Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sen. Obama: America’s Receptionist

I was still pissed that Sen. Obama would take advantage of my emotions and string out the tease with his VP until it no longer has any meaningful validity to its original intentions. I was still pissed I was denied the ability to laugh at the press, “Ha,ha, ha! Whose got the last laugh now, He likes me better’n he likes you", with fore-knowledge of his pick for VP until I saw Linda Douglas on the Larry King Show tonight.

Ms. Douglas was identified by Larry King as the Senior Strategist Advisor to Sen. Obama. Ms. Douglas has to be the person responsible for the leak in the identification of the VP to the press and will be responsible if anything nefarious happens to the cell phone and Blackberry data collected (for sale?) for the 3:AM calls. I do not have an issues with Ms. Douglas but a Senior Statistics Adviser is just what her name implies; HNIC so to speak. (Smile)

Ms. Douglas has, to her credit and honor, placed Sen. Obama at the front desk as the receptionist and this is what has placated my anger. Sen. Obama being the first person you see when you come into the establishment. How often when I go into an establishment that I want to see someone attractive, ingratiating and sympathetic to my needs. How often have I been told that it is the receptionist who sets the tone of the establishment and draws revenue. How reassuring it is to open that office door and having a Sen. Obama greeting you and directing you to the appropriate office that can attend your concerns. I am saying the President of these United States and indeed of any country is a receptionist and should have receptionist’s skills and the various temperaments to do the job.

Going into the White House in the very near future with Pres. Obama being the receptionist, having him directing you into the office of V. Pres. Biden to help you on problems of foreign affairs or (Ahem) Rachel Maddow to help you with educational problems or any other office of a member of his cabinet is something to look forward to happening. In my opinion, Sen. Obama has already proven that here in America and abroad, people like him and are willing to tell him their problems and as the good receptionist he is, he will direct them to the right office.

Now to imagine opening the door seeing Sen. McCain as the receptionist and telling him your concerns for him to direct you to the office of a specialist is another can of worms.

Sen. Obama is a local guy, steeped in his understandings of our American problems and they are his primary concerns. By himself, he can not take on the world problems until the problems here in America are solve. We are Sen. Obama’s biggest concerns at this time. Hence, Sen. Biden.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. It would be interesting to hear from MSM what President it feels had a really dynamite cabinet and the "Why" from each cabinet, scandals and all. When Sen. Obama introduced Sen. Biden as the next President, he was saying the next president after his own eight years in the office.

Friday, August 22, 2008


I’ve held off as long as I could. I am pissed! This build-up for the announcement of the VP for Sen. Obama has gotten me to the point I don’t give a shit.

The one thing I hate is a person messin’ with my emotions and waiting for the announcement of the VP is in that category. I am mindful of some people who work to ingratiate themselves with you and slowly but surely begin to work you emotionally. They begin to play with you. Cat and mouse comes to mind. There are too many of us who have worked too hard and too long to be victimized like this. Some have been humiliated working for the Obama vote, traveled long distance and spent precious dollars and they have to be subjected to this bull shit?? Fall victim to it?

Those manipulators fuck with you wanting answers to questions like “Do you love me as much as you say you do?” Or “If you loved me so much, you would do this for me”. Or “Another one conquered. Time to move on to the next one”. Or you go into a bar and start talking to a lady you like and after awhile she says, “Guess what? Today is my birthday”.

I do not like people with those kinds of personalities. It has gotten beyond “normal” this guessing game for Sen. Obama’s VP so I therefore say “Fuck the VP. I could not give a shit!” and I say that very sincerely. Fuck it!!
As always,

McCain chooses Romney?

Ahhh, this might be why the GOP is freaking out
by kos
Thu Aug 21, 2008 at 10:22:26 PM PDT

-Tevia, look at this, hon. We got to vote for either a Nigger or a Mormon. Tevia? TEVIA?? Oh my God!! HELP! HELP!!!
As always,

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The McCain's house song: "Little Boxes"

My students used to love to sing this song. It is so universal. It could be good background music for the showing of the various homes of Sen. McCain. If the copyright owners of the song are Democrats, all the better; using the song could be considered a donation to the Obama campaign. You may also like it when you hear it performed.

Song lyrics pages assisted by Ontario Tenant Toronto Tenants
Little Boxes
by Malvina Reynolds
Little boxes on the hillside, Little boxes made of tickytacky
Little boxes on the hillside, little boxes all the same
There's a green one and a pink one and a blue one and a yellow one
And they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same.
And the people in the houses all went to the university
Where they were put in boxes and they came out all the same,
And there's doctors and there's lawyers, and business executives
And they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same.
And they all play on the golf course and drink their martinis dry,
And they all have pretty children and the children go to school
And the children go to summer camp and then to the university
Where they are put in boxes and they come out all the same.
And the boys go into business and marry and raise a family
In boxes made of ticky tacky and they all look just the same.

As always,
P.S. comment from a diary in reference to Sen. McCain:

Until then, it would be dangerously irresponsible to jeopardize our country's, our family's well-being by cutting him slack.

Dr. Rice not “Kosher” with world community

This morning on BBC-World “Hard Talk” there was a *Russian Diplomat on saying Russia signed a six part contract with Georgia. At this point, they are working on part five which says (paraphrased) all parts of the disputed territories must be secure and safe before the withdrawal of Russian troops.

We are not told about article five by the good Sec. Rice as she taps the rim of her personalized war snare drum. All we are told is the truce says Russia must get out of Georgia. Does Dr. Rice make these decision on her own like on another occasion asking yet another Russian Diplomat not to use the words “ethnic cleaning“ and “genocide” in relations to Georgia‘s murdering of its citizens? If true, that‘s power!! Power, in my opinion, only generated with energies from the depths of Hell and I note everytime I see Dr. Rice of late her entire physical characteristics appear more and more contorted of the shriveling variety. To be so deceitful, the well disciplined mind, as that of Dr. Rice, has to grow adjuncts expressing themselves in the form of physical manifestations and somebody is going to see them. It is un-natural for that mind to work that way and it rebels!

The tape of the Russian Diplomat I speak of will come up on the following web site and is not available as of this posting. I did not get the Diplomat’s name due to the fact names seem to be secondary on news broadcast these days which leads to vague and ‘I heard’ un-sourced posting as my own. Dammit!
As always,
*BBC-Hard Talk

White privileges short change Americans again

I was late tuning into radio station WAMU this morning but not to late to hear that on the world stage in an academic competition, Finland has 72 awards or honors to America’s Zero. And linking that up to what I read yesterday “ *British analyst Anatol Levin (one of the more perceptive of the realists) describes it a case of "profound infantilism": In the United States, the infantile illusion of omnipotence, whereby it doesn’t matter how many commitments the United States has made elsewhere—in the last resort, the United States can always do what it likes.” And linking those two up to a diary I read this evening, **2. We need a message. I am sick to death of reading blog posts about McCain said this and McCain said that and you kids get off my lawn. Funny, yes, but I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Why does OBAMA want to be president, and why should VOTERS want him to be president? Billmon and Hunter and Americablog and Dibgy and Bill Sher need to write a dozen posts about what Obama means to them and what he should mean to other Americans. And please, please no more earnest dense graph-filled posts about 10-point economic plans or 15-point health care initiatives. The most "points" Obama is allowed from now on is three (like this diary). Two would be even better. That's right, TWO! Because that's the most anybody can remember anyway.

At this point, I can say it boggles my mind to think of the politically brilliant things Sen. Obama could say and do were it not for fears of "a Black boy" trying to take advantage of white privileges as does Sen. McCain. I speak of the things Sen. Obama would do and say without fears of serious Neo-con whips on his back side i.e., quips from his un-official ‘ let’s do a hit piece on him’ biographer David Mendell, (Sen. Obama’s cut-throat tactics.) I speak of the things Sen. Obama could say and do to help America grow up. I totally dislike Sen. Obama’s Pullman Porter’s responses to the aggressive language of Hillary and Sen. McCain directed towards him. The Pullman Porter dignified ways of saying things and not as an equal member of our society. By now, it has become crystal clear the Neo-cons want America to remain in this infantile position that apparently they think is either “cute” or “The positions to take”. They have convinced most of the world that Russia was bad interfering with their desire to annihilate the citizens of Ossestia as they did in Kosovo with additional efforts to justify the PKK in Northern Iraq. The Neo-cons will not allow the press to call the PKK a terrorist group as they have been labeled.

Watching Dr. Rice sign those ballistic missile papers this morning with my TV sound down and listening to WAMU telling how dumb we are as a country was an experience. The whole scene turns from the famous portrait of The Signing of the Declaration of Independence to Faust signing away his soul to the devil in the opera “Faust”.

The passionate diary of CathiefromCanada puts out a plea to humanize Sen. Obama. That’s not gonna happen. He’s Black and he lives in America. Those shackles will stay on him the rest of his life. At this point, Mainstream Media is saying to Sen. Obama:
- We know you are the best candidate out there but in order for us to let you win, you have to accept the fact we are going to call you a Nigger, criticize every word you say, everything you do and everything you say and do not say. That’s the deal. And if you think that is something, watch your blood pressure with whomever you announce as your vice president. We can not conquer a world being nice to you Niggers! Oy! What’s wrong with you already?

Min. Farrakhan and Al Sharpton are not people who do not have anything to say. Neither was Martin Luther King nor Rev. Jackson in his earlier years or Malcolm X. These are/were Black men who could have helped bring this country out of the Kindergarten classes but alas, America wanted to become the country she has become and apparently it does not bother her we are the laughing stock of the world and have been for a few years now. Sad. Really sad.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I tuned in just to in time to hear Jack Cafferty tell us how much money is being spent in the world by these infantile members of our society. People are talking!
**No ponies are coming -- we need our own plan
by CathiefromCanada
Wed Aug 20, 2008 at 10:33:47 PM PDT

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

TV history was made today.

Rachel Maddow has contracted a talk show with MSNBC. To her I say, Bravo, Brava, Bravisimo. Ms. Maddow now balances out the “Sanity Police” we so badly need coming from our Mainstream Media. Looking forward to Rachel, Jack Cafferty and Keith Olbermann being the cluster bombs they were destined to be. These three people are comfortable with and within themselves and that fact alone assures their longevity in their chosen field. Joy!!
As always,

Dkos lays another Golden Egg

Kudos to diarist billmon. In my opinion, the writing is brilliant with incontestable content and a historical timelessness of the genius genre. Further, I feel the diary is held together with a masterful usage of the parenthesis.

Same Verse, Third Refrain
Once again, the US enlargement lobby sprang into action. In February of last year, with the newly born Democratic Congress still waiving its little arms and spitting up mucus, Dick Lugar (the ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee) and Joe Biden (the committee’s nominally Democratic chairman) introduced the "NATO Freedom Consolidation Act". Like its predecessors, the bill authorized the President to immediately begin treating the Ukraine and Georgia as full-fledged NATO allies in all but name – with weapons sales, military advisors, etc. Senate cosponsors included Chris Dodd of Connecticut, Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, Gordon Smith of Oregon, and, naturally, John McCain (R-POW).

Anatomy of A(nother) Fiasco
by billmon
Mon Aug 18, 2008 at 08:57:24 AM PDT
As always,

Monday, August 18, 2008

Russia and America in world’s 1st oratory contest

They are not doing it for the ailing Mainstream Media. The Mainstream Media has for generations received a failing grade in the area of listening and accurate re-telling of what they have heard. Nor are the participants targeting the low information consumer due to the listening skills involved in coming on the world stage participating in an oratory contest. In my opinion, the participants - America and Russia - are now conducting this performance in areas of the new phenomenon called the internet and in particular for those internet users called bloggers.

In this first of world oratory contest there are no winners nor loser due to the fact we are witnessing, so to speak, the Class President of each country espousing why he was chosen as the Class President of his country. His Presidency is not better nor worst than that of the other contestant. There is no winner or loser of the oratory, just an affirmation of positions of constituents. Since this oratory is the first of its kind, rules have not been firmly establish and judging from initial listening, one is only exposed to whatever surrogates he has in the other contestant’s country for affirmations.

For example, here in America we have yet to hear the Russian surrogates but hear instead from a group like members from the Heritage Foundation and Airel Cohen in particular cheer-leading our Class President. To some, Brother Cohen’s credentials to be a surrogate for us are not important. (Smile) The Heritage Foundation held a public forum today with input from Georgian Minister of Reintegration Temuri yakabasvile and his interpretation of the current conflicts in Georgia. At this point, I must confess my admiration for those who can speak English. It helps a lot and I know it is not easy for them but great for us bloggers.

I’d better stop now because I feel my britches tightening up but I want to say people are talking and that is good! Very good and we in the blogosphere are listening. Kudos to C-Span and BBC. Love Ya’!
As always,

Is desire to own land the original drive of man?

I can not call it a sin due to the fact it may have been the natural order of things before labels. A man needed more space so, in terms of simplicity, he went and got it. Land was there and that’s the way it was “In the beginning” so to speak.

It was when man starts taking the land of others that the process began to have names attached to it like stealing and sin and greed. Those words developed as language developed and each one designated for a particular act describing a man’s desire to own land. I think an argument could be made in relationship to man’s desires to own land and the original intent of civilization. The acquisition of land was key to civilization’s survival and if that be the case, civilization is finite because land on this planet is finite.

We have already seen and documented how civilization will end up. It will end up as a Feudal Society, no God nor religious symbols to hold on to, no individual group identities with flags and anthems, all individual manifestations of a human spirit squelched including the mourning of many pre-mature deaths of relatives and ancestors with using logic being punishable by death; logic being the orderly stringing together of truths. The word logic will be the new emotional companion word to Anti-Semitic with the same dire consequences now law of the land.

It was the tenor in the voice of Dr. Rice delivering a prepared speech in Georgia ordering the Russians to get out that has really caught my attention. This morning in another setting I just happened to hear her repeat her demands but this time with even more agitation I originally perceived. There was something so primitive about her demands. So “from the Bible to Buddha to Gandhi and Martin Luther King,” and reflecting is this the only distance we have come? Is it really “I’m willing to blow up the playground if you don’t get off?” In my opinion labels need not apply. Further, I contend, this is civilization’s basic desire for land ownership to advance itself with its own built in obsolescence and finite capabilities.

At this point, I am confronted with the question, “Is civilization as we know it finite?” Or even if “A new world order” have inherent in its wording the beginning of a NEW civilization? Is that possible? How? Common sense tells me these questions have been debated if not answered but I am not in those circles nor do my reading go into such areas but still, I wonder from my corner in the world.

Inherent in the demands of Dr. Rice, Sen. McCain, Pres. Bush and others telling Russia to leave Georgia is going for the finite capabilities of total land ownership. It started in this country with desires to have the land of the Indians and has escalated to owning the land mass of the world. As I recall, things went well with the Indians until treaties were violated and labels began to be applied to both parties. What I find most striking is past and successful abilities to thwart putting cars on the market i.e., the Tucker automobile. I can only imagine how much land we could be satisfied with if we had continued that route noting depending on oil. But then there was the taking of land for gold, then uranium and the list goes on. It’s still not too late to honorable negotiate land and its resources. As they say, better late then never. Enough said, I‘m going all over the place and talking to myself does not advance this conversation.

I heavily based this post on my reactions from several posting on Counterpunch. Com.

Besides expanding NATO from a regional military pact to a worldwide alliance—the organization is deeply engaged in Afghanistan and is currently moving into the Pacific Basin—the Bush Administration began dismantling East-West agreements, including the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM). The demise of the Treaty allowed the U.S. to deploy an ABM and to recruit nations to sign up for the system, including Japan, India and Australia. Lastly, NATO has just agreed to build an ABM system in Eastern Europe.

Russia and Georgia are currently engulfed in a tense situation that has brought violence to South Ossetia, an area of Georgia that has been quasi-independent, but with no international recognition, for years. Russia has stepped in, ostensibly to prevent attempts by Georgia to regain the region. The skirmish has quickly escalated to a deadly war.

The success of the Bush Regime’s propaganda, lies, and deception with gullible and inattentive Americans since 9/11 has made it difficult for intelligent, aware people to be optimistic about the future of the United States. For almost 8 years the US media has served as Ministry of Propaganda for a war criminal regime. Americans incapable of thinking for themselves, reading between the lines, or accessing foreign media on the Internet have been brainwashed.
As the Nazi propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, said, it is easy to deceive a people. You just tell them they have been attacked and wave the flag.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Is Dr. Rice also a myth whose time has come?

I Want Condi
stumble digg reddit news trust huffington_post:
Posted August 13, 2008 | 06:04 AM (EST)

Her field of expertise is the Soviet Union. Ask anyone at the Hoover Institute. She's just brilliant on the Soviet Union.
She's written books on the Soviets, a dissertation even! She speaks Russian. She has impeccable credentials -- for a top slot in the Ford administration.

I tuned in late this morning to a BBC-TV round table discussion with reporters and the question of the US/Russia relationship with the Ukraine came up and one of the reporters said “There are no Iranians there”. Aha! The “ethnic” population of Ossestia is Iranian. I do not know what the big secret is but Dr. Rice did tell a Russian official not to mention them. I am still waiting to find out how many American troops were killed in Ossestia and how the families will be notified. I am mindful of the cover-up of the murdered football hero Pat Tillman.

And now I done-done telling that, I’ll turn my attention to a good post I read and some of the comments are hilarious in reference to Dr. Rice and her speaking Russian. I note she still has not gone to Russia. Maybe Sen. McCain can gourd her into going as he did Sen. Obama to go to Iraq. Maybe Dr. Rice does not want to up-stage Ms. Merkel, being the gracious lady she is.

-Dr. Rice. You mean you want to go to the front lines now while they are still fighting?
-Yes, and hurry!
-I see some Russians up ahead Dr. Rice. I’ll stop.
- (To soldier) Let’s see now. Uh..Вы говорите…uh.. на английском языке? Do you speak English?
-Номер. No.
- (2nd soldier) Я говорю Английский. I speak English.
- Thank God! Didn’t you all get my memo to go home?
-Memo? Go home? Who are you??
-I’m Dr. Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State.
-Are you a diplomat? Are you from America?? LOL

As always,