Thursday, January 13, 2011

Put away your pitchforks and torches

In reference to the near assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Gifford on Saturday, Jan. 8th and the blame game:

Once again entrance to the throne room was blocked by the mean and evil Oligarchy. The Villagers were told to take their pitchforks and torches and return immediately to their homes. The Villagers knew then as in the past many of their displeasure came from the knaves residing in the Oligarchys’ throne room but time after time, the Oligarchy deflected blame and today was no different.

Once again they would read the note nailed on the door of the Treasury Room that read as so many in the past, “Go away! What happened to Gabrielle Gifford was your fault. I will pay for nothing!”

The Villagers knew Sara Palin, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and a host of others were under the strict protection of the Oligarchy and worked tirelessly day and night for his pleasure as they would help him count his rapidly increasing fortunes.

As the frustrated villagers turned to leave, a little boy spied a note being slipped under the door. “It’s from Sara Palin!” he exclaimed. It had two words written on it: “Blood libel". There was a hushed silence, then an up-roar breaking into un-controllable jubilee! The word spread rapidly and now the whole village finally knew from every valley to hill top why the wicked old witch wanted to catch Hansel and Gretel and cook them in her oven. She was a friend to the Oligarchy and they could never understand why until now. “Aha!” said the elder. “We will return!”

As always,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Start Kindergarten with 3rd grade curriculum

It is my understanding menstrual periods of little girls are coming at earlier ages and if that is indeed the case, maturation of the little boy is relative.

If these observations have been proven as ‘fact’ than why start a child off in kindergarten learning his/her right and left hand or how to line up for lunch or which color is the color of the sky and having cute productions of “Little Miss Mary Sunshine” and singing the ‘Alphabet song’ or ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider?’

It would be an interesting experience reading the kindergarten curriculum from other industrialized countries competing with us.

As always,

Has American Education Peaked?

by: Marion Brady | The Washington Post | Op-Ed
American education has peaked. Accept it. It has serious SYSTEM problems, and the present crop of reformers is making those problems worse. We’re not going to get the schools we need by doing longer and harder what we’ve been doing for the last 150 years.
Read more at:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

America and her ‘lying eyes’ syndrome

The phrase, "Don't believe your lying eyes" was created and took front and center stage at the trial of Rodney King wherein L.A. policemen, who even when caught on tape clearly trying to beat him to death, were all acquitted.

I note with interest how the American oligarchy tells us when to put on our ‘thinking caps’ and when not to do so.

In a campus classroom....
And so it was most recently after hearing of the attempted assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Gifford, almost everybody in the classroom frantically reaching into their book-bags to find and put on their thinking caps. It was the teacher ordering them to put them back into their book-bags that puzzled them.

The teacher went on to tell the students nobody but a crazy kook named Jared Loughner who, by his lonesome, was responsible for the assassination attempt on the life of Ms. Gifford. The teacher went on telling the class how they missed certain clues and knowledge they should have picked up from watching television. The class was told they should not in any way have concluded the good Sara Palin or talk radio and TV pundits had anything to do with providing the toxic atmosphere that motivated that kooks' attempt to assassinate that poor woman. “He is a loner! A crazy, mixed-up kid. A crack head!” she wailed, almost to tears, pleading with them to understand.

Some students would later swear seeing visions of colorful Sugar Plum Fairies flying around the room resembling Sara Palin, Michael Savage and Bill Kristol. One student said she also saw Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh hovering above her. She said she was fearful Rush would fall and hurt himself and her.

On and on the impromptu lesson went with the teacher shaming the students for pulling out their thinking caps at a time like this. “This was not the time!” she said. “When are you all going to grow up?” she chided. The teacher even went into areas of the students trying to use 'fallible' common sense against hard facts as presented by the media. “And if you want to blame anybody, anybody at all” the teacher concluded, “it should be those wretched TeaBaggers who want to take this country back (from the Blacks, mind you)!”

As the students were leaving the classroom going to their cars and dorms, they were seen slowly reaching once again into their book bags donning their thinking caps. Who won? The question was clearly Common Sense Vs. Mainstream Media. Computers on and around that small American campus were busy all through the night. Very busy.

As always,
P.S. As per the Rodney King case, the media and many of its minions still have problems with Joe Six Pack believing what they consider ‘his lying eyes’.

Monday, January 10, 2011

DOJ Eric Holder should have a meeting

In my opinion, if no more than a tribute to the attempted assignation of Rep. Gabrille Giffords, the head of Americas’ top law enforcement agency should have a talk with Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh et.el,.

These people should know where they stand with the office of Eric Holder so everybody will be on the same page. They should be apprised as to the strain on the DOJ budget, public sentiment, world respect and ways they can tone down their hateful rhetoric. A little ‘meeting’ can go a long way if no more than satisfying a public who wants him to do something, anything.

It is too late for Mr. Holder to stop political murders and near murders. There have been far to many missed opportunities but he can put his foot down now, “Enough is enough!” MSM has already started humanizing Jarad Loughner publishing flattering pictures of him and not a mug shot picture when he was arrested.

My personal opinion long ago was for Mr. Holder to resign. He is not doing his job and if this is his best, it’s not good enough.

As always,

Feds Formally Charge Jared Loughner For Murders, Attempting To Kill Gabby Giffords
Read more at:


For many years, just on the spur of the moment one family member would say, “I think it’s time for some crabs” and the date was set for the week-end ritual to begin.

It was a simple ritual no more complicated then one or two of us going down to the wharf in D.C., going to one or two vendors pricing a bushel of crabs, purchasing a bushel and returning home getting adulations befitting a conquering hero as we would tell the story of getting the best deal and price we could for the bushel of crabs.

-The traffic wasn’t bad. All of the stalls were open. One man wanted $80 buck. We just moved on. Yes, these are all large males. Look at’em.

As the rest of my small family would arrive, we would repeat our story as we arranged ourselves around the square table on my small screened-in back porch and begin eating crabs with nothing more than beer and sodas. Once or twice I would buy potato chips but they were rarely eaten.

The music was usually quite due to the fact I have a thing about playing music that could distract from conversations. And so it was, young and old eating crabs on a single day on a week-end. Rarely were there enough crabs for anyone to take home.

Last week, I invited a friend over for crabs and none were available. I purchased shrimps and four lobster tails. A few days later, I did not know what was going on. I was itching everywhere! I ran to the net and found an extremely well written and comforting(?) article describing my agony to a ‘t’:
Living with Urticaria: Testimonial on Chronic Hives
By D. Garrett, Yahoo! Contributor Network
About three years ago, I developed what is commonly known as chronic hives (urticaria). Chronic hives are defined as hives that persist for longer than six weeks, and at that point, they may last anywhere from a few
months to several years. Each individual is different. I freaked out when i started to get them because I didn't know what they were, and once I figured out that they were chronic hives, I still had a lot of trouble finding detailed information online. Was there something wrong with me? Does this mean I have a weak immune system? Does this mean I'll have to live with this for the rest of my life? That thought was too much to bear. I needed to figure how to manage it and find out if there is anything out there that may make them go away.
Read more at:

Last night I ate a lobster tail I had put in the freezer. After taking Benedryl pills yesterday, my hives had gone away and I was just testing the waters, so to speak. My mother always told us not to temp the Devil. I did and I am suffering the consequences this morning. I am itching like hell even after taking the Benedryl. Hope things will get better during the day.

At this time, I am wondering how really devastating the Gulf Oil Spill was to our food chain and especially to our shell-fish. I wonder as I wander….and itch!

As always,
P.S. The Benedryl is working. My itch has stopped. It works fast! God bless Benedryl!!

Sunday, January 09, 2011

America, half full or half empty?

In my world, these are my essential determinants:

1. Nancy Pelosi, “Impeachment is off the table”.

2. Pres. Obama, “We must look forward, not backwards”.

3. Rep. Joe Wilson to Pres. Obama, “You lie!” (No meaningful repercussions)

4. Theresa arrested in House Gallery: Politico reports the woman, seated in the front row of the public gallery, screamed "Except Obama, except Obama. Help us Jesus." An officer removed her from the gallery as she yelled out "My name is Theresa." (No meaningful repercussions to date Re: Eric Holder)

5. Anna Nicole Smith: Judge over ruled verdict of jury holding Howard K. Stern criminally responsible for attributing to her death.

6. Gabrielle Giffords and others shot in Arizona by Jared Louthner. (No investigation of associations with terrorist group to date re: Eric Holder)

7. John Von Brunn murderer at Holocaust Museum (No investigation of associations with a terrorist group re: Eric Holder)

8.Wilileaks papers. Creator Julian Assange to be charge with spying. (World wide search. All members of group to be charged as accomplice re: Eric Holder)

9. Bank robbers in high places steal our treasury. (No arrests re: Eric Holder)

10. Two Black sisters in jail for life for stealing $11.00, two white girls name ‘Bobby Robbers’ rob a bank and reprimanded.

In writing this post, I had no idea of writing things relating to the law but now that I have, it appears our government, and in particular the Department of Justice, is not doing its job. Members of our society now feel free to do and say anything they like with no predictable and surely no consistent outcomes. This confuses people. Is there not an instrument called ‘The law?’ Was there ever one? Sad.

As always,

From Daily Kos diarist econlibVA
It is up to us to restore civil society in the United States. I listened to Keith Olbermann's Special Comment just now, and it is a masterpiece. Please listen to it if you have not already. Violence and intimidation have no place in our politics. The blood of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the six murdered Americans, and the other wounded, is on the hands of all those sick right-wing extremists like Sharron Angle who suggest that "Second Amendment remedies" and the like might be necessary to take care of their political enemies - us. Gabrielle Giffords warned against the angry rhetoric and imagery of Sarah Palin and the like. She was right...too right.

We need to make sure that all of those who try to use intimidation and violence are shunned and driven from our civil discourse. I suggest that we start by boycotting all of the sponsors of those extremist right-wing radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Michael Savage. Their hatred is unacceptable, and we must stand together, today, to drive it from our society.
Read more at: