Saturday, January 23, 2010

What if Blacks stop voting again, Mr. President?

President Obama, Remember Who Your Friends Are
Your job is not to get re-elected in 2012, Mr. President. Your job is to fight tomorrow and then fight the next day. If you're constantly looking up at the scoreboard, worrying about the outcome, you're going to trip over your own laces. Watch the shot clock instead, and fire up three-pointers like you know they're going to sink every time. Get in your opponents' faces and make them work for every single point.
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No more 89 year old Black men and 91 year old Black women coming out of the nursing homes to vote for you or members of the Democratic party. No more young Black bucks willing to go out selling your T-shirts and their wives and girl friends naming their babies after you. No more Black preachers and Black school teachers extolling the positive virtues of your Presidency.

Only feelings of doom and gloom will once again quietly descend and envelope our Black communities as we once again wrap ourselves up to braze unforeseen, rugged and oftentimes treacherous futures. We did not want a liberator, just a hero in high places we could love and trust.

I am mindful there was a time when talk was a political election could not be won without the Black vote and I was reminded of such talk when Proposition 8 proponents were angered the Black community did not support them in passing an important legislation. I do not know if Blacks turned out for Ms. Coackly in the recent Senate race in Massachusetts.

I am also mindful during the ‘08 primaries how the media was fixated as to how many white males were voting for you. That issue was of big concern to them and I suspect they knew Blacks were going to vote for you. They were VERY concerned regarding the white male vote so they got Glenn Beck, Joe The Plummer and created the mythical and nameless boogeyman in the character of TeaBaggers to reign them back into the fold.

That leaves you, Mr. President, to be the one to keep us Blacks voting for you and the Democratic Party. In my opinion, its easy. All a person has to do is call himself a Democrat, go to a few churches, pray with us and when appropriate, yell “Hallelujah!” Unfortunately, that is how we got so many ignorant and jive-time Democratic politicians we now find ourselves stuck with. I would wager every one of them won their election with a sizable Black turn-out. But that was then….

You changed that. You showed us there is a Democrat who conducts himself otherwise. You showed us there is a Democrat who can raise our levels of expectations and dignify our existence beyond our wildest dreams. You showed us we can have a happy marriage and raise beautiful children and be President of the United States of America. But alas, we did not expect incompetence, Mr. President, not from you!

We did not expect you choosing people who do not have your well being at the top of their agenda and even after demonstrating their total alienation from you, you still pal around with them. We did not expect you, of all people, to be such a slow learner and now we are left to ponder if that is indeed the case.

There have been many politicians coming to Washington ignoring the wise words of former Pres. Truman, “If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog!” Maybe as this country’s first Black President you may want to think about getting a few more. Surely by now you have realized the white side of your DNA no longer cuts the mustard.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Friday, January 22, 2010

The wind beneath the wings of the SCOTUS….

is the entire Economic Team of the Obama Administration.

In my opinion, both parties are tenaciously and methodically following the Milton Freeman/Ayn Rand blue prints for structuring America as witnessed in the recent court case of Citizens United Vs. Federal Election Commission.

Again, and in my opinion, the results of the court’s decision can be most decisively headed off at the pass with the removal of the entire Obama Economic Team and I am mindful such a move could rip the spine out of our country but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. In this situation, it could un-questionably be considered “tuff love!”
My Hiney Shiney tells me the economic team is somehow the one to best thrust home the intent of the court ruling with un-supervised manipulation of our treasury and media.

Replacing the Obama Economic Team can be thought of as “Collateral damage” resulting from a Supreme Court ruling as “Elections have consequences” is to voting.
As always,
P.S. The structuring and re-structuring of the Citizens United Vs. Federal Election Commission case was noteworthy, aka, suspicious.

SCOTUS: Alakazam! Corporate Money

Just as the policeman in the movie Casablanca was “surprised” there was gambling going on in Rick’s place, so the Supreme Court of The United States revealed there is corporate money in American politics.

In my world, its called “Re-stating the obvious!”

“That’s a damm shame!” come growls from the audience. “We knew something was wrong, but, but…..” stuttered a very exasperated and stunned lawyer who was present. “We got to do something about that!” and with raised fist, “This is worst than the Dred Scott decision!” he cried!

The court stenographer records five members of the court standing up in unison, reaching up to turn off their halos and, in lock-step, exit the court followed by the remaining four with smiles on their faces.
As always,
P.S. (Dred Scott. Why do white folk always got to pull us Blacks folks into their mess. But I like the American historical reference. At least they are not talking about 1930 Germany and what Hitler did.)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Pres. Obama, “A spoonful of sugar…..”

President calls to congratulate Scott Brown, a candidate who replaces the senate seat of the late Ted Kennedy and has vowed to dismount the one legislation he says is important to him and true to his heart.

There’s a word for that: Stupid!

Instead of trying to worm himself into the good graces of Scott Brown, Pres. Obama should have been busy signing pink slips last night. In my opinion, there are more than a few people in his inner-circle who could spend a little more time with their families, but nooo, he has to be seen as the perfect gentleman by calling up a guy destined to give him and his entire administration the blues. It has already started and it started long before last night. That level of stupidity can not be blamed on Rahm unless the President is worst off than I imagine.

Weird? Not for a person who likes to be seen and has a big ego! What is wrong with him?? At this point, and as disgusting as it may seem, there will be no change in the tactics of this administration and it sickens me! I hate to say this but Michelle had better seriously wake up her husband before they both find themselves kicked out on the street!
As always,

You can not pin a tail on objectivity

Trying to understand what happened in the Massachusetts special elections last night is a little more tricky than trying to pin the tail on the donkey.

In my opinion, most of the voters in Massachusetts did not vote for Republican Scott Brown aka Brown 41 for the fragmented collection of reasons many are touting. Many pundits are saying Massachusetts voters were sending a signal they want more jobs, don’t want the White House to continue being Wall Street’s personal masseuse or having ambitious desires to kill the HealthCare Reform Bill.

Pundits appear to be projecting “feel good messages” with bloviations of having ding-dong clarity as to why voters voted for Mr. Brown as they tumble down the wrong wabbit hole. They are making their case using fragments.

Objectivity is not the sum total of fragments taken from the whole but rather connecting together elements of the entire whole. In other words and again in my opinion, when a person makes an objective decision, the decision is not derived or created as a new entity but rather after meticulous evaluations of the amorphous whole.

I therefore conclude trying to understand an objective opinion by piecing together fragments is an un-productive process and renders total comprehension perpetually illusive.

Democratic Congress and Senate are pure GARBAGE!!!
by lanae
We have control of all three branches of government with a SUPERMAJORITY FILLABUSTER PROOF Senate and we can't get any major bills done? No healthcare, No financial reform, No immmigration reform, No Card Check, No DADT, No Cap N trade, NOTHING!! I can't believe this god damn congress who was asked over year ago by president obama to have a healthcare bill done in August has now thrown away and opportunity to not only pass the biggest legislative bill in decades but to seal a strong democratic hold for decades. A bill that has been denied passage for over 70 years. Now because of this election not only is this party done but president Obama agenda for the rest of his term.
Read more at:!!!

The Open Blame Diary
by Larry Madill
Since everyone is getting in the I Blame... Mode I thought I'd create an open diary of blame. C'mon, bring the blame! If Martha Coakley Wins or Loses I Blame:
Barack Obama
Bo Obama
Joe Biden
Bo Biden
Harry Reid, Senator
Harry Reed, Seventies Porn Star
For More Blame follow me after the Jump...

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An Open Letter to the Beltway Elite
by Colorado is the Shiznit
The system is broken. Some of those not already disaffected by the political machinations typical of Washington are starting to become so, and quickly. It is simply not doing the Beltway any favors ignoring this broken system anymore. If you continue to ignore this largely inconvenient fact, and continue to insist upon placing a teeny tiny Band-Aid on top of a an enormous gunshot wound, you will start losing elections. As a Democrat who spent eight very long, morbid years suffering under the weight of George W. Bush, I cannot handle anymore of your fucking bullshit.
Read more at:

As always,
P.S. If possible, one may try looking at objectivity as a J.S. Bach fugue. You can not isolate themes saying that is why the whole composition is good or bad.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Pres. Obama: “We want our money back!”

Wall Street, LOLRF!

(Voice 1
) “Yeah, and you also told Israel to stop expanding those settlements, didn’t you?!”

More hysterical LOLRF!

(Voice 2)
“And they said, “Yezzuh, Mr. President, You duh boss!”


They Still Don't Get It: Wall Street May Sue Obama
by Jonathan Tasini

They robbed Americans of their future. They cost perhaps a generation of hard-working people a decent pay check. And they left millions of people with empty 401(k)s, with some seniors being booted from their retirement homes because there was no money left. And, yet, they still don't get it--or maybe they truly don't care.
Read more at:

As always,

Sunday, January 17, 2010

You can call me Bob, you can call me Tony…..

or you can call me Ill-informed. As a matter of fact, you can call me almost anything but please don’t call me a hypocrite!

(hypocrite - a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or she does not hold in order to conceal his or her real feelings or motives.)

In my opinion and as best we can, we Progressives and Independents pride ourselves looking at the facts regarding an issue letting the chips fall where they may. There are no wasted efforts trying to manipulate Yin & Yang, Good Vs. Evil or debating Chicken and Egg issues.

The Detective on TV said, “Just the facts, ma’am, just the facts!” and as we use to say in the Black community, “I ain’t tallkin’ ‘bout your Mama, man, I’m talkin’ ‘bout you!”

Coakley, Massachusetts And The Lessons That Need To Be Learned
By Steve Marmel

But the left needs a better message. And it needs better messengers to get that message out. And if that message is rejected - the left needs to realize that not everybody who rejects it is a birther-style nut.

(A sentence from a comment)
Billl I'm a Fan of Billl
Tuesday will be a life or death day for democracy and a wake up call for the President.

Personally, one of the most disturbing things of all is that at the first sign of trouble, Coakley's response was to head directly for the trough of lobbyists and special interest groups.
It reinforces ALL the bad feelings about the Congress and the White House being bought and sold by the lobbyists and special interests while the concerns of the people are repeatedly ignored.

coolaid8 I'm a Fan of coolaid8
This is not about the people who are opposing the president. The repubs are impotent. This is about the people who feel like they are being opposed by the dems. We were sold to the corporate interests and the unions. Wall street got bailed out while we got unemployed. Union workers at GM and Chrysler got bailed out while our employers were allowed to go under. The middle class is screaming in pain and all we got from the dems this year, the party that has super control over the entire government, all they gave us was a mandate to buy insurance. That's what this is about.

coolaid8 I'm a Fan of coolaid8
This has nothing to do with Coakley or her advertising campaign. People are pissed.
Read more at:

As always,