news are strictly forbidden to them at various times. The producers of the shows have to wait until they get time to read information on Blogs. We all know how busy they are monitoring fires, car chases and what Michel Vick is doing.

In my opinion, it has to do with the mental abilities to multi-task in their job situation. I think the very visible Chuck Todd is one of the people who determines what gets on news cycles for MSNBC and I strongly suspect Pat Buchanan also has a hand. I vividly remember Chuck coming onto the set of Chris Matthews telling him, right on camera, to no longer use a Hitler analogy and I am also mindful of Chuck dis-inviting Sen. Dennis Kucinich to participate in a Presidential debate forum during the ’o8 primaries.

As always,