Saturday, February 27, 2010

Democrats and Incumbents

In my opinion, getting rid of incompetent Democrats is not going to be easy for three reasons: Super Delegates, Gerrymandering and Corporate Funding.

It was during the last Presidential Elections we Villagers found people called “Super Delegates” residing -hiding- in some place called the Electoral College.

During the ‘08 Presidential Elections, a lot of time was spent locating, feting, vetting and cajoling these Super Delegates. The exercise attached a powerful sub-plot to the elections from the primaries well into the generals. As I recall, Republican candidates did not have an equally distracting sub-plot having to deal with Super Delegates. Unfortunately, the "pleasures" of dealing with Super Delegates will repeat itself in Presidential Elections for a few more cycles and I understand (Yawn) some members of Congress are working to abolish it.

I do not have a good grasp or first hand knowledge on the effects of gerrymandering but according to CNN TV commentator Jack Cafferty, gerrymandering is one of the big reasons our government is dysfunctional. Mr. Cafferty is not known to be un-disciplined with his knowledge.

Finally, I learned yesterday why Democrats cave in so easily to Republicans. I learned Democrats were not only in the same corporate bed as Republicans but they are taking up most of the room on it. That huge and highly concentrated bit of information from Dkos diarist *Lenny Flank is worth its weigh in gold to any voter, including TeaBaggers.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

P.S. TeaBaggers have really peaked my interest! I can not wait for endorsement for 2010 and 2012! I pray they know what they are doing and I repeat, there are those with long memories who feel the Democratic Party is also overtly racist. I just want to vote for good candidates and I think TeaBaggers do too.

* democratic party and the corporados
by Lenny Flank
Many people here, of course, will simply not believe that the corporados are ruthlessly nonpartisan and own Dem asses just as much as they own Repug asses, simply because they don't want to believe it. I know that an awful lot of us would feel lots better inside if we could pretend that the big bad corporations are always behind the evil Repugs, while we poor but brave Dems valiantly fight them alone with our army of small donors.  But alas, reality says otherwise.  And reality always wins. One thing I noticed from 20 years of creationist-fighting, however, is that ideologues of all sorts are only "skeptical" about things they don't want to believe anyway.
Read more at:

Friday, February 26, 2010

"Uninformed" Democrats (Update)

Breaking: Republican Senator to Unemployed: "Tough Sh*t."
by Verbalpaintball
Jim Bunning, a Republican from Kentucky, is single-handedly blocking Senate action needed to prevent an estimated 1.2 million American workers from prematurely losing their unemployment benefits next month.

The only thing that frustrates me - continuously, relentlessly - is the democrats inability to capitalize on these kind of telling statements from Republicans.

Read more at:*t.

I want to use this diary to express my long time frustrations in feeling most Democrats simply do not know what they are doing in the House or Senate. I can live with that but it seems there would be a core group of Democrats they can go to who can quickly advise them how to resolve what appears to me a simple situation.

As seen on the tape, Sen. Jim Bunning repeatedly stands on the floor of the Senate blocking a resolution extending un-employment payments to people for a mere thirty days.

Further, it seems to me there would be a group of Democrats ready to spring into action with whatever procedural strategy is needed to nullify Sen. Bunning's objections. Although the procedure may not be a simple one as I envision, nevertheless, somebody should at least know what the procedure is. Call for a “quorum” or go into a Hissy fit but do something until they can find out what to do and do it! Damn!!

More than anything, it is incompetence in one’s own field that pisses me off the most!
As always,
Dems letting Bunning win on UI/COBRA?
by David Waldman
Read more at:

democratic party and the corporados

by Lenny Flank
Many people here, of course, will simply not believe that the corporados are ruthlessly nonpartisan and own Dem asses just as much as they own Repug asses, simply because they don't want to believe it. I know that an awful lot of us would feel lots better inside if we could pretend that the big bad corporations are always behind the evil Repugs, while we poor but brave Dems valiantly fight them alone with our army of small donors.  But alas, reality says otherwise.  And reality always wins. One thing I noticed from 20 years of creationist-fighting, however, is that ideologues of all sorts are only "skeptical" about things they don't want to believe anyway.
Read more at:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

President’s maiden voyage into true leadership?

I learned a whole lot today watching the President’s HealthCare Summit held at the Blair House.

I learned the rationale used for putting certain elements into the HealthCare Reform Bill and why it can not be broken into smaller parcels. I learned such a summit can be civil. I learned many Republicans can adjust to seeing a Black man at the head of the conference table. I fantasized we have many a year to see a Black, Jewish or female Republican in such a position due to the fact, and in my opinion, there is definitely an American “white boy” comprehension mentality permeating in the Senate chamber.

It is all well and good what I learned today, but I think it was the President himself who learned most of all from the summit. If there were a winner, it was the President.

It is my opinion as the President heard various positions of the Republicans, he could not help confessing to himself what he could have done during the initial announcements and drafting of the bill to have avoided being in the position he now finds himself. I believe this summit was a necessary step for him to have taken thereby capturing a better grasp what true leadership entails. Further, I think this summit was good for the President re-enforcing unto himself the more responsibilities entrusted in an individual, proportionally greater are the demands for leadership.
As always,

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pres. Obama did not hit the ball!

In relations to the HealthCare Reform Bill, according to an analogy of my father, Pres. Obama did not hit the ball.

My Dad always told us,
“If you are at the plate and the ball comes straight at you and you miss hitting it, you can not turn around and bat it or grab it. Just like you missed hitting the ball when it came right at you, that is how opportunities in life are; when you miss them, there’re gone.”

Consistent with my father’s analogy, what Pres. Obama is doing tomorrow with his HealthCare summit is making efforts to bat or grab the ball blaming someone or something else for the reason he missed hitting the ball in the first place. So it is with missed opportunities. There were lots of veteran sand lot coaches advising him how to step up to the plate but alas, he did it his way.(I think he has prepared himself for a spankin'.) Sad.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Knock, Knock……

-Who’s there?
-None of your damn business

I note of late some websites presenting annoying advertising barriers to get onto their sites. You go to the site only to be greeted with a giant billboard. I’ll just say they are “annoying” and leave it at that. But I can’t help wondering if the site owners think it’s worth the extra revenue making such arrogant assumptions we readers just “GOT” to get onto their particular site with so many other websites around. I suggest the site owner and their contributors get use to school teacher salaries and consider themselves lucky to have a job. (Smile)
As always,

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Closet TeaBagger

I am a firm believer in the saying , Man seeks pleasure, not pain. In my opinion, that saying is closely akin to the negative and positives of another saying, walk a mile in my shoes.

I posit on January 19th, the closet TeaBagger was seeking pleasure voting for the future Sen. Scott Brown (R-MASS). The TeaBagger may have been a registered Democrat, Independent or Republican but he was seeking pleasure. He saw a man with whom he could identify. And just as the pleasure seeker voting against Mr. Brown during the January elections, there was today a pleasure seeker chiding him for voting against a Republican filibuster to the Job’s Bill. Pleasure seekers all.

It is my observation there are units of TeaBaggers scattered around the country with each group seeking a candidate to support and vote for. The candidate that gives them pleasure, if you will. The various groups will entertain the candidate and conduct auditions. They will be polite when the candidate speaks -sometimes- and put out their best pleasure sensors for all to see. I believe they are doing the dirty work for a lot of us and they are as suspicious of the media as the rest of us. Still, they give the candidate a chance to “Strut his stuff!” Do his thing, if you will. I personally would not have the patience.

However, what appears to be the TeaBagger’s Achilles heal is a group of “pleasure seekers” who feel duty-bound hanging negative ornaments on their tree. It appears whenever a Republican is working in the negatives of our society, the media calls him a TeaBagger. I refute the assumptions and find them offensive, manipulative and polarizing. If a TeaBagger group identifies a candidate with whom I also find pleasure, that candidate will get my vote and I will give a hat-tip to the TeaBaggers. I think the media wish they would all go away! I think the media is threatened by the movement and for good reasons.

Finally, in my opinion, TeaBaggers are not die-hard voters who are slaves to voting for one party against their pleasure syndromes. That's why I say some TeaBaggers are in the closet. The January vote for Scott Brown proves that. I remain optimistic observing the TeaBagger’s movement knowing they are just as subject to human frailties as I am while seeking pleasures in my life. As a matter of fact, I am looking forward to seeing the person they support in 2010 and 2012. I am encourage with the straw poll taken the other day wherein Mitt Romney won 39% of the votes and Sarah Palin got 7%. Media pundits say it is due to the fact she was not at the conference. The inference is hysterical! LMBAO!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates. WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Still invisible…..

When Joe Stack of Austin, Texas got upset, burned his house down and crashed his airplane into a down town office building, only one person other than the pilot was killed; Mr. Vernon Hunter, (Shrr!) a Black man.
Son Speaks Out {UpDated w/Video}
by jimstaro
Vernon Hunter, a 67-year-old IRS worker, was killed in the crash.

"I saw the building and that was my dad's office building. So I called maybe eight times or more," Ken said.
But his dad never picked up the phone. A few hours later, he learned his dad was missing.

Read more at:

As always,