Thursday, October 06, 2011

Obama gets to sit on the pot a little longer

Thanks to a new laxative called “Confidence men,” a creation from the laboratories of Ron Suskind, the President has overcome some of the various obstructions in his bowels.

We were worried! Not a little worried but heap-big worried! We prayed the President wasn’t permanently afflicted with what is commonly known as ‘locked bowels’. There are many attributes to locked bowels and for sure, the President is not immune. There is no vaccine and we understand you can die from it. What a relief for the President and for us we found the laxative “Confidence men”. The President even looks better now that obstructions in his bowels have begun to be eliminated.

This is truly the Presidents’ second victory in life since the day he was born. Welcome to another phase of life, Mr. President!

“…the pot is at your pleasure, Mr. President, you're doing fine, sir, just fine and now, just as a precaution, we want to give you a little booster dosage of a laxative called ‘Occupy Wall Street’”.

As always,

Obama to get tough with Cantor, House Republicans in Texas speech

Posted by Emily Holden
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Obama gets tough with the GOP on his jobs bill

By McClatchy-Tribune News Service
If the GOP rejects his jobs package in its entirety, Obama vowed to compel Republicans to vote on pieces of the bill, intended to force lawmakers to take a stand on proposals that appeal to voters, such as lower payroll taxes and money to spur hiring and rebuild public infrastructure.

"House-passed jobs bills are piling up in the Senate by the day," said Brendan Buck, a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, the Ohio Republican. "If the president is concerned about inaction, he should set his sights on the Democrat-run Senate."
Read more at:

The un-disciplined Dr. Susan Rice & Associates

We real street urchins look to our venerated United Nation Ambassadors to be able to conduct themselves with grace and dignity.

What we do not expect them to do is tell other state officials and dignitaries to kiss their asses! That’s street language, the language of thugs who does not know how to conduct themselves in the higher echelons of our society.

In my opinion, the body language of Ambassador Dr. Susan Rice and her gang walking out of the U.N. Security Council meeting yesterday in protest to a diplomatic procedure was shockingly pedestrian. In my day, we would have said:
- Stop right there, you lit'le hussy! You just bring your hips right back here and sit down and listen to what that man has to say. You'll get your chance to respond. You knows better'n dat! Where’s yo manners, gal?

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirit of the unborn for the help,
P.S. This is not the first time Dr. Rice & Associates how walked out. (Where is Madeline Albright when you need her?)

'They'd rather sell arms than stand with the Syrian people': U.S. envoy storms out after Russia and China veto U.N resolution
By Daniel Miller
America's ambassador to the U.N. stormed out of a security council meeting after China and Russia vetoed a resolution condemning Syria's crackdown on anti-government protests.

Ms Rice said: 'The United States is outraged that this council has utterly failed to address an urgent moral challenge and a growing threat to regional peace and security.

'Today the courageous people of Syria can now see who on this council supports their yearning for liberty and universal human rights and who does not.'
Read more at:

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Sen. Harry Reid (also) shuns President

After hearing many discussions regarding the book “Confidence Men” by Ron Suskind, it has become common knowledge members of the Presidents’ own party do not give a rats’ ass about him.

How ridiculous it makes the President look screaming “Pass the jobs’ bill!” at the top of his lungs while little weasel Harry Reid is hiding in the Senate cloakroom doubled-up with the bill tightly clutched to his chest, refusing to bring it onto the Senate floor.

Sen. Reid is also tightly clutching HR 2587. This is the bill passed last month by the House regarding the National Labor Relations Board and the Boeing plant moving to South Carolina.

Good ol’ Harry has to be well on his way to becoming a very wealthy man at the expense of the President and the American people. (It’s that money trail thing)

Mr. Reid has strange concepts regarding the democratic process and, in my opinion, makes the actions of *Benedict Arnold appear benign.
As always,

P.S. It is my understanding there are certain bills that can only be created and passed in the House and forwarded to the Senate and conversely there are certain bills that can only be created and passed by the Senate and forwarded to the House for passing. A little look into the Congress bag of tricks I learned this morning.

*Benedict Arnold
Read more at:

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Occupy Wall Street demonstrators write new U.S. Constitution

I can not see better energies spent by demonstrators of Occupy Wall Street than protesting during the day and writing a new U.S. Constitution in the evening, even if they are in jail. I am mindful of “Letters from a Birmingham jail” by Rev. Martin Luther King. I read somewhere the demonstrators are vowing they are in it for the long haul.

- Dear Mom,
I’m not coming home this winter and I am not going back to school yet. My group is writing new Articles to the Constitution and Cathy, you remember Cathy, well she is in a group writing possible Amendments to what we write. I think I’ll ask her to marry me. Tell Dad I said 'Hello'.
Love, Bobby

In my opinion, such a project would flush out all people of ill-will. Additionally, such a project would propel serious focuses onto the golden years of the young demonstrators as well as the future of their children and grandchildren.

Since we are a few years into the 21st century and it is an 18th century construct that has brought the youthful demonstrators to this pail, they should go after the real old, out-dated and now thoroughly corrupted culprit, the U.S. Constitution.

-Bobby, your letter has upset me and your mother very much. When are you going to grow up and be a man?

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. A new U.S. Constitution would really give Wall Street banksters a run for their money.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Skunks invading the garden party

Irreparable damage has been done to the Tea Party movement due to racist posters arriving on the scene at their gatherings and marches. In my opinion, some chapters have been since hijacked or formed by outright racists to dis-credit the movement.

I am mindful of recent accounts in the MSM saying that Libyan citizens are now segregating themselves from Libyans of darker skin. I remember when citizens of Iraq begged members of the press to stop referring to them as three separated groups of Iraqi citizens. They would say, “We are all Iraqis. Please don’t do this to us”. I remember when certain chapters of TeaBaggers said they will not tolerate racist signs/posters at their marches and rallies.

In my opinion, if you want to fuck-up any march and turn off large numbers of people, have someone carry a “Nazi” or “Nigger” poster in any form. In todays’ society as in the past, it is classic “Divide and conquer” and it works everytime. Such situations are full strength opium for MSM now patiently sitting and waiting for its fix re: Occupy Wall Street.

I fully understand and appreciate the concerns of Dkos diarist War On Error but I honestly can not put my finger on why his/her diary has inspired my post.

Finally, I do not know why our Black marches did not raise the concerns articulated in this post. Rev. Al may know.
As always,

Brave Leaders, Provocateurs, or Agents? Brooklyn Bridge Leaders.

by War on Error
And ask for answers to some important questions so the truth can be uncovered.

"Were there provocateurs that led people ONTO the Brooklyn Bridge?"

Was it the original OccupyWallStreet plan to march ONTO the bridge?

Do any of the OccupyWallStreet General Assembly recognize these people?

Will the March to Brooklyn organizers and/or anyone please answer these questions for us? Thanks.
Read more at:,-Provocateurs,-or-Agents-Brooklyn-Bridge-Leaders?via=siderec