Thursday, March 03, 2011

Jane, it’s that “colored” thing again. (Yawn)

I have never been convinced everything in America is not racial. There is nothing I have experienced in my 74 years as a Black male convincing me otherwise.

There is no need for me to go into voluminous cases of Black/White American relationships and laws. Suffice it to say this wonderful, awesome diary by mooremusings in relations to what is happening in Wisconsin exposes the prototype of major bills enacted in America designed to keep Blacks the permanent underclass.

In my opinion, Blacks have miraculously achieved a lot of advantages on par with whites so whites have to suffer the same fate as Blacks. One must bear in mind the Oligarchy wants Blacks to remain a permanent underclass. In other words, “Fuck both of you! In spite of me, those niggers have achieved something!”

Unless laws abolishing collective bargaining (employer talking with trade unions) as is the case in Wisconsin, is as clear as the law enacted for sentencing Crack and Power Cocaine users, we are going to have white folks fighting for their share of the American dream and I wish them well. They are now tied to the hip with us, uh, coloreds due to the fact we too have worked hard through out the centuries and they can no way in hell, at this juncture, dump us. Many of them may want to do so but I repeat, many of us Blacks are now on par with many of them.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

American racism and the break down of the social safety net
by mooremusings
America's slow motion train wreck has been in the making ever since the ink dried on the Declaration of Independence. The seeds of inequality were sown upon this country's very foundation, and now threaten to destroy the social contract thousands died fighting for in the labor movement. Slavery was the first institution of inequality embedded in the new American nation. The Founders owned slaves, and the Constitution initially designated African-Americans as 3/5 of a person. Slavery - and later, Jim Crow - perpetuated a racial caste system. This free black labor kept many poor whites out of work. To keep poor whites from turning against them, wealthy, white landowners dangled the carrot of white privilege -- letting poor whites have many more rights than blacks (but still keeping them socially inferior to the elite). Thus, an uneducated and impoverished white farmer from Appalachia occupied a higher social rung than an educated, free black merchant who owned land.

Meanwhile, working class white Democrats - upset over having to suddenly share America's wealth with "coloreds!" - bolted to the Republican Party.
Read more at:

Monday, February 28, 2011

Thanks Dkos diarist 88kathy {{Hugs}}

You made my morning! If memory serves me correctly, this represent the kind of diary Markos says he now wants to include on his web site. No longer a site just for politics.

Your diary has made me feel very contemporary as to what is going on in the literary world. Thanks!

As always,

And the winner is . . . Commonwealth Writer's Prize - Canada and Caribbean Quarter
By 88kathy for Readers and Book Lovers
The Commonwealth Writer's Prize is divided into 4 quadrants: Africa, Canada & Caribbean, South Asia and Europe, South East Asia and Pacific. Each of these sections is allowed 12 books. Six best books and six best first books.

I am taking each quadrant separately, listing the finalists, linking a review, and investigating whether or not it is being sold on US Amazon. Last week I found that 2 of the African books were being sold on Kindle. One from the best book and one from the best first book. Although the winners won't be announced for a few weeks, I think we might speculate who the winners will be. The overall winner will be announced later this spring in Sidney, Australia.
Read more at:

“…now hush, little baby, don’t you cry.” (Update)

There is talk saying rioting, social unrest and demonstrations often occur during the warmer months. Try Summertime. I heard an announcer say that people don’t demonstrate in December.

So it is with demonstrations come concessions. In news bits coming from Mid-Eastern Africa, I am hearing of concessions by governments being made to protesters.

Were I a reporter, concessions made thus far by some governments to appease protesters would peak my interest.

For example, I heard the Libyan government has put extra money into all depositors' accounts. I heard one country has made permanent all of its temporary government workers. I heard of massive pay raises.

Additionally, I would report on the bonanza of jobs available now that most foreign workers have left their various countries. Pres. Gadaffi in particular could say, "Look Ya'll! See how clever I am?"

-(Voice 1) He did all this to help us?
-(Voice 2) He is truly a great man. (Sniff)
-Now we can all have jobs in our own country. He may even start training programs for us.
-We don’t need those foreigners.
-God bless Muammar Gadaffi! (Salute)

As I said, the information has been sporadic and not presented in an easily comprehensible and journalistic format.

Ah, were I a reporter. (Sigh)

As always,

WikiLeaks: Saudi Royal Welfare Program Revealed
LONDON (Reuters)
Finally, royals kept the money flowing by sponsoring the residence permits of foreign workers and then requiring them to pay a monthly "fee" of between $30 and $150. "It is common for a prince to sponsor a hundred or more foreigners," the 1996 cable says.

Besides the huge monthly stipends that every Saudi royal receives, the cables detail various money-making schemes some royals have used to finance their lavish lifestyles over the years. Among them: siphoning off money from "off-budget" programs controlled by senior princes, sponsoring expatriate workers who then pay a small monthly fee to their royal patron and, simply, "borrowing from the banks, and not paying them back."
Read more at:

Sunday, February 27, 2011

…and now they have come for you, white boy!

The Colossal Republican Power Grab
Submitted by BuzzFlash on Fri, 02/25/2011 -
The American dream, what is left of it, is being methodically and ruthlessly smashed by armies of Koch brothers-funded Republican wrecking machines who wormed their way into states where millions of the most vulnerable Americans live, the Rust Belt Midwest.

What we are seeing today, thanks to an ever-gullible mainstream media, are all the hype and distortions being fed to them by Republicans who want to shred union contracts and do away with collective bargaining rights.
Read more at:

How long it has been since visionaries like Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Min. Farrakhan, Rev. Al Sharpton and others have so artfully articulated that Blacks are being used as smoke-screens telling you of the real deals going down here in America mostly supported by Hollywood and Mainstream media?

How many times have we told you to your face that instances akin to the Michael Vick trial and sentencing and the repeated non-sentencing of Lindsay Lohan are unsubtle attempts to misdirect your attention and concerns for America using us Blacks and now Muslims Blacks as scapegoats?

The plan was set into motion when people like the Koch Brothers saw and analyzed your paranoid interest in “Birth of a nation” and “To kill a mockingbird”. The rest was a piece of cake.

First it was losing battles with Wall Street and now losing battles with the Koch Brothers. 'What’s next?' you wonder, with face in hand.

Welcome to Hell in America! We Blacks have been living in it for a mighty long time. Welcome. Make yourself comfy. Wanna drag?

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,