Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sen. McCain and my homeless student

A student came into my music class mid-way through the term. One day I noticed when I had given the class a group assignment, probably to analyze a song from a musical or the form of a song, the new student was enraged to the point of tears due to the fact nobody wanted him in their group. The counselor of the student had told me he was living in a homeless shelter but it did not come to me until I saw the scene of him standing in the front of my room, crying trying to justify himself he was as good as they were, he cried. I don’t know why I too did not break down crying, but I just put him into a group of boys like my Lincoln Chaffee students whom I knew would not question my judgment. I think Bill Clinton's group would have given me a little static. Barbara Mikulski's group wold have been fine but this student was in no shape to have a group of girls fawning over him.

By this time, the situation had become very emotional and I thanked the group of boys who had accepted and perhaps not integrated him into their group. I was not going into those dynamics at the moment. I just wanted to settle down the homeless student. The class was beginning to look to me for relief. This was seventh grade Middle School and the music class was only about nine weeks long. I had situations like that before but never with a homeless student. I will never forget it. Sen. McCain is like that homeless boy to me. I can not condemn him. The situation with him is too sad and can not be rectified. One can not re-rear an adult. It’s up to them. In my opinion, Gov. Palin is another can of worms.
As always,
P.S. That was a very emotional forty fifty two minutes or whatever it was in my classroom. Eventhough as I recall the student was only in my classroom for no more than three weeks before he moved again, all these many years later, I still weep over the incident and lament the character of Sen. McCain. The Rolling Stones article said he was called names even during his high school years. And still I weep. I am still a teacher, eh?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Pres. Bush should Reject and Denounce Sen. McCain......again.

Pres. Bush should tell him and Gov. Palin he does not want his presidency to end on the sour notes they are singing. He should articulate his hopes for a better America. He should articulate his disappointment in the negative campaigning. I can not think of any other person who can stop the dangerous shenanigans of the McCain/Palin campaign. Presidents are responsible for the well being of their citizens.
As always,


Due to the fact the Jewish community has for eight years been running around via mainstream media, hair on fire, telling us the administration is likened to Hitler; likened to 1930’s Germany; that we are becoming a fascist nation and all the signs indicate we are going the way of Gulags and Holocausts and anti-Semitism is an evil and is the worst of’em.

With what is happening today on the political scene, in my opinion the Jewish rhetoric has now been reduced to that of cottage industry mime; a money magnet; a joke; hypocrisy, if you will. If in fact the Jewish community truly believe their plight in Europe over fifty years ago would not happen again, I would hope they meant it would not happen to anyone else besides themselves.

So far it appears my hopes are unrequited. So far it appears the Jewish community has not been telling the truth all these years and its too late to do anything about now. So far, it looks as if someone is asleep at the switch due to the fact on this contemporary political stage, rat now and far away from 1930 Germany and with the on stage presence of Fräulein Palin and Herr McCain, there are beautifully gift wrapped parcels. Those parcels have tags on them reading “Surprise. Back to the future of 1930: To our illustrious Jewish community” placed right next to the ones for the Black community and Sen. Obama in particular. Fräulein Palin and Herr McCain are handing them out to selected and smiling members of their audience and a grateful Mainstream Media. (Makes money for them.)
“Never again!” trumpets the Jewish community, waddlin’ in the middle of its vast resources. “Pack up, Molly. We got to move and start over again. Iceland?” LOL
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

A Dkos Golden Egg

I am a believer in the Universal Thought. I believe if you have a thought and want to write about it, as frequently happens to me, I go to my several favorite web sites and many times someone has written my thoughts as well as I would have written it or, in many cases, better. If I do not immediately see a post of that nature, I can count to ten, go over the sites again and “wahla!” There it is.

In my opinion, this diary by TexasAMC speaks for itself addressing our contemporary political scene. Kudos for many reasons; organizational skills and timeliness of the article being only two of them.
The Fear That Dare Not Speak Its Name
by TexasAMC
Thu Oct 09, 2008 at 09:03:33 PM PDT
In August, Sarah Palin sat in her church last month while a speaker said that terrorist attacks on Israel were "God's judgment of unbelief" on Jews who had not converted to Christianity. Palin apparently did not respond and did not walk out.
Angry that his voter registration card was late, a Louisiana man threatened to bring his shotgun to the registrar's office to get it because he had to be sure to cast his ballot and "keep the nigger out of office."
On Saturday, Sarah Palin accused Barack Obama of "palling around with terrorists" for having served on a non-profit board with William Ayers.
On Monday, a supporter at a Palin rally shouted "Kill him!" at a reference to Obama. Palin did not respond.
On Monday, a supporter at a McCain rally responded to McCain's rhetorical, "Who is Barack Obama?" by shouting "terrorist". McCain did not respond.

As always,

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Emperor spurns villagers: “You’re all liars!”

The crystal clear Mr. Colin Barr from Fortune Magazine was on C-Span this morning. I love to hear people talk who know what they are talking about and in relationship to finances, Mr. Barr knows what he is talking about.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were nationalized to appease China.
Two billion a year goes overseas just to keep America rolling along amongst other insightful enumerations.

And I swear I saw this headline displayed on the show this morning that there are no U.S. plans to co-ordinate with G-7 members. After searching other headlines this morning, I was not able to find it. I thought it was the NYT but it was not. I know I saw it. That headlines peaked my interest especially after seeing the article Mr. Paulson has appointed on a temporary bases thirty five year old Neel kashkari to help monitor the seven hundred billion dollars he and Mr.Benanke bilked, as some would say, out of our treasury. Mr. Kashkari is presently Assistant Treasury Secretary with limited experiences. As I recall, it is less than seven years.

In my opinion, America wants to get out of this **stew of their own making smelling like a rose. The Neo-cons want to protect their coffer the best they can and other countries are saying, “No, no, no by my chinny, chin chin”. After being duped into the Iraqi war, cohered into buying sub-prime loans and being exposed to farts in the economic board room, America would be lucky to only come out of this with a bloody nose. England has already done their thing. PM Gordon Brown said he is going to protect the UK’s economic interest by any means necessary so they nationalized some or all of their banks. I do not know how America can any longer compete monetarily with the UK or any country that has nationalized its banking system and if our boys are depending on thirty five year old inexperienced Neel kashkari to bring us out of this turmoil, I say, “Lord, help us!” I can only hope he is as brilliant as Sen. Obama.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

*v. spurned, spurn·ing, spurns To reject disdainfully or contemptuously; scorn. See Synonyms at refuse1.2. To kick at or tread on disdainfully.
** The Bungled Bailout (Or the Perils of Paulson)
Kevin Phillips
Posted October 8, 2008 | 02:49 PM (EST)
Excerpt: (Gospels?)
But the largest reason to the doubt any major success of the just-enacted Washington bailout is that it does not go to the heart of the problem -- the gross excesses of the U.S. financial sector and the need for sweeping reforms and indictments, both ethical and legal. Or to put it differently, given the last decade's malignant transformation of U.S. finance, providing federal transfusions without needed corrective surgery is not medicine but unwise favoritism and cosseting.

My thesis is that the Frankenstein finance of the last two decades -- the crazed borrowing, pseudo-science, frenetic growth, greed and gambling -- did something roughly similar to the once-normal cells of our American economic corpus. So we don't know exactly what is happening now, why, or with what kind of contagious complexity. Radiation and even surgery (cutting out institutional tumors) may be in order. Over to you, doctors Paulson and Bernanke.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

NYT Johnny come lately. Boo!

I can only say thanks, but no thanks to your op-ed piece “Politics of Attack”. I say that due to the fact almost anything you do now is too late. The horse has been out of the barn so long it has altizmers and is dying of old age. We begged you to do something regarding the way the primaries were going. We literally kissed your ass and you only responded by farting in our faces time and time again. And so it is, Gov. Palin and Sen. McCain have emerged and are your chickens coming home to roost that you have to deal with. We in the blogosphere are dealing with it in our own way and to be blunt, you can go to hell with your “Politics of Attack” op-ed.

Gov. Palin has advanced to effectively using the **Call and Response technique which is one of the oldest and most powerful of teaching instruments at our command. Its power has been documented throughout the ages. Now and as in the past, the Fourth Estate has given it the fertile soil in which to flourish in a nefarious manner mostly through exercising the unwritten doctrine of “White privilege”. For too long you have abdicated your duties to American citizens. If we had left things up to you, Sen. Obama would not be where he is today.

I strayed. I’m pissed! I just saw Gov. Palin at a rally.
In this country, Call and Response reached its zenith in the Black church only to spread out into the educational community and beyond. Gov. Palin and Sen. McCain are making good usage of this teaching tool and have an audience to use it on, thanks to you. It appears sub prime lending is not going to be the only thing to bring us as a country to our ungraceful knees; try the sub prime patriotic reporting of our Fourth Estate! And to be honest, I am both overjoyed and sickened by the article.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

*Politics of Attack

**Call and response is a form of "spontaneous verbal and non-verbal interaction between speaker and listener in which all of the statements ('calls') are punctuated by expressions ('responses') from the listener", as stated by Smitherman.[1]
In African cultures, call and response is a pervasive pattern of democratic participation — in public gatherings, in the discussion of civic affairs, in religious rituals, as well as in vocal and instrumental musical expression (see call and response in music). It is this tradition that African bondsmen and women have transmitted over the years in various forms of expression — in religious observance; public gatherings; even in children's rhymes; and, most notably, in black music in its multiple forms: gospel, blues, rhythm and blues, jazz and jazz extensions, and hip-hop.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Civility of debate due to….. (Update)

pressure from blogersphere. There is no question in my mind. Nice debate. No problems here.
As always,
During the debates tonight, McCain said in reference to Sen. Obama: “…and who voted for it? That one.” I heard it and immediately dismissed it. In an earlier post I posit “Sen. McCain is a sad, sad man. If ever there were a man to be pitied, it is the good Sen. John Sidney McCain”. I am in total agreement with the comment of freelunch as follows:
Memorable, but not in a good way for McCain (3+ / 0-)
That is why I consider it very memorable. McCain needs to apologize for his rudeness, but good manners are not part of McCain's game plan.
Single payer universal healthcare coverage saves money and saves lives.

by freelunch on Tue Oct 07, 2008 at 09:07:49 PM PDT

And in reference to the two wives not shaking hands and the McCain’s leaving the set immediately after the debate was over, I say what in hell do you expect from those two people? Civility? LOLROF! Take off your rose colored glasses. This is America. There is no way one can construe the remark as not being contrived with deliberate forethought. Remember, the Clintons like him.

“Assassination” back on the table?

I know Ms. Clinton knowingly placed assassination on the table. I am now reading both Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin have put assassination back on the table and once again it appears to me Mainstream Media and the U.S. Government are casting a benign eye upon the multitudes trying to flush out someone, anyone, to make a folk hero. Sad.
As always,
They're Turning Into a Lynch Mob
by NowAndZen
Tue Oct 07, 2008 at 07:01:23 AM PDT
I hope yesterday was the low-water mark of civility in the MCain/Palin campaign, but I'm afraid that McCain and Palin may be heading down a dangerous path and that they do not know where it ends. They may actually be 1 step away from being the rallying leaders of a lynch mob. Their inflamatory speech is metaphorically asking their supporters to bring tar, feathers, pitchforks and torches.

Who is Sen. McCain? I ask. Do we know him? I ask.


*First, at a rally this morning John McCain asked his audience a rhetorical question: "who is Barack Obama"? The resounding response from a man in the audience, which was noted by Rachel Maddow, was:
John McCain's response? Nada--zip--nothing--he just plowed ahead with the rest of his stump speech.

After reading five pages of the Rolling Stone article on Sen. McCain, it is long, it is hard for me to not imagine Sen. McCain as a mass of protoplasm in search of a cranium; floating out in the yonders somewhere " the little Bowl Weavel lookin' for a home".

From information in the Rolling Stone article, it appears from birth Sen. McCain's parents left it up to him to self-identify wherein, as the reading goes, that mass of protoplasm he self identified and decided to call it a brain with its entire fallacious reasoning prowess in his earlier years. In his later years, Sen. McCain called it a Maverick with its now advanced stages of numerous cognitive dysfunctional activities.

Neither have morphed into anything throughout the years due to the fact there was nothing from the beginning. Bad X&Y combination? Read the beginning pages of the Rolling Stones article. That awkward mass of protoplasm was left to its own devices by his parents; literally abandoned perhaps due in part to his unappealing physical appearance. White people like to have people tell them how beautiful their children are. It is hard to believe Sen. McCain received such adorations as a youngster. There are numerous strikes against him: No brains and no pleasant physical appearance. No sports, no talents, no meaningful hobbies, no love, no computer skills, no nothing. Vacant property scrounging around for love.

Sen. McCain has to be frustrated due to the fact neither brain nor his Maverick persona has worked for him. The Bush W Presidential Campaign team told him that in 2000. His own Presidential Campaign has recently told him that with his desires to get Sen. Lieberman as his running mate his cranium was not working appropriately. Even his friends, the ones who have managed to put their protoplasm in something resembling a cranium, are telling him the cranium he’s stuffing his protoplasm into is not working and one can only wonder what his wife Cindy tells him as a routine and even the polls are supporting the fact he is “erratic” as astutely enunciated by Sen. Obama. (Smile)

Intuitively, and being the compassionate conservative/progressive nigger I am, this may be one of the reasons I heretofore have stayed away from talking about Sen. McCain; Sen. McCain is a sad, sad man. If ever there were a man to be pitied, it is the good Sen. John Sidney McCain. Unfortunately, he has begun to be serious in his vitriol directed towards Sen. Obama. He can not do that and expect decent people, like yours truly, to sit by and say nothing.

In ending this post, I have to say a man like Sen. McCain who finds a need to gutter-swipe a man like Sen. Obama deserves to be talked about and taken to the wood-shed. It is either the cranium or the protoplasm in it that need his personal attention and consideration for a series of meaningful and productive adjustments.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. Take another look at the picture of McCain hugging Pres. Bush. This man wants love and attention so badly he would do anything! An-y-thing!
* Palin/McCain Inciting Hatred & Racism
by jthomascronin
Mon Oct 06, 2008 at 10:10:13 PM PDT

Monday, October 06, 2008

Q & A: Politics 2008

Q. Why do Neo-cons want to make Sen. Obama an enemy of theirs?
A. To make more money off the ill informed and helpless to their amusement.

If *Neo-cons do not have an enemy, they will create one. It generates money. They have targeted Sen. Obama to be their new Wall Street. (Smile)
As always,
P.S. If Neo-cons make you an enemy, you are screwed anyway you go: Press, lawyer, doctor or accountant. Foreign banks are making efforts to close them out.
*William Kristol, Whoring For Sarah Palin

by BarbinMD
Mon Oct 06, 2008 at 08:50:15 AM PDT
It seems that Kristol just happened to chat with Sarah Palin on the phone and gosh, you betcha that she thinks saying that Obama "pals around with terrorists" is fair game, never mind that it's not true. And never mind that Palin herself has a very personal association with the America-hating Alaska Secessionist Party (AIP)...a group whose founder damned America and cursed the flag, and was later murdered in a "plastic explosives sale gone bad." But instead of asking about that, Kristol wondered if Jeremiah Wright should be an issue. Well, you betcha. Palin told Kristol:

What I am going to do the remaining weeks

I’m gonna sit right down and watch Mainstream Media make a total ass of itself with efforts to influence the outcome of this Presidential Election post Rolling Stone article on Sen. McCain and Ms. Palin donning a clown costume. Mate!
As always,

Sunday, October 05, 2008


The audience is becoming verbally impatient with the prolonged stage presence of one Sarah Palin. It would be prudent of management to alert both local authorities and its insurance representatives.
As always,